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The Preamble Sets the Goals
1. Form a more perfect union
States work together as one
unified nation, not as separate
The Preamble Sets the Goals
Establish Justice
Justice system requires that laws
be applied fairly to all Americans
3. Ensure domestic tranquility
Gov. must ensure peace and order
at home.
The Preamble Sets the Goals
4. Provide for the
common defense
The gov. can raise
armies & navies to
protect citizens
against foreign
attack; military is
under civilian
The Preamble Sets the Goals
5. Promote the general welfare
The nat’l gov. promotes the
well-being of all citizens.
The Preamble Sets the Goals
6. Secure the
blessings of liberty
A major goal of
the Constitution
is to protect the
liberty, or
freedom, of
• Limits the power
of gov.
• Protects basic
• Right to vote
Articles Describe the Framework of
Article I – Legislative Branch
Article II – Executive Branch
Article III – Judicial Branch
Article IV - Relations between states
Article V – Amending the Constitution
Article VI – Constitution is “supreme law of the
Article VII – Ratification
(Lazy Elephants Jump Slowly Around Supreme
The Constitution Rests on Seven
1. Popular Sovereignty- gov. gets authority
from the people (voting)
2. Limited Government – gov. has only the
powers Constitution gives it. All must
obey laws.
3. Separation of Powers – gov. is limited by
dividing it among three branches
The Constitution Rests on Seven
4. Checks and Balances – each branch has power
to check or limit actions of the others.
5. Federalism – power divided between federal
(national) gov. and the states
6. Republicanism – citizens elect representatives
7. Individual Rights – such as freedom of speech,
religion, press, and right to trial by jury