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Repairing of the VVVF electronic board. Not finished
I realize that not everyone will have the capability - or desire - to actually apply the
information in these Notes towards a repair. However, awareness of the likely causes and
remedies for a particular problem goes a long way toward being able to make an informed
decision with respect to repair or replacement options. If you do take the unit to a service
center or repair shop, this knowledge will enable you to deal with the sales droid or
technician from a position of strength.
For those of you who are professional technicians in business for profit, much of the
information contained in the Notes is no doubt familiar. However, if you are routinely
referring to this document, I expect that you consider it beneficial in some way. This
probably means some combination of savings in terms of time and money - which translates
to increased profits.
I would hope you feel some minimal obligation to show your
appreciation in some concrete way. I am not sure what form this should take but you must
realize that maintaining this continuously evolving and expanding information is a very nontrivial and time consuming task for us.
Inverters and power supplies contain lethal voltages. That means they can kill YOU. Yes,
YOU! Unless YOU are especially cautious, YOU won't wake up tomorrow. Pretend you are
playing with a bomb. A bomb can't kill you any deader.
If you don't understand electronics, don't bother with inverters and power supplies. This is
analog circuitry, not cookbook logic stuff. You need to have a feel for currents and voltages
and waveforms, or you won't be able to figure out what's happening. Find some circuit nerd
(like me) who needs some software written, and swap services.
Don't risk your life unless you know what you are doing.
Inverters repair is a challenge, like mountain climbing. Probably about as dangerous. Allow
adequate time (3-4 hours, plus trips to the parts store), don't attempt it while tired or
distracted, and have the right tools available.
Make sure somebody is around to haul you to the hospital if you zap yourself.
If you DO hurt yourself, in spite of my warnings, Tecnolama is NOT responsible. I never
posted this, my signature is forged, etc. If you can't take responsibility for your own life,
don't repair power electronic systems.
You will also need an oscilloscope ( 5MHz bandwidth will do ), a multimeter, and access to a
huge pile of power transistor and diode databooks.
An isolation transformer and a Variac are handy. Also a 100W bulb lamp, a pile of power
resistors from which you can build a test load. A bench supply to externally power the
secondaries is useful, though I use the curve tracer for this.
Variac, autotransformer in a protection box with
switch and plugs.
------------------------------- Main rules --------------------------------------RULE #0: Put at least two switches between you and line. Unplugging counts as one switch.
You are human, and you will forget one switch from time to time. Forgetting shouldn't have
to be lethal. Take off watches and metal jewelry. Hell, get someone else to do it. Life is too
short anyway. If you are a professor, find a gullible grad student :-)
RULE #1: Check the fuse. Keep plenty on hand - you may end up blowing a dozen or so.
About a third of the time fuses blow for no reason at all.
RULE #2: Is everything hooked up and switched properly? I've seen a PhD spend 4 hours
debugging a simple little box that "should work but didn't". When I innocently asked "what
does this little switch do?" he thought for about 10 seconds and turned the prettiest shade of
RULE #3: Good designs rarely fail. If it is broken, it is because of an component which
should be as specified it don’t. Sometimes the component tolerances are not according to the
RULE #4: A toasted resistor means something else failed first. Figure out what could toast
the resistor, or you will toast another one.
RULE #5: Buy extra replacement parts. You will blow a few things up during debugging.
RULE #6: Before firing the supply up, figure out the primary circuit. The typical 230V supplies
have a full wave bridge and a filter cap, resulting in about 340 volts DC on the primary.
Make sure there is a discharge path
through a power resistor – or discharge it
by a 100W bulb lamp.
You can temporarily solder one on while
you work on the supply. A 20K ohm, 10W
resistor will discharge a 1000 uF primary in
about 1 minute.
You can switch in a smaller value resistor
for faster discharge, but you will probably
forget to turn it off, and end up blowing it
up when you turn the supply back on.
In any case, get rid of the primary side voltage somehow before you mess with things.
RULE #7: When building test loads, load all the supplies. Some switchers get unhappy if
there isn't at least a trickle of current on each supply. A 20% load is often adequate.
RULE #8: When you think you have the supply fixed, run it up and down with the Variac;
run it up to at least 1.2X normal line, if you can.
some switchers get very unhappy with 0.5X line. If you end up breaking it this way, at
least you know what will happen during brownouts. If the result is a very high overvoltage
on the outputs (I've seen this once) then the repairing process could affect too many
components (Output driver ULN2004, microprocessor, power driver, etc). Overvoltage eats
expensive equipment.
RULE #9: Anything can be fixed. Sometimes it's too much work. Be willing to give up.
We have 2 different tools, pretty useful for Tests and Technical Departments:
The programming console is a portable interface with screen included which can
modify the internal parameters and check the doors behavior.
The PC Computer- VVVF control interface, that jointed with a Windows 95/98 based
program and your PC Computer you can modify the internal parameters and check the
doors behavior. We are developing some different programs for this device because is
just a matter of software.
Handheld programming console
PC programming console
The VVVF control.
The VVVF control is a 3-phase inverter made with the 3rd generation rugged IGBT transistors, fast
speed, that can generate a range frequency from 0.2 Hz to 200 Hz with a 0.1 Hz precision and a 15 KHz
carrier frequency. The carrier frequency guarantees a silent electronic control. The sinusoidal signal
synthesis is made by 3 PWM in real time.
The control is a Frequency/Voltage open loop type that regulates Voltage and Frequency
independently with a constant torque response in the working frequency range.
The VVVF main processor is from the last generation 16bit microprocessor (Hitachi H8 532). Its high
speed (20 MHz), low power consumption, powerful peripheral devices leads the system to manage in
real time the whole functions with the maximum accuracy.
The working frequency converts the VVVF control to a quiet system.
The electronic components have been distributed on the board for best isolation between the
different areas, to avoid the possibility of a problem in one of them affecting the others. Input control
area is completely isolated by means photo-couplers, the outputs are separated with relays and a
driver, the mains power supplies are isolated and the input power supply is protected against
overvoltages (wrong 400V connections) and indirect discharges (surges) up to 2500 V.
The board is a SMD design for a better reliability and an easy assembly.
The VVVF-3 internally.
Internal Filter
Fuse capacitor bridge
External fuse
Gas dischargers
Input resistors
Power driver
Photocell control
15V supply 12V supply
Power supplies.
There are 3 main power supplies:
a 12V isolated linear supply (TF1),
a 15V non isolated supply (TF2)
and a 300V supply (D38 diode bridge and C36 220uF 400V filter capacitor).
Different high power diode bridges has been used with different hardware versions:
This diode bridge by DIOTEC guaranted a proper behavior, but the burn problem
disapeared when we changed it.
It was a masked problem not shown after working for some months.
Different diode bridge has been assembled with a right
General Instruments GBU8J
(Versions 950711, 950713, 950714)
D.C. KBPC1506
(Version 950709)
General Instruments GBPC2506W.
(Versions 905706 (some units), 950707 (some units),
and 950708)
(Version 950712)
Input signals.
The input signal system has been modified sometimes, in order to increase the signal/noise
ratio and protect better against overvoltages in the signals.
Protection resistor for the photocell input.
Electrical discharge done when trying to
program the DIP switch with a metallic
component (screwdriver) and without
disconnecting the mains supply (Main switch).
The window space in the box has been
reduced from the first versions, but it is still
possible to make such a problem.
Output discharge
PWM signals.
Checking the power signals to the IGBT transistors:
Shunt resistor
Boostrap diodes (6 uds, 2 each phase)
IGBT driver IR2130
The power transistor is an IGBT type (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) and the ones
we use are:
HGTP7N60C3D from Harris Semiconductor (Infineon company now).
or IRG4BC20UD from IR International Rectifier
some other IGBT supossed to be equivalent in “theory", in practice are not. We have
check they are not reliable for such a hard work conditions.
Nevertheless if the recommended ones are not available the electrical features are:
Transistor IGBT ultrafast with internal recovery diode
Voltage Vces = 600V
Current Ic = 7A
capsule TO-220 AB
This switching signal should be shown when
checking the signal applied to the IGBT.
Hybrid IGBT power module.
This module was introduce in September of 1999 in the
950711 hardware version. With this power system there is a
perfect contact between the IGBT power transistors and the
aluminium heat sink (flat plate), and the system decrease the
internal temperature improving the systems response against
hard working conditions.
This system has been proved a very strong power solution. It
is very difficult to find any IGBTs blown.
Con el nuevo módulo híbrido se mejora
aún más el comportamiento térmico del
conjunto y se reducen las dimensiones.
Desde su implantación en la versión 711,
el problema es despreciable.
56. M
55. EN
1 2 3 4
When we repair a controller, we update the unit with the last features developed (hard &
soft modifications), and we send back the unit as soon as possible (1 or 2weeks usually).
On the printed board by C32 and C33, to the right there is a little
black box, next to it is #102
It is a resistor in the Photocell control area. That not should affect to the correct working
functions, because you have no photocell.
and the board look's like it might be
burnt around that box. The "close" circuit has no voltage and the
This is not correct. To close doors, the elevator control must put any kind of voltage
(between 12 and 240 V AC or DC) like the open 55V signal. If the elevator control do not put
this signal the door control will not close. May be the problem you have is in the elevator
It is a good idea to be sure the door control close signal is OK. You can simulate the close
signal by means a 12 V DC battery or a mains supply voltage (110V AC ?) controlled by a
To simulate the input controls we usually connect some switchs with no voltage making a
bridge between the 0V internal connection and COM (bridge between 10-11) and activating
the signals with a contact with a switch between #12-#9 to open and between 8-9 to close.
Be careful and do not connect external voltages in the internal 12V supply ( pin #9).
Modifications from VVVF3 to VVVF4
Box dimensions: 329 x 157 mm
Box dimensions: 280 x 144 mm
8 9
Board dimensions: 300 x 145 mm
Board dimensions: 280 x 144 mm
1) IGBT transistors on a heat sink changed to a hybrid IGBT module.
2) IGBT IR2130 driver changed to SMD format
3) Diode bridge to a different format
4) Connectors from the wire to the component side
5) Relays from Alcatel to OMRON trade mark (both UL rated).
6) Leds from the wire to the component side
7) Press buttons changed.
8) Microprocessor changed to SMD format.
9) New memory with more capacity and with reset and watchdog system incorporated.
Cuando ocurre esto está activado el led y relé de obstrucción ?
Si así fuera, se podría estar produciendo una obstrucción al abrir, que dejaría al
control VVVF fuera de servicio durante unos segundos hasta reintentarlo de nuevo.
Durante estos segundos, el muelle de la puerta de rellano haría cerrar la puerta de
forma no controlada, dando un golpe al final.
Por nuestra parte no nos consta de que exista un problema con los encoders. Sí es
cierto que en alguna ocasión, debido a un cortocircuito en la alimentación interna de
12V por conexión de tensión externa en la alimentación interna (9-11) en lugar de
aplicarla en (8-10-12). Esto, según la tensión aplicada por el control del elevador
puede provocar daños en el encoder (si la mala conexión se rectifica pronto la fuente
interna de alimentación podría soportarlo sin dañarse).
No obstante está ya en fase de producción una modificación del control que contempla
una protección de la alimentación del encoder para evitar esta situación.
Because this is the Test button function. It is useful to set the speeds, check the
movements, regulate the mechanic parts, even before install the elevator control. So
you can check the door operator independently of the elevator control.
We have no photocell, there are no obstructions in the doorway, it only
reverses with pressure applied to the door. The resistors do not appear
to be "toasted", they look to be in good condition.
Our warranty cover 1 year, but the cost of repairment (if the unit is really damaged) is
quite cheap. The problem used to be the shipments cost.
Esto ocurre bajo algunas condiciones concretas ? El espacio de final de cierre (baja
velocidad tras frenar) de cuantos centímetros es aproximadamente? El final del
movimiento acaba en los topes de goma, en alguna otra pieza, tocando las hojas de
las puertas?
Cuando ocurre esto está activado el led y relé de obstrucción ?
Si así fuera, se podría estar produciendo una obstrucción al abrir, que dejaría al
control VVVF fuera de servicio durante unos segundos hasta reintentarlo de nuevo.
Durante estos segundos, el muelle de la puerta de rellano haría cerrar la puerta de
forma no controlada, dando un golpe al final.
[Robert Ruiz] Do It stay opened even activating the close signal? Have you check if
the 2 signals (open & close) are present at the same time?
Take in mind that for safety reasons the open signal has priority to the close signal.
So if the elevator control is activating the 2 signals at same time the door will not
close. Sometimes interferences in the open signal activates this wrong behaviour.
Check by means a multimeter.
[Robert Ruiz]
Check the microswitch no.1. If you have Open and Close signals you must program in
2 inputs mode (OFF position) See the front label. If it is programmed with 2 signals
If the VVVF control is programmed in 1 input mode (microswitch no.1 ON position) the lift control must maintain
the close signal during the lift travel, because without close signal the door opens automatically
We still get 92 volts from the frame (or body of the motor) to ground.
[Robert Ruiz] This is due to the internal motor capacitance (due to the
high frequency signals applied 15KHz) that works like a little capacitor
storing a bit of energy. You will find about 100V but the current is
minimum, so is not dangerous. We can not earth the motor because the
EMC interferences norms(electromagnetic compatibility). Nevertheless,
nowadays we are protecting the motor with a box to avoid to touch the
1.- Check the input signals in the VVVF control (Open/Common/Close) by means a
MULTIMETER device. The lift control must maintain the signals at the same voltage. You migh
have interference voltage signals in your installation.
If you have programmed the VVVF control in 1 input mode (microswitch no.1 ON position)
the lift control must maintain the close signal during the lift travel, because without close
signal the door opens automatically. In 2 inputs (the systems works with open/close signals)
is not necessary to maintain the close signal, but check that the open signal is not blinking its
If you detect electric interferences in the input signals:
- check the correct connection of the earth wire
- check the led light activation in the middle of the open or close movement ( Any
obstruction? Photocell? ...)
- See the attached inputs noiseless doc.
2.- If you are sure you have not any electric disturbance, demount the electronic board
and the rear tape methalic box and have a look to the electonic devices, specially the 2 big
resistors next to the input control connector. If these resistors are toasted (sometimes to the
oscillations in the control signals up to the usual voltage), try to contact with a electronic
store, dealer or somebody who can sustitute this 2 resistors (very easy for any electronic
student or a Do-It-Yourself people).
Attached I send you our last instruction DOC in a standard PDF format. Take in mind that in
the last 4 years we have incorporated pretty much protections, components and new
functions, so some of them are not incorporated in your system. Nevertheless I am sure you
can find it quite useful.
Relating to the 92V from box cover to ground occasionaly, we recommend you to check the
correct connection of the earth wire in the mains supply connector and in the electrical
Dear Mr.Miyuki Sakurai,
asking your questions about the Fermator door drive:
1. Max.operating temperature guaranteed = +60ºC
(with less than 80% RH ambient
humidity and without dew condensation)
2. Max.operating temperature tested = +72ºC
3. The operation is possible at 50ºC. See point 1.
4. You only can see a little difference is some pretty heavy doors operator if the ambient
temperature increases from 40 to 50ºC the motor temperature also increases and it has less
force, so the doors run a bit slower.
AC Voltage range
Frequency supply
Minimum power
Open door power
Nominal power
Maximal power
230V +10%
50/60 Hz
0.6 A
Carrier frequency
Frequency range
Voltage range
Max. output current
Positional Control
Communication Serial Port
15 KHz
0.5…200Hz / 0.1 step
3~ x 40… 200 V /2 V step
4 Amps (fast ceramic fuse protection no.3)
Quadrature Encoder, 0.1Hz freq.resolution
1200 Baud, 0-20mA Current Loop
Asynchron three phase
Voltage supply
Thermic Class
Nominal speed
6 poles
B – 130ºC
Opening Speed
Closing Speed
Safety Force
Maximum torque
Maintenance torque (Opened door)
Working Frequency
1 m/s Max.
0.6 m/s Max.
(Limited for safety reason)
8..15 Adjustable
Until 400 cycles/hour
Optoisolated signals
Voltage or free voltage activation
Bi-directional Optocouplers
20 K
12…230 V AC or DC
Relay Contacts
Output Current
Switched Power capacity
Switched time response
Switched resistance
Switched Normally open free contact
1.5 A max.
230 V max.
30 W
8 ms
50 m
Ambient temperature
Ambient humidity
Storage temperature
-10 to +60ºC (with no freezing)
<95% RH (with no dew condensation)
-20 to +70ºC
For any further information do not hesitate to contact
with our Technical Department.