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There will be sign in the heavens and on the earth
The Jade Door – The Fish
Posted on December 25, 2012 by TeManawa
Received in vision 27th Day of February Ad1994
Received in person 10th Day of May AD2000 and named the stone Te Tapu
Manawanui (The Big sacred Heart) is used at The Star temple, gate of Heaven,
Gate of creation. Held up to the 4 winds while declaration is made. The Temple is
also called The Cross House. It was pulled from the rivers of Poutini in the South
Island by a kaumatua who kept it in a glass case until TeManawa arrived to collect it.
Poutini is the taniwha the guardian of the Greenstone and the first star of orion.
O divine race of the celestial fish, receive with a respectful heart in immortal life among the mortals the
waters of the divine ones. Friend, remake your heart with the eternal flood of the wisdom which gives
treasures. It is a reservoir of nourishment, soft like the honey of the Saviour of the saints. Eat with
hunger: you hold the fish in your hands.”24
The precious Greenstone pounamu is supposed to have a remarkable association
with the stars. Its ancestor was Poutini, a star in the constellation of Orion, and the
Pounamu was considered to be alive and kicking. This gift of the Gods was the most
precious thing the Māori possessed.
Pounamu is also known as
The Jade Door – Gate - See Orion’s Belt the first star Orion
The three stars of Orion when the Key is placed points the way to the authority.
The Christ and the office of the logos is laid.
Fish - Master Mason mark Ben boon Bee- carpenter bee/mason bee =Age of The
Heron-knot tie to Tula- doorways portals See the third star of Orion’s belt named
Tula is known by other names one being oz which means balance. (Aotearoa is tied
to the doorways) Mer people mermaid mother maid fish people Māori.
•Avaiki Tautau The ancient name of Aotearoa in Māori myth
• (or Jesus Fish) – In Pagan times, this glyph was associated with the Goddess
Venus, and represented female genitalia. Early depictions of Christ depict him as an
infant within the Vesica (usually called a mandorla, meaning ‘almond shaped.’), which
represented the womb of Mary (and often, the coming together of heaven and earth in
the body of Jesus- part man, part God). As such, it is also a doorway or portal
between worlds, and symbolizes the intersection between the heaven and the material
plane. The shape of arches in gothic architecture is based on the Vesica. Where two
lines cross
•The word also meant “womb” and “dolphin” in some tongues, and representations of
this appeared in the depiction of mermaids.
•as well as the tale of the fish that swallowed the penis of Osiris, and was also
considered a symbol of the vulva of Isis
•the fish also has been identified in certain cultures with reincarnation and the life
The Rock of Sion. Interestingly, the root word "dag" (in "Dagon"
and "Dagaz"), besides meaning both "fish" and "day", also means
Taurus Al Debra An Bee
and Mountain
An in Orion’s Belt
Poutini in Orion’s Belt
Orion’s belt
Pole /Pillar
Divine breath, tree
Beginning, first
Tula in Orion’s belt
Rose Horse Wisdom
Oz means Tula = BALANCE
Te Manawa The heart
Some authorities state that it was the manawa (heart) of Hine which Maui strove to
possess himself of. Manawa is the material heart, or the breath. The
manawa (heart) is the origin and seat of all knowledge, power, intellectuality. It imparts
strength or vigour to the emotions and thinking-power of man. It is the origin of strength,
physical and mental. The eight pu manawa of man are what we should term eight talents.
The area of Taurus and the sail of the waka is known as the heart of heaven, it is also
known as the golden arrow
T= air wind devine breath Te=sacred tree
And can be broken down by letter
D=door or entrance E= breath sign behold B= family house in R= First top beginning
chief A= Strong power leader
P=blow O= seeing watcher T= Mark sign Monument (cross) R=First, top beginning chief
O=seeing watcher Z= Food cut nourish
Aldebaran is called Taumatakuku. Tau means year, age, sing, chant, string, loop. Mata
means face kuku means shinning and also is the medium of Light supported/upheld by
These are of heaven yet also of earth thus is placed all around the globe and sacred Po
placed at sacred and holy sites aligned to heaven that heaven as above the same below
channels creative energy that souls may travel down and back again to home.
Thus Debra Anne Potroz is within the Golden Arrow, Face of the Whanau and
Orion’s belt. As is TeManawa being the Heart of Heaven found in Taurus. The
star Aldebaran it’s self is the star of Christ. Orion the key placed proper is the
Pointer of the way.
Te Tainui waka o Te Ra is in the heavens
Terah the moon god meaning to breathe scent blow
King of terror is the King of Te Ra or Queen
Meaning of Bible Name: Terah
An ancient Semitic moon God
Terah: To breathe; scent; blow
Key of Heaven and the symbol of the Christ fit the Orion Belt showing the
authority the Key is the Authority and Peter Ptah (Which means stone) holds them
which the Catholic Church has converted. But knows that it has. This is the stone
that has been overlooked, the foundation stone, and the most important stone.
By the cross and this horse of God. I complete (or destroy) this daemon of the
guardian at noon blue apples.
Daemons are good or benevolent nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both
mortals and Gods, similar heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the Gods
Signs in the heavens and on earth.
Bulls eye, Anne, Heart
Pi symbol of creation and heart. Heart within a circle,
Flash mobs
24 th December 2012
I live what is written about by others; what most read or research for I am TeManawa the
Heart and these things once more are in the world.
The Sphinx and the Pyramids
Belong to ISIS. The Sphinx looks towards the beginning place or first time. Taurus was
the first time and the beginning place is in the Land of the long White Cloud called
Aotearoa (Aotea meaning Dawn) or New Zealand. It is the waka of the Gods and the
land of the Gods. What was once the heart of the world at the site of the Sphinx is now at
TeMeringa Tekakara, the heart of the world. The heart of the North Island of Aotearoa
and the place where TeManawa (The heart) stands in the circle of creation.
•sphinx=rwty=fair of face=retau=rosta=face of the Whänau which is a woman
•Reti= flow, fly, be carried on the wind, Sail, Be born Reti= flow, fly, be carried on the
wind, Sail, Be born
•Reti also means canoe see RWTY name for sphinx = Tehuti/Thoth
•Sail of Tainui=Taurus=face of the Whänau The face of the woman in the canoe can be
seen) sphinx=rwty=fair of face=retau=rosta=face of the Whänau which is a woman
Sphinx always guards both sides of door or gateways to treasures of mysteries knowledge
or especially the underworld Sphinx=father of terror/Te Rah. Sphinx belongs to Isis
The Apolcolpyse
The gate of God Terah terrible is this place it is the house of God. The sacred and the
secret now revealed. The Apolcolpyse (Revelation) is to be given in full but for now this
will be enough for all to realise that something very important has occurred. In every
culture and in every religion the hidden is there and for those who know it is now
•Apocalypse= Revelation = Taurus eye of revelation
•Aldebaran•Bull’s eye
•Is the face of the Whänau
•Sail of Tainui
•Mata= Face
•Kuku=pass, nip, close, double up, draw together.
•V equals womb, Holy Grail, Cup
•Hyades One of the Hyades, Aldebaran, is the brightest star and represents the Bull’s eye.
The other Hyades are in a V-shape, forming the horns and the nose of the bull. Daughters
of Atlas (who upheld the world/word)
•The Golden Arrow
•Hyades V
•The Sail
•Face of the Whanau
•Face of Taurus
Holy Grail
•The Chalice that holds the blood of Christ the Holy Grail
•The Cup (or chalice) – a symbol of the element of water, a feminine element
representing intuition, gestation, psychic ability, and the subconscious. The Cup also
stands in as a symbol of the Goddess, of the womb, and the female generative organs.
Io is the mother creator – Queen of Heaven that’s ISIS (who invented the sail)
•Symbol triangle with the 10 dots (Sail of Tainui/Golden arrow)
•the great Triangle is the creation space thru which creation is born (Womb)
•It is said that each country has a sacred site that is the heart of that country and from it
the events for that country can be determined.
•The Giza Pyramid is said to be the heart of the world now the power of this is
transferred to Aotearoa, the new Heart of the World.
•Aldebaran is the 13th brightest star in the sky.
•13 moons
•13 planets
•13 Heartbeat
•13 pointed star 1 and 13 same
•13 years later 13 11 2012 aligns with Ophiuchis the serpent holder
•reveals the gate to Tula
•white light=diamond. They come together as white light but for one who knows
separately they are the colours of the rainbow. (Kia Ora Tainui)
•White (crown/pineal), pure of spirit mind and body inter-dimensional joining of
wholeness, the light upon any subject. In an instant the "at one" with all in total
harmony with past present and future.
I have died upon the cross and been reborn
Crucifixion – the word cross does not appear in the original bible texts the Greek word
stau ros which translated as cross actually means pillar or pole
•Aldebaran/Taumatakuku is the 13th brightest star in the sky
•The symbol of creation, Taurus steadily stands on his ground refined by the plow. It is
his basic industriousness that nourishes the roots of the sacred ashok tree, the birthplace
of Buddha according to a legend.
In the myths and legends of the Hervey Islands, Vatea is located near the beginning of
their national existence. First of all the Hervey Islanders place Te-ake-ia-roe (The root of
all existence). Then there came upon the ancient world Te Vaerua (The breath, or The
life). Then came the God time--Te Manawa roa (The long ago). Then their creation
legends locate Vari, a woman whose name means "the beginning," a name curiously
similar to the Hebrew word "bara," "to create," as in Gen. i. 1.
•Hebrews called Aldebaran God’s Eye and Aleph, Akkadian Gis-da, Furrow of Heaven,
Greek Omma Boos, Latin Oculus Tauri, early English the Bull’s Eye; and Hindus Rohini
the Red Deer – the name of the river in Nepal where the Buddha was born at the time of
the May full moon, around 563 BCE.
•Aldebaran is called the Eye of Revelation. The evolutionary process is essentially a
journey into consciousness awareness through Revelation Aldebaran is also known as
Buddha’s Star, the Star of Illumination, God’s Eye, and the Eye of the Bull. Taurus is
often associated with royalty and divine power. Throughout the ages Aldebaran has been
spiritually recognized for its alignment with divinity. There is a symbolic relation
between Aldebaran, the “Eye” in the head of the Bull, the third eye, or the light in the
head, and the diamond. The consciousness of the Buddha has been called the “DiamondEye. “
The chief star, Aldebaran is the 1st magnitude star referred to by Ptolemy as 'the Torch'
on account of its bright, rose-coloured luminance. It is positioned on the southern or left
eye of the Bull and is known by early authors as 'the Bright Eye of the Bull', 'Bull's Eye',
Occulus Taurii; or by some Cor Taurii - the Heart of Taurus, referring not to its position
but its prominency.
Aldebaran, "The Eye of Illumination"
Aldebaran, the brightest star in the constellation Taurus the Bull, rises
in the fall at sunset, and is the thirteenth brightest star in the sky. Its
name comes from the Arabic Al Dabaran, the Follower, because
Aldebaran appears to follow the Pleiades through the night sky.
Located in the Eye of the Bull, Aldebaran is called the Eye of
Revelation. It is referred to by astronomers and cosmologists as the
Eastern Royal Star. It is also known as the Buddha’s star, the Star of
Illumination, God’s Eye, and the Eye of the Bull. This magnificent star
has been used for centuries in navigation, and is known by many
civilizations to be connected with the spirits of rain and the fertility of
the earth. Approximately 5,000 years ago, the rising of Aldebaran
marked the vernal equinox and was the beginning of the Babylonian
New Year.
Taurus is often associated with royalty and divine power. Throughout
the ages Aldebaran has been spiritually recognized for its alignment
with divinity. There is a symbolic relation between Aldebaran, the
"eye" in the head of the Bull, the third eye, or the light in the head,
and the diamond. The consciousness of the Buddha has been called
the "diamond-eye."
The Hindus referred to Aldebaran and Taurus as Rohini (the Red Deer),
the name of the river in Nepal where the Buddha was born at the time
of the May full moon, around 563 BCE. Another Hindu name for
Aldebaran is Sataves, which translates to the "leader of the western
Zion- sigh on
Sin eve tempted Adam did she it was the goddess that carried the power of knowledge to
open spiritually in sharing this with the male he became dominant over this power
through falsifying her power subjecting her to his violence she thus became rejected from
the garden through losing her position. Sin is pan Isis forced by sex change into Astaroth
as Christianity made them into demons Jesus prohesised his crucifixion would bring
remission of sins original word for remission is aphesis meaning freedom
Crucifixion – the word cross does not appear in the original bible texts the Greek word
stau ros which translated as cross actually means pillar or pole
Sphinx - father of terror rwty re-stew ra-sheta re-tau rosta of the secrete sanctuary
located in am tuat the underworld the passage of the soul into realms of immortality
sphinx guardian of the means of resurrection and ascension sphinx guarded both sides of
doors gates lion eagle man bull 4 corners of earth epochs dn pyramid mars city sacred to
heiron heru face
Battle between Lucifer and Jesus over free will arch angel torch from Venus will signal
from heaven to earth the cross of Christ from earth to heaven.
While there is little here of the content in full it is enough to give the required
information to uphold the Declaration of Sovereignty for all to see.
About TeManawa (The Heart)
Born 29 April 1957 Taurus
Aldebaran the ISIS star also known as the heart, the diamond is found in the golden
Arrow or face of the Bull and is also known as the bulls eye. The V represents the
face of the Whanau (ISIS) as represented on the Sphinx)
Potroz (Pot)
Orion’s Belt middle star
Orion’s Belt
Air wind divine
Sacred Tree
Named TeManawa by the elders in 2007
ISIS protector of the Universe
Mother of Mothers
7 is the number of creation
13 reveals the location of Tula and the gate of Tula
Tula=vessel of the soul of Tula
Tula=balance Tula=twin mountains
Tula=doorways portals
Tula = void
13 heart beats of mother earth thus reveals the gate to Tula
13th zodiac innhotep/ophichuis=keeper of the serpent
13 God and man
The 13th letter of the English alphabet is M, which finds its roots in
the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, “mem” (meaning mother), which
was the ancient Phoenician word for water. The ancient Egyptian
word for water was “moo.” M is the most sacred of all the letters, for it
symbolizes water, where all life began. It is the root of the word
Taurus; Mesopotamians being the first to call this part of the sky
Gud.Anna., 'Bull of Heaven'. In Egypt where Taurus the sky
representative of Isis
As the Eye of the Bull, Aldebaran is called the Eye of Revelation. It
is referred to by astronomers and cosmologists as the Eastern Royal
Star, one of the four Royal Stars considered the sentinels watching
over other stars. It is also known as the Buddha‘s star, the Star of
Illumination, and God’s Eye.
The Cross of the Disciple. The “eye of the bull” in Taurus, the
magnificent fixed star, Aldebaran, is one of the reasons why this
constellation is regarded as conferring illumination. In ancient days it
was called the leading star of the heavens, and Taurus has always been
connected with light and, therefore, with Christ, who proclaimed himself
as the Light of the World. Light, illumination and sound, as expressed
of the creative force: these are the three basic ideas connected with
this constellation. The “interpreter of the divine voice”, as Taurus was
called in ancient Egypt, can be paraphrased into Christian terminology
and called “the Word made flesh.
Taurus one of the ancient names given to this sign was Te, meaning
foundation, which is interesting from the fact that it was in this sign
period that the foundations of the two Jewish temples were laid.
Debra’s Grandparents on her Fathers side
Grandfather – Polish Grandmother - Swedish
Tula in the sign of Libra Rachel Hayvice
Libra the scale of justice
The balance
Weighs the heart of man
Taurus and Libra are the only two signs ruled by Venus
The Whakanoho manawa Rite.
The rite or invocation known by the above name was for the purpose of causing the
breath of life to be retained by a dying person, and it is said that it was used to restore to
life those who had died. Information regarding the actions of the priest is lacking, but
below is given specimens of the invocation repeated:—
Ko to manawa, ko taku manawa
Heuea mai
Tutakina mai to manawa
Hoki mai ki roto nei
He urunga, he tapu
Kei te whiua, kei te taia
Mata taitaia te ihi nei
Mata taitaia te atua e patu nei
Haere i tua, haere i waho
Haere i te pu, haere i te more
Ka whiwhia, ka rawea
Ka puta ki te whai ao,
Ki te ao marama
Ko rou ora.
He karakia whakanoho i te manawa o te tupapaku (a charm to cause the breath of life to
be retained by the sick):—
Ko to manawa
Ko taku manawa
Ka turuturua, ka poupoua
Ki tawhito o te rangi—e
Ko wai te atua e patu nei ?
Ko moana nui, ko moana roa
Ko moana te takiritia
Ki te whai ao
Ki te ao marama
Ka uru te ora, ka uru ki roto
Ka uru te mate, ka uru ki waho
Uru, toro hei.