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Earth Science
Chapter 5
Crustal Deformation
Section 5.1 (0.10 point each)
Deformation of the earth’s crust includes _ _ _ D _ _ _, T _ _ _ _ _ _, and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the
rock layers. The balancing of two forces on the Earth’s crust creates _ S _ _ _ _ _ Y. Pressure created by this
bending causes rock in that area to _ E _ _ _ _. Plate movements or unequal weight distribution of the
earth’s crust cab can cause S _ _ _ _ _ and S _ _ _ _ _. Three types of stress on rock layers are __________,
__________ and __________.
Section 5.2
See the photo of figure 5-3. What stress types would have created this folding? (0.25 points)
In the diagrams below label which set of layers have been deformed into an anticline, syncline and monocline.
(0.25 points)
Examine the block diagrams below. Label each with the name of the fault type. The types are NORMAL,
REVERSE, THRUST, OR STRIKE SLIP. (0.25 points each)
Section 5.3 (0.10 point each)
The highest mountain above sea level on the entire Earth is ______________. It is part of the
_____________ mountain range. In _____________ Mt. St. Helens, a ___________ is part of the
_____________ mountain range. See figure 5-5. The Circum-pacific mountain belt in the chapter on
volcanoes was called the ___________ of __________. Collisions between the continental and oceanic crust
have created the __________ mountains. Collisions between ocean crust and oceanic crust have created the
__________ mountains. Collisions between the continents have created the __________ mountains.
Shown below are block diagrams illustrating four basic mountain types. One of the diagrams shows a
combination of each of the types which is called Complex. Large mountain chains they are generally Complex.
Label each block diagram with its type of formation, i.e. Folded, Faulted, Volcanic, Dome, and
Complex. (0.20 points each)
1. Mountain type “A”
Give an example
2. Mountain type “B”
Give an example
3. Mountain type “C”
Give an example
4. Mountain type “D”
Give an example
5. Mountain type “E”
Give an example
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