Zhu Qualifier Solutions - University of Toronto Astronomy
Annual Report 2012
white_paper.word - Space Telescope Science Institute
PPT - The Center for High Energy Physics
Master Thesis - Sterrenkunde RU Nijmegen
Full THESIS in PDF - Leiden Observatory
The white dwarf luminosity function
universal gravitation - Youngbull Science Center
Other Confusing Subjects
5. Lectures on Spectroscopy and Atomic Physics.
Using Weak Interaction to Probe Neutrons in Nuclei
Sardinia_SA - Mullard Space Science Laboratory
Lecture 2. Thermal evolution and surface emission of
Neutron Stars and the Determination of the Dense Matter Equation
Thermal Noise Issue in the monolithic suspensions of the Virgo+
Skill Sheet 32-B Doppler Shift
doctoral thesis (Dissertation)