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Intro & Chapter 1 TEST Review
AP Psychology
1. Genetics
2. Behavioral Perspective
3. Careers in Psychology
4. Correlation & Causation
5. Independent Variable & Dependent Variable
6. Evolutionary Perspective
7. Empty Chair
8. Mean
9. Median
10. Mode
11.Naturalistic Observation
13.Nurture vs. Nature
14.Observable Behavior
15.Placebo Effect
17.Random Sample
18. Schools of Psychological Thought (Psychological Perspectives)
19. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
20. Stability versus Change
Wilhelm Wundt – introspection
John Watson - observable behavior
Wilhelm Wundt (Germany) - inner sensations
Charles Darwin - environmentally adaptive traits
Page 1
1. Which discipline had the greatest influence on the way Wundt, Pavlov, Freud, and Piaget approached the
study of psychology?
2. Which two people would have been most likely to agree that self-concepts are heavily influenced by life
3. If the total number of boys and girls born each year is exactly equal, what would be the most likely
sequence of boys (B) and girls (G) for the next six births?
4. For randomly generated sequences of numbers, people tend to ___________________________ the
sequential repetition of any particular digit.
5. In answering multiple-choice test items, smart test-takers are best advised to ________________________
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