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Summary by Linette Landa
February 2005
Honoring Motherhood – This is perhaps Dick-Read’s greatest gift with this book
Childbirth is not only physical but mental and emotional event
The author addresses how the mental condition of the woman affects
childbirth in many ways and forms from pregnancy health, to labor and birth
to influence on the psyche of the child, to mothering abilities.
Spiritual nature of childbirth and Motherhood and author’s spiritual nature in general,
“The natural reward of the physical achievement of pregnancy and parturition
is not only a beloved possession, but an endowment of spiritual force
enhancing the receptivity of divine guidance in motherhood. From this
inestimable gift emerges the power of mother love, which forms the pattern
of the infant’s psyche as surely as mother’s milk fashions its physique.” P 41
“Childbirth is not a physical function. The drama of the physical
manifestations has blinded its observers to the truth – the birth of a child is
the ultimate phenomenon of a series of spiritual experiences, from fantasy to
fact and from fact to fruition. P 42.
“Its first cry remains an indelible memory on the mind of a mother; it is the
song which carried her upon its wings to an ecstasy mere man seems quite
unable to comprehend…No mother and no child should be denied that great
mystical association…it is not only advantageous for the immediate present,
but it lays a foundation of unity of both body and spirit upon which the whole
edifice of mother love will stand.” P 176
“When exhilaration and intense joy are experienced, physical changes occur
which are readily diagnosable at sight and strangely infectious. The ecstasy
of love that floods the whole personality when the earliest call of a new life
awakens a woman to the realization of motherhood is a transport akin to
mysticism.” P 179
“Young mothers with no pretension to piety have unhesitatingly told me that
they felt the nearness of God, or the presence of a superhuman being at the
birth of their child…” 179
Physiological Explanation for Childbirth including where pain comes from, why it need
not exist and how to avoid it.
normal function of the uterus
Role of the nervous system responsible for muscle expulsion
(parasympathetic) and inhibiting constrictions (sympathetic) which
cause pain.
How the mind influences the course of childbirth
The Fear/Tension/Pain cycle
Exactly how fear not only causes pain to mother but birth
complications for mother and baby
Everyone on board should understand and be in agreement of what the whole
process is about, and professionals must be very careful what they impart e.g.
The words expressed by assistants can negatively or positively affect
the labor
A woman can feel guilty if she ends us using pain relief even when it is
deemed necessary
This is also a handbook on childbearing as Nature intended covering not only the
philosophy and physiology of childbirth but pregnancy, diet, relaxation, mental
health, exercise, teaching methods, breastfeeding (physical, mental, and emotional
aspects), postpartum.
Good instructions for Birth Companions (p 222-231+), teachers, midwives/obs in
Should teach young women about natural childbirth and mothering (to prevent
buildup of wrong understanding and fear, misery and discontent.)
Emphasis on having pain relief options on hand so mother may choose.
Prenatal psychology - Surprised there wasn’t more on this and on the influence of
the mother on the baby during pregnancy (one short ref is on p87 and a good one on
influence of breastfeeding on p 275). Also, the emphasis for natural childbirth in the
book is most concerned with the mother being conscious to experience the
exhilaration of motherhood, rather than the baby being conscious and not dulled with
drugs. [We are blessed to know so much more now about influence on the baby.]
New things I learned:
1) How anemia can negatively influence the course of childbirth such
as longer labor, lower pain threshold and slower recovery.
2) That mother’s milk contains practically no iron but the baby’s liver
stores it for use during the breastfeeding period. I wonder how
3) The natural analgesia of the second stage of labor when a woman
focuses in on what is to be done: mind becomes clouded, senses
dulled, lowered receptivity to certain stimuli, sleepy relaxation
between surges, may make noises
4) How relaxation is a two way street – not only mind affects body
but vice versa. A state of muscle relaxation affects a person’s
interpretations of what they feel e.g. expulsive actins of the uterus
as sensations rather than pain p 313
5) Different types of women need different approaches to teaching:
1) Introspective 2) need sympathy 3) negative, cannot be bothered
to make an effort 4) enthusiasts, “plus women” doing to excess 5)
calm, level-headed and effective. P 315. Group 3 and 4 cannot be
taught relaxation! *
Quotes I like:
1) “Nothing disturbs the course of natural labor more than fear. That is a known
and well-proved scientific fact.” P 244
2) On handling modern day stresses: “Humanity is in the open; the unseen
forces of culture which assail the human mind appear in battle array armed
with weapons against which we have no provision. It is impossible to escape
their devastating effects. The subtlety of the attack is such that time, place
and method are ever-changing. The human mind is as helpless under the
ravages of civilization as the primitive fighter is against modern methods of
warfare.” P 78 Solution: “Faith eliminates fear.”
After 30 yrs of close association with physical and mental derangements of
health I am persuaded without a shadow of doubt that, with the exception of
unforeseen accidents, the origin of every form of disease, both surgical and
medical, whether hereditary or not, can be traced by careful investigation to
the influence of fear upon the human mechanism. P 79
“Care in the early first stage lays the foundation of a labor… From the midwife
and obstetrician it demands patience, peacefulness and personal interest as
well as confidence, concentrated observation and cheerfulness. (2 P’s and 3
C’s) p 222 (Add Birth Companion to this!)
The profound importance to the baby of the first 48 hours of its neonatal life
does not receive the emphasis which many of us would wish it to have. For
my own part, I extend that thought to the development of the mother in the
first 48 hours of motherhood.” P 274
“Tense woman; tense cervix; Relaxed woman; relaxed cervix” p 313
There is greater discomfort in childbirth among women who have led
sedentary lives than among those who live and work out of doors.: p 334…but
“ Without the correct mental attitude toward parturition, no amount of
physical training will enable a woman to have her baby naturally.” 335
“Millions are spent each year on educating children, a high percentage of
whom have suffered the strain of unnatural birth, whereas a few thousands a
year spent on educating mothers might eliminate ab initio the congenital
conflicts of the mind…” p366
“Motherhood is the common denominator of international relations; it is the
one mutual possession which is shared both in body and soul by women of all
races, creeds and colors.” 368
1) Natural Childbirth description from Milwaukee p 141. See attached (propose to not
include the last 3 of the middle section: Hypnosis, birth control, cult…)
2) Birth Companion tips Chpt 15, p 222 +, 238 +, also chpt 18 p 277
3) Information on relaxation in chpt on Antenatal education – p 313
4) Teaching relaxation – emphasis on physical relaxation and the mind will take care
of itself; give 10-15 minutes, go around and check. P 330
5) Chest Expansion, actually Yogic Complete Breath (Triple Breath) in class?
* I just experienced a case of this and it was the friend whose birth I was supposed
to attend a month ago. She was so confident that it would not be painful, was very
happy with the pregnancy and “did everything right” that I am afraid she might not
have practiced enough or perhaps as Dick-Read says, couldn’t be taught. Her birth
was 19 hours and painful every contraction of the way. She managed to have the
birth at home and without any medication but it took such concentration that she
couldn’t invite me after all for which she apologized profusely. (Then ended up a
week in the hospital anyway with the baby due to meconium infection. The baby is
gorgeous and peaceful and will be blessed here at the ashram next week)
Facts You should know . . . .
Natural childbirth is…
FEARLESS childbirth
TRAINED childbirth
RELAXED childbirth
EASIER childbirth
SATISFYING childbirth
Especially if a mother is helped to give birth to her baby consciously without too
much discomfort, instead of “being delivered” while unconscious.
Natural childbirth is NOT…
Necessarily painless childbirth
An endurance test. Anesthesia is used if needed or wanted.
A failure if anesthetic is used
A denial of the achievements of modern obstetrics
A step backward
A denial of the importance of the doctor for physical care during pregnancy and
labor, but a belief that psychological care is also important.
Connected with “birth control” or “planned parenthood”
A cult, nor does it have any religious, political or racial affiliation or bias.
And should not cause any discomfort that would be unwillingly borne
by a normal, happy mother, who…
Has the cooperation and encouragement of her husband,
Wants her baby and fearlessly and lovingly welcomes its birth,
Is healthy in mind and body,
Is prepared in mind and body for the great event of birth,
Understands what is happening to her and to her baby during the process,
Knows how to relax during labor when this is needed,
Knows how to work with the forces of labor when this is needed, and
Has kindly and understanding support and encouragement from those who attend
her is labor.
Prepared by the Natural Childbirth Association of Milwaukee and offered as a service
to mothers by La Leche League of Franklin Park; reprinted with their permission in
“Childbirth Without Fear - The Principles and Practice of Natural Childbirth” by
Grantly Dick-Read, M.D. Second Revised Edition, 1959.