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SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Kra
Text 1
Weather is the physical condition of the atmosphere at a particular time. It includes temperature, air
pressure, and water content.
Weather is produce when the air moves from place to place. This moving air is known as wind. Winds
are caused by warm air rising and cooler air moving in to replace it. Warm air usually less dense (lighter)
than cool air; therefore, it creates low air pressure. Cool air is more dense (heavier) and creates high air
Usually we have fine weather when the air pressure is high and clouds, rain or snow when the air
pressure drops.
1. The condition of being very cold occurs if ….
A. The air pressure increase.
B. The cool air is more dense.
C. The air moves from place to place.
D. Warm air more dense.
E. The air pressure descends.
2. The following are the characteristics of
weather, except ………
A. Air pressure
B. Water content
C. Humidity
D. Water pressure
E. Temperature
3. The word ‘fine’ in last paragraph means ……
A. Sunny
B. Rainy
C. Windy
D. Cloudy
E. Snowy
4. The air movement from one area to other area
is called …….
A. Wind
B. Weather
C. Warm
D. Temperature
E. Clouds
5. The objective of the text about is to ……..
A. Persuade that something is in the case.
B. Give some view about weather.
C. Entertain the reader.
D. Inform the natural phenomenon.
E. Describe the weather.
Text 2
We are writing to complain about ads on TV. There are so many ads, especially during our favourite
programs. We think they should be stopped for a number of reasons.
First, ads are nuisance. They go on for a long time and there are so many. Sometimes there seems to
be more ads than programs.
Second, ads are bad influence on people. They try to encourage people to buy unhealthy food like
beer, soft drink, candy, and chips. And they make people want thins they do not really need and cannot
Finally, the people who make ads have too much say in what programmer people watch. That is
because they want to put all their ads on popular programmer that a lot of people watch. Some
programmers which are not so popular get stopped because they do not attract enough ads, even though
those programmers may be someone’s favourite.
For those reasons, we think your TV station should stop showing ads. They interrupt programmer, are
bad influence on people, and sometimes put a stop to people’s favourite shows. We are sick of ads, and
now we mostly watch channel two (ABC).
6. What is meant by ads?
A. Kinds of programs about music.
B. Kinds of programs about gossip.
C. Kinds of programs about commercial
D. Kinds of programs about health.
E. Kinds of programs about life style.
Uji Coba 2B UN Kurikulum KBK 2004
7. “First, ads are nuisance.” (par. 2)
The bold word has the same meaning with .....
A. selfish
B. fun
C. debris
D. interesting
E. boring
SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Kra
8. What are the organizations of the text?
A. Thesis, Argument, Re-iteration.
B. Thesis, Argument, Recommendation.
C. Orientation,
Evaluation, Evaluative Summation.
D. Orientation, Complication, Resolution.
E. General
9. These are bad things about ads, except ……
A. People can imitate the cruelty on TV.
B. People cannot get a complete program.
C. People can own the things according to
their need.
D. People eat unhealthy food.
E. People buy what they really unwanted.
10. How many bad influences does the text
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
E. Five
Text 3
A bomb injured Mohamed Haytham Saleh’s left eye when U.S. and Iraqi forces clashed in his
hometown of Fallujah in 2003. Mohamed underwent surgery at a local hospital, but his condition only went
worse. Later his father tried to obtain international help for further treatment. After various efforts, Mohamed
was able to get his eye operated in Japan sponsored by the Roteractors and regained his eye-sight.
To help Mohamed, his father asked for assistance to a Japanese freelance journalist working in the
region. The reporter, Shinsuje Hashida, contacted an acquaintance, Hitosugi, who helped organize a drive
for donations with Roteractors. Later, Hashida’s wife, Yukiko provided further links after Hashida was killed
in an attack near Baghdad.
Meanwhile the media coverage surrounding Hashida’s death thrust Mohamed’s story into the national
spotlight, and donations began to pour in.
Mohamed and his father arrived at Tokyo’s Narita International Airport in 2004 to a crowd of reporters.
The local Roteractors tended to their needs, while Mohamed had surgery and received follow-up care.
When he returned home the next month, his vision was fully restored.
11. What is the social function of the text above?
A. To tell past events.
B. To entertain the readers.
C. To review the news.
D. To persuade the audience.
E. To describe an events.
12. When did Mohamed’s eye get injured?
A. When Iraqi war took place.
B. When a Japanese freelance journalist
working in the region.
C. When U.S. and Iraqi soldiers attacked
D. When
E. When Mohamed arrived at Tokyo”s
Narita International Airport.
13. Who gave the donation to Mohamed’s eye?
A. Hashida did.
B. His father did.
C. Hitosugi did.
D. Haytham Saleh did.
E. Roteractors did.
14. The statements below are correct, except ……
A. Finally, Mohamed’s eye completely got
B. Hitosugi is a Japanese freelance
C. Hashida was still alive to help Mohamed.
D. Mohamed got better after he got a
treatment in local hospital.
E. Mohamed’s father tried only once to get
international help.
15. “…… who helped organize a drive for
donations with Roteractors.” (par. 2)
The synonym of the underlined word is ……
A. surgery
B. assistance
C. work
D. food
E. vision
Text 4
In conclusion, no one knows the exact number of galaxies in the universe; however, astronomers are
continually learning more about them everyday.
Galaxies come in different shapes and sizes such as spiral, barrel spiral and elliptical. Our galaxy,
called Milky Way, is about 100,000 light years across and is a collection of over 100 billion stars. It is made
up of a thin spiral disc of stars with a larger ring of stars near the centre.
The centre of our galaxy contains many very hot, young stars as well as older stars. Also in the centre
are swirling clouds and spinning discs that have been energized by magnetic forces. A galaxy is a collection
of stars and other astronomical bodies including planets, comets and asteroids held together by gravity.
Uji Coba 2B UN Kurikulum KBK 2004
SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Kra
16. The galaxy which is made of a spiral disc of
stars with a larger ring of stars near the centre
is called …….
A. Asteroids
B. Comets
C. Milky Way
D. Stars
E. Universe
17. What is the content of our galaxy?
A. Collection of comets
B. Collection of stars
C. Collection of planets
D. Collection of satellites
E. Collection of asteroids
18. How is the shape of our galaxy?
A. It is round.
B. It is like a spiral.
C. It is ellipse.
D. It is like a barrel spiral.
E. It is square.
19. “Also in the centre are swirling clouds …”
(last par.)
The bold word is similar to ……..
A. move
B. bright
C. rotate
D. dark
E. run
20. What makes the collection of stars still united?
A. Swirling clouds
B. Ring of stars
C. Spinning disc
D. Astronomical bodies
E. Gravity
Text 5
17 Liffe Road
Ginppe 1122
1 July 1997
Dear Pop,
We are having a wonderful holiday. Yesterday was great as we went to Movie
When we got up in the morning, it looked rain. After a while, the clouds
disappeared and it became a sunny day. We then decided to go to Movie World.
The first ride, I went on was Lethal Weapon. Next I saw the Police Academy
Show. At this point I felt hungry and so I had a milkshake and hot dog. Afterwards I had
a rest. Meanwhile, Mum and Kelly had been in the queue for the Batman ride and finally
got ago.
It rained about lunchtime but soon after it was fine again. We then went on all the
other rides and lastly did the studio tour. It was fun. See you soon.
21. The word “the queue” in par. 3 means …..
A. People who watch the film.
B. People who stand in line.
C. People who make a film.
D. People who looking for a job.
E. People who sell the tickets.
22. How many films did the writer watch?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
E. Five
23. What is the text about?
A. The writer’s feeling about the holiday.
B. Lethal Weapon.
C. Greeting our friend.
D. Wonderful holiday in Movie World.
E. Watching Film.
24. The text is used to ……… the readers about
events of the day.
A. Present two point of view
B. Describe
C. Inform
D. Amuse
E. Persuade
25. “Afterwards I had a rest.” (par. 3).
What is the synonym of the bold word?
A. Therefore
B. Finally
C. However
D. Then
E. At first
Text 6
Before deciding whether watching television is a waste of time, it is important to look at both sides of
the argument.
Uji Coba 2B UN Kurikulum KBK 2004
SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Kra
There are many good things about television. There are shows that give us information for improving
our houses such as “Better Homes and Gardens”. Another thing is that television is instructive because of
the news. Another thing is shows such as “A Current Affair” and “Sixty Minutes”. They give us good
information about what is going on in the world. Another thing to support the view that television is not a
waste of time is Channel 2. It has lots of educational programs. Another thing is that shows such as “The
Great Outdoor” and “Getaway” teach us about nice places to travel to. Another thing is shows such as “Play
School” and “Sesame Street” that help teach young children how to count and read. Another thing is that
Professor Smith said television has helped us to learn more about the world than any other invention.
There are reasons for saying watching television is a waste of time. Professor Nguyen has said that if
people read as much as they watch television, they would learn ten times as much. Another thing is that
watching television makes us lazy. When we are sitting watching television we are not doing anything
useful. Another thing is the hopeless shows on television such as “Melrose Place” and Baywatch”. These
teach us nothing and just waste our time.
It can be seen that there are two sides to this discussion. After looking at both, I think watching
television is not a waste of time.
26. What is the writer’s opinion about watching
A. Watching TV makes us lazy.
B. Watching
C. Watching TV is still a dilemma.
D. Watching TV spends much time.
E. Watching TV is very useful.
27. What is the main idea of paragraph two?
A. TV has lots of educational programs.
B. The benefits of watching TV.
C. TV helps the children to read and count.
D. There are many good things about TV.
E. The disadvantages of watching TV.
28. Which one of the TV program containing
negative influence for watcher?
A. Better Homes and Gardens
B. Sesame Street
C. Melrose Place
D. Play School
E. The Great Outdoor
29. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To give two arguments about TV
B. To describe the important of TV.
C. To critique the TV programs.
D. To inform some kinds of TV programs.
E. To explain the TV programs.
30. The word ‘instructive’ in line 4 means …….
A. Giving good shows.
B. Giving hard instruction.
C. Giving new program.
D. Giving available information.
E. Giving lots news.
Text 7
Sydney is Australia’s oldest, largest, and liveliest state capital with a population of over 3,000,000. It is
a colourful, modern city but it has also a natural beauty with green parkland and perhaps the world’s most
beautiful deep-water harbours.
As well as being famous for its modern buildings and roads, there are many places of historical
interest in Sidney. For example, Mrs. Macquarie’s Chair, the area called the Rocks dating back to the early
nineteenth century, and the attractive terrace houses of padding ton, are all close to the harbours and the
city centre.
Sidney has many attractions which tourists can enjoy – surf beaches, a zoo, Koala Bear Park, and
Opera House which is situated at the water’s edge. Some say that this is one of the most beautiful examples
of modern architecture in the world. For further entertainment, there is a wide variety of restaurants,
theatres, nightclubs, sports, and social clubs.
There is also a very efficient network of communications within the city, including an underground
railways, buses and taxis.
Sidney has a very pleasant temperate climate. The average temperature in summer is 21.70C, and in
winter 12.60C.
There are few places in the world where a visitor can find such a rich variety of natural and historical
beauty, entertainment and culture. Ask any Sidneysider about his city and he’ll say there’s no place like it.
31. The text above is used to …..
A. Entertain the readers.
B. Tell the tourist resort in Sidney.
C. Inform the interesting place in Sidney.
D. Persuade the readers to come to Sidney.
E. Explain Sidney city.
Uji Coba 2B UN Kurikulum KBK 2004
32. Which one is not the feature of Sidney?
A. Sidney is well-known as Rocks city.
B. Sidney has a lot of historical
C. Sidney has the modern transportation
D. Sidney is a modern city.
E. Sidney’s
SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Kra
33. What building which has the latest
A. Rocks
B. Mrs. Macquarie’s Chair
C. Koala Bear Park
D. Harbors
E. Opera House
34. “The average temperature in summer …”
(par. 5)
The underlined word means …….
A. Normal
B. Very cold
C. High
D. Very hot
E. Low
35. Sidney has many historical places. One of
them is ……
A. Opera House
B. Koala Bear Park
C. Mrs. Macquarie’s Chair
D. Sidneysider
E. Parkland
o o o GOOD LUCK o o o
Uji Coba 2B UN Kurikulum KBK 2004