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Name _________________________________ Period ______ Date ____________________
1) What is the main function of each of the following organs of the digestive system?
Choose from: complete chemical digestion and absorb nutrients, reabsorb water, physical
breakdown of food, carry food by peristalsis to stomach, chemical digestion of foods to
liquefy, cover trachea (wind pipe)
a) mouth (oral cavity)b) epiglottis –
c) esophagus –
d) stomach –
e) small intestine –
f) large intestine –
2) What does each of these digestive glands help break down?
Choose from fats, starch, sugars
a) salivary glands –
b) gall bladder –
c) pancreas –
3) What is excreted by the following excretory organs?
Choose from sweat, urine, carbon dioxide
a) kidneys –
b) lungs –
c) skin –
4) How does the circulatory system help the respiratory system?
It carries ________________ to lungs and _____________ to cells of the body
5) How does the circulatory system help the digestive system?
It absorbs ______________ from the small intestine and carries to ___________
6) How does the circulatory system help the excretory system? It absorbs _________
from the cells and carries to the _________________ organs
7) Label the heart diagram below with the correct chamber. ALSO show blood flow with
arrows. Include lungs
Choose from
right atrium,
left atrium,
right ventricle,
left ventricle
8) Contrast veins to arteries check appropriate boxes
Thick walls
Carries blood from heart
Carries blood to heart
Has muscles in walls and high pressure
Has valves
the biggest one is the vena cava that enters
the right atrium
The largest is the Aorta which leaves the left
Most have High oxygen blood
9) Describe the following respiratory organs,
Choose from Main wind pipe, muscle that contracts to breathe air in, branches of wind
pipe into lungs, tiny sacs where gas diffusion takes place
a) Trachea –
b) Bronchi –
c) Alveoli –
d) Diaphragm –
10)what do the following types of blood cells do? Choose from: signals to start blood
clotting, carries Oxygen using hemoglobin, attacks foreign invaders in blood
a) red blood cells –
b) white blood cells –
c) platelets
11) A nerve is made of a bundle of _____________________
12)A sensory receptor turns a stimulus into ______________________ energy
13)Contrast sensory and motor neurons – check boxes
Sensory neuron
Motor neuron
Carries an electric impulse signal
Carries signal from sensory receptor to brain
Carries signal to move muscle from brain
Tells the brain something hurts
Tells the appropriate muscle to move
Travels from peripheral nervous system to
central nervous system
14)The parts of the central nervous system are the ______________ and _____________
15)Match the main function of the following parts of the brain
Choose from:
Higher order thinking, learning and memory
Controlling your autonomic functions, such as
heart rate and breathing
Coordinating movement
a) Cerebrum –
b) Cerebellum –
c) Medulla (brain stem) –
16)Where is pain actually located? ____________________
17)The ___________________ side of the brain is where logical thinking and
mathematics usually take place
18)The ___________________ side of the brain is where creativity and imagination
usually take place
19)In the eye, the ___________________ are for color vision and sharp vision in
daylight, the _________________ are for night vision which collects all wavelengths of
dim light, even though they are not as sharply