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Harrison High School: Lesson Plans Week-At-A-Glance
10/19- 10/23
ACC. Math I
Essential Question:
Essential Question:
Essential Question:
Essential Question:
Essential Question:
How do I use geometry
vocabulary to communicate
effectively and solve related
real life problems?
How do we use inductive
and deductive reasoning?
How do we apply laws of
logic to make conclusions
How do we prove
properties of polygons?
How do we prove properties of
What are the properties of
convex polygons and how are
they proven?
Standard: MMIG2:
Standard: MMIG2:
Standard: : MM1G3:
Standard: MM1G3: Students
Standard: MM1G3: Students
Students will understand
and use the language of
mathematical argument and
justification.MA1G2: a. Use
conjecture,inductive and
indirect proofs as
appropriate. b. understand
and use the relationships
among a statement and its
converse, inverse, and
Students will
understand and use the
language of
mathematical argument
justification.MA1G2: a.
and deductive
indirect proofs as
appropriate. b.
understand and use the
relationships among a
statement and its
converse, inverse, and
Students will discover,
prove, and apply
properties of triangles,
quadrilaterals, and other
a. Determine the sum of
interior and exterior
angles in a polygon. b.
Undertand and use the
triangle inequality , the
side-angle inequality and
the exterior-angle
will discover, prove, and apply
properties of triangles,
quadrilaterals, and other
c. Understand and use
congruence postulates and
theorems for
will discover, prove, and apply
properties of triangles,
quadrilaterals, and other
c. Understand and use
congruence postulates and
theorems for
The student will: and contrast inductive
vs. deductive reasoning, make
conjecture, give counter examples.
2.understand and use
relationships with conditional
statements and converse,inverse
& contrapositive 3. determine the
sum of the interior and exterior
angles in a polygon. 4. Understand
and use the triangle inequality
,side-angle inequality and the
exterior angle inequality.
Objectives: :
The student
will: 1. Understand and use
the triangle inequality ,sideangle inequality and the
exterior angle inequality.
Objectives: The student will
Objectives: The student will
determine triangle congruence and
prove triangles congruent using
determine triangle congruence and
prove triangles congruent using
Activities: Notes given on using
Activities: Paper folding
Activities: Measure and construct
Activities Quiz over triangle inequality
Objectives:The student will:
1.understand and demonstrate the
vocabulary in geometry. and contrast inductive
vs. deductive reasoning, make
conjecture, give counter examples.
3.understand and use relationships
with conditional statements and
converse,inverse & contrapositive.
Activities: Students will be given a
Objectives :
list of terms that they should be
familiar with from 7th/8th grade. They
will be tasked to make a flip chart or
power point using all terms.
Workbook and textbooks(math
1,math 2, geometry books) and
internet to find and illustrate each
term in vocabulary list. Assignment
due on Friday for a quiz grade.
Notes will be given on types of
reasoning, making conjectures,
giving counterexamples as well as
using converse, inverse and
Hw: Worksheet on logic
laws of logic and making
conclusions. Worksheet in class.
Students will be assigned a
partner based on learning
styles.(auditory/kinesthetic or
visual/kinesthetic). Complete a
chart that leads to interior angle
sums of convex polygons.
Measure exterior angles and sum
of exterior angles(worksheet).
Power point on int/ext angles. Hw
Pg. 300: 2-20 even and wks. 11.1
activity to show triangle sum
theorem, exterior angle
theorem. Work with partner
based on learning styles and
begin triangle inequality
activity using spaghetti. Power
point lesson to sum of activity
on triangle inequality and sideangle inequality.Ws in class
Hw: pg. 387: 4-9, 13-24 in Math I
triangles to prove 5 test for triangle
congruence. Give worksheet in class
and have students determine which
Theorem aforementioned is used. Begin
basic triangle proofs using
informal(picture proofs) and formal 2
column methods. Review for quiz over
triangle inequality and ext. angles on Fri.
Hw: triangle congruence worksheet on
and ext. angles. Go over homework on
congruent triangle proofs. Work with
partner on more congruent triangle
proofs and CPCTC. Complete for
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