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Uniform Circular Motion
Class Work/Homework Problems
Draw a diagram of the object in each situation. Include arrows that represent the direction of the
centripetal force (FC) the centripetal acceleration (ac) and the velocity (v).
1. A .025 kg ball on a 0.5 m string completes a revolution in
a. How far does the ball go in one revolution (circumference of the circle)?
b. What is the speed of the ball?
c. Find the centripetal acceleration of the ball.
d. Find the FT acting on the ball.
2. A 40 kg child sitting 1.1 m from the center of a merry -go-round moves in a circle at a constant
speed of 1.25 m/s.
a. Calculate the centripetal acceleration acting on the child.
b. What kind of force is the centripetal force provider?
c. Find the force of friction exerted on the child.
3. A .7 kg toy car drives through a portion of a horizontal, circular track. It moves through one half of
a circle with a radius of 2 meters in 3 seconds.
a. What actual force allows the car to travel in a circular path?
Find. b. the distance the car traveled around the curve (half the circumference of the circle)
c. the linear velocity (speed) of the car
d. ac of the car
e. Fc on the car
4. The moon's nearly circular orbit about the Earth has a radius about 3.84 x 10 8 m. What kind of
force keeps the moon in orbit? The Fg between the Earth and the Moon is 1.99 x 10 20 N and the
mass of the moon is 7.35 x1022 kg. Find the Moon's velocity as it revolves around the Earth.
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