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Written Response to Literature Essay Assignment
The Crucible
Writing Task: In a well-argued analysis, show the reader how Miller works
with a historical figure to make him or her a compelling, dynamic,
dramatic figure. Use examples from history and from the play.
Reminder on essay organization:
1. Create an introduction. Include an overview of the story and end it with your thesis
statement. Be sure to incorporate the following:
a. The title of the story in double quotation marks
b. The author of the story
c. Three to five sentences explaining your historical figure’s background
d. Your thesis statement as the last sentence. Include in your thesis statement the
title of your story, the historical figure’s name, and why your character is a
compelling, dynamic, dramatic figure.
2. Construct Body Paragraph #1. (5-8 strong sentences)
a. Your topic sentence must include the first way your will prove your thesis
statement (1st way you will show the character is a compelling, dynamic, dramatic
b. Find a concrete detail in the story to support your topic sentence. Your goal is to
prove that this literary device is essential to the story.
i. This concrete detail comes directly from the text you are reading. If you
take words or ideas directly from the text, you will need to cite the author
and page number. A concrete detail will not be an idea from you. Use
quotations, facts, specifics, examples, descriptions, support, proof,
evidence, paraphrasing, plot references.
c. Add commentary or elaboration about your concrete detail here. In your own
words, explain or expand upon the concrete detail you just wrote. Explain your
interpretation of the concrete detail. This is the elaboration portion of your ideas.
Use opinion, insight, analysis, interpretation, inference, evaluation, or reflection.
Do not use “I”/ first person.
d. Write a concluding sentence which summarizes your paragraph and transitions to
the topic of the next one.
3. Construct Body Paragraph #2 (5-8 strong sentences)
a. Your topic sentence must include the second way your will prove your thesis
statement (2nd way you will show the character is a compelling, dynamic,
dramatic figure).
b. Find a concrete detail in the story to support your topic sentence. Your goal is to
prove that this literary device is essential to the story.
c. Add commentary or elaboration about your concrete detail here.
d. Write a concluding sentence which summarizes your paragraph
Written Response to Literature Essay Assignment
4. Construct Body Paragraph #3 (5-8 strong sentences)
a. Your topic sentence must include the third way your will prove your thesis
statement (3rd way you will show the character is a compelling, dynamic,
dramatic figure).
b. Find a concrete detail in the story to support your topic sentence. Your goal is to
prove that this literary device is essential to the story.
c. Add commentary or elaboration about your concrete detail here.
d. Write a concluding sentence which summarizes your paragraph
5. Write your conclusion (5-6 strong sentences)
a. Re-state/ re-word your thesis statement
b. Provide final thoughts on the connection between the literary terms and the story
c. Add a clincher statement
Important Information:
- You must use direct quotations (one or two quotes per body paragraph). When you use
direct quotations, you must use quotation marks, include the page number of the story
from your booklet, and lead into the quotation.
- Only write in third person (no “you,” “I,” “we,” or “us” unless in a quotation)
- Stay in one verb tense and try to avoid linking verbs; use strong, action verbs instead.
- Check your writing for errors, such as fragments, run-ons and comma splices.
- This is an in-class writing assessment. You are to plan your essay for homework—
not write it. If you come to class with a written essay, you will need to choose a new
story and write an essay.
Written Response to Literature Essay Assignment
Writing Outline
a. Hook:
b. Introduce the topic:
c. Explaining your historical figure’s background:
d. Thesis statement:
i. 3 main points to discuss….
Main Point #1:
a. Supporting example:
i. Details:
ii. Commentary/Evidence:
b. Concluding Sentence:
Main Point #2:
a. Supporting example:
i. Details or evidence:
ii. Commentary/Evidence:
Written Response to Literature Essay Assignment
b. Concluding Sentence:
Main Point #3:
a. Supporting example:
i. Details or evidence:
ii. Commentary/Evidence:
b. Concluding Sentence:
a. Restate the thesis and main ideas:
b. Final thoughts:
c. Clincher statement