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United States History EOC Review Test
1. During George Washington’s presidency, what was the major
reason for conflict between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander
A. Washington’s decision not to seek a third term
B. the distribution of power between the judicial branch and the
legislative branch
C. the U.S. government’s decision to remain neutral in the war
between France and Britain
D. Hamilton’s objection to Jefferson’s strict interpretation of the
2. Which best describes George Washington’s response to the
Whisky Rebellion of 1794?
A. He gave in to the demands of the rebels.
B. He sent federal troops to put down the rebellion.
C. He ordered the rebels executed.
D. He negotiated a peace treaty with the rebels.
3. In an effort to gain support for his national debt plan
(assumption), who suggested that the nation’s capital be moved
from New York City to a new city in the South?
A. George Washington
B. Alexander Hamilton
C. John Jay
D. Thomas Jefferson
4. Which statement best explains the lack of political participation
by American Indians in the United States during the Federalist
A. American Indians did not believe they were affected by U.S.
government decisions
B. American Indians were denied U.S. citizenship.
C. American Indians refused to vote because of different views on
land ownership.
D. American Indians did not support the United States’ desire to
expand west of the Mississippi River.
5. Despite the pleas from women like Abigail Adams who
reminded her husband to “remember the ladies”, which statement
best describes the civil rights offered to women during the
Federalist period?
A. Most women only briefly gained the right to vote and hold
political office during the Federalist era.
B. Women made significant political gains during this period such
as earning the right to vote but they could not sit on juries.
C. Women were treated as equals in almost every way with the
exception of being able to hold the office of President of the
United States.
D. Social equality applied mainly to white landholding males and
basically ignored women’s rights.
6. Which best explains the impact of Eli Whitney’s cotton gin on
A. It made harvesting cotton easier; so many slaves were set free.
B. Many slaves were trained to operate the new invention.
C. Many slaves were killed or injured working with the cotton gin.
D. It created a cotton boom and increased the need for slaves.
7. Who secured a treaty with Spain giving the United States
shipping rights on the Mississippi River?
A. Edmond Genet
B. Thomas Pinckney
C. William Henry Harrison
D. John Adams
8. If America was forced to choose sides, why did Alexander
Hamilton sustain the belief that the U.S. should support Great
Britain in their war against France?
A. He argued that an English victory would help the U.S. forge a
better relationship with important trade partners in the East Indies.
B. England was America’s greatest trade partner and Hamilton
argued that an Anglo-American alliance was in the best fiscal
interest of the country.
C. He wanted to repair the damage that had been done by what he
saw as an unfortunate an ill-conceived break with the Great
D. Helping the British would lessen the threat of French
intervention in the areas just east of the Appalachian Mountain
9. Which is an example of the concept of Manifest Destiny in
A. the Missouri Compromise
B. the annexation of Mexican territory
C. the Transatlantic Slave Trade
D. the Compromise of 1850
10. Why were James Fenimore Cooper’s novels The Last of the
Mohicans and The Pathfinder considered the first “American”
A. Cooper focused on themes of the frontier that were prominent
in American culture.
B. Cooper imitated the formal style of European essays.
C. Cooper wrote on the current political themes of abolition and
D. Cooper used European attitudes and values to form his
American themes.
11. How did the artists of the Hudson River school contributed to
American nationalism?
A. By painting scenes of American soldiers in battle.
B. By sculpting statues of Americans hard at work in the new
factories of the Northeast.
C. By creating impressionistic paintings of American frontier life.
D. By painting scenes depicting the natural beauty found in
12. Which Americans benefited most from the Tariff of 1816?
A. Farmers
B. Consumers
C. Manufacturers
D. Shipping companies
13. How did the Erie Canal impact the economy of New York and
the Northeast?
A. It opened waterways to greater trade, thereby making New
York more dependant on foreign products.
B. It enhanced western settlements by making it easier for people
to move west.
C. It broadened markets by making it easier to ship products to
other parts of the country.
D. It devastated the New York economy as people and industries
left the city to migrate west.
14. Which statement best exemplifies America’s movement
towards sectionalism during the early 1800s?
A. The passage of the 1828 Tariff of Abomination angered many
Southerners who saw it as a Northern attempt to gain wealth at the
expense of the South.
B. The Passage of the Compromise of 1840, which gave slaves
virtual freedom while in free states, infuriated Southerners who felt
their constitutional rights had been violated.
C. Passage of the Wilmot Proviso was seen as a blatant sectional
attempt at Northern Congressional dominance at the expense of the
D. Passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was a Southern attempt at
spreading slavery to the North in an effort to gain more
congressional seats.
15. How did Henry Clay help foster nationalism during the
Madison administration?
A. He and other War Hawks began to promote the so called
“American Party” which called for the ouster of the Portuguese
from American held territory.
B. As President Pro Tempore, he began promoting the “American
System” and successfully ended the sectional debate over tariffs.
C. He used his status as Speaker of the House to promote the
“American system” which helped create a more unified economy
and promoted American self-reliance.
D. He was commissioned as U.S. Army colonel in 1816 and led
his men into battle against the British under the rallying cry, “on to
16. Which issue discussed at the Seneca Falls Convention (1848)
was most important to the people in attendance?
A. Temperance
B. The Second Bank of the United States
C. Indian treaties
D. Women’s rights
17. How did the Second Great Awakening spur increased
involvement in 19th century reform movements?
A. It sparked a revival of religion in the United States that led
many to be active reformers based on moral conviction.
B. It alarmed social activists to the point that they felt compelled
to take action to combat its effects.
C. It caused many in US society to see social causes to be of far
greater importance than any religious belief.
D. It took attention away from the issue of slavery as reformers of
the mid 1800s focused on temperance, education, and women’s
18. Why did Henry Clay propose what came to be known as the
Compromise of 1850?
A. to avoid a civil war over the issue of slavery
B. to eliminate the practice of popular sovereignty
C. to provide stricter penalties for those who harbored fugitive
D. to ensure that New Mexico and Utah would enter the Union as
free states
19. What principle of states’ rights was upheld by the KansasNebraska Act of 1854?
A. Tax exemption for farmers
B. Popular sovereignty
C. Open land assessment
D. Interstate commerce
20. Southern secession was most likely caused by what?
A. Northern leadership was angered over consistent Southern
refusal to comply with tariff legislation and threatened military
B. The Republican Party openly advocated for the immediate
emancipation of all slaves in the Southeast which would have
caused financial disaster in the South.
C. The inability of James Crittenden to broker a comprise between
the Northern and Southern leadership factions.
D. Southerners were outraged over Lincoln’s 1860 presidential
victory which had happened without a single Republican electoral
vote coming from the South.
1. Which statement most accurately explains why Lincoln decided
to only send “food for hungry men” to Fort Sumter as opposed to
reinforcing it militarily?
A. He wanted the Union to fire the first shots in the war.
B. He wished to treat the Confederacy as a legitimate nation.
C. He did not want to anger Republicans and slave states still in the
D. He had decided to abandon Fort Sumter.
2. How did Sherman’s taking Atlanta greatly impact the 1864
A. It allowed Lincoln to suspend the writ of habeas corpus in
Georgia, thereby assuring that only Lincoln’s supporters went to
the polls.
B. It inspired faith in military generals, thereby leading to General
McClellan being nominated for the presidency.
C. It assured Northerners that victory was in sight, thereby
increasing the popularity of Lincoln and allowing him to secure a
second term.
D. It led to Lincoln’s defeat because he lost the support of
southerners whom Sherman had abused.
3. Which action best illustrates President Andrew Johnson’s lack
of commitment towards extending more civil rights to the
A. He allowed many high-ranking Confederates to vote without
swearing allegiance to the United States.
B. He vetoed the Freedmen’s Bureau Act and the Civil Rights Act
of 1866.
C. He fired Secretary of War Edwin Stanton.
D. He supported a Reconstruction plan similar to President
Lincoln’s plan.
4. Which statement best explains why Reconstruction ended?
A. Reconstruction policies were no longer needed when the
Southern states rejoined the Union.
B. African Americans prospered financially.
C. Reconstruction was intended to be a short event that would end
in 10 years.
D. Enforcement of Reconstruction Acts decreased because of
political compromise.
25. What was significant about the Supreme Court’s decision in
Texas v. White?
A. It established the right of African-Americans to be considered
U.S. Citizens
B. It established the authority of the federal government over that
of the states.
C. It overruled Congress’ decision to impeach Andrew Johnson.
D. It effectively ended Reconstruction.
26. Which best explains how Great Plains settlers adapted their
building techniques in order to construct homes in an area largely
barren of trees?
A. They constructed homes out of buffalo hides.
B. They dug into hillsides to make cave-like cabins.
C. They made houses from adobe bricks.
D. They used sod, soil matted with grass roots.
27. Who were the exodusters?
A. European immigrants who settled on the Great Plains
B. Plains Indians forced onto reservations in the 1800s
C. Former slaves from the South who settled on the Great Plains
D. Cowboys who worked long drives in the summer and odd jobs
in the winter
28. Which Statement best describes how western expansion in the
early-to mid-1800s impacted Native Americans living in the
A. Many tribes chose to leave their homeland for the freedom of
the western territories.
B. Most Native Americans were no longer crowded from their land
by white settlers.
C. Native Americans were offered land of their own if they would
help to settle the West.
D. Most Native Americans were removed from their homelands
and relocated in what is now Oklahoma.
29. Which selection expresses the main idea of the Dawes Act?
A. It removed Indians from lands in Oklahoma to make room for
white settlers.
B. It allowed Indians to return to their hunting grounds in the
northern Great Plains.
C. It granted Indians self-government on the reservations.
D. It encouraged Indians to give up tribal membership and become
American citizens.
30. Why did the Populist Party fail to unite poor Southern whites
and African Americans against the wealthy elite?
A. The Populist Party was dominated by carpetbaggers.
B. The Populist Party never gained enough strength to attract large
numbers of African-American voters.
C. The Populists could not overcome white fear of AfricanAmericans power.
D. Whites’ were apathetic toward Populist campaigns.
31. “You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown
of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.”
—William Jennings Bryan, 1896
According to this excerpt, which idea did William Jennings Bryan
A. Granger laws
B. diamond standard
C. socialism
D. bimetallism
32. Which innovation had the greatest impact on westward
migration immediately after the Civil War?
A. telegraph
B. electricity
C. steam-powered boats
D. transcontinental railroad
33. Which statement is best represented by the term “melting
A. Immigrants keeping their culture and customs.
B. Restriction of specific immigrant groups
C. Immigrants giving up their ethnic identities to create an
American identity
D. Government placement of immigrants in established
34. Why did many U.S. citizens resent immigrants and want to
restrict immigration?
A. They feared that immigrants would not be willing to work hard
and contribute to unemployment.
B. They believed that most immigrants migrated to the South and
would contribute to the persecution of African-Americans
C. They believed immigrants would take their jobs and did not
trust their strange customs.
D. Most U.S. citizens were Catholics and were suspicious of the
Protestant beliefs immigrants brought with them.
35. Which philosophy did captains of industry, such as Carnegie
and Rockefeller, tend to support?
A. Extensive government regulation of business.
B. The “Survival of the fittest” business model.
C. The unionization of workers.
D. Strict conservation of the nation’s natural resources.
36. How did industrial leaders accumulate wealth during the late
A. by collective bargaining and forming unions
B. by creating monopolies and establishing trusts
C. by developing new farming techniques
D. by selling stock to employees
37. Which statement is most associated with the Haymarket
A. The Homestead Strike caused tempers to flare and resulted in
B. The Boston Police Strike made it impossible to patrol the city
which led to violence.
C. Events linked to striking McCormick Harvester plant
employees led to violence.
D. Events associated with the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 led to
Labor Dispute
Labor Dispute
Which best completes the above diagram?
A. Arbitration
B. Litigation
C. Strike breaking
D. Court injunction
39. Which effect resulted from the passage of the Sherman
Antitrust Act (1890)?
A. Hundreds of big businesses were broken into smaller ones.
B. Railroad rebates were made illegal.
C. Organization of labor unions became more difficult following
the Civil War.
D. The Populist Party was broken up by the courts.
40. What impact did U.S. governmental policies have on business
and industry during the late 1800s?
A. The U.S. government tried to control public and private utilities
and transportation.
B. The U.S. government tried to limit and regulate industrial and
business growth.
C. The U.S. government began to regulate some aspects of
industry for the public good.
D. The U.S. government had little or no influence on business and
41. What is the best Social-Darwinist defense for U.S.
A. Robber Barons deserved new markets to sell their goods and
expand their businesses.
B. The United States needed to compete with European nations to
prove that the United States was superior.
C. It was natural for Superior nations to economically and
politically dominate less-advanced nations.
D. The United States needed to test its military strength to make
any necessary improvements.
42. What was the most important motive for late nineteenth
century United States imperialism?
A. to test the strength of the United States Navy
B. to limit the power of Great Britain and France
C. to find new sources of cheap labor
D. to open new markets for American-made goods
43. What was Frederick Jackson Turner’s main reason for
encouraging imperialism?
A. He believed in mercantilism.
B. He believed it was essential to maintain the national spirit and
keep the US strong.
C. He believed that the US had to have a strong navy.
D. He believed it was the “white man’s burden.”
44. In addition to Puerto Rico, which territories were acquired by
the United States as part of the peace treaty that ended the SpanishAmerican War?
A. Cuba and the Philippines
B. Cuba and Guam
C. the Philippines and Guam
D. the Philippines and Hawaii
45. The terms “Big Stick” and “Good Neighbor” are generally
used when discussing U.S. connection with which area of the
A. Latin America
B. the Middle East
C. Eastern Europe
D. Africa
46. Which 1904 policy was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine
and stated that the U.S. would police the Western hemisphere?
A. The Taft Dollar Diplomacy Decree
B. The Wilson Missionary Consequence
C. The Roosevelt Corollary
D. The McKinley Addendum
47. What did Woodrow Wilson hope to see flourish as a result of
his “missionary diplomacy”?
A. U.S. business interests in Haiti
B. federal protection of citizens in New Mexico
C. democracy in the Western Hemisphere
D. U.S. investments in Latin America
48. What was the main reason for the 19th century Social Gospel
A. It was a fundamentalist religious movement that focused on the
conversion of resent immigrants who came from faiths other
than Christianity.
B. It was a Protestant movement that stressed social reform but
was rooted in the Social Darwinist tradition of “survival of the
C. It was a missionary movement aimed at converting nonbelievers to Christianity and promoting self reliance rather than
direct charity for the poor.
D. It was a movement based on the belief that Christians had a
responsibility to help improve working conditions and alleviate
49. Which statement best describes the term “muckraking”
A. A style of journalism popularized by Joseph Pulitzer and
William Randolph Hearst that relied heavily on sensationalized
and exaggerated reporting.
B. A style of political campaigning popularized by Theodore
Roosevelt which utilized a tactic known as holding the “Bully
Pulpit” or manipulating the press.
C. A style of journalism popularized by individuals such as
Lincoln Steffens and Ida Tarbell who used journalism to expose
the corruption present in business and politics.
D. A genre of fiction popularized by Upton Sinclair and Theodore
Dreiser the focused on greatly exaggerated tales of wealth and
propagated the “rages to riches” mentality.
50. What impact did the Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914) have on
A. It helped unions because anti-trust laws could no longer be
used to break up monopolies.
B. It hurt unions because anti-trust laws could no longer be used to
fire workers without fair warning.
C. It helped unions because anti-trust laws could no longer be
used to prevent the 40 hour work week.
D. It helped unions because anti-trust laws could no longer be
used to defeat or break up labor unions.
51. Which action most profoundly changed national election
A. The Hepburn Act
B. The Elkins Act
C. The Eighteenth Amendment
D. The Nineteenth Amendment
52. “As we have proved our loyalty to you in the past, in nursing
your children, watching by the sick-bed of your mothers and
fathers, and often following them with tear-dimmed eyes to their
graves, so in the future, in our humble way, we shall stand by you
with a devotion that no foreigner can approach, ready to lay down
our lives, if need be, in defense of yours, interlacing our industrial,
commercial, civil, and religious life with yours in a way that shall
make the interests of both races one. In all things that are purely
social we can be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in
all things essential to mutual progress.” –Booker T. Washington,
Which choice best explains the meaning of this statement?
A. African-Americans will prosper when all occupations are
B. African-Americans would never achieve full social and
economic equality.
C. African Americans would never be able to trust their white
D. African-American social equality must be compromised for
economic integration.
53. How did the use of literacy tests impact the post-Civil War
A. They led to an increase in voter turnout by African Americans
B. They led to the election of more African American government
officials in the South
C. They led to the disenfranchisement of a large number of African
D. They led to an increase in the power of the Republican Party in
the South
54. Why was the Bessemer process an important technological
A. It allowed for the development of electrical power at a
consumer friendly rate.
B. It allowed for the easier and more cost effective manufacture of
C. It allowed for the harvesting of grain at a rate five times faster
than the reaper.
D. It allowed for a more hygienic and sanitary form of meat
55. How did Henry Ford revolutionize the auto industry?
A. He introduced the idea of assembling cars entirely by machine,
targeted only the upper classes as customers, and was the first to
ship cars to Japan.
B. He invented the automobile and was the first to mass produce
the product, and introduced the idea of offering consumers the
choice or more than one color.
C. He saw workers as potential customers, paid them the unheard
of wage of $5 / day, and introduced a more efficient assembly line
for mass production.
D. He introduced the automatic transmission, was the first to add
cruise control, and used plastic instead of metal for the body.
56. “Consciously or otherwise, but mostly consciously, we are
asked to depart from it [neutrality] in behalf of one belligerent
whom our personal sympathies largely favor, and against another
belligerent whom our personal feelings largely condemn. In my
opinion, this is the road that may lead us to war, and I will not
voluntarily take it…”
-Senator Arthur
What philosophy did Senator Vandenberg most likely support?
A. totalitarianism
B. expansionism
C. isolationism
D. interventionism
57. What was the main purpose of the George Creel led
Committee on Public Information during World War I?
A. to persuade United States citizens to support the war
B. to recruit young United States citizens for the armed forces
C. to raise money for the government by selling stocks and
D. to enlist the aid of women and children in producing more food
58. Which choice best represents the impact of unrestricted
submarine warfare and the Zimmermann Telegram?
A. They led to eventual U.S. involvement in “Dollar Diplomacy.”
B. They are seen as immediate causes of World War I in Europe.
C. They helped spur America’s 1917 entry into World War I.
D. They facilitated the development of Wilson’s Fourteen points.
59. What impact did the arrival of the American Expeditionary
Force (A.E.F) have on the outcome of the Great War?
A. The arrival of the “Doughboys” encouraged Russia not to pull
out of the war as many expected they would have done.
B. The arrival of American soldiers and resources encouraged
Germany to ask for peace talks with the other Allied powers.
C. The Americans were fresh and eager to engage the enemy in
battle and their arrival marked a turning point in the war.
D. General John. J. “Blackjack” Pershing’s arrival brought about a
restructuring of the Allied High command and resulted in
American leadership on the Eastern front.
60. How did U.S. participation in World War I impact foreign
policy in the decade following the war?
A. The United States became isolated in its diplomatic and
political relations.
B. The United States used the military to acquire new territories
C. The United States joined the League of Nations.
D. The United States strengthened its alliance in Latin America
61. How did the 1929 stock market crash negatively impact
American banks?
A. It produced a ripple effect, forcing many banks to close.
B. It affected only small banks and not larger ones.
C. It caused a few banks closures but most reopened within days.
D. It had little impact on banking as compared to the impact on
other industries.
Access to easy
Severe drought
in the Midwest
Onset of the Great
Depression in the United
Which statement best completes the diagram above?
A. Failure of the League of Nations
B. Buying stock on margin
C. High prices for farm commodities
D. Establishment of stricter banking regulation
63. Which choice best defines welfare capitalism?
A. the creation of business trade associations
B. the nationalization of all industry
C. public ownership of utilities and all means of transportation
D. businesses offerings such as profit sharing and pension plans
64. Which best describes the subjects of novelist John Steinbeck
and photojournalist Dorothea Lange during the 1930s?
A. Migrant workers, sharecroppers, and the homeless
B. Sailors, fishermen, and food packers
C. Bankers, stockbrokers, and real-estate dealers
D. Police, firemen, and postal workers
65. Which choice best illustrates why Prohibition failed?
A. It became obvious that the “noble experiment” caused serious
economic problems.
B. Americans were willing to break laws that interfered with their
personal quest for pleasure.
C. Americans became disillusioned with Prohibition once they
recognized that it was linked to organized crime.
D. It was completely outside the traditional American value
66. “It was a masterful move by a masterful politician; a perfect
example of how a leader can use technological advancement to his
advantage. For the first time a president could speak to citizens as
they sat in their own living rooms. He could encourage, inspire,
console, and inform them all at one time. And he could make sure
that his take on things was the take they got.”
To what is this quote is most likely referring?
A. Woodrow Wilson’s “make the world safe for democracy”
B. Harding’s inaugural address
C. Hoover’s appeal to U.S. citizens following the start of the Great
D. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s fireside chats
67. Why did modernists claim victory in the Scopes trial?
A. They believed the testimony in the trial proved fundamentalism
to be illogical.
B. They believed that William Jennings Bryan’s eloquent defense
of academic freedom led to greater acceptance of the idea.
C. The U.S. Supreme Court subsequently overturned John T.
Scopes’ conviction.
D. Within days of the verdict, Tennessee repealed the law that
prohibited teachers from discussing evolution in the classroom.
68. Which statement is true of many Harlem Renaissance writers?
A. They accepted the accommodationist approach of Booker T.
B. They expressed the same feelings as those expressed by the
white “lost generation.”
C. They rejected their African heritage to better fix into
mainstream literature.
D. They largely rejected white culture and exalted the “New
69. Which statement concerning Dr. Francis E. Townsend and his
role in the “New Deal” is true?
A. He called for freed food and shelter for families headed by
unemployed males who would agree to enroll in a governmentfinanced job-training program.
B. He proposed the Agricultural Adjustment Act which would
grant fifty-acres to poor farmers who would agree to give 10
percent of their first-year profit to the government.
C. He advocated government payments of $200 per month to all
citizens over age sixty and influenced the establishment of the
Social Security System.
D. He advanced the idea of a government-financed medicalinsurance plan for all citizens over age sixty often called Medicare.
70. Which statement best defines the true intent of F.D.R.’s “New
Deal” legislation?
A. It was implemented in an effort to combat the social ills of
racism and prejudice that had so negatively impacted the American
B. It was implemented in an effort to help stimulate the economy
and counter the effects of the Great Depression.
C. It was implemented to secure the Republican position in the
Whitehouse and used as a campaign tool in the 1936 Presidential
D. It was implemented to encourage popular support for U.S.
involvement in World War II in an effort to sell War Bonds.
71. Which statement best explains the rise of totalitarianism
governments in Europe during the 1930s?
A. Many European nations were desperate for help in recovering
from the depression and saw leaders like Hitler and Mussolini
as the answer to their problems.
B. There was no United Nations or League of Nations to prevent a
Communist takeover and as a result Joseph Stalin and his Soviet
regime came to dominate the region.
C. The philosophy of fascism as espoused by Leon Trotsky was
sure to spread across war-ravaged Europe due to the heavy
infusion of jingoism in the post Cold-War era.
D. The people such as Marcos and Tito demonized democracy
because the United Stated was prospering in the 1930s while
every other country was languishing.
72. Why did many U.S. congressmen dislike Franklin D.
Roosevelt’s Quarantine Speech (1937)?
A. They feared it would lead to United States involvement in
World War II.
B. They feared it would interfere with U.S. trade relations with
C. They feared it would cause the United States to become more
D. They feared it would increase immigration problems.
73. What was the intension of Franklin Roosevelt’s Lend Lease
A. To give aid to German minorities stuck behind enemy lines
without officially entering the war
B. To forgive the World War I debts of Great Britain, Russia, and
France and help the allies without officially entering the war
C. To allow United States companies the right to sell supplies to
any Allied country without officially entering the war
D. To provide arms for the Allies to use against the Germans
without officially entering the war
74. Which two World War II naval victories marked a positive
turning point for U.S. forces in the Pacific?
A. Battle of Burma; Battle of Okinawa
B. Battle of Coral Sea; Battle of Midway
C. Battle of Guadalcanal; Battle of Iwo Jima
D. Battle of Aleutian Islands; Bombing of Hiroshima
75. Which best describes the goal of the Manhattan Project?
A. The U.S. government program intended to increase radar air
defense for coastal cities.
B. The U.S. government program with the goal of constructing
five new aircraft carriers for the Pacific theater between 19421943.
C. The U.S. government program intended to end World War II
by stimulating anti-Nazi sentiment through controlling the German
D. The U.S. government program focused on the development of
an atomic bomb.
76. During the 1950s, school enrollments increased by 13 million.
School districts struggled to build more facilities, and a new school
was built in California every seven days. What was responsible for
this post-World War II growth rate?
A. the Supreme Court decision if Brown vs. Board of Education of
B. Norman Vincent Peale and The Power of Positive Thinking
C. The baby boom, which continued into the mid-1960s
D. Dr. Benjamin Spock’s book, Baby and Child Care
77. Which group suffered official discrimination during World
War II?
A. German Americans
B. All females
C. Japanese Americans
D. White males
78. Although officially the Marshall Plan was directed “not against
any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation,
and chaos” what was its underlying intent?
A. to prevent the spread of communism in Western Europe
B. to form an alliance with South American democracies
C. to prevent a communist takeover in Vietnam
D. to divide postwar Germany into four zones
79. Which term best describes the foreign policy of both President
Harry Truman and President Lyndon Johnson?
A. imperialism
B. nationalism
C. containment
D. appeasement
80. Which statement is true concerning powers of the United
A. It can send United Nations soldiers from member nations as
“peacekeeping forces” around the world.
B. It can force warring member nations to submit their
disagreements to the Security Council.
C. It includes the United States and Japan, but not Iran, Israel, or
the Russia.
D. It uses most of its funds to bring nations to the International
Court of Justice for prosecution.
81. Which best describes the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
(SEATO) which was created in 1954?
A. It was alliance aimed at spurring economic progress Southeast
B. It was a postwar plan of aid to Southeast Asian countries.
C. It was a postwar diplomatic recognition of the independent
state of Vietnam.
D. It was primarily created to block further communist gains in
Southeast Asia.
82. How did the Soviet launch of Sputnik (1957) impact American
A. It proved that the Soviet Union could merely duplicate
American accomplishments which cased a great degree of
national pride.
B. It caused a demand for more emphasis on math and science in
American schools because the Russians had bested American
C. It resulted in a better relationship and scientific sharing between
the Soviet Union and the United States.
D. It resulted in the federal government cutting back on spending
for education in an effort to increasing defense spending.
83. Which statement concerning the Rosenbergs trial is correct?
A. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg confessed to spying for the Soviet
B. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of selling war
secrets to Nazi Germany.
C. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of espionage,
condemned, and then executed.
D. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of espionage, but
later pardoned by the president.
84. Which mid 1950s event is often regarded as the beginning of
the Civil Rights Movement?
A. The assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
B. The bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama.
C. The arrival of the Freedom Riders in the South.
D. The decision of the Supreme Court in Swan v. CharlotteMecklenburg Board of Education.
85. Which action taken by President Harry S Truman represents an
attempt to respond to civil rights concerns?
A. desegregating schools
B. desegregating the military
C. outlawing segregation in federal buildings
D. outlawing segregation in public transportation
86. Which best describes the social change that took place in the
U.S. from the 1950s to the 1960s?
A. From conformity to rebellion.
B. From ignorance to despair
C. From alienation to conformity.
D. From innocence to realism.
87. Who was most responsible for championing the rights of poor
migrant workers during the 1960s?
A. Dennis Banks
B. Stokely Carmichael
C. Malcolm X
D. Cesar Chavez
88. How did the domino theory influence the United States’ role in
the Vietnam War?
A. The United States adopted a position of neutrality
B. Vietnamization became the new U.S. foreign policy.
C. It convinced the United States to become involved in the war.
D. It forced the United States to support the Vietcong.
89. Which statement about U.S. involvement in Vietnam is true?
A. Congress authorized the escalation of United States military
activity in Vietnam after communist forces allegedly attacked
United States naval vessels.
B. United States involvement in the war did not occur until after
Diem’s assassination in 1963.
C. Nixon’s expansion of the war into Cambodia drew strong
support at home particularly from those on college campuses.
D. The Tet Offensive proved the success of the containment
doctrine and effectively ended the war.
90. Which quote best reflects the importance of the 1960
presidential debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard M.
A. “That night is a night that will live in the heats and minds of
Americans forever; it is the night the innocence died.” –J. Rendell
B. “That night all of American tuned in to see who would really
take a stand against the war in Vietnam; they got nothing but
Machiavellian politics.” –Andrew McCaunalty
C. “That night, image replaced the printed word as the natural
language of
politics.” –Russell Baker
D. “That night the Soviet Union was forced to realize that
Americans were politically divided internally but united against the
threat of Communism.” –Gordon Flensburg
91. How did the invention of the atomic bomb affect the postwar
A. European nations were afraid to stand up to United States
B. The United Nations became merely a symbolic organization
with no real power.
C. The Japanese people continued to defy the United States, even
with the prospect of total annihilation.
D. A nuclear arms race developed between the United States and
the Soviet Union.
92. What event would John F. Kennedy and many others have
considered the most dangerous Cold War confrontation during his
presidency and perhaps the entire era?
A. The space race
B. The Cuban missile crisis
C. The SALT II talks
D. The Berlin Wall Crisis
93. Which statement best defines the policy known as détente?
A. Eisenhower’s efforts to prevent the spread of communism in the
Far East by creating S.E.A.T.O.
B. Kennedy’s attack on French and Vietnamese imperialists after
he had encouraged international self-determination.
C. Nixon’s effort to ease tensions between the United States and
the Soviet Union by negotiating the Strategic Arms Limitation
D. Reagan’s commitment to negotiate with worldwide Communist
organizations to end “wars of liberation.”
94. Who benefited most from the Camp David Accords?
A. Israel and the Palestinians
B. Israel and Egypt
C. Iran and Iraq
D. Israel and Syria
95. Which occurrence is largely responsible for the great upsurge
in female sports teams on college campuses over the past thirty
A. Studies by medical researchers showing a direct correlation
between women’s participation in sports and good mental health.
B. Title IX of the higher Education Act of 1972.
C. The popularity and influence of the book Our Body Ourselves
which led to an upsurge in physical fitness.
D. The sex discrimination provision of the 1964 Civil Right s Act.
96. What do Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972) and the Equal Access Act
(1984) have in common?
A. They both involve issues concerning freedom of the press.
B. They both involve issues concerning freedom of speech.
C. They both involve issues concerning freedom of religion.
D. They both involve issues concerning freedom of petition.
97. Which factor was a major cause of the stagnant economy in the
United States during the early 1970s?
A. the dependency on imported food
B. the increased prices for gasoline
C. the decline in service sector jobs
D. the increased production of automobiles
98. Why did some believe that Ronald Reagan had a “turn-backthe-clock” mentality in regards to foreign, economic, and domestic
A. Because of Reagan’s isolationism in foreign policy and
governmental intervention in business and the economy.
B. Due to Reagan’s confrontational foreign policy concerning
Communist aggression and his reduction of governmental
regulation in business and industry.
C. As a result of Reagan’s philosophy of détente in foreign policy
and increasing governmental intrusion in business and the
national economy.
D. By recognizing that Reagan’s philosophy of interventionism in
foreign policy was directly tied to his plan to increase the
growth of the welfare state.
99. Which U.S. Supreme Court decision made it illegal to achieve
diversity through the use of racial quotas?
A. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954)
B. Swann v. Board of Education of Charlotte-Mecklenburg, North
Carolina (1971)
C. Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978)
D. Texas v. Johnson (1989)
100. What policy was followed when American forces decided to
attack Iraq before Saddam Hussein could further develop weapons
of mass destruction?
A. Retaliation
B. Pre-emptive action
C. Covert operations
D. Brinksmanship
1. D 11.
2. B 12.
3. B 13.
4. B 14.
92. B
94. B
5. D
6. D
7. B
8. B
9. B
95. B
97. B
98. B