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History of Mesopotamia wikipedia , lookup

Mesopotamia wikipedia , lookup

1- ……………………….are natural physical features found
on the surface of the Earth.
2- There are many …………………of landforms on the
Earth's surface.
3- Common types of landforms include, ………………….,
…………………, ………………… & ………………….
4- Landforms are created forces of …………………and the
………………………..of Earth's plates.
5- Some landforms are created in a few hours while others
take ……………………….of years to appear.
6- Groups of landforms in a particular area are called
7- Physical features of landforms include many elements
such as …………………, ………………….., …………,
……………………. & lakes.
8- The highest-order landforms are ………………&………
9- Landforms do not include ……………………..features
such as canals and ports.
10 - There are several factors that affect the formation of
landforms such as, ………………………., …………………,
…………………….. & ………………………………………
11 - The movement of the Earth beneath our feet is
responsible for ………………………, …………………… &
the formation of mountains.
12- ……………………….is defined as the removal of surface
materials from the Earth's crust.
13- ……………………is the geological process by which
material is added to a landform.
14- Geographical features such as ……………….&...………….
are not landforms.
15- Forces that affect the movement of the Earth are the force of
…………………………. & …………………………
16- ………………….is defined as a group of people who share
a common culture, interaction & occupy a particular area.
17- ……………………societies have evolved slowly over
many millennia.
18- Many changes of the societies have been based upon
19- The first humans lived in caves and spent their lives
…………………… & gathering in small groups.
20- …………………….means collecting plants that grow wild
for food.
21- List the basic characteristics of hunting & gathering
1- ……………………………………………………………
2- ……………………………………………………………
3- ……………………………………………………………
22- The development of agriculture followed a general
sequences, list them down;
1- …………………………………………………………….
2- …………………………………………………………….
3- …………………………………………………………….
4- …………………………………………………………….
23- The term ………………………basically means the level of
development at which people live together peacefully in
24- The main factor that made it possible for mankind to settle
in permanent communities was ………………………………..
25- The first ancient civilizations arose in ………………………
and ……………………… the Middle East.
26- Why did the first civilizations settle in fertile river valleys?
1- ……………………………………………………………
2- ……………………………………………………………
3- ……………………………………………………………
27- All the ancient civilizations had common factors, what were
1- …………………………………………………………….
2- ……………………………………………………………..
3- ……………………………………………………………..
4- ……………………………………………………………..
5- …………………………………………………………......
6- ……………………………………………………………..
28- ………………………..were an important stepping-stone in
the rise of civilization.
29- Mesopotamia was located in a piece of the …………………
…………………, in what is now southern ……………………..
30- In Northern Mesopotamia the land was ……………………
& there was ………………………….rain.
31- Mesopotamia was settled around two rivers, ……………….
and ………………………
32- Farmers in Ancient Mesopotamia faced some problems
which they could get over. Explain.
1- ……………………………………………………………
2- ……………………………………………………………
33- …………………….used to destroy crops, livestock and
34- The Mesopotamian people invented a system of …………...
and began to farm the land.
34- Herodotus called Egypt "………………………………….."
35- …………………..was an important plant that the Egyptians
used for many things.
36- Ancient Egypt was called ………………… & was divided
into two parts,……………….. Egypt & ……………. Egypt.
37- The annual flood was ………………… Ancient Egypt,
which made …………………much easier than it was in Mesop.
38- The system of political organization prevailing in Europe
from the 9th to the 15th centuries is………………………….
39- Peasants farmers who were neither fully free nor slaves were
known as ………………………..
40- A tenth of the income or produce, paid to the church is a
41- Self-contained economic unit which ate most of the food
that was raised was ………………………
42- The society had two levels of people; the ………………….
& the ………………………………..
43- The lord's land was called his………………………………
44- Serfs couldn't leave the village or even get married without
the ……………………permission.
45- The success or failure of a harvest in the middle ages could
mean the difference between ……………………….and