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MGMT 371: Organizational Behavior
Spring 2011 Semester
Exam I Review
OB overview (Chapter 1):
What is Organizational Behavior and how has it evolved?
Human Relations Movement
Theory X, Theory Y
Hawthorne Effect
Paying attention to people
Total Quality Mgmt Movement
Contingency Approach
Every situation is different, use models accordingly to fit specific situation
Age of Human Capital & Social Capital (what are they?)
Positive OB—look at what’s right with people, not what’s wrong with them
Technology & its implications in OB (Internet, also)
What kinds of managerial skills do effective managers utilize? Describe the new style of managing.
(Table 1-1: Evolution of the manager (from autocrat to facilitator)
What’s the difference between human and social capital (and what are they?) and why do we need both?
What are the implications of McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y?
What does the Contingency approach suggest?
Discuss the evolution of OB and what has contributed to it.
4P cycle
People centered organizations—what makes them people centered?
OB is research, theory, & practice
OB is interdisciplinary—psych, soc, etc.
Formal and Informal organization
Chapter 9—Teams (also look at Ch. 9 discussion questions)
Difference between group & team
Formal vs. informal groups
What are the functions of a formal group?
Macro-reasons why we form groups
Micro-reasons why we form groups
Tuckman’s 5-Stage model of group development
Table: Task vs. maintenance roles
What are team/group norms? How are they formed? How are they enforced?
3 parts (slide and book)
What defines a self-managed team?
What is cross-functionality and why should we use it?
Virtual teams—good option, but still need face-to-face
Group-think and social loafing: what are they and how can we avoid them?
Loss of Individuality—what is it and how can we avoid?
Punctuated Equilibrium Model
Upper Echelon teams
NO Table 9.3
Leadership (Chapter 12):
Leader vs. manager (including Table 12.1)
Formal vs. Informal leadership
Trait Theories
Behavioral Theories:
Lewin’s autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire styles
Ohio State and U of Michigan studies: Task and people dimensions
Leadership Grid (Figure 12.1)
Contingency Theories:
Fiedler’s Contingency Theory (Figure 12.2 and see figure in slides)
Path-Goal Theory (Fig. 12.3)
Normative Decision Model
Situational Leadership Model (Fig. 12.5)
Contemporary (Recent) Theories:
Leader-Member Exchange
Transformational vs. Transactional
Charismatic Leadership
Authentic Leadership
Servant Leadership
Emotional Intelligence
Gender and Leadership
Types of followers (Fig. 12.6)
5 Guidelines (p. 203 text)
What are the influences on ethics?
What are the “magnificent seven?”
What causes unethical or ethical behavior?
Describe “moral intelligence” and moral compass; 4 universal principles.
What gender differences in ethical perspectives do we tend to see?
What are the 4 perspectives on ethics (ethical orientations) we discussed in class (Power Point slide)?
How can we create a more ethical organizational culture?
Can we teach people to be ethical? How?
Decision-making tree
How are organizations doing as a result of ethics initiatives (Power Point slides)?
Definition of Org Culture
Where culture comes from; what outcomes, etc.
Layers or levels of org culture: examples of each?
Espoused vs. enacted values
What “rites” does the book talk about? “Stories”?
Functions of org culture
Strong Culture perspective
Fit perspective
Adaptation perspective
Leaders and cultures (pgs. 261-262)
3 Phases of Socialization
Assessing cultre
Mentoring—outcomes; 2 functions: career and psychological (or psychosocial)
Changing the culture
Culture and mergers/acquisitions
Creating an ethical culture (listed also under Ethics) and an empowering culture