Download Causes of World War II q3 w1 Just twenty years after “The War to

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Causes of World War II
q3 w1
Just twenty years after “The War to End All Wars,” Europe was in flames
World War I Nationalism: Our country is better than yours.
Imperialism: Our country has the right to conquer your country.
Militarism: Our powerful military makes us great.
Alliances: Our country promises to protect your country.
Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey
Allied Powers: France and Great Britain, Russia.
Trench warfare. Ten million soldiers, six million civilians killed.
Czar (King) Nicholas II: absolute autocratic monarch of Russia;
Revolution one of the richest people in history; ignored needs of his people.
World War I: Russian army was crushed by Germans in 1914.
Famine and Strike: starvation in cities; factory workers protest.
Revolution and Abdication: mobs forced Czar to give up power.
Vladimir Lenin: violent takeover, created communist system
Treaty of
Armistice (armies stop fighting) in November 1918. End of war.
In Versailles, France, Germans forced to accept punishing treaty.
Germany must give up land, empire, army; pay fine; admit guilt.
German people are hungry, unemployed, and furious.
World-wide In the 1920’s, the US led a strong global economic surge. Boom!
In 1929, it all collapsed. Banks and businesses closed. Crash!
depression, Workers lost jobs and farmers lost land. US pulled Europe down.
The major economies slid into world-wide depression.
Rise of Nazi Poverty, scarcity, hunger, unemployment, humiliation, anger.
Party in
Germans blamed the Allied Powers and the Treaty of Versailles.
Many European banks were owned by Jewish people. Germans
blamed the Jews for Germany’s economic troubles.
Adolph Hitler, leader of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party, rose
to power by calling on Germans’ rage. He was made chancellor
in 1933, and became Fuhrer (leader) with full autocratic power.
Opponents and undesirable people were jailed or killed.
1938: Germany took control of Austria and Czechoslovakia.
1939: Germany invaded Poland. European countries protested.
Hitler turns west. What will France and Great Britain do?
Causes of World War II
Put these events in order:
Russian Revolution
Treaty of Versailles
Collapse of US economy
Start of World War I
Imagine what Vladimir Lenin would have said to Czar Nicholas II:
Imagine a speech to unemployed German soldiers by Adolph Hitler in 1933.
Imagine a conversation between a German farmer and a banker. The farmer doesn’t have
the money to pay back his loan from the bank, so the banker has come to claim the land.
Imagine a speech by Adolph Hitler to German soldiers in Poland in 1939.