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Activity 10-3
Prompts and Correct Answers for Physical Activity Challenge
1. A condition in which the body cannot transport enough sugar
What is Type 2 diabetes?
to the cells to be converted into energy
2. The term that means abnormally high blood pressure
What is hypertension?
3. The type of fitness required for participating in sports
What is skill-related fitness?
4. The ability of the respiratory and circulatory systems to
What is cardiovascular fitness?
provide enough oxygen to maintain moderate levels of
activity for long periods of time
5. Activities that require a continual supply of oxygen during
What are aerobic activities?
their performance
6. The maximum amount of oxygen that can be delivered to and What is aerobic capacity?
used by the body during vigorous exercise
7. In the FITT formula, the number of times per week you
What is frequency?
participate in a physical activity
8. The appropriate intensity for someone who is just beginning
to participate in aerobic activities
9. A life-threatening condition in which the body’s cooling
What is 50% to 60% of the predicted
maximum heart rate?
What is heat stroke?
system can’t keep up with the demands made on it
10. In the FITT formula, the number of minutes you do an
What is time? or What is duration?
activity at any one time
11. Treadmill tests and 12-minute run tests
How is aerobic capacity measured?
12. Actions that allow the body to prepare for the demands of a
What is warming up?
physical workout
13. The amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance
What is muscular strength?
with a single effort
14. In the FITT formula, how hard you work during a physical
What is intensity?
Copyright © 2005 by Delmar Learning. Permission to photocopy granted for classroom use only. All rights reserved.
15. Activities that require short bursts of energy that cannot be
What are anaerobic activities?
sustained for long periods of time
16. The ability to move a joint in all the directions it is intended
What is flexibility?
to move
17. The relationship between fat-free mass and fat tissue in the
What is body composition?
18. An external freezing of the skin caused by exposure to cold
What is frostbite?
19. The result of 220 minus your age
What is your predicted maximum
heart rate?
20. A sprained elbow, broken ankle, and concussion
What are traumatic injuries?
21. The “R” in the RICE formula
What is rest?
22. The percentage of predicted heart rate that must be reached
What is the target heart rate range?
to obtain improvements in aerobic capacity
23. The connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone
What is a tendon?
24. The minimum recommended amount of water you should
What is 8 ounces?
drink for every 30 minutes of physical activity
25. The approximate range of body fat appropriate for males
What is 12% to 15%?
26. Push-ups, pull-ups, and lifting weights
What are isotonic exercises?
27. Actions that allow the body to adjust to normal activity levels What is cooling down?
after a workout
28. Participating in more than one physical activity to achieve
What is cross-training?
cardiovascular fitness
29. The cause of many joint and back problems
What is lack of flexibility?
30. A potentially fatal condition in which the body loses heat
What is hypothermia?
faster than it can produce it
31. The approximate range of body fat appropriate for females
What is 18% to 21%?
32. The ability of a muscle to contract repeatedly without tiring
What is muscular endurance?
Copyright © 2005 by Delmar Learning. Permission to photocopy granted for classroom use only. All rights reserved.
33. The recommended treatment for an overuse injury
What is rest?
34. The C in the RICE formula
What is compression?
35. The rule about when you should drink fluids to replace what
What is “drink before you’re
your body uses during exercise
36. Exercise or movement whose purpose is to increase
What is stretching?
37. A possible result of exercising too much at one time
What is an overuse injury?
38. The formula for immediate treatment for traumatic injuries
What is RICE?
39. The type of stretching recommended to safely increase
What is static stretching?
40. The I in the RICE formula
What is ice?
41. This part of the shoe helps prevent overuse injuries
What are arch supports?
42. An essential safety practice when walking, running, or biking What is reflective clothing?
after dark
43. The condition in which the body begins to overheat and lose
What is heat exhaustion?
44. The E in the RICE formula
What is elevation?
45. The amount of moisture in the air
What is humidity?
Copyright © 2005 by Delmar Learning. Permission to photocopy granted for classroom use only. All rights reserved.