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INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
Elenco pubblicazioni referate stampate 2007
1) Fontanot, F.; Cristiani, S.; Monaco, P.; Nonino, M.; Vanzella, E.; Brandt, W. N.;
Grazian, A.; Mao, J. (2007) The Luminosity Function of high-redshift quasi-stellar objects.
A combined analysis of GOODS and SDSS, A&A, 461, 39
2) Popesso, P.; Biviano, A.; Böhringer, H.; Romaniello, M. (2007) RASS-SDSS galaxy cluster
survey. V. The X-ray-underluminous Abell clusters, A&A, 461, 397
3) Popesso, P.; Biviano, A.; Romaniello, M.; Böhringer, H. (2007), RASS-SDSS galaxy
cluster survey. VI. The dependence of the cluster SFR on the cluster global properties,
A&A, 461, 411
4) Gilmozzi, R.; Selvelli, P. (2007) The secrets of T Pyxidis. I. UV observations, A&A, 461,
5) Albert, J.; Aliu, E.; Anderhub, H.; Antoranz, P.; Armada, A.; Baixeras, C.; Barrio, J. A.;
Bartko, H.; Bastieri, D.; ( … ); Persic, M. et al. (2007) Detection of Very High Energy
Radiation from the BL Lacertae Object PG 1553+113 with the MAGIC Telescope, ApJ,
6) Martel, A. R.; Menanteau, F.; Tozzi, P.; Ford, H. C.; Infante, L. (2007), The Host Galaxies
and Environment of Chandra-Selected Active Galactic Nuclei in the Deep ACS GTO
Cluster Fields, ApJS, 168, 19
7) Leblanc, F.; Chaufray, J. Y.; Bertaux, J. L. (2007) On Martian nitrogen dayglow emission
observed by SPICAM UV spectrograph/Mars Express, GeoRL, 34, Issue 2
8) Regan, J. A.; Haehnelt, M. G.; Viel, M. (2007) Numerical simulations of the Lyman α forest
- a comparison of GADGET-2 and ENZO,MNRAS, 374, 196
9) Belli, F.; Andreanelli, L.; Angelini, F.; Bagagli, R.; Bagni, M.; Baldini, L.; Barbiellini, G.;
Bellardi, F.; Bellazzini, R.; (…), Frailis M. et al. (2007) The GLAST LAT tracker
construction and test, Nuclear Instruments Methods in Physics Research Section A, 570, 276
10) Balestra, I.; Tozzi, P.; Ettori, S.; Rosati, P.; Borgani, S.; Mainieri, V.; Norman, C.; Viola, M
(2007) Tracing the evolution in the iron content of the intra-cluster medium, A&A, 462, 429
11) Bonifacio, P.; Molaro, P.; Sivarani, T.; Cayrel, R.; Spite, M.; Spite, F.; Plez, B.;
Andersen, J.; Barbuy, B.; Beers, T. C et al. (2007) First stars VII - Lithium in extremely
metal poor dwarfs, A&A, 462, 851
12) Cescutti, G.; Matteucci, F.; François, P.; Chiappini, C.(2007), Abundance gradients in the
Milky Way for α elements, iron peak elements, barium, lanthanum, and europium, A&A,
462, 943
13) Persic, M.; Rephaeli, Y. (2007) Galactic star formation rates gauged by stellar endproducts, A&A, 463, 481
14) Panuzzo, P.; Vega, O.; Bressan, A.; Buson, L.; Clemens, M.; Rampazzo, R.; Silva, L.;
Valdés, J. R.; Granato, G. L.; Danese, L. (2007) The Star Formation History of the Virgo
Early-Type Galaxy NGC 4435: The Spitzer Mid-Infrared View, ApJ, 656, 206.
15) Panuzzo, P.; Granato, G. L.; Buat, V.; Inoue, A. K.; Silva, L.; Iglesias-Páramo, J.;
Bressan, A. (2007) Ultraviolet dust attenuation in spiral galaxies: the role of age-dependent
extinction and the initial mass function, MNRAS, 375, 640
16) Chassefière, E.; Leblanc, F.; Langlais, B. (2007), The combined effects of escape and
magnetic field histories at Mars, Plan & Sp Sc, 55, 343
17) Mazzali, P. A.; Röpke, Friedrich K.; Benetti, S.; Hillebrandt, W. (2007), A Common
Explosion Mechanism for Type Ia Supernovae, Sci, 315, 825
18) Keller, H. U.; Barbieri, C.; Lamy, P.; Rickman, H.; Rodrigo, R.; Wenzel, K.-P.; Sierks, H.;
A'Hearn, M. F.; Angrilli, F.; (…); Fulle, M. et al. (2007), OSIRIS – The Scientific Camera
System Onboard Rosetta, SSRv, 128, 433
19) Colangeli, L.; Lopez-Moreno, J. J.; Palumbo, P.; Rodriguez, J.; Cosi, M.; Corte, V. Della;
Esposito, F.; Fulle, M.; Herranz, M.; Jeronimo, J. M, et al. (2007) The Grain Impact
Analyser and Dust Accumulator (GIADA) Experiment for the Rosetta Mission: Design,
Performances and First Results, SSRv, 128, 803
20) Küpcü Yoldaş, A.; Salvato, M.; Greiner, J.; Pierini, D.; Pian, E.; Rau, A (2007) The host
galaxy of GRB 011121: morphology and spectral energy distribution, A&A, 463, 893
21) Amati, L.; Della Valle, M.; Frontera, F.; Malesani, D.; Guidorzi, C.; Montanari, E.; Pian, E.
(2007), On the consistency of peculiar GRBs 060218 and 060614 with the E_p,i - E_iso
correlation, A&A,463, 913
22) Monaco, L.; Bellazzini, M.; Bonifacio, P.; Buzzoni, A.; Ferraro, F. R.; Marconi, G.;
Sbordone, L.; Zaggia, S (2007) High-resolution spectroscopy of RGB stars in the Sagittarius
streams. I. Radial velocities and chemical abundances, A&A, 464, 201
23) Popesso, P.; Biviano, A.; Böhringer, H.; Romaniello, M. (2007), RASS-SDSS galaxy
cluster survey. VII. On the cluster mass-to-light ratio and the halo occupation distribution,
A&A, 464, 451
24) Wiersema, K.; Savaglio, S.; Vreeswijk, P. M.; Ellison, S. L.; Ledoux, C.; Yoon, S.-C.;
Møller, P.; Sollerman, J.; Fynbo, J. P. U.; Pian, E.; (2007) The nature of the dwarf
starforming galaxy associated with GRB 060218/SN 2006aj, A&A 464, 529
25) Pasquini, L.; Bonifacio, P.; Randich, S.; Galli, D.; Gratton, R. G.; Wolff, B. (2007),
Beryllium abundance in turn-off stars of NGC 6752, A&A,601
26) Selvelli, P.; Danziger, J.; Bonifacio, P. (2007), The HeII Fowler lines and the OIII and NIII
Bowen fluorescence lines in the symbiotic nova RR Telescopii, A&A, 464, 715
27) Andrievsky, S. M.; Spite, M.; Korotin, S. A.; Spite, F.; Bonifacio, P.; Cayrel, R.; Hill, V.;
François, P. (2007), NLTE determination of the sodium abundance in a homogeneous
sample of extremely metal-poor stars, A&A, 464, 1081
28) Wang, J. X.; Jiang, P.; Zheng, Z. Y.; Tozzi, P.; Norman, C.; Giacconi, R.; Gilli, R.;
Hasinger, G.; Kewley, L. (…); Nonino, M. et al ; (2007), Most Hard-X-Ray-Selected
Quasars in the Chandra Deep Fields are Obscured, ApJ 657, 95
29) Chavez, M.; Bertone, E.; Buzzoni, A.; Franchini, M.; Malagnini, M. L.; Morossi, C.;
Rodriguez-Merino, L. H. (2007), Synthetic Mid-UV Spectroscopic Indices of Stars, ApJ,
30) Tominaga, N.; Maeda, K.; Umeda, H.; Nomoto, K.; Tanaka, M.; Iwamoto, N.; Suzuki, T.;
Mazzali, P. A. (2007), The Connection between Gamma-Ray Bursts and Extremely Metalpoor Stars: Black Hole-forming Supernovae with Relativistic Jets, ApJ, 657, 77
31) Foschini, L.; Ghisellini, G.; Tavecchio, F.; Treves, A.; Maraschi, L.; Gliozzi, M.;
Raiteri, C. M.; Villata, M.; Pian, E.; Tagliaferri, G. et al. (2007), X-Ray/UV/Optical
Follow-up of the Blazar PKS 2155-304 after the Giant TeV Flares of 2006 July, ApJ, 657,
32) Albert, J.; Aliu, E.; Anderhub, H.; Antoranz, P.; Armada, A.; Baixeras, C.; Barrio, J. A.;
Bartko, H.; Bastieri, D.; (…); Persic, M. et al (2007) First Bounds on the Very High Energy
γ-Ray Emission from Arp 220, 658, 245
33) Maeda, K.; Kawabata, K.; Tanaka, M.; Nomoto, K.; Tominaga, N.; Hattori, T.;
Minezaki, T.; Kuroda, T.; (…) Mazzali, P.A.; Pian, E. (2007), SN 2006aj Associated with
XRF 060218 at Late Phases: Nucleosynthesis Signature of a Neutron Star-driven Explosion,
ApJ,658, 5
34) Keller, H. U.; Küppers, M.; Fornasier, S.; Gutiérrez, P. J.; Hviid, S. F.; Jorda, L.;
Knollenberg, J.; Lowry, S. C.; Rengel, M.; (…) Fulle, M. et al. (2007), Observations of
Comet 9P/Tempel 1 around the Deep Impact event by the OSIRIS cameras onboard Rosetta,
Icar, 187, 87
35) Magliocchetti, M.; Silva, L.; Lapi, A.; de Zotti, G.; Granato, G. L.; Fadda, D.; Danese, L.
(2007), A highly obscured and strongly clustered galaxy population discovered with the
Spitzer Space Telescope, MNRAS, 375, 1121
36) Monaco, P.; Fontanot, F.; Taffoni, G. (2007) The MORGANA model for the rise of
galaxies and active nuclei, MNRAS, 375, 1189
37) Terenzi, L.; Villa, F.; Mennella, A.; Bersanelli, M.; Butler, R.C.; Cuttaia, F.; D’Arcangelo,
O.; Franceschi, E.; Galeotta, S., Maino, D. et al (2007) The Planck LFI RCA flight model
test campaign, NewAR, 51, 305
38) Grazian, A.; Salimbeni, S.; Pentericci, L.; Fontana, A.; Nonino, M.; Vanzella, E.;
Cristiani, S.; de Santis, C.; Gallozzi, S.; Giallongo, E.; Santini, P. (2007) A comparison of
LBGs, DRGs, and BzK galaxies: their contribution to the stellar mass density in the
GOODS-MUSIC sample, A&A, 465, 393
39) Sbordone, L.; Bonifacio, P.; Buonanno, R.; Marconi, G.; Monaco, L.; Zaggia, S (2007), The
exotic chemical composition of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy, A&A, 465, 815
40) Vio, R.; D'Odorico, V.; Stoyan, H.; Stoyan, D (2007), Ly-α forest: efficient unbiased
estimation of second-order properties with missing data, A&A, 466, 403
41) Porciani, C.; Viel, M.; Lilly, S. J. (2007) Strong Mg II Systems in Quasar and Gamma-Ray
Burst Spectra, ApJ,659, 218
42) Brown, P. J.; Dessart, L.; Holland, S. T.; Immler, S.; Landsman, W.; Blondin, S.;
Blustin, A. J.; Breeveld, A.; Dewangan, G. C.; (…); Mazzali, P.A. et al. (2007) Jacobi
matrices with rapidly growing weights having only discrete spectrum, ApJ, 659, 1488
43) Pastorello, A.; Taubenberger, S.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Mazzali, P. A.; Pignata, G.;
Cappellaro, E.; Garavini, G.; Nobili, S.; Anupama, G. C.; Bayliss, D. D. R et al (2007), ESC
observations of SN 2005cf - I. Photometric evolution of a normal Type Ia supernova,
MNRAS, 376, 1301
44) Hudec, R.; Kubánek, P.; Munz, F.; Pian, E (2007), Investigation of blazars with the
INTEGRAL satellite, NuPhS, 166, 255
45) Khalack, V. R.; Leblanc, F.; Bohlender, D.; Wade, G. A.; Behr, B. B.(2007), Vertical
abundance stratification in the blue horizontal branch star HD 135485, A&A, 466, 667
46) Levshakov, S. A.; Molaro, P.; Lopez, S.; D'Odorico, S.; Centurión, M.; Bonifacio, P.;
Agafonova, I. I.; Reimers, D. (2007), A new measure of Δα/α at redshift z = 1.84 from very
high resolution spectra of Q 1101-264, A&A, 466, 1077
47) Lutz, D.; Sturm, E.; Tacconi, L. J.; Valiante, E.; Schweitzer, M.; Netzer, H.; Maiolino, R.;
Andreani, P.; Shemmer, O.; Veilleux, S. (2007), PAH Emission and Star Formation in the
Host of the z~2.56 Cloverleaf QSO, ApJ, 661, 25
48) Fulle, M.; Leblanc, F.; Harrison, R. A.; Davis, C. J.; Eyles, C. J.; Halain, J. P.;
Howard, R. A.; Bockelée-Morvan, D.; Cremonese, G.; Scarmato, T. (2007) Discovery of the
Atomic Iron Tail of Comet MCNaught Using the Heliospheric Imager on STEREO, ApJ,
661, 93
49) Elbaz, D.; Daddi, E.; Le Borgne, D.; Dickinson, M.; Alexander, D. M.; (…); Nonino, M.;
(…), Vanzella, E. (2007), The reversal of the star formation-density relation in the distant
universe, A&A, 468, 33
50) Girardi, L.; Castelli, F.; Bertelli, G.; Nasi, E. (2007), On the effect of helium enhancement
on bolometric corrections and Teff-colour relations, A&A, 468, 657
51) Mazzali, P. A.; Foley, R. J.; Deng, J.; Patat, F.; Pian, E.; Baade, D.; Bloom, J. S.;
Filippenko, A. V.; Perley, D. A.; Valenti, S. et al. (2007), Keck and European Southern
Observatory Very Large Telescope View of the Symmetry of the Ejecta of the XRF/SN
2006aj, ApJ, 661, 892
52) Albert, J.; Aliu, E.; Anderhub, H.; Antoranz, P.; Armada, A.; Baixeras, C.; Barrio, J. A.;
(…), Persic, M. et al. (2007), Observation of Very High Energy γ-Rays from the AGN 1ES
2344+514 in a Low Emission State with the MAGIC Telescope, ApJ, 662, 892
53) Pastorello, A.; Mazzali, P. A.; Pignata, G.; Benetti, S.; Cappellaro, E.; Filippenko, A. V.;
Li, W.; Meikle, W. P. S.; Arkharov, A. A.; Blanc, G. et al. (2007), ESC and KAIT
observations of the transitional Type Ia SN 2004eo, MNRAS, 377, 1531
54) Negrello, M.; Perrotta, F.; González, J. González-Nuevo; Silva, L.; de Zotti, G.;
Granato, G. L.; Baccigalupi, C.; Danese, L. (2007) Astrophysical and cosmological
information from large-scale submillimetre surveys of extragalactic sources, MNRAS, 377,
55) Cowley, C. R.; Hubrig, S.; Castelli, F.; González, J. F.; Wolff, B (2007), Heavy calcium in
CP stars, MNRAS, 377, 1579
56) Calura, F.; Matteucci, F.; Tozzi, P. (2007), On the evolution of the Fe abundance and of
the Type Ia supernova rate in clusters of galaxies, MNRAS, 378, 11
57) Pastorello, A.; Smartt, S. J.; Mattila, S.; Eldridge, J. J.; Young, D.; Itagaki, K.; Yamaoka, H.
(…); Mazzali, P.A. et al.(2007), A giant outburst two years before the core-collapse of a
massive star, Nature, 447, 829
58) Viel, M. (2007), Neutrinos and the Lyman-α forest: myth or reality?, NuPhS, 168, 54
59) Leblanc, F.; Chassefière, E.; Johnson, R. E.; Hunten, D. M.; Kallio, E.; Delcourt, D. C.;
Killen, R. M.; et al. (2007), Mercury's exosphere origins and relations to its magnetosphere
and surface, P&SS, 55, 1069
60) Chiappini, C.; Piseri, P.; Vinati, S.; Milani, P. (2007), Supersonic cluster beam deposition
of nanostructured thin films with uniform thickness via continuously graded exposure
control, RScI, 78, 6105
61) Dolcini, A.; Farfanelli, F.; Ciprini, S.; Treves, A.; Covino, S.; Tosti, G.; Pian, E.; (…)
Danziger, I.J. et al (2007), REM near-IR and optical multiband observations of PKS 2155304 in 2005
62) Stanishev, V.; Goobar, A.; Benetti, S.; Kotak, R.; Pignata, G.; Navasardyan, H.;
Mazzali, P.A.; Amanullah, R.; Garavini, G.; Nobili, S. et al. (2007) SN 2003du: 480 days in
the life of a normal type Ia supernova, A&A, 469, 645
63) Molinari, E.; Vergani, S. D.; Malesani, D.; Covino, S.; D'Avanzo, P.; Chincarini, G.;
Zerbi, F. M.; (…); Pian, E. et al. (2007), REM observations of GRB 060418 and GRB
060607A: the onset of the afterglow and the initial fireball Lorentz factor determination,
A&A, 469, 13
64) Ramella, M.; Biviano, A.; Pisani, A.; Varela, J.; Bettoni, D.; Couch, W. J.; D'Onofrio, M.;
Dressler, A.; Fasano, G.; Kjørgaard, P. et al. (2007), Substructures in WINGS clusters,
A&A, 470, 39
65) Bonifacio, P.; Pasquini, L.; Molaro, P.; Carretta, E.; François, P.; Gratton, R. G.; James, G.;
Sbordone, L.; Spite, F.; Zoccali, M. (2007), Variations in the lithium abundances of turn off
stars in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae, A&A, 470, 153
66) Recchi, S.; Theis, C.; Kroupa, P.; Hensler, G (2007), The early evolution of tidal dwarf
galaxies, A&A, 470, 5
67) Albert, J.; Aliu, E.; Anderhub, H.; Antoranz, P.; Armada, A.; Asensio, M.; Baixeras, C.;
(…), Persic, M. et al (2007), Observations of Markarian 421 with the MAGIC Telescope,
ApJ, 663, 125
68) Demarco, R.; Rosati, P.; Lidman, C.; Girardi, M.; Nonino, M.; Rettura, A.; Strazzullo, V.;
van der Wel, A.; et al. (2007), VLT and ACS Observations of RDCS J1252.9-2927:
Dynamical Structure and Galaxy Populations in a Massive Cluster at z = 1.237, ApJ, 663,
69) Kawakatu, N. ; Andreani, P.; Granato, G. L.; Danese, L. (2007), Exploring Supermassive
Black Hole Growth with ALMA, ApJ, 663, 924
70) Castellani, V.; Calamida, A.; Bono, G.; Stetson, P. B.; Freyhammer, L. M.;
Degl'Innocenti, S.; Moroni, P. Prada; Monelli, M.; Corsi, C. E.; Nonino, M.; (…), Vuerli,
C. (2007) Star Counts in the Globular Cluster ω Centauri. I. Bright Stellar Components,
ApJ, 663, 1021
71) Ricotti, M.; Pontzen, A.; Viel, M. (2007), Is the Concentration of Dark Matter Halos at
Virialization Universal? ApJ, 663, 53
72) Kulkarni, V. P.; York, D. G.; Vladilo, G.; Welty, D. E. (2007) 9.7 μm Silicate Absorption in
a Damped Lyα Absorber at z = 0.52, ApJ, 663, 81
73) Pian, E.; Romano, P.; Treves, A.; Ghisellini, G.; Covino, S.; Cucchiara, A.; Dolcini, A.;
Tagliaferri, G.; Markwardt, C.; Campana, S. et al. (2007), Simultaneous Swift and REM
Monitoring of the Blazar PKS 0537-441 in 2005, ApJ, 664, 106
74) Immler, S.; Brown, P. J.; Milne, P.; Dessart, L.; Mazzali, P. A.; Landsman, W.; Gehrels, N.;
Petre, R.; Burrows, D. N.; Nousek, J. A.; et al. (2007), X-Ray, UV, and Optical
Observations of Supernova 2006bp with Swift: Detection of Early X-Ray Emission, ApJ,
664, 435
75) De La Haye, V.; Waite, J. H.; Johnson, R. E.; Yelle, R. V.; Cravens, T. E.; Luhmann, J. G.;
Kasprzak, W. T.; Gell, D. A.; Magee, B.; Leblanc, F.; et al. (2007) Cassini Ion and Neutral
Mass Spectrometer data in Titan's upper atmosphere and exosphere: Observation of a
suprathermal corona, J. Geophys. Res. A, 112, pag?
76) Cipriani, F.; Leblanc, F.; Berthelier, J. J. (2007), Martian corona: Nonthermal sources of
hot heavy species, J. Geophys. Res. E, 112, p ?
77) Magliocchetti, M.; Brüggen, M. (2007), The interplay between radio galaxies and cluster
environment, MNRAS, 379, 260
78) Dessauges-Zavadsky, M.; Calura, F.; Prochaska, J. X.; D'Odorico, S.; Matteucci, F (2007),
A new comprehensive set of elemental abundances in DLAs. III. Star formation histories,
A&A, 470, 431
79) D’Odorico, V. (2007) A cold metal-poor cloud traced by a weak Mg II absorption at z ≃
0.45. First detection of Si I, Ca I, and Fe I in a QSO absorber, A&A, 470, 523
80) Caffau, E.; Faraggiana, R.; Bonifacio, P.; Ludwig, H.-G.; Steffen, M (2007), Sulphur
abundances from the S i near-infrared triplet at 1045 nm, A&A, 470, 699
81) Casares, J.; Bonifacio, P.; González Hernández, J. I.; Molaro, P.; Zoccali, M., (2007), The
isotopic ^6Li/^7Li ratio in Centaurus X-4 and the origin of Li in X-ray binaries, A&A, 470,
82) Garavini, G.; Nobili, S.; Taubenberger, S.; Pastorello, A.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Stanishev, V.;
Blanc, G.; Benetti, S.; Goobar, A.; Mazzali, P. A. et al. (2007), ESC observations of SN
2005cf. II. Optical spectroscopy and the high-velocity features, A&A, 471, 527
83) Bissaldi, E.; Calura, F.; Matteucci, F.; Longo, F.; Barbiellini, G. (2007), The connection
between gamma-ray bursts and supernovae Ib/c, A&A, 471, 585
84) Albert, J.; Aliu, E.; Anderhub, H.; Antoranz, P.; Armada, A.; Baixeras, C.; Barrio, J. A.;
Bartko, H.; Bastieri, D.; (…), Persic, M. et al. (2007), Apj; 664, 87
85) Albert, J.; Aliu, E.; Anderhub, H.; Antoranz, P.; Armada, A.; Baixeras, C.; Barrio, J. A.;
Bartko, H.; Bastieri, D.; (…), Persic, M. et al. (2007), Very High Energy Gamma-Ray
Radiation from the Stellar Mass Black Hole Binary Cygnus X-1, ApJ, 665, 51
86) Jeffery, David J.; Ketchum, Wesley; Branch, David; Baron, E.; Elmhamdi, A.;
Danziger, I. J. (2007), Goodness-of-Fit Tests DIFF1 and DIFF2 for Locally Normalized
Supernova Spectra, ApJS, 171, 493
87) Aretxaga, Itziar; Hughes, David H.; Coppin, Kristen; Mortier, Angela M. J.; Wagg, Jeff;
Dunlop, James S.; Chapin, Edward L.; (…), Silva, L. et al. (2007) The SCUBA Half Degree
Extragalactic Survey - IV. Radio-mm-FIR photometric redshifts, MNRAS, 379, 1571
88) Rzepecki, J.; Lombardi, M.; Rosati, P.; Bignamini, A.; Tozzi, P. (2007), Strong lensing
analysis of the cluster RCS0224-0002 at z = 0.77, A&A, 471, 743
89) Patat, F.; Chandra, P.; Chevalier, R.; Justham, S.; Podsiadlowski, Ph.; Wolf, C.; GalYam, A.; Pasquini, L.; Crawford, I. A.; Mazzali, P. A.; et al. (2007) Detection of
Circumstellar Material in a Normal Type Ia Supernova, Sci, 317, 924
90) Maris, M.; Carraro, G.; Parisi, M. G. (2007), Light curves and colours of the faint Uranian
irregular satellites Sycorax, Prospero, Stephano, Setebos, and Trinculo, A&A, 472, 311
91) Baldi, A.; Ettori, S.; Mazzotta, P.; Tozzi, P.; Borgani, S. (2007), A Chandra Archival Study
of the Temperature and Metal Abundance Profiles in Hot Galaxy Clusters at 0.1 <~ z <~
0.3, ApJ, 666, 835
92) Maeda, K.; Tanaka, M.; Nomoto, K.; Tominaga, N.; Kawabata, K.; Mazzali, P. A.;
Umeda, H.; Suzuki, T.; Hattori, T. (2007), The Unique Type Ib Supernova 2005bf at
Nebular Phases: A Possible Birth Event of a Strongly Magnetized Neutron Star, ApJ, 666,
93) Albert, J.; Aliu, E.; Anderhub, H.; Antoranz, P.; Armada, A.; Baixeras, C.; Barrio, J. A.; (..),
Persic, M. et al. (2007), Discovery of Very High Energy γ-Ray Emission from the LowFrequency-peaked BL Lacertae Object BL Lacerate, ApJ, 666, 17
94) Ballo, L.; Cristiani, S.; Fasano, G.; Fontanot, F.; Monaco, P.; Nonino, M.; Pignatelli, E.;
Tozzi, P.; Vanzella, E.; Fontana, A.; et al (2007), Black Hole Masses and Eddington Ratios
of AGNs at z < 1: Evidence of Retriggering for a Representative Sample of X-Ray-selected
AGNs, ApJ, 667, 97
95) Albert, J.; Aliu, E.; Anderhub, H.; Antoranz, P.; Armada, A.; Baixeras, C.; Barrio, J. A.;
Bartko, H.; Bastieri, D.; (…); Persic, M. et al. (2007), MAGIC Upper Limits on the Very
High Energy Emission from Gamma-Ray Bursts, ApJ, 667, 358
96) Albert, J.; Aliu, E.; Anderhub, H.; Antoranz, P.; Armada, A.; Baixeras, C.; Barrio, J. A.;
Bartko, H.; Bastieri, D.; (…); Persic, M. et al. (2007), Discovery of Very High Energy γRays from 1ES 1011+496 at z = 0.212, ApJ, 667, 21
97) Cremonese, G.; Leblanc, F. (2007), Editorial, P&SS, 55, 1493
98) Delcourt, D. C.; Leblanc, F.; Seki, K.; Terada, N.; Moore, T. E.; Fok, M.-C. (2007), Ion
energization during substorms at Mercury, P&SS, 55, 1502
99) Cayrel, R.; Steffen,M.; Chand, H.; Bonifacio, P.; Spite, M.; Spite, F.; Petitjean, P.; Ludwig,
H.G.; Caffau, E. (2007) Line Shift, Line Asymmetry, and the ^6Li/^Li Isotopic Ratio
Determination, A&A, 473, 37
100)Tanaka, A.; Maeda, K.; Mazzali, P.A.; Nomato, K., (2007), Multidimensional Simulations
for Early-Phase Spectra of Aspherical Hypernovae: SN 1998bw and Off-Axis Hypernovae,
101)Coleman, Matthew G.; de Jong, Jelte T. A.; Martin, Nicolas F.; Rix, Hans-Walter;
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