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5 Themes of Geography
Geography is the study of the earth and its people.
Geographers study
a. Oceans
b. Plant life
c. Landforms
d. People
e. How the Earth and its people affect each other
There are 5 themes of geography.
a. Place
b. Region
c. Human Environment Interaction
d. Location
e. Movement
*Geographers study the physical and human features of a location
1. Physical geography-study of natural features on the surface of the Earth
a. These features can be seen or tasted
i. Mountains
ii. Plants
iii. Animals
iv. Temperature
v. Wind
vi. Weather
2. Human geography-study of how people have spread across Earth
a. Geographers want to understand who lives where, how they got there, and why
they came to that place
*Geographers compare the climate, land, population, or history of one place to another.
1. On maps, geographers use color, shapes, or special symbols to show regions.
Human Environment Interaction
*Geographers study how people affect or shape physical characteristics of their natural
surroundings and how their surroundings (environment) affect them.
1. Example: Ancient Egypt
a. How did they depend on the environment?
i. They depended on the annual (yearly) flooding of the Nile River to produce
good soil for their crops.
b. How did they adapt to their environment?
i. After the flooding, Ancient Egyptians had to rebuild their homes. Eventually
they learned that to build their home above the flood plain.
c. How did they modify (change) their environment?
i. They built ditches and dams to control the flooding.
*Geographers begin to study a place by finding where it is on Earth.
1. Absolute location-describes the place’s exact location/position on Earth.
a. Latitude and Longitude
b. Paris, France 48ºN, 2ºE
2. Relative location-explains where a place is by describing places near it.
a. Bryant Middle school is located near the cross streets of Cherry Hill and
Telegraph. There is a Subway restaurant across the street.
*Helps explain how people, good, and ideas get from one place to another.
1. Local-How did you get to school today?
2. Global-How did humans get to North America?
5 Themes of Geography
__________ is the study of the __________ and its __________.
Geographers study
a. Oceans
b. Plant life
c. Landforms
d. People
e. How the Earth and its people affect each other
There are 5 themes of geography.
a. Place
b. Region
c. Human Environment Interaction
d. Location
e. Movement
*Geographers study the __________ and __________ features of a location
1. __________ geography-study of __________ features on the surface of the Earth
a. These
features can be __________ or __________
2. __________ geography-study of how people have __________ __________ Earth
b. Geographers want to understand __________ lives where, __________they got
there, and __________ they came to that place
*Geographers compare the __________, land, __________, or history of one place to
1. On maps, geographers use color, shapes, or special symbols to show regions.
Human Environment Interaction
*Geographers study how people affect or shape physical characteristics of their natural
surroundings and how their surroundings (environment) affect them.
1. Example: Ancient Egypt
a. How did they __________ on the environment?
ii. They depended on the annual (yearly) flooding of the Nile River to produce
good soil for their crops.
b. How did they __________ to their environment?
iii. After the flooding, Ancient Egyptians had to rebuild their homes. Eventually
they learned that to build their home above the flood plain.
c. How did they __________ (change) their environment?
iv. They built ditches and dams to control the flooding.
*Geographers begin to study a place by finding where it is on Earth.
1. __________ location-describes the place’s __________ location/position on Earth.
a. __________ and Longitude
b. Paris, France __________
2. __________ location-explains where a place is by describing _________ _________it.
a. Bryant Middle school is located __________ the cross streets of Cherry Hill and
Telegraph. There is a Subway restaurant across the street.
*Helps explain how people, good, and ideas get from one place to another.
1. __________-How did you get to school today?
2. __________-How did humans get to North America?