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Essay about AC
This concert took place at the Pyramid Arena in Memphis Tennessee. The main performance was by
AC/DC and the band Gutted Snake opened for them.
The members of AC/DC are Malcolm Young on guitar, Angus Young on guitar, Brian Johnson on
vocals, Cliff Williams on bass, and Phil Rudd on drums.
ACDC was formed in 1973 by the brothers Malcolm and Angus Young. Malcolm Young decided
he wanted to form a more pure rock and roll band. With that being said he left his former band the
Velvet Underground to form ACDC (ACDC). ACDC was first known in Australia were Angus
Young(lead guitar), Malcolm Young(rhythm guitar), Dave Evans(vocals), Larry Van Kriedt(bass),
and Collin Burgess( drums). Now the band is made up of Malcolm Young (rhythm guitar), Angus
Young (lead guitar), Brian Johnson (vocals), Cliff Williams (bass), and Phil Rudd (drums).
Throughout the years they have replaced many members, but the two brothers never left. Malcolm
and Angus Young have been there since the very beginning. They have honestly dedicated their
life to the rock and roll world and it has paid off. ACDC is still around going on tours and I don’t
think they’ll be breaking up any time soon.
Gutted Snake opened at 7:30 PM and played until 8:00 PM. There was a remission, and AC/DC
started at 8:30. They continued playing until around 11:00 PM.
AC/DC played songs from all of their records. The bulk of the songs that they performed were: Give
It Up, Goodbye & Good Riddance to bad luck, Got You By the Balls, Guns For Hire, Hail Caesar,
Hard As A Rock, Have a drink on me, Heat seeker, This House Is On Fire, This Means War,
Thunderstruck, Touch Too Much, Two's Up, Up To My Neck In You, Walk All Over You, What
Do You Do For Money Honey, What's Next To The Moon, Whiskey On The Rocks, Who Made
Who, Whole Lotta Rosie, You Ain't Got A Hold On Me, You Shook Me, Back In Black, Back In
Business, Hells Bells, Highway To Hell, Kicked In The Teeth, and Let's Make It. These were all
played back-to-back without many breaks.
But AC/DC does have Hits. They played them all: “Hells Bells,” “Back in Black,” “You Shook
Me All Night Long,” “T.N.T.”, “Highway to Hell,” “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.” And they’re
all bangers. Chances are that you know all the words to these even if you don’t qualify as an
AC/DC person. They’re unavoidable if you’ve ever stepped out in public and alcohol was served.
For about two hours at the Polo Fields on Friday night, it felt like every song was Last Call.
The pyramid is a nice sized arena and is a good housing for concerts. About half of the audience was
your average 30-40 year old, and the other half were the redneck, leather wearing, dope smoking
They played “Hells Bells” at 11:19 PM. They played a bunch of songs before and after, but I’m
reasonably certain this was peak AC/DC. I’m not sure if you’ve ever hung out with any baseball
players, but there’s no probably no demographic on earth with a larger percentage of AC/DC guys
than your average relief pitcher. On my college baseball team, there was a guy named Joe Love.
Joe Love was about 5’5”, built like a bowling ball, and had the lack of romantic success that made
his name a total waste of a superb name. He didn’t throw very hard, nor was he very intimidating,
but he had a lot of “moxie.” He was in a fraternity and all the brothers made fun of him a lot, but
there was always something endearing about him.
Nothing spectacular happened until AC/DC came to the stage. At this point fireworks went off and a
big brass color blow up of the lead singer appeared on stage. Two of the b...
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Sure, there are AC/DC girls. You didn’t have to look very hard at Coachella to find those
eschewing glowstickery and headbands in favor of teased hair and faded rock band shirts featuring
the familiar voltage of the Australian caveman legends. AC/DC made their reputation in a
vanished world. If you’re not down for a Karaoke sing-a-long about STD infections (“The Jack”),
complete with poker metaphor, you probably aren’t cut from the same crushed velvet shorts as
Angus Young.
Title Length Color Rating Essay on Alter Bridge Concert Report - On Monday, April 21, 2014,
along with my friend JJJJ and my Mom, we went to see Alter Bridge perform in concert at Rams
Head Live down in the Marketplace in Baltimore, Maryland.
Direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) are the are two types of electric current. The
electrons in direct current flow in one direction. The current produced by a battery is direct
current. The electrons in alternating current flow in one direction, then in the opposite direction—
over and over again. The current supplied to your home by the local utility is alternating current.
The current flow alternates 120 times per second in the United States. In Europe it alternates 100
times per second.
The doors opened at 7 o’clock and the concert started at 8 p.m. with the band Monster Truck as the
opening act. We went and ate dinner before going to the concert, but when we entered the venue,
Rams Head was packed.
There’s something undeniable about AC/DC. They do what they do about as well as any band to
ever do what they do. They’re Rawk Gods playing to an era that has none. The lead singer is 67years old, wears a newsboy cap, and looks like he just stepped out of a AARP hair metal
adaptation of Oliver Twist. Their long-time rhythm guitarist had to leave the band due to
dementia. This is not your dad’s AC/DC or even your older bro’s. So when they took the main
stage before every Coachella-goer who hasn’t rolling at the Sahara Tent, it was a bizarre
The show was sold out and there were people ranging from ages fifteen to mid-fifties. There were
both men and women in attendance, but I noticed there were more men than women.... [tags: crowd,
show, music, lyrics]
:: 1 Works Cited 862 words
(25 pages) Better Essays [preview] Essay on Concert Report - There are lots of exceptional musical
pieces composed by famous musical legends such as, the German music composer, aesthete, and
influential music critic, Robert Schumann; who composed Symphony No. 4 in D-minor, Op. 120 in
1851. Or the distinguished Wolfgang Mozart, a prolific and influential composer of the Classical
era, who composed over 600 works; one of which is Concerto in A-major for Clarinet and
Orchestra, k. 622. These two musical masterpieces were performed at the UC Davis Symphony
Orchestra, Mondavi Center, under the name of Spain 2012 on March 11, 2012; along with prelude
“L’apres-midi d’un faune” by Claude Debussy.
When I was in junior high, my classmates all liked Led Zeppelin. But I loved AC/DC. I got turned
on to them when I heard them play "Problem Child" on The Midnight Special. Like Zeppelin, they
were rooted in American R&B, but AC/DC took it to a minimal extreme that had never been heard
before. Of course, I didn't know that back then. I only knew that they sounded better than
any other band.
... [tags: Music]
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(29 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Concert Report Essay - CONCERT REPORT #1 I chose to do
my first concert report on Pearl Jam. The concert took place at Deer Creek the weekend after class
started, so it was perfect timing to do this assignment. This was the first time I have seen Pearl, and I
thought it was worthy of writing a report on. If one has ever been a fan of Pearl Jam, they of course
know that Eddie Vedder is the lead singer, and right beside him with his wicked lead guitar playing,
Stone Gossard.
The cognitive dissonance was very real. Before us, stood one of the biggest bands of the 70s and
80s, legitimate Spinal Tap-heavy behemoths, with songs that will live in beach bro bars until the
sea swallows the entirety of the Pacific Rim. And yet they’re playing largely before a generation
that prefers to wait for the drop than listen to elliptical guitar solos—no matter how much they
make you want to do “Devil Horns” with your hands. It’s clearly no longer their time, but they’ve
managed to throttle age hindrances to what should be scientifically impossible. Angus Young
looks absolutely fucking ridiculous duck-walking in a crushed velvet short shorts and a tie. He
probably always did. But if you’ve ever wanted to ironically (or sincerely) do the air guitar solo of
your life, this was probably the moment. I kept on waiting for Wayne and Garth to pop out onstage and flash the “thumbs up,” or at the very least, Bill and Ted.
The other guys on the strings are, Mike McCready on guitar, and Jeff Ament on bass.... [tags: essays
research papers] 1098 words
(31 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Concert Report Essay - For this concert report I chose to go to
a performance of student composers held at the Kimball Recital Hall. I chose this one because I
wanted to see some of the talent that my peers have in the music realm, and also it was one of the
only concerts I have been able to attend because I usually work at night.
In which the direction of the current's flow is reversed, or alternated, on a regular basis, AC
current is a specific type of electric current. Direct current is no different electrically from
alternating current except for the fact that it flows in the same direction at all times. Alternating
current was chosen early in the 20th century as the North American standard because it presented
fewer risks and promised higher reliability than competing DC systems of the day. DC is the
European standard.Many of DC's deficiencies were later corrected, but not until a substantial
North American infrastructure had already been developed.
It was impressive to hear pieces composed by students. I cannot imagine creating something as
complex as a musical composition, much less actually performing it, so this aspect of the concert
was particularly awe-inspiring.
When I'm producing a rock band, I try to create albums that sound as powerful as Highway
to Hell. Whether it's the Cult or the Red Hot Chili Peppers, I apply the same basic formula:
Keep it sparse. Make the guitar parts more rhythmic. It sounds simple, but what AC/DC did is
almost impossible to duplicate. A great band like Metallica could play an AC/DC song note for
note, and they still wouldn't capture the tension and release that drive the music.
There's nothing like it.
... [tags: Music] 1072 words
(31 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Concert Report Essay - On June seventh at eight o’clock pm I
attended a concert at Beneroya Hall. The concert was part of the Masterpiece series, performed by
the Seattle Symphony and conducted by Hermann Michael; also including a special performance by
the pianist Hélène Grimaud.
The fundamental theories concerning simple magnets and magnetism were discussed, but how
magnetism can be used to produce electricity was only briefly mentioned. This will give you a
more in-depth study of magnetism. The main points that will be explained are how magnetism is
affected by an electric current and, conversely, how electricity is affected by magnetism. This
general subject area is most often referred to as ELECTROMAGNETISM. To properly
understand electricity you must first become familiar with the relationships between magnetism
and electricity. For example, you must know that an electric current always produces some form
of magnetism. The most commonly used means for producing or using electricity involves
magnetism. The peculiar behavior of electricity under certain conditions is caused by magnetic
The performance included four pieces, two by Ludwig Van Beethoven, one by Maurice Ravel, and
the last was by Richard Strauss. The two pieces by Beethoven were; Overture to The Construction
of The House, and piano Concerto No. 4 in g major, Op.... [tags: essays research papers] 456 words
(13 pages) Good Essays [preview] Essay about AC/DC Concert Report - This concert took place at
the Pyramid Arena in Memphis Tennessee. The main performance was by AC/DC and the band
Gutted Snake opened for them.
There was a moment where Brian Johnson told the crowd: “I hope you like rock, because that’s all
we do.” At another point, he asked, “You Doing Good? Good. Keep Doing It.” It’s the sort of
thing you say when you honestly don’t have anything to banter out with a crowd who are
watching with a mixture of carnival amusement and genuine awe.
The members of AC/DC are Malcolm Young on guitar, Angus Young on guitar, Brian Johnson on
vocals, Cliff Williams on bass, and Phil Rudd on drums. Gutted Snake opened at 7:30 PM and
played until 8:00 PM. There was a remission, and AC/DC started at 8:30.
Rock and roll was first created by Elvis Presley in the 1950’s. Rock and roll was new and the
young people loved it. These days it is harder to find good rockers. Some older artists still rule the
rock world today. Classic rock gods like Aerosmith, Guns and roses, Van Halen, Ozzy Ozbourne,
and Poison. One Rock legend I would like to direct my focus on is the amazing and legendary
They continued playing until around 11:00 PM. AC/DC played songs from all of their records. The
bulk of the songs that they performed were: Give It Up, Goodbye & Good Riddance to bad luck,
Got You By the Balls, Guns For Hire, Hail Caesar, Hard As A Rock, Have a drink on me, Heat
seeker, This House.
I'll go on record as saying they're the greatest rock & roll band of all time. They
didn't write emotional lyrics. They didn't play emotional songs. The emotion is all in
that groove. And that groove is timeless.
.. [tags: essays research papers] 733 words
(21 pages) Good Essays [preview] Baroque Mexican Music Concert Report Essays - The concert I
attended was a recital of Mexican baroque choral music. There were 5 main pieces played, each one
having its own unique style and function. The recital was held at University of South Carolina
School of Music recital hall room 201 on Tuesday, March 22, 2005 at 6:00pm.
You’re either an AC/DC guy or you’re not. No equivocating or halfway fandom allowed. You’re
in or you’re out. You either celebrate a 60-year old man delivering last call guitar riffs in a
Catholic schoolboy uniform or you didn’t pledge a fraternity.
The group that sang was the graduate vocal ensemble and was conducted by Daniel S. Clark. The
group of singers did an excellent job capturing the music and it was very hard to notice any major
mistakes. The concert in a whole was a very soothing to me because when I went there I was very
hyper and tense, but as the pieces were being played out, I became very relaxed and sleepy.
When the direct current (I) from the generating station must be transmitted a long distance over
wires to the consumer another disadvantage of the direct-current system becomes evident. A large
amount of power is lost due to the resistance (R) of the wire when this happens. The power loss is
equal to I2R. However, this loss can be greatly reduced if the power is transmitted over the lines at
a very high voltage level and a low current level. This is not a practical solution to the power loss
in the dc system since the load would then have to be operated at a dangerously high voltage.
Practically all modern commercial electric power companies generate and distribute alternating
current (ac) because of the disadvantages related to transmitting and using direct current.
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(27 pages) Good Essays [preview] Essay on Women Composers Concert Report - The first work
was played was called Suite: 3 Airs, composed by Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre (1666-1729) from
the Baroque period. This piece had a very stepwise and conjunct melody. The key was mostly bright
and major. The harmony was a bit resolving and consonant. The polyphonic texture was
recognizable because of the multiple melodies playing together. The tempo of this piece was very
constant and remained allegretto throughout.
The compass needle will align itself at right angles to the conductor, thus indicating the presence
of a magnetic force, if a compass is placed in the vicinity of a current-carrying conductor. You can
demonstrate the presence of this force. Current flows in a vertical conductor through a horizontal
piece of cardboard. You can determine the direction of the magnetic force produced by the current
by placing a compass at various points on the cardboard and noting the compass needle deflection.
The direction of the magnetic force is assumed to be the direction in which the north pole of the
compass points.
The dynamics was mezzo forte or moderately loud. The formal structure was in the ternary form in
which the main idea of the piece was repeating after a small contrast in the middle.... [tags: Music]
1317 words
(38 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Concert Essay - CONCERT REPORT #2 Beatles Z320 For my
second concert report I thought that I would write about my only experience hearing songs of the
Beatles live. The Rib America Festival was hosted by The Beatles Live Repertoire.
The audience split along substance abuse lines. If you ingested enough moon rocks to achieve
planetary orbit, this was not the place to be. If you drank enough second-tier Festival-sponsored
beer to fight a glowing Coachella art sculpture, you probably bounced up and down for every song
and wished that there was a Jaeger fountain.
The group dressed exactly like the Beatles, even had the same names, John, Paul, George, and
Ringo. I had never heard any Beatles songs live before, so that was enough to get me off my butt.
Not to mention, it was free entertainment, not a bad time at all. So the show starts, and I’m not sure
what to expect.
You have to give Brian Johnson credit for being arguably the greatest replacement singer of alltime. It’s been three full decades since original front man Bon Scott choked on his own vomit
(because how else would a lead singer of AC/DC die?) His voice has become the quintessential
pinched-nerve, shout-at-Satan wail. You hear him shriek and you start seeing bats flying out of
belfries, lightning streaking through the sky, and failed sobriety tests. During breaks to address the
crowd, Johnson spoke in an unintelligible English Elvish-gnome dialect. This is a pure rock star
move. He makes Ron Wood of the Rolling Stones look eloquent as Bill Clinton. He sings with his
eyes closed and his face squinched because that’s how rock stars are supposed to sing—as though
they were constantly in the act of shitting out a diamond or a devil.
... [tags: essays research papers] 1085 words
(31 pages) Strong Essays [preview] A Concert Performance to Remember Essay - Teacher
Comment: As a part of the requirement for this course, each student must attend two live
performances and submit a concert report on each. The reports should demonstrate “Active
Listening” and not be merely reviews or critiques. I am interested in the student’s experience at this
particular performance.
Watching AC/DC feels living in a 80s teen movie that you might’ve caught on TBS when you
were a kid. It’s not a John Hughes classic, but something sleazier and low budget—yet oddly
effective. The type of comedy with gratuitous party scenes and “boobs for no reason.” It’s like
Teen Wolf, Porky’s, or Zapped.* Or going further, it’s a bit like catching the latest installment of
the Fast and Furious franchise. If you don’t think about the moments when Vin Diesel leaps across
the interstate from one very rare sports car onto the hood of another very rare sports car, it’s flatout awesome. Sometimes, things just kick ass.
There is no obligation to use fancy terminology. Just tell me what happened, how it affected you,
how this experience will influence your plans for future concert attendance. I am particularly moved
by a report that helps me to relive the concert or one that makes me sorry that I missed it.... [tags:
Journalistic Descriptive] 1091 words
(31 pages) Strong Essays [preview]