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Vitamin notes
Vitamin A
-Function: Enhances night vision, important for growth and maintenance of
epithelial tissue, prevention of infectious disease, growth and formation of long
bones, and important for reproduction function.
-Deficiencies: Night blindness, inflammation of the eyes, reduced resistance to
infections, growth retardation, and impaired bone and tooth formation.
-Dietary sources: Liver, kidney, butter, egg yolk, whole milk, halibut oil, and
yellow and dark green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin B1
-Function: Converts amino acids, fats, and carbohydrates to energy, converts
excess carbohydrates to fat, and maintenance of nervous system.
-Deficiencies: Alcoholics can develop B1 deficiencies, beri beri, muscle wasting,
emaciation, congestive heart failure, and other neurotransmitter disorders.
-Dietary sources: Organ meats, whole grains, milk, peas, cauliflower, and spinach.
Vitamin B2
-Function: Aids in energy metabolism.
-Deficiencies: Cracks around the corners of your mouth, sore throat, depression,
nerve damage, retarded growth in infants, red teary eyes.
-Dietary sources: Liver, milk, oysters, dark green leafy vegetables, mushrooms,
asparagus, broccoli, and salmon
Vitamin B6
-Function: Necessary for the proper functioning of more than 60 enzymes,
metabolism of amino acids, hemoglobin, serotonin, hormones, and
-Deficiencies: Found in chronic conditions such as diabetes, asthma, breast and
bladder cancer, Hodgkin’s disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.
-Dietary sources: Extra lean meats, chicken, fish, soybeans, peanuts, avocados,
bananas, cabbage, potatoes, and whole grain breads.
Vitamin B12
-Function: Essential for normal metabolism in all cells especially those of the
gastrointestinal tract, bone marrow, and nervous system. Reduces RNA to DNA,
formation of myelin sheath, and neurotransmitter synthesis.
-Deficiencies: Deficiencies in growth and repair of all cells.
-Dietary sources: Organ meats, oysters, clams, seafood, eggs, milk, chicken, and
Vitamin C
-Function: Is an antioxidant to protect from free radical damage associated with
disease, infection, and premature aging. Essential for the synthesis and
maintenance of collagen. Promotes iron absorption. Enhances immune function.
-Deficiencies: Scurvy; symptoms include joint pain, weakness, fatigue, anemia,
bleeding gums, etc.
-Dietary sources: Citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli, asparagus, and dark green
leafy vegetables.
Vitamin D
- Function: Regulates calcium and phosphorus concentrations in the bones.
- Deficiencies: Rickets; symptoms include hunch back and bowed legs.
- Dietary sources: Sunlight, and fortified foods.
Vitamin E
- Function: Stabilizes cell membrane, maintains red blood cells, important
- Deficiencies: Associated with cystic fibrosis. Symptoms include: anemia,
poor coordination, nerve damage, involuntary eye movements.
- Dietary sources: Vegetable oils, fish oils.
Folic Acid
- Function: Aids in synthesis of both DNA and RNA. Essential for
formation of both red and white blood cells. Prevents neural tube defects.
- Deficiencies: Neural tube defects, altered DNA function.
- Dietary sources: Beets, orange juice, avocado, and dark green leafy
Vitamin K
- Function: Essential for the synthesis of six blood clotting factors.
- Deficiencies: Hemorrhage, excessive bruising.
- Dietary sources: Greens, egg yolk, cheese. 50 % is made in the intestines.
- Function: Aids in synthesis of steroid hormones, formation of red blood
cells, and component of glucose.
- Deficiencies: Rare
- Dietary sources: Soybean, meat, fish, peanuts.
-Function: Component of normal blood clotting, manufactures many enzymes,
essential for muscle contraction, builds bone cells.
- Deficiencies: Osteoporosis, muscle cramps, rickets.
-Dietary sources: Milk, oranges, oysters, dried beans, and dark green leafy
-Function: Component of hemoglobin, involved in numerous enzymes, required
for collagen synthesis, needed for immune function, and involved in the
production of serotonin and dopamine.
-Deficiencies: Anemia
-Dietary sources: liver, oysters, lean meat, dried beans, dried fruits.
- Function: Regulates water balance, osmotic equilibrium, cardiac rhythm,
and nerve transmission.
- Deficiencies: Irregular heartbeat, fatigue, edema, muscle weakness,
continuous thirst, etc.
- Dietary sources: Meat, milk, potatoes, bananas, orange juice.
- Function: Regulates water balance, CO2 transport, amino acid transport.
- Deficiencies: Vomiting, excessive diarrhea, dehydration, anorexia.
- Dietary sources: Sandwich meats, potato chips, and canned soups are high
in salt.
Function: Detoxifies liver from alcohol, prevents birth defects, and
regulates insulin and blood sugar, essential for normal taste.
Deficiencies: Anemia, poor wound healing, mental disorders, slowed
growth, paranoia, sterility.
Dietary sources: Oysters, seafood, poultry, fish, organ meats, lima beans,
whole grains.