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Ancient World History
Chapter 2
Mesopotamia – The Fertile Crescent
September 13, 2010
Monday: Class Lecture
Tuesday: Begin by reading your text book pp.30-42
Wednesday: Select one project listed at the beginning of the chapter
 Using a world atlas locate a topography of the area of the Fertile Crescent. Use
an atlas to familiarize yourself with the places we are studying.
Work on vocabulary words
Friday: Complete project for the week
1. This week we begin our journey into the area that is known as the Fertile
a. This is the area that is known as the first civilization of people known to
b. The area known as Mesopotamia is located at the heart of where three
rivers unite together known as the Tigris, Euphrates and the Jordan rivers.
c. It is also known as Mesopotamia.
2. Consider the difference between a culture and a civilization
a. Culture consist of the social groups that people live in today
b. Civilization which is a society in advance social development
3. Mesopotamia was the first known civilization
a. They domesticated animals
b. They developed farming techniques