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(Discovery Education: Let’s Look at World Religions: Hinduism Video)
Directions: After viewing the video and reading pages 177-179 answer the following questions on a
separate piece of paper. Students may also use the Internet.
1. Identifications: dharma, karma, samsara (reincarnation/transmigration of the soul), atman, moksha,
Upanishad, Ramayana and Mahabharata, Bhagavad-Gita,
samskara, ragas, puja, guru, mandir, aum
2. What is Sanatana Dharma, The Eternal Way, referred to in the West?
3. Where do most Hindus live?
4. What does the word Hindu mean? What does it describe?
5. Identify the three most important gods of Hinduism. How many gods are there in Hinduism?
6. What do all the deities of Hinduism represent? Who is the one divine being?
7. What are the earliest Hindu scriptures? What does it mean?
8. What is the most sacred city of Hinduism and a popular site for pilgrimage? Why?
9. What is the most sacred feature of the Indian landscape? Why?
10. How do Hindus worship?
11. What are the basic values of a Hindu family?
12. Why is the cow considered sacred?
13. Identify two important festivals of Hinduism.
14. What is the world’s oldest living religion?
15. How do Hindu beliefs support the caste system?
16. Explain the incompatibilities between Islam and Hinduism. (read pages 186-187: A Clash of Beliefs)
17. What is Sikhism? How did it develop?
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