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Nazi 2 - Propaganda
Objective Questions
Key words
A. Propaganda
Propaganda consists of ideas or information that is spread deliberately to influence people’s thoughts or actions.
The information given in some cases may even be true. However, it is usually only one side of an issue or may be
presented in a distorted (exaggerated) way. Propaganda techniques were largely used during Nazi rule in Germany.
As a result of Nazi propaganda, Hitler and the Nazi’s were able to gain the overwhelming support of the German
Explain the goal of a government when they use propaganda.
B. Hitler Youth
Started in 1926, the Hitler Youth offered its members excitement, adventure, and new heroes to admire and
worship. It was a paramilitary organization for youth similar to the organization for adults, the SA or Storm
troopers. Membership in Hitler Youth was initially voluntary, but by 1939 attendance was mandatory.
Education played a very important part in Nazi Germany in trying to cultivate a loyal following for Hitler and
the Nazis. The Nazis were aware that education would create loyal Nazis by the time they reached adulthood.
All teachers had to be vetted by local Nazi officials. Any teacher considered disloyal was fired. 97% of all
teachers joined the Nazi Teachers’ Association. All teachers had to be careful about what they said as children
were encouraged to inform the authorities if a teacher said something that did not fit in with the Nazi’s
curriculum for schools.
What Hitler Youth Learned
Spoke of German glory
Blamed Jews for German defeat in WWI, loses in
Treaty of Versailles and hyperinflation. Students
learned about the land that was taken away
because of Treaty of Versailles and the desire to
expand once more and gain land
Emphasis on the study of different races and
maintaining “pure German blood” Older pupils
were taught about the importance of selecting the
right mate when marrying and producing children
The principles of shooting were studied. Military
aviation science. Bridge building and the impact
of poisonous gas
Hitler stated “a young German must be as swift as
a greyhound, as tough as leather and as hard as
steel.” PE took up 15% of a student’s schedule
Boxing was required for boys
What Do you Learn In This Class??
C. Propaganda Analysis Worksheet
1. Describe the format of the propaganda:
____ poster
____ song
____ brochure
____ story
____ advertisement
____ other (describe):____________________
____ movie
2. Who is the intended audience?
3. What propaganda techniques are used?
____ name calling
____ testimonial
____ Light/shadow
____ Comparison
____ transfer
____ fear
4. Describe the piece. (What do you see? What did you read?)
5. What is the purpose of this propaganda? What is it trying to get people to do or feel?
6. On a scale of 1 (very ineffective) to 5 (very effective), rate the effectiveness of this propaganda?
Why did you give the propaganda that rating?