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The Battle of New Orleans
Dawn Graziano and Pat Smith – Monroe Township
Grade: Elementary
New Jersey Social Studies Content Standards: 6.2, 6.4
Lesson Summary:
In this lesson, students will gain an understanding of historical perspective by considering
the points-of-view of different participants of the Battle of New Orleans. When posed
with the task of determining whether Andrew Jackson deserves to have a statue erected
honoring his victory, the students will assume the perspective of an historical point-ofview and contribute to a classroom review board who will determine if the honor is due
Jackson based upon the evidence.
Suggested Time Frame: Three 40-minute class periods
Students will be able to:
 Identify the key factors contributing to the victory of the Battle of New Orleans.
 Explain how information and experiences ma be interpreted by people from
different points-of-view.
 Use knowledge of facts and concepts drawn from history, along with methods of
historical inquiry, to inform decision-making about action-taking and on public
 work independently and cooperatively to accomplish goals.
War of 1812
Historical Contrasts
United States of America
Republicans in
President Madison
U.S. Constitution
Elimination of
Britain’s presence in
North America
Essential Historical
1. What is the structure of
the government?
2. Who or what group/s are
the major players?
3. What documents, values,
attitudes or beliefs define
these major players?
Great Britain
Prince George (as
Prince Regent)
Glorious Revolution
Historical Background:
In 1803 the United States acquired the Louisiana Territory from France which gave them
major control of the Mississippi River. Located just 100 miles from the north of the
river, New Orleans was perfectly situated on the Gulf of Mexico. The government
recognized the trading power this area might become as New Orleans grew. New
Orleans was cut off from the rest of the United States by Spain’s territories. The United
States, in its quest for expansion, wanted to gain control of the Spanish territories and
thus gain full control of the area from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic coast.
Americans feared that since Spain was allied with Britain in its war with Napoleon, the
Spanish might allow the British into its territories in order to gain access to the south.
Since most of the available money and resources were being sent to the northern part of
the country, New Orleans and the rest of the south were left relatively defenseless.
Britain, also, recognized the importance of New Orleans to the United States; however,
because of depleted resources from the fighting in Europe in years leading up to the War
of 1812, Britain could not spare the military and naval resources to take over the Gulf
coast. Instead, Britain sent representatives to ally themselves with the Creek Nation,
which occupied a large amount of land north of the Gulf of Mexico. Britain also
attempted to forge alliances with a large population of black slaves living in the
Louisiana and Mississippi Territories.
In 1814 the United States was near defeat because the British, at this point, had defeated
Napoleon, and began to send these trained troops to North America. Part of their battle
strategy was to attack along the Hudson River to separate New England from the union,
attack in Chesapeake Bay to create a diversion, and attack New Orleans to block the
Mississippi. American response to the attack in the Chesapeake was ineffective and the
British succeeded in burning the new U.S. capital.
By late 1814 the British turned their attention to New Orleans. British Admiral Sir
Alexander Cochrane sent more than 50 ships to bring troops from Jamaica, led by Sir
Edward Pakenham, to New Orleans.
Major General Andrew Jackson (“Old Hickory”) arrived in New Orleans and began
preparations to defend New Orleans against the British attack. Jackson immediately
ordered that all waterways from the lakes leading to the Mississippi River be blocked.
Jackson recruited black slaves and drafted Natives into the militia. Additionally, Jackson
formed an alliance with Jean Lafitte , known for his piracy in the Caribbean Coast and in
the Atlantic.
Sir Edward Pakenham landed along the southern part of the Mississippi River. Through
three major assaults, the Americans were able to hold their ground behind their defenses,
firing upon the British Infantry which was out in the open. By the end of the battle, the
British had about 700 dead compared to 13 Americans.
What led to the defeat of a highly superior British army? A variety of factors have been
suggested: Jackson’s strategic planning as a general, the pirates’ red shirts confusing the
British, tactical blunders by the British, lack of communication within the British ranks,
and the weather.
The American victory at New Orleans, ironically, occurred after the war was officially
over on December 24, 1814 with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent. Still, the victory
was important since it gave Americans the sense that they had won the war and promoted
confidence in the young country. Additionally, it escalated Jackson from military hero to
political figure.
Key Terms:
Battle of New Orleans
Andrew Jackson
Do Now: Have students brainstorm monuments they have visited and identify who was
being honored and why.
Critical Thinking Questions:
Was the victory of the Battle of New Orleans the result of Jackson’s abilities
as a leader or the result of luck, or British blunder?
How might history have been changed if the British had secured control of the
port of New Orleans?
Anticipatory Set:
Prepare the class for the activity by posing the following question: Should the
town of Andrewville, TN., erect a statue of Andrew Jackson, honoring him as a
great leader in battle for his role in the Battle of New Orleans?
Day One:
I. Share with class the necessary material from the Historical Background. Review
any key terms they may not be familiar with.
II. Explain to the students that in order to make an informed decision, it is important
to listen to different points-of-view. When considering historical events, we need
to rely on clues left to us through primary source documents that include
testimonials, journal entries, letters, newspaper articles, etc. Explain that they will
be adopting a particular perspective to make a case for or against the erection of a
statue of Andrew Jackson.
III. Have students count off by 4 to form four groups.
IV. Distribute envelopes with the perspectives and directed questions. Each group
will receive one of four perspectives. The students will use various sources of
information to gather facts and information to support their point-of-view.
V. Allow students to use remaining class time to review materials, understand the
Day Two:
I. Review directions and objectives for the day with students.
II. Direct students to continue to gather information while the teacher rotates from
group to group and checks on progress.
III. Students will use the information collected to create note cards supporting their
perspective to be used during oral presentation on following day.
IV. With approximately ten minutes left to class period, have students stop.
V. Explain that during the next class they will be presenting their interpretation of
the perspective they have been researching by participating in an inner/outer
circle style debate.
Day Three:
I. Students have been previously arranged into four groups of equal size. Students
in Group 1 should be seated in a circle facing out, away from the circle. Students
in Group 2 will be seated in a circle facing Group 1. Groups 3 and 4 will gather
around the perimeter of the circle, facing the circle.
II. Students in inner circle (Group 1) will have 5 minutes to discuss their perspective.
During that time, students in group 2 will listen carefully. Groups 3 and 4 will be
taking notes on key points presented. At the end of 5 minutes students rotate as
follows: Group 1 moves to the position previously occupied by Group 2. Group 2
moves to outermost circle with Group 3 and Group 4 moves to inner circle. The
inner circle will have 5 minutes to present their perspective and continue in this
way until each student has orally presented their position.
III. At end of inner-outer circle discussion, reform as a class and allow students time
to review their notes and to orally share their current opinion.
IV. Closure: Repeat the original question to class: Does Andrew Jackson deserve to
have a monument erected in his honor as a result of his role in the Battle of New
Orleans? Have class vote by show of hands and tally totals.
Extension Activities:
Reminding students of Francis Scott Key’s being inspired during the Battle of
Balitmore, ask them to imagine being a similar spectator during the Battle of New
Orleans and have them write the lyrics to a patriotic song.
Create a clay sculpture of what the monument to Andrew Jackson might look like.
Teacher will complete the Discussion Assessment Chart.
Suggested Homework:
Have students write a summary paragraph of how effective the discussion was to
either changing their position or keeping their original point of view.
The Creek confederacy was an alliance of First Nations of the northern and
eastern parts of the Mississippi Territory who shared many cultural
characteristics. This confederacy included the Lower Creeks to the east (in
present day Georgia) and the Upper Creeks to the west, as well as some tribes of
the Choctaw Nation. Like the First Nations of the northwest, the Creeks were
under heavy pressure from the escalating white encroachment on their
homelands. Ultimately, it would be the Creeks' divergent approaches to dealing
with this pressure that would cause a division in the confederacy lead to the
Creek civil war that erupted in 1813.
The seeds of conflict had been sown in the years leading up to the Creek war. In
addition to certain linguistic and ethnic differences with the Upper Creeks, the
Lower Creeks had a longer history of contact with white settlers and had slowly
begun to incorporate white practices, such as farming and claiming private
property, into their lifestyle. The Upper Creeks were disturbed by what they took
to be passive acculturation of their cousins. A renewed sense of identity and a
call for a return to traditional ways grew out of a religious revival that swept the
Upper Creek regions in 1811. Though they were weary about a possible British
alliance in 1812, they were receptive to Tecumseh's notion of a traditionallybased native confederacy that would stretch from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of
Mexico, sealing off the westward expansion of the U.S.
The Lower Creeks and Choctaws thought it best to remain neutral and not
aggravate the U.S. government by attacking white settlers for fear that
retribution would be harsh. But the Upper Creeks had decided to take a stand
and strike against the U.S. expansionists. In the spring of 1812 the Upper Creek
campaign began, and the first white settlers were killed. This group of four
thousand or so Creeks became known as the Red Sticks. The name is derived
from the Creek tradition of using a bundle of sticks to count down the days until
an event occurs; if the sticks are dyed red, that event is war.
This action led to a gathering of the Creek National Council which was dominated
by the influential chiefs of the Lower Creeks. It was decided that an example
must be set in order to stop the Red Sticks, or at least to distance the Lower
Creeks from the killing of whites. A prominent Red Stick chief called Little Warrior
was executed. For the Red Sticks, this act of fratricide only confirmed the Red
Sticks belief that the Lower Creeks were succumbing to the influence of the white
The American declaration of war in June of 1812 heightened tensions within the
Creek confederacy. Though both Britain and its Spanish ally in West Florida
attempted to lure them into an alliance, the Red Stick Creeks initially maintained
their distance from the white man's war. But in the summer of 1813 the internal
crisis deepened when the Red Sticks retaliated for Little Warrior's death against
the Creek town of Tuckabatchee, signaling the start of a nine-month long civil
Defiant Red Stick Creeks and escaped slaves, Spanish outposts in Florida and the
West, nearby British bases in the Caribbean, the French-speaking Louisiana Territory
and its Baratarian pirates - the South was a fascinatingly diverse area during the
War of 1812. For the United States this unstable situation presented several
problems. New Orleans was the only strong American presence in a region
essentially cut off from the rest of the country by tenuous overland links and an
effective British naval blockade. Despite this, the British didn’t feel strong enough to
launch a large scale campaign in the South until late in 1814. This ended with the
unequivocal U.S. victory at New Orleans, the last major confrontation of the war.
Stories of this battle have ensured the South continues to occupy a central role in
the myth of the war.
George Gleig
Confusion on the Battlefield at
New Orleans
Gleig makes special mention of the American
artillerymen and their part in the stonewalling of
the British advance. The American’s effective use
of artillery, along with steady support from the
volunteer riflemen, clinched the U.S. victory.
"But that danger was indeed near, they were
quickly taught; for scarcely had the head of the
column passed the houses, when a deadly fire
was opened from both the battery and the
shipping. That the Americans are excellent
marksmen, as well with artillery as with rifles, we
have had frequent cause to acknowledge; but,
perhaps, on no occasion did they assert their
claim to the title of good artillerymen more
effectually than on the present. Scarce a ball
passed over, or fell short of its mark, but all
striking full into the midst of our ranks,
occasioned terrible havoc.
"The shrieks of the wounded, therefore, the crash
of firelocks, and the fall of such as were killed,
caused at first some little confusion; and what
added to the panic, was, that from the houses
beside which we stood bright flames suddenly
burst out. The Americans, expecting this attack,
had filled them with combustibles for the purpose;
and directing against them one or two guns,
loaded with red-hot shot, in an instant set them
on fire. The scene was altogether very sublime. A
tremendous cannonade mowed down our ranks,
and deafened us with its roar; whilst two large
chateaux and their out-buildings almost scorched
us with the flames, and blinded us with the smoke
which they emitted."
The importance of the Battle of New Orleans in
American history
The headlines that you see in the newspapers when word of this thing reaches are
just...they're trying to figure out how to put enough exclamation points, and the
whole country just erupts with pride.
It's hard to overestimate the importance of the battle in American history. It secured
the Louisiana Purchase. In terms of American nationalism, it gave people a sense you know, the outcome of this battle and the outcome of the war has been called a
second American Revolution, a kind of a feeling of having decisively defeated the
former Mother country. It set the stage for the march across the continent and what
became Manifest Destiny - the notion that somehow America was destined to extend
from the Atlantic to the Pacific. It propelled [General Andrew] Jackson into politics.
You know, General Washington was our first President. General Eisenhower was a
President. Jackson is another one of our notable military figures who goes on to
capture the White House. In newspapers throughout the country, as late as the
1840's, you'll see...particularly at Democratic Party events...there'll be toasts that
are offered to the 8th of January. It became sort of like the 4th of July in terms of
American nationhood, I suppose, until it was eclipsed by other wars. Certainly, you
don't see that kind of celebration after the Civil War, for example, because I think
the perspective changed.
Name _______________________________________________
Battle of New Orleans – Notes for Discussion
Directions: Answer the following question to prepare for your discussion.
1. Describe in detail what is important about your point of view. ________________
2. Describe in detail what you want people to know about your point of view. ______
3. Describe in detail what you want the outcome to be. _________________________
4. Describe in detail what you are going to do or say in order to win over the opposition.
5. What will your opening statement be? _______________________________________
6. What will be your closing statement? ______________________________________
7. Generate a list of important facts. __________________________________________
Andrew Jackson, American
Cochrane's Campaign: The British Approach New
In early summer of 1814, the British decided that they would strike New
Orleans, but not until December when cooler weather replaced the stifling
heat. Major General Robert Ross would lead the combined land and naval
force after he and Vice Admiral Cochrane warmed up the troops with
assaults along America’s east coast in August.
The first part of the British New Orleans offensive was straightforward
enough. Some of Ross’ troops would proceed down to the Gulf of Mexico in
the summer to assess the American defenses, secure support from
disaffected portions of the population and generally stir up as much trouble
as possible while keeping the Americans guessing at British intentions. If
possible, they were to retake the Spanish West Florida fort of Mobile which
had fallen into American hands the previous spring.
Meanwhile, Cochrane would proceed with a portion of the naval force to
Jamaica in order to prepare the men for the December campaign. He would
rendez-vous there with Major General John Keane who was busy
supplementing his 93rd Highlanders from the Cape of Good Hope with
newly formed West Indian regiments from Jamaica and Guadaloupe. An
additional 2200 regulars under Major General John Lambert would sail from
England to meet them in time for November 20, the scheduled start date
for the operation.
In mid-August, the British made their presence known in the Gulf of Mexico
when a small force of Royal Marines landed at the capital of Spanish
Florida, Pensacola. Tucked away in a secure bay, the spot was perhaps the
best natural port in the Gulf, and would would be an ideal launching pad
from which to seize Mobile and then New Orleans.
The British occupied the village declaring it a safe haven for all those who
were at odds with the United States - Red Sticks, fugitive slaves, pirates.
The Spanish, who had tried to remain neutral in this war, were not at all
comfortable with this development. But since they had no way to outfit the
Red Stick Creeks, who became very helpful in protecting Spanish territory,
they were dependent on Britain to provide them with the necessary
supplies. The British soon began arming and training these Natives at this
new operations base on the south coast.
Unfortunately, this British force of regulars, Natives and naval destroyers
failed in their attempt to take Fort Bowyer at Mobile in mid-September.
Jackson made the securing of that fort a priority when he wrapped up his
Red Stick campaign, outfitting it with new batteries and more guns. This
small British force was proving to be inadequate at making inroads into the
American south.
Always eager to drive further into Spanish territory, the British presence at
Pensacola provided Andrew Jackson with a legitimate reason to attack and
capture that long-coveted village. A large American force approached
Pensacola unnoticed in early November catching the 200 British and 500
Spanish soldiers off guard.
After only a brief resistance, the British escaped to their ships leaving the
Spanish to deal with the wrath of Jackson. Their destroyers managed to
blow up a few important defensive buildings before they shipped out, but
they had lost their key position. They could only wait for Cochrane to
appear on the horizon with more reinforcements and a better plan.
George Cockburn, British
British Perspective
Discussion Assessment Chart
Student’s Name
Addresses Speaks
key issues persuasively
and to the
Listens well,
dominate, is