Download Unit I Test Review Answer Key Green House Care: What three

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Unit I Test Review Answer Key
Green House Care:
1. What three things must be carefully regulated in a greenhouse?
Temperature, light, and humidity
2. What causes most diseases in a greenhouse? Describe.
Overwatering causes most diseases. These include fungal, bacterial, and viral infections. Diseases spread easier on
wet leaves. Also, overwatering causes cells to burst and die!
3. Why are fluorescent lights used in our greenhouse? Why should they used for a couple of hours each day?
Fluorescent lights provide more of the visible light spectrum (red, blue, green, yellow, etc.) than regular lights do.
Also, fluorescent lights provide way more light than a regular bulb does. These lights should be used for a couple of
hours a day because plants need about 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. This is not possible in winter months, so
using fluorescent lights ensures that plants get the spectrum and hours they need.
4. What are the three major parts of horticulture?
Plant growth and maintenance
Crop production
Plant breeding
5. Seeds are the fertilized _egg___ of a plant, making an embryo.
6. Seeds consist of a:
a. Food Supply called a _cotyledon____________.
b. Protective covering called a __seed coat______.
c. They also have __beginnings of seeds and roots, called epicotyl and radicle__________________.
7. What conditions must be present for a seed to germinate (break out of seed coat and grow roots and stems)?
When appropriate soil nutrients, water, temperature, and humidity are present.
8. Know these differences. Put in word and draw a basic picture to represent each.
One cotyledon
Two cotyledons
Parallel veins
Branching veins
Petals in multiples of 3
Petals in multiples of 4 or 5
Vascular bundles randomly
Vascular bundles in a ring
Fibrous roots
Tap roots
What is the epicotyl?
The epicotyl is the beginning of a stem and leaves emerging from a seed.
10. What is the radicle?
The radicle is the beginning of a root system emerging from a seed.
11. In the video, “Branching out” you learned that dandelions have what to help propel their seeds?
Dandelion seeds are attached to a cottony parachute apparatus that allows them to be dispersed by wind.
12. How does a fire help with seed dispersal?
13. What are the three main functions of roots?
1. absorb water and nutrients from the soil
2. store extra sugar from photosynthesis
3. anchor the plant in the ground
14. Draw a picture of the difference between fibrous roots and a tap root. Label which is which. Also state if it is monocot
or dicot.
Monocot: Fibrous Root
Dicot: Tap Root
15. A growing root has three main zones and what happens at each zone:
a. Zone of cell divison: bottom of root where cells are rapidly dividing to help root grow.
b. Zone of elongation: middle portion of root where cells grow in length, driving root into ground.
c. Zone of maturation: top area of root where cells become either epidermis, cortex, or stele.
See picture on left
of rootofwith
all threeand
16. Draw
a picture
a monocot
root cell. Label the epidermis, cortex and stele for each.
Stele (xylem and phloem)
Cortex (storage)
Stele (xylem and phloem)
Difference between monocot and dicot root cells was not given. In general, a root cross section looks like the picture above.
17. Roots get nutrients from the soil. How do each of these nutrients help a plant?
a. Nitrogen: Stimulates leaf and stem development
b. Phosphorus: Helps seeds to germinate
c. Potassium: Promotes healthy growth and root developmet
18. Label the following on the stem: Node, internode, apical meristem, axillary bud, petiole, leaf scar, and terminal bud
Axillary Bud
Apical Meristem/
Terminal Bud
Leaf Scar
Petiole (attached to leavesnot shown
19. The shoot system depends on the roots for _water and nutrients___________.
20. The growth of young shoots is concentrated at _the apical meristem/terminal bud____________.
21. Trimming terminal buds increases ___width__ whereas trimming axillary buds increases
22. Draw a picture of a dicot and monocot stem cell.
Dicot. Label xylem, phloem, pith, vascular
cambium, and epidermis.
Monocot. Label the vascular bundles and ground
23. Apical meristems are ___located in the tips of stems and roots________ and given rise to ____epidermis, vascular
tissue, and ground tissue____________.
24. Vascular cambium is ___located between layers of xylem and phloem_______ and makes ___secondary xylem and
25. What is photosynthesis? What is the equation? Where does it occur?
Photosynthesis is how plants make food for themselves to grow. The equation is:
CO2 (carbon dioxide) + H20 (water) + sunlight
C6H12O6 (sugar) + O2 (oxygen)
Photosynthesis occurs in a leaf, in an organelle called a chloroplast.
26. Leaves are composed of a __blade_______ and ___petiole______.
27. What is the function of the waxy layer of the epidermis?
To prevent water loss when sunlight strikes the leaf
28. How do stomata help leaves from losing water? What is the process for water loss in leaves?
Stomata regulate the amount of water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen entering and exiting a leaf. Stomata close when
heat is too high or humidity is too low, limiting water loss from the leaf. The loss of water from a leaf is called
29. Ground tissue of leaves is __made of mesophyll cells packed with chloroplasts______.
30. In what layer of a leaf would you find chloroplasts?
In the middle layer- the mesophyll.
31. What is the function of xylem and phloem in a plant?
Xylem- transport water from the roots to the rest of the plant.
Phloem- transport sugar made in leaves to the roots for storage.