Download december 2, 2007 – first sunday of advent

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My friends, today we enter the Season of Advent. Our readings call us to begin this new
church year by remembering the end – that someday earth will pass away; that someday
each us of us will die and meet the Lord Jesus. In the Gospel we are told to be prepared
and stay awake. Let us pray (as we light this first candle on the Advent Wreath), for the
grace to make ourselves ready to meet the Lord.
[As the following is sung or spoken, the first candle is lit.]
Lord Jesus, you came to reveal God’s love for us: Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, you are Emanuel – God-with-us: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you call us to be ready to meet you on the last day: Lord, have mercy.
Isa 2:1-5 The Lord will gather all nations and there will be no more war.
Rom 13:11-14 Let us throw off the works of darkness.
Matt 24:37-44 Stay awake! Be prepared!
My friends, let us bring to God our intercessions for our world, our
neighbors and ourselves, praying, “Be born in us; be born in our world.”
That wars will end, conflicts cease, and the world will know peace, we
pray, “Be born in us; be born in our world.”
That Christians of every nation and every congregation may witness to the love
which creates and powers everything that is good, we pray, “Be born in us; be born in
our world.”
That our children will feel loved, that all children will feel safe, that every child
will grow to be the person they are created to be, we pray, “Be born in us; be born in our
That the beauty of the natural world will inspire us, that the earth will continue to
be home for many generations to come, we pray, “Be born in us; be born in our world.”
That the sick are cared for, the fragile protected, and those who are dying know
peace in their last days, we pray, “Be born in us; be born in our world.”
We remember those who have died … (names) …. That those who mourn will be
comforted, we pray . . . Be born in us; be born in our world.
Good and gracious God, you sent us the Lord Jesus to show us the way to
you. Make ready our hearts and fill us with your presence so that we may be Christbearers to this waiting, needy world. We pray always in Jesus’ name. Amen.
My friends, in today’s readings John the Baptist speaks to us. His voice is urgent,
insistent, demanding that we repent and get ready for the coming of the Lord. We’ve
heard it so many times before that it’s easy not to listen. Let’s change that. Let’s pay
attention today. (As we light the second candle on our Advent Wreath) let us ask God to
speak to our hearts.
[As the following is sung or spoken, the second candle is lit.]
Lord Jesus, you call us to repent of our sins: Lord, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you call us to live in holiness and peace: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you are the way that leads to a holy and peaceful life: Lord, have mercy.
Isa 11:1-10 The descendent of David will come; the Spirit of the Lord will be upon him.
Rom 15:4-9 Welcome one another as Christ welcomes you.
Matt 3:1-12 John the Baptist cries out, “Repent!”
My friends, let us heed the Baptist’s cry and make ourselves ready for the
presence of God, as we pray, “Be born in us; be born in our world.”
That the leaders of nations may come together in dialogue so that all
people may live together in peace, we pray, “Be born in us; be born in our world.”
That the leaders of the Church may inspire all Christians to live the Gospel in
their daily lives, we pray, “Be born in us; be born in our world.”
That leaders in business and the media may dedicate their resources to creating a
society this is wholesome, calm, and nurturing to the spirit, we pray, “Be born in us; be
born in our world.”
That leaders in medicine may create environments where the sick are made
whole, the suffering are comforted, the dying are filled with longing for heaven, we pray
… Be born in us; be born in our world.
That each of us and may have the courage and the humility to examine our lives
and repent of those actions which Jesus would not do, we pray, “Be born in us; be born
in our world.”
We remember those who have died … (names) …. That those who mourn are
comforted, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.
Loving God, you sent John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus. Fill
us with your grace and make us heralds of God’s presence in our world. We pray always
in Jesus’ name.
My friends, in today’s Gospel, John the Baptist sends his disciples to ask Jesus: “Are you
the one who is to come or should we look for another?” Isn’t that the question in our
hearts when we look elsewhere for happiness, for meaning, for salvation? But we are
followers of Christ and we know that Jesus is the one who has come to save us. (As we
light the third candle on our Advent Wreath) let us ask for the grace to recommit
ourselves to a life of discipleship so that this Christmas, Christ may be born in us anew.
[As the following is sung or spoken, the third candle is lit.]
Lord Jesus, you are the one the prophets hoped for: Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, you are the one who speaks to our hearts: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you are the one who guides us to life eternal: Lord, have mercy.
Isa 35:1-6a, 10 God comes to save us and banish all sorrow.
Jas 5:7-10 Be patient; the Lord is coming.
Matt 11:2-11 “Are you the one who is to come or should we look for another?”
We have heard God’s word to us today. Let us pray that this word take
root in us as we pray, “Be born in us; be born in our world.”
That the world may know that God is love and God’s creation is good, we
pray, “Be born in us; be born in our world.”
That the world may know that every life has value, that every life is cherished, we
pray, “Be born in us; be born in our world.”
That the world may know that there is enough for everyone, that there is
abundance, we pray, “Be born in us; be born in our world.”
That the world may know that truth is stronger than falsehood, that light is more
powerful than darkness, we pray, “Be born in us; be born in our world.”
That those who are sick find wholeness, that those who are weary find strength,
that those who despair find hope, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.
We remember those who have died … (names) …. That those who mourn find
comfort, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.
Loving God, you sent John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus. Give
us what we need to turn away from sin and embrace a life of grace, peace and love so that
we, too, may announce your presence to our waiting world. We pray always in Jesus’
name. Amen.
My friends, today we hear the Nativity story from Joseph’s point of view. He was a
faithful man who listened to the voice of God in his dreams. (As we light the fourth
candle on our Advent Wreath) Let us pray that these days, as we are busy about making
Christmas come alive in our homes, we may also listen for God’s voice and allow
Christmas to come alive in our hearts.
[As the following is sung or spoken, the fourth candle is lit.]
Lord Jesus, you are Son of God and Son of Mary: Lord, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you are the King of Kings and the Prince of Peace: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you promise to be born in us and into our waiting, needy world: Lord, have
Isa 7:10-14 The virgin shall conceive and bear a son.
Rom 1:1-7 Jesus, descendant of David, is the Son of God.
Matt 1:18-24 Joseph’s dream that Mary will be the Mother of God.
My friends, on these last days before Christmas, let us bravely ask God to
make us Christ-bearers to this world, praying, “Be born in us; be born in our world.”
That the people of the Middle East, the birthplace of Jesus, may be at
peace, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.
That we may put away weapons of war and embrace the ways of peace, love and
holiness, we pray …. Be born in us; be born in our world.
That on Christmas Day no child is hungry, no sick person is without comfort, no
dying person is alone, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.
We remember those who have died … (names) …. That those who mourn are
comforted, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.
Let us ask God for what we need for Christmas … if we are lonely … if we long
for past Christmases when we were children or when our children were little … if we are
anxious or without enough money or enough time, we pray, … Be born in us; be born in
our world.
Loving Creator God, you call us to say Yes like Mary; to be faithful to
your voice in our dreams like Joseph. Give us the courage and the ears to hear and the
grace to answer your call so that we may know the birth of Jesus in our hearts this
Christmas. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Brothers and sisters, Merry Christmas. We wait and we prepare. We wrap presents, bake
cookies, decorate our houses and our churches, learn Christmas carols. Some of us are
surrounded by those we have always loved. Some of us long for a special person who is
missing this year. And some of us must learn to love those who are placed on our path.
For all of us, Jesus is born and this is cause for rejoicing.
Lord Jesus, you came as a baby - humble, poor and defenseless: Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, you are born into this world every day: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you are born in us today: Lord, have mercy.
Choice of four sets of readings.
My friends, on this holy night (day) let us join with believers gathered in
churches all over the world to pray for those we love and those we have never met and all
those who need our prayers. Let us pray, “Be born in us; be born in our world.”
For Peace … That on this day the world becomes a safe place for every
mother’s child, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.
For Justice … that the generosity of heart we know at Christmas will extend
beyond our families and beyond this time to all peoples and all times, we pray … Be born
in us; be born in our world.
For Hope … that we people of the Church may be heralds of the Good News and
Christ-bearers to the world, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.
For Love … That on this day the sick are strengthened, the poor are filled with
good food, the dying are gently welcomed into heaven, the grieving are consoled, we
pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.
Let us pause and pray for what we most need this day … (pause) That we may
welcome the person placed on our path, be gracious to the stranger and generous to those
who love us, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.
Good and gracious God, your Word becomes flesh in our midst. Hear our
prayers and help us to recognize your presence in our world, in the faces of each person
we meet this day, and in our hearts. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Brothers and sisters, today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family and so I greet you
as family. We are indeed brothers and sisters, but so often we forget. In our Gospel today
we hear the familiar story of Joseph and Mary fleeing with the infant Jesus to Egypt to
avoid Herod’s soldiers. Who are today’s Herods? Who are today’s Holy Innocents? As
we remember the Holy Family and our families whom we love, we must also remember
those families who are in danger this very minute in places not too far from Bethlehem,
in places all over the world.
Lord Jesus, you are child of God and child of Mary: Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, you are our brother and call us to be one family: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, we beg your forgiveness when we fail to love each other: Lord, have mercy.
Sir 3:2-7, 12-14 Honor your parents.
Colossians 3:12-21 Bear with one another and forgive each other.
Matt 2:13-15, 19-23 Joseph and Mary take Jesus and flee to Egypt to avoid Herod.
My friends, today let us remember our families and the family of
humankind as we pray, “Be born in us; be born in our world.”
For the family of humankind: that we may see each other as brothers and
sisters and treat each other as children of the same loving God, we pray … Be born in us;
be born in our world.
For our parish family: that we may have a spirit of generous service and gentle
regard for each other, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.
For those families torn apart by poverty and war: that refugees find a home, that
the hungry are fed, all young people educated, the unemployed given meaningful work,
and that nations may leave in peace, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.
For our own families: that we may honor those who gave us life and nurture those
whose lives must be protected, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.
We remember those who have died … (names) …. That those who mourn may be
comforted, we pray … Be born in us; be born in our world.
Good and gracious God, watch over and protect us and our homes.
Strengthen the love which unites families in peace and joy and make of the peoples of our
world one family. We pray always in Jesus’ name. Amen.