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First Steps in Fighting the Civil War
Bellringer Question:
 Research and explain the caning of Senator Charles Sumner:
Training Ground
 During what war did most soldiers and generals learn their tactics? ___________________
John Brown
 What do you believe about John Brown: martyr / terrorist (briefly explain why):
Generals and Soldiers
 Why did Robert E. Lee not fight for the Union?
Who had the better military generals and soldiers: Union / Confederates
What percentage of the Navy officers were from the South? ________________
Money and the South
 What is important about the Legal Tender Act?
Research: 1) Explain Southern inflation during the Civil War; 2) How much would it cost for everyday
items such as bread, meat, etc?
Politics around the Country
Reasons they Fought
What was Lincoln’s goal as President of the United States?
What was the belief of a War Democrat?
What was the belief of Copperheads?
Define the term conscription and give one synonym of conscription:
Define the term Habeas Corpus:
First Modern War
 Why is the Civil War considered the first “modern war”?
Southern Views
 Why is Jefferson Davis important?
What view did Jefferson Davis have about the Civil War:
Why did the South think European countries would support them:
Union’s Plan of Attack
 Briefly explain the Anaconda Plan:
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