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#______ 14-1 Notes
Anti-slavery literature and the annexation of ________ intensified the
_______ over slavery.
New Land Renew Slavery Disputes
A. Missouri Compromise (1820): divided Louisiana Purchase into free/slave
regions; no slavery north of 36*30’; Missouri = slave state
B. Mexican Cession (1840’s): Slavery allowed in the west??
1. Popular Sovereignty: political power belongs to the people,
let people decide slave issue
2. Wilmot Proviso: proposed that slavery would NOT exist in ANY
part of Mexican Cession; didn’t pass in Congress
C. Regional Differences
1. Sectionalism: favoring the interests of one section or region over
the interests of the entire country
2. Free-Soil Party: formed by anti-slavery Northerners supporting
the Wilmot Proviso because worried slave labor means fewer jobs
for whites
D. California: free or slave? (1850)
1. Californians opposed slavery…”free state”
2. Balance of power upset IF California entered Union as free state
(30 Senators each for North and South)
3. Southerners opposed entry of California to Union
Compromise of 1850
A. Senator Henry Clay plan to keep peace and settle disputes over slavery
1. 5 Key Points: CA (free state); Popular Sovereignty in west; TX
help; no slave trade in D.C., stronger FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW
(concession to south)
2. Debated by Daniel Webster (“The Seventh of March” speech was
against secession) and John C. Calhoun (opposed CA, “no
3. Passed into law(s); seemed to settle disputes between free/slave
III. Fugitive Slave Act (Law)
A. Pro-South law: crime to help runaway slaves; slaves could be arrested
B. Details
1. Slaves could NOT testify (speak in court)
2. Helpers jailed/fined $1000
3. Commissioners (gov’t reps) could earn more $ to return fugitives
(Obvious bias!)
4. Slaveholders could use testimony of white witnesses
C. Reactions
1. Northerners upset over power of commissioners
2. African-Americans fled to Canada
3. Abolitionists gained supporters for their cause
Anti-Slavery Literature
A. Slave narratives and fiction educated people (northerners) about
realities and hardships of slavery
B. Harriet Beecher Stowe: wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) a novel;
because she knew of cruelties and angered by Fug. Slave Act.
C. Uncle Tom’s Cabin very popular; southerners critical of it but increased
sympathy and support for Abolitionist movement
#________ 14-2 Notes
The ____________- ____________ Act heightened tensions in the
conflict over slavery.
Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
A. Allow the people(voters) of 2 territories to decide slavery
B. Eliminated (nullified) Missouri Compromise slavery restrictions which
upset northerners
C. Kansas gov’t elections produced pro-slavery and strict laws
D. “Bleeding Kansas”: small civil war/violence between abolitionists and
pro-slavery forces (1856)
1. Lawrence, KS: attack by pro-slavery settlers
2. Pottawatomie Massacre: John Brown killed 5 pro-slavery men
E. Violence in Congress: Rep. Preston Brooks used a walking cane to
attack Senator Charles Sumner in Senate chambers because Sumner
criticized the violence in Kansas
# ________ 14-3 Notes
The split over the issue of _______ intensified due to ___________
____________ and ____________ ____________.
Political Divisions and Judicial Decisions
A. 1856 Election
1. Republican party united against the spread against slavery
B. Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)
1. He sued for his freedom
2. Chief Justice Roger Taney ruled African-Americans not
citizens and could not sue in court
3. Slaves were property without rights or protection
4. Congress could not ban slavery in federal territories
C. Lincoln-Douglas Debates
1. Both men running for Illinois Senator
2. Lincoln stressed central issue of campaign was spread of
slavery in west
3. “House Divided” Speech (1858)
“A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this
government cannot endure permanently half slave or half free.”
(warning of the destruction of the Union)
4. Douglas won election but Lincoln became strong Republican leader
#_________ 14-4 Notes
The United States ________ ________ due to the growing
conflict over slavery.
Raid on Harpers Ferry (1859)
A. Abolitionist John Brown planned violence (drastic means) to
end slavery
B. JB and followers took over arsenal (weapons storage) to
start slave rebellion
C. Attacked by whites, some killed, some retreated
D. Col. Robert E. Lee and troops captured Brown (hiding)
E. JB convicted of treason, hanged to death though he
believed his actions were right/justified
Election of 1860
A. Candidates were:
1. Democrats divided by sectionalism: Stephen Douglas
(North) and John Breckinridge (South)
2. Republican – unified party: Abe Lincoln, moderate and
popular, stood against expansion of slavery
B. Results
1. Lincoln won 40% pop vote; most electoral votes but NO
southern state voted for him
2. South was losing national political control
III. South Secedes
A. South Carolina legislature calls special meeting: should it
secede (withdraw) from the Union?
B. Argued states voluntarily joined Union (at Const. Conv.) so
they could leave that way
C. Critics of Secession: Pres. James Buchanan and president
elect Lincoln both thought argument ridiculous
D. Confederate States of America: MS,FL,AL,GA,LA,TX, SC
1. Jefferson Davis elected president of CSA
2. Congress/Senator Crittenden proposed constitutional
amendment to protect slavery, satisfy South and
avoid war
3. Plan rejected by Republicans—no compromise on
4. Question: who owned federal property (forts) in
Confederacy? CSA prevented Union from controlling
5. Lincoln’s goal: to preserve the Union, no war,
Southern states to return
(A month later, Fort Sumter surrenders to Confederates…Civil War begins!)