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Intro to the Universe Scavenger Hunt
The Universe
The sun’s age___________________
Mercury’s Average distance from Sun________________
Venus’s atmosphere___________________
Earth is the only planet known to:_______________________
Moon’s atmosphere ________________________
Mars’s surface temperature____________________
Name the asteroid that comes closest to the Sun at 13.9 million miles ______________________
Any Jupiter fact ___________________
Who was the first person to observe Saturn __________________________
How long does it take Uranus to orbit the sun?_____________________
Neptune is thought to be the ___________________planet in the solar system.
When was Pluto downgraded? _________________________
When is Halle Bop visible from Earth next? _______________________________
When were Comet Halley sightings believed to have been recorded?_________________________
How far away is the Helix Nebula? B/T_______________________________ light years.
Any Orion Nebula Fact: _____________________________
What is Proxima Centaruri’s Status? ___________________________
What cannot escape a black hole? ____________________________
What is the structure of the Milky Way? _____________________
What is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way?_________________________________
What is the Big Bang?
The _________is a vast expanse of space which contains all of the ________________ and
__________________ in existence. The universe contains all of the _______________________, stars,
and planets. The exact size of the universe is unknown. Scientists believe the universe is still
_____________________________ outward. They believe this outward expansion is the result of a
violent, powerful explosion that occurred about 13.7 billion years ago. This explosion is known as the
ZOOM Solar system tutorial
1.) In our Solar System, which planet is closest to the
2.) Where do the Sun's nuclear reactions occur?__________________
3.) What is the hottest planet in our Solar System?________________
4.) Where do most asteroids
5.) Which statement applies to the gas giant
6.) How many large moons orbit Pluto?____________________________________
7.) What are comets made of?____________________________________________
8.) What is a meteorite?_________________________________________________
9.) What is the Milky Way?______________________________________________
10.) What did our Solar System form
Rocky and Gaseous Planets
1.) Which Planets have a Rocky Surface?
2.) Which Planets have a gaseous surface?
3.) Which planets have rings?
Planet Size Comparisons
Compare the Earth to the Sun, planets, moon, and planetoid then fill in the table with
the size ratios
Earth is ________________ times smaller than the Sun
Earth is _________________ times bigger than Mercury
Earth is __________________ times bigger than Venus
Earth is _________________ times bigger than the Moon
Earth is _________________ times bigger than Mars
Earth is _________________ times smaller than Jupiter
Earth is __________________ times smaller than Saturn
Earth is __________________ times smaller than Uranus
Earth is __________________ times smaller than Neptune
Earth is __________________ times bigger than Pluto
Your Weight on other Worlds
What is the weight of a 150 lb person on:
Mercury _______________
Venus _______________
Earth _______________
Mars _______________
Jupiter _______________
Saturn ________________
Uranus _______________
Neptune ______________
Pluto ________________
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