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World War II: The Road to War.
In what nations did dictators rise to power?
GERMANY- Adolf Hitler:
ITALY- Benito Mussplini
JAPAN- General Togo, Japan was already ruled by an emperor named
Hirohito, who was immature an easily under the control of the Japanese
Milartarist Leaders.
Russia/Soviet Union- Josef Starlin was dictator in Russia and came to power
after Lenin’s deatch. Even though Stalin was on the side of the USA, he was
a brutal dictator who would later become American’s chief world opponent.
What aggressive acts were taken by the dictators of the 1930’s?
Hitler rearms Germany in direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles & then
begins a massive rearmament & militarization of the strategic Rhineland
region of Germany. But no nation attempted to stop Hitler & the Nazis Party
who ruled Germany. France was in the position military to act & but did
nothing, fearing more than loving their freedom.
Hitler who was born in Austria, annexed this nation that was traditionally &
culturally bound to Germany. This combining of the two nations known as
the Anschluss was also specifically prohibited by the treaties that ended
Hitler asks the League of Nations for permission to Annex/ steal half of
Czechoslovakia, the Germany speaking area called the Sudetenland. In a
pack signed at Munich, Germany, the powers of Europe agree to this evil &
unfair agreement in exchange for a living promise by Hitler that this is theft
would end his lust for expansion + power. England’s PM Neville
Chamberlain called this “Peace in our Time” but England’s future leader
Churchill called it a recipe for war and sees it as a policy of appeasement.
Only weeks later Hitler takes the rest of Czechoslovakia by force thru armed
invasion as he planned.
Mussolini of Italy attacked & invaded Ethiopia in 1935.
Japan led by general to go attacked & anneyed the Chinese province of
Manchuria, A great source of natural resources.
Hitler & Stalin sign a phoney non-aggression pact. Each distrust and hate the
other but want to secure their border first. Hitler knows he will someday
attack the he Soviet Union but does not wish to yet. Stalin knows he will be
attacked & is just buying time as he attempts to rebuild Russia & prepare for
Sep 1st, 1939 Germany invaded Poland. At this point Hitler & Stalin can no
longer be ignored. England & France declare war on Germany. WWII has
WORLD WAR II: 1939 (USA 1941) -1945
CAUSES: -Huge war fine against Germany 1918 $33 Billion
-Destruction of Germany Army & Navy.
-7 million unemployed workers in Germany = Desperation
-German people lose faith in Democracy, capitalism & future
-Destroyed economy of Germany + industrial power due to the
Great Depression = worthless German money.
WW 2 Equation Fear+starvation+resentment+anger+Hatred =Hitler
Appeasement – deal making with Hitler in order to prevent war, actually
makes Hitler stronger + leads to war.
1929: Great Depression
1932: Franklin Deland Roosevelt elected Pres. of USA
1933: Hitler becomes leader of Germany after taking over the national
socialist political party, changed to Nazi Party.
1936: Germany occupied the Rhineland & Czechoslovakia
1938: Hitler annexes (grabs) Austria
1939: Germany signs non-aggression pact with Russia
WW 2 Starts-1939
Sep: Hitler invades Poland, France, & England declares war.
May: 300,000 traped British soldiers are evacuated by P.O Boats.
June: France surrenders, Germans march to Paris. Battle of Britain (air)
1941- USA goes to war.
June: Germany invades Russia
Dec. 7: Japan launches sneak attack against us fleet. Pearl Harbor USA
declares was on Japan, Germany declares war on USA on Dec. 11
April: Allies surrenders wake, Guam & Philippines to Japan.
May: USA turns back Jap fleet at battle of Coral Sea
Nov: USA lands in N. Africa
June: Battle of midway, us navy wins turning point war in pacific 1943 USA
sink 4 carriers- USA losses 1 Carrier
1943Feb: Germany armies surrender Stalingrad Russia trapped by Russians.
Feb: Japan abandons Guadalcanal Island to USA after 1 yr of fighting
June: USA allies invade France at D-Day 6/6/44 in meet very heavy
resistance but establish and foot hold Europe many USA KIA & WIA
Dec: Battle of Bulge: German army attempts a surprise.
Counter attack against us it fails USA March’s to Germany
Mar: Battle of IWO JIMA: US marines captured islands airfield
April: Hitler killo himself, Berlin captured by US Russians
May: Germany surrenders
Aug: USA drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Japan, Japan
surrenders. Sept. 2, 1945 WW2 over USA becomes the major econ & Mil
super Power – 20xx.
ECONOMY: WW-II is the most costly war in Human history. A. Monetary
expenses = over $1 trillion, 100 billion $ property damage $230 billion. B.
European & Asian nations ravaged by military cost faced financial disaster.
C. Communist economic system spread by force to eastern & central
Europe, & several Asian nations.
SOCIAL: A. WW-II left over 22 million civilians + mil. Dead, 34 million
wounded. USA alone had over 1 million casualties. 10’s of millions of
refugees & displaced people without homes messed billions of us dollars to
rebuild their lives.
POLITICAL: A. Germany, Italy & Japan had total military defeat & their
evil politician dictatorships were over thrown. B. The USA & Russian
emerged as the last major super powers & soon came into conflict: The cold
war with each other. C. Asian & Africa colonies became nationalistic &
throw out their European Imperial masters. D. England & France declined as
world powers & lost their colonial empires control of other nations. E. The
creation of nuclear weapons of mass destruction caused a new world order &
the creation of the United Nations to stop the spread of war & preserved