Download Preamble Current Events Assignment Due date: Wednesday

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Preamble Current Events Assignment
Due date: Wednesday, September 19
Page through newspapers and magazines and surf major media (major magazines, major newspapers, CNN, etc…)
internet sites over the next week to collect images, pictures, headlines, and/or full articles that represent, symbolize or
explain three (3) different goals of the United States government stated in the Constitution’s preamble.
 Cut out the examples from the magazine or newspaper or print out the examples you find on the internet.
 Label each example with the goal it represents, symbolizes or explains.
 Use your textbook (Prologue page 35) and the restating of the Preamble below to review the six goals of our
government and their meanings.
 You must find examples of three (3) different goals.
 Staple the examples together and put your name on the top of the first example.
The Preamble of the United States Constitution
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union (#1), establish
Justice (#2), insure domestic Tranquility (#3), provide for the common defense (#4), promote
the general Welfare (#5), and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity
(#6), do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The Constitution was written over 200 years ago. Words and phrases
were used differently. Below is a more modern statement of the
We the people of the United States want to form a better country (#1), create a fair and just
legal system (#2), have peace inside the country (#3), defend our country from other countries
(#4), help everyone live a better life (#5), and make sure these things last during our lifetimes
and our children's (#6). Therefore, we make and authorize this plan of government for the
United States of America.