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Goal 3: Crisis, Civil War, and Reconstruction (1848-1877)
What policy did Stephen Douglas propose be used to determine slavery in the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
A. divine rights
B. Missouri Compromise
C. martial law
D. popular sovereignty
Which principle regarding slavery was established by the Dred Scott case?
A. Congress had the power to abolish slavery.
B. Slaves were personal property and, therefore, slavery could exist anywhere.
C. Slavery should be decided by popular sovereignty.
D. Slavery was illegal north of 36°30’.
Why did slavery expand in the South rather than the North in the years before the Civil War?
A. The Constitution forbade slavery in the North.
B. The slave trade had been make illegal in America after 1808.
C. Geographic conditions in the South encouraged the development of large plantations.
D. The North focused on manufactured goods despite its rich soil.
Who wrote the abolitionist novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
A. Frederick Douglass
B. William Lloyd Garrison
C. Harriet Beecher Stowe
D. Dorothea Dix
What part of the Compromise of 1850 pleased Southerners the most?
A. California’s admittance to the Union as a slave state.
B. passage of the Fugitive Slave Act
C. the Dred Scott decision
D. elimination of the Tariff of Abomination
Henry Clay is to compromises: ____________ is to states’ rights.
A. James K. Polk
B. John C. Calhoun
C. Andrew Jackson
D. Stephen Douglas
What was the basis for the fighting in “Bleeding Kansas” in 1856?
A. boundary lines
B. land ownership
C. popular sovereignty
D. nullification of federal law
Which of the following leaders in early United States history would have been most supportive of South
Carolina’s secession in 1860?
A. John C. Calhoun
B. Andrew Jackson
C. James Madison
D. Daniel Webster
Why did the Supreme Court decide that slavery would be allowed in the western territories?
A. The western territories were well suited for cotton plantations.
B. Slaves were considered property, which is protected by the Constitution.
C. Slavery was considered morally justified because of examples in the Bible.
D. Most of the founding fathers were slave owners.
Which of the following was a provision of the Compromise of 1850?
A. Maine will be admitted as a free state.
B. Kansas would be allowed popular sovereignty.
C. Missouri Compromise will be repealed.
D. California will be admitted as a free state.
Revised for Spring Semester 2006-07
In what territory did fighting break out between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces in 1855?
A. Kansas
B. Nebraska
C. Texas
D. California
What did Stephen Douglas propose in the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854?
A. Territory acquired from the Mexican-American War should be slave free.
B. The territories of Kansas and Nebraska should be slave free.
C. The people of Kansas and Nebraska would decide the issue of slavery.
D. Slavery in the South would be abolished.
Which established a controversial Fugitive Slave Law?
A. Kansas-Nebraska Act
B. Wilmot Proviso
C. Compromise of 1850
D. Dred Scott decision
What did the Fugitive Slave Law declare?
A. Blacks were not citizens and had no political rights.
B. Runaway slaves must be returned to their owners.
C. Western territory would be a safe haven for runaway slaves.
D. Southerners had no right to capture runaway slaves in slave states.
What earlier law did the Dred Scott decision overturn and declare null?
A. Missouri Compromise
B. Wilmot Proviso
C. Tariff of Abominations
D. Alien and Sedition Acts
What issue led to the formation of the Republican Party?
A. immigration
B. expansion of slavery
C. temperance
D. women’s rights
From which group did the Republican Party receive most of its support?
A. slaves
B. southerners
C. northerners
D. immigrants
What happened at Harper’s Ferry?
A. Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln debated the slavery issue.
B. John Brown led a raid against a federal arsenal.
C. The South announced its plan to secede from the Union.
D. Angry Southerners burned copies of Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
What was the primary cause of tension between the North and South prior to the Civil War?
A. the extension of slavery into U.S. territories
B. the creation of a national bank to support businesses
C. the placement of a transcontinental railroad
D. the industrialization of the Northeast
What did Abraham Lincoln mean when he said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand…”?
A. Sectional differences might soon destroy the Union.
B. Slavery should be abolished immediately.
C. The South should be allowed to secede.
D. Congress should work out another compromise on slavery.
What was the main issue on the Republican Party platform in the election of 1860?
A. They supported freeing all slaves.
B. They favored popular sovereignty.
C. They opposed the construction of a transcontinental railroad.
D. They opposed the extension of slavery into western territories.
Revised for Spring Semester 2006-07
What was the immediate cause of the Civil War?
A. the passage of the Tariff of Abomination
B. the expansion of slavery into the western territories
C. the election of Abraham Lincoln as president in 1860
D. the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act
What was Abraham Lincoln’s belief about slavery prior to the Civil War?
A. Slavery is immoral and should be outlawed in all areas.
B. Slavery should be decided by each state individually using popular sovereignty.
C. Slavery should be extended into the western territories due to the Dred Scott decision.
D. Slavery should not be allowed to extend into the western territories.
Which individual was chosen to be the president of the Confederate States of America?
A. Robert E. Lee
B. Jefferson Davis
C. John C. Calhoun
D. Abraham Lincoln
Which writer expressed strong antislavery sentiment in writing Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
A. James Fennimore Cooper
B. Washington Irving
C. Harriet Beecher Stowe
D. Edgar Allan Poe
Which event led the South to secede from the Union?
A. Tariff of Abomination
B. Compromise of 1850
C. John Brown’s Raid
D. Election of 1860
Who was chosen President of the Confederate States of America?
A. Franklin Pierce
B. James Buchanan
C. Jefferson Davis
D. Zachary Taylor
Which of the following is not part of the Union strategy known as the “Anaconda Plan”?
A. blockading southern ports
B. capturing the Confederate capital of Richmond
C. controlling the Mississippi River.
D. assassination of the Confederate president
Which of the following does not describe an advantage held by Union forces during the Civil War?
A. a superior navy
B. more railroad tracks
C. greater military expertise
D. greater capacity to produce supplies
Which of the following best describes an immediate effect of the Emancipation Proclamation?
A. Slaves in the border states became free.
B. Abolishing slavery became the main goal of the Union forces.
C. Lincoln’s reelection was assured.
D. Draft riots erupted in New York City.
Which of the following is presented in the correct sequence?
A. Anaconda Plan- firing on Fort Sumter
B. Election of Lincoln- secession of South Carolina
C. Fighting at Bull Run- outbreak of Civil War
D. Emancipation Proclamation- South Carolina secession
Revised for Spring Semester 2006-07
What did President Lincoln do to make sure that the border states remained with the Union during the Civil
A. persuaded the population with a moral appeal
B. declared martial law where needed
C. guaranteed that they would be able to keep their slaves forever
D. exempted them from paying any form of federal taxes is they stayed
Which of the following was a Southern advantage in the Civil War?
A. a well-established military tradition producing superior commanders
B. an extensive network of railroads
C. an established system of government
D. fighting to support the abolitionist cause
What was the status of African Americans in the North during the Civil War?
A. They were not allowed to join the Union Army during any aspect of the war.
B. They fought in segregated regiments.
C. They were allowed to join the Union Army and saw much combat throughout the war.
D. They were integrated into all white units.
Why did the South hope to gain support from Britain during the Civil War?
A. Slavery was still legal in the British Empire.
B. British public opinion generally favored Southern planters.
C. British factories needed Southern cotton.
D. The blockade had made trade with the North difficult.
Which of the following rights was revoked by President Lincoln during the Civil War?
A. freedom of press
B. writ of habeas corpus
C. freedom of speech
D. freedom of religion
Arrange the following battles in chronological order: (A) First Battle of Bull Run; (B) Battle of
Gettysburg; (C) surrender at Appomattox Courthouse; (D) Battle of Antietam
A. A,B,C,D
B. B,C,D,A
C. A,D,B,C
D. C,A,B,D
What was the most important aspect of the outcome in the Battle of Antietam?
A. It boosted the already high confidence of the Confederate Army.
B. It ended all hopes that General Lee had for invading the North.
C. It delayed the announcement of the Emancipation Proclamation.
D. It prevented Britain and France from openly siding with the Confederacy.
What was the main purpose of the Gettysburg Address?
A. to rally tired Confederate soldiers
B. to remind the nation of the Civil War’s purpose
C. to help Union generals locate stored weapons
D. to outline Lincoln’s reelection platform
Why was the Union’s Anaconda Plan a successful strategy for winning the Civil War?
A. It forced Southerners to move north for jobs.
B. It prevented travel to the Confederate capital.
C. It weakened the South’s ability to continue fighting.
D. It limited the South’s exports of food
What was President’s Lincoln main goal at the beginning of the Civil War?
A. abolish slavery
B. preserve the Union
C. defeat the Confederacy
D. increase tariffs
Revised for Spring Semester 2006-07
Which battle was considered the turning point of the Civil War?
A. Gettysburg
B. Fredericksburg
C. Chattanooga
D. Antietam
How did President Lincoln change the Civil War to a moral cause to end slavery?
A. He issued a call to boycott the Southern exports.
B. He suspended the writ of habeas corpus.
C. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
D. He removed capable generals from battles.
What was the significance of the Election of 1864?
A. George McClellan was an astounding victor.
B. President Lincoln won a second term in the White House.
C. The Democratic Party won a majority in Congress.
D. The Republican Party was soundly defeated.
What was the main purpose of the Black Codes?
A. guaranteed freedom for former slaves
B. prevent former slaves from gaining equality
C. prevent former slaves from becoming sharecroppers
D. granting African Americans equal rights to white citizens
What was the impact of sharecropping following the Civil War?
A. It forced the majority of African Americans to migrate northward.
B. It made it possible for former slaves to buy their own property.
C. It taught mutual cooperation among whites and blacks.
D. It turned freed slaves into a labor force with many of the same restrictions as slavery.
What was the purpose of the Jim Crow laws?
A. to give full civil rights to African Americans
B. to keep African Americans in a separate and inferior position
C. to give economic incentives for business growth
D. to provide forty acres and a mule to former slaves
What was the Freedmen’s Bureau?
A. an agency that provided education and services for former slaves
B. an agency that distributed thousands of acres of land to formers slaves
C. an agency that supported former slaves with their employment contracts with land owners
D. an agency that promoted political involvement of former slaves
Which agency provided food and clothing to former slaves during the Reconstruction period?
A. American Red Cross
B. Freedmen’s Bureau
C. American Temperance Movement
D. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Who was the leader of the Radical Republicans in Congress?
A. Hiram Revels
B. Horace Greeley
C. Samuel Tilden
D. Thaddeus Stevens
Why did the Radical Republicans oppose President Lincoln’s Reconstruction plan?
A. They believed it was too harsh on the South.
B. They believed it was too lenient on the South.
C. They believed it was generous to the freedmen.
D. They believed it would be too difficult to carry out.
Which choice best reflects President Lincoln’s hopes for Reconstruction?
A. punish the South for seceding from the Union
B. remove all southern politicians from office
C. strengthen the North’s domination of the South
D. unite the North and South to create lasting peace
Revised for Spring Semester 2006-07
Why did the U.S. House of Representatives vote to impeach President Andrew Johnson in 1868?
A. He was against Southern readmission to the Union.
B. He stole campaign contributions from his party.
C. He vetoed important legislation passed by Congress.
D. He violated the Tenure of Office Act by firing Edwin Stanton.
Why did Southern states develop the Black Codes, grandfather clauses, and Jim Crow Laws during and
after Reconstruction?
A. to help freedmen obtain farmland
B. to help freedmen get an education
C. to keep freedmen subordinate to whites
D. to require freedmen to vote for Southerners
Which statement best describes the status of African Americans immediately after Reconstruction in 1877?
A. Many held factory jobs in the North and South.
B. Many enrolled in colleges founded for African Americans.
C. The majority of African Americans were denied equal rights.
D. Political rights were guaranteed to African Americans.
What did the controversy surrounding the Wade-Davis Bill demonstrate about the U.S. government?
A. There were serious differences between the President and Congress.
B. Many in Congress were outraged with President Lincoln’s harsh Reconstruction plans.
C. The President had serious concerns over the strong ties between the Democrats and Republicans
in Congress.
D. Radical Republicans were outraged about President Lincoln’s favoritism of Democrats in
What did President Lincoln promise in his “Ten Percent” Reconstruction plan?
A. rapid readmission of Southern states into the Union
B. former slaves would be granted the right to vote
C. severe punishment of Confederate generals and leaders
D. complete restoration of the planter aristocracy to power
What amendment ended the slavery question by making it illegal in every state?
A. Twelfth Amendment
B. Thirteenth Amendment
C. Fourteenth Amendment
D. Fifteenth Amendment
What did the Fifteenth Amendment guarantee?
A. citizenship to freed slaves
B. land for former slaves
C. the right to vote for former slaves
D. education for former slaves
Which group was mostly responsible for the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson?
A. southerners angry at his reconstruction plan
B. African Americans angry at his lack of support fro the Freedman’s Bureau
C. Radical Republicans who believed the South should be punished after the war
D. fellow Democrats who believed he was too lenient on the South after the war
What finally put an end to Radical Reconstruction in the South?
A. The former Confederate states finally ratified the 13 th, 14th, and 15th Amendments.
B. President Johnson was not reelected in 1868.
C. The Supreme Court declared all of the Reconstruction policies unconstitutional.
D. The last federal troops were removed as part of the Compromise of 1877.
Why did Congress pass the 13 th, 14th, and 15th Amendments?
A. to keep African Americans enslaved
B. to help African Americans achieve equal rights
C. to ease the burden of Reconstruction on the South
D. to help African Americans receive free land
Revised for Spring Semester 2006-07
Which event officially ended Reconstruction in 1877?
A. Lincoln-McClellan Compromise
B. Grant-Greeley Compromise
C. Johnson-Sherman Compromise
D. Hayes-Tilden Compromise
What political issue was finally settled as a result of the Civil War and Reconstruction?
A. supremacy of the national government
B. supremacy of state governments
C. supremacy of the judicial branch
D. supremacy of local town councils
Revised for Spring Semester 2006-07