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Name: -------------------------------------------------------Class: ----------------------------------------------------------
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Unit one: Periodic Motion
Lesson 1: Oscillatory Motion.
Lesson 2: Wave Motion.
Unit 2: Sound and Light
Lesson 1: Properties of Sound Waves.
Lesson 2: Reflection of Sound Waves.
Lesson 3: Wave Nature of Light.
Lesson 4: Reflection and Refraction of Light.
Unit 3: Reproduction and Preservation of Species (kind)
Lesson 1: Reproduction in Plants.
Lesson 2: Reproduction in Humans.
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Question (1) Complete the following:
1-Examples of the periodic motion are -------------------------- and ------------------------2-oscillatory motion is ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3- The pots to be used inside the microwaves oven should be made of -----------------------, ------------------------ or ------------------------------
4-The ---------------------------- motion is considered the simplest form off oscillatory motion.
5- Properties of oscillatory motion are expressed in terms of many concepts like --------------------------------------------, --------------------------------------, -------------------------------------------, -------------------------------
6-the measuring unit of amplitude is -----------------------------7- The maximum displacement achieved by oscillating body away from its point of rest is
called -----------------------------------------------8-periodic time is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9-Periodic time = ------------------------------------------------ \ -------------------------------------------10-Frequency = ------------------------------------------------ \ -------------------------------------------11-Frequency is measured in ------------------------12-Kilohertz = ---------------------- Hertz
13- Megahertz = --------------------Hertz
14-Gigahertz = ------------------------Hertz
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15-Amplitude is ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16-frequency is the ------------------------------ of periodic time.
17- Use your ruler to calculate the amplitude in the following figures:
Amplitude = ---------------------
Amplitude = ---------------------
Amplitude = ---------------------
18-Periodic time is measured in --------------------------19- Frequency × periodic time = ---------------------------20-the ------------------- scientist ------------------- has declared the unit of frequency.
21- 3 Megahertz = ---------------------Hertz
22- 5 Hertz = --------------------- Kilohertz
23 - The movement of earth's crust during earthquakes is considered as
------------------------ motion.
Question (2) Solve the following problems:
1- Calculate the periodic time and frequency for an oscillating body that makes 300
complete oscillations in a half a minute.
2- in the opposite figure:
What is the periodic time?
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2 seconds
3- Calculate the frequency if:
a) No. of complete oscillations = 40 in a time = 4 sec.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------b) No. of complete oscillations = 30 in a time = 2 sec.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4- If the max. Displacement done by the oscillating body away from its
original position is 0.2 cm which is made in 0.5 second.
Calculate its amplitude and the periodic time.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5-calculate the periodic time of an oscillating body which makes 240
oscillations in one minute.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question (3) Choose the correct answer:
1-The movement of molecules is considered a ---------- motion.
(Oscillatory – wave – vibration)
2-Megahertz = ------------------ Hertz.
(103 – 106 – 1012)
3-Periodic time is a reciprocal of -------------------(Amplitude – frequency – velocity)
4- (1) is the result of -----------------(F×T - F÷T - T÷F - T+F )
5-the complete oscillation means that the oscillating body passes a single point -----------successive times.
(Two – three – four)
6-Number of amplitudes in one complete oscillation are ----------------(Three – two – six)
7-If the periodic time equals 4 seconds, the frequency = ------------(0.35 – 0.25 – 0.45)
8-The number of complete oscillations that the oscillating body makes in one second is
known as -------------------(Frequency – amplitude – wavelength)
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9-Frequency is measured in --------------(Sec. – Newton – Hertz)
10-one of the following represents the oscillatory motion which is --------------(Tuning fork – stretched string – rotator bee)
Question (4) on the next graph papers, represent the oscillating motion for:
1- Pendulum with max. Displacement = 3 cm making one complete oscillation.
2- Pendulum with max. Displacement = 4 cm making half oscillation.
Question (5) Define each of the following:
1- The periodic motion.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2- The periodic time.
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3- The amplitude.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4- The oscillatory motion.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5- The complete oscillation.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6- The frequency.
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Question (1) Write the scientific term:
1- The waves that need materialistic medium in order to propagate.
( -------------------------------- )
2- The disturbance that propagates and transfers energy in the direction of propagation.
( -------------------------------- )
3- The movement resulting from the vibration of the medium particles at a certain
( -------------------------------- )
moment in a specific direction.
4- The disturbance which causes the particles of the medium to vibrate perpendicular to
( -------------------------------- )
the direction of wave propagation.
5- The waves that propagate through space.
( -------------------------------- )
6- The highest point in the transverse wave.
( -------------------------------- )
7- The lowest point in the transverse wave.
( -------------------------------- )
8- The point of highest density and pressure in the longitudinal wave.
( -------------------------------- )
9- The point of lowest density and pressure in the longitudinal wave.
( -------------------------------- )
10- The disturbance which causes the particles of the medium to vibrate along the
( -------------------------------- )
direction of wave propagation.
11- The maximum displacement achieved by the particles of the medium away from
( -------------------------------- )
their points of rest.
12- The distance between centers of 2 consecutive compressions or rarefactions.
( -------------------------------- )
( -------------------------------- )
13- The distance covered in unit time.
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Question (2) put (√) or (×) with correction:
1-the propagation of concentric circles on the surface of water represents oscillatory
( )
2-when the tuning fork vibrates, the produced energy transferred in the form of sound
( )
3-wave is the disturbance that propagates and transfers energy against the direction of
( )
4-the direction of progressing of the wave is known as amplitude.
( )
5-in the longitudinal waves, the particles of medium vibrate perpendicular the direction
of wave propagation.
( )
6- Radio waves and sound waves are from examples of mechanical waves.
( )
7-rarefaction is the point of lowest density and pressure in the longitudinal wave.
( )
8-Nanometer = 10 meter.
( )
9-the velocity of waves is constant in different media.
( )
Question (3) Complete the following:
1-waves are classified according to the direction of vibration of medium particles into -------------------------and --------------------------2-in the transverse waves, the particles of the medium vibrates ------------------------ to the
direction of wave propagation.
3- Electromagnetic waves have the advantage of propagation in space with a velocity
equals -------------------4-From examples of the mechanical waves are ------------------, ------------------- and -------------------5- Crest is the ----------- point in the transverse wave.
6-in the following figure; complete the labels the answer the questions:
a) The figure represents --------------------- wave.
b) The point of highest density and pressure is called -------------------------------------------
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7-Wavelength is measured by a symbol ------------------8-Infrared rays one of the ---------------------------waves.
9-velocity = ----------------------- \ ------------------------ and its unit is ----------------10-Rresonance is -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11-transverse and longitudinal waves are examples of -------------------------- waves.
Question (4) Solve the following problems:
1- If the distance covered by the wave in meters is 340, in a time taken equals 2 sec.
Calculate the velocity of the wave. And in which medium does this wave move through?
2- If the frequency of a visible light wave = 6×108 Megahertz .calculate the frequency in
3- The velocity of the propagation of a sound wave though wood is 1800 m/sec. find the
frequency of the sound source if the wavelength of the produced wave is 6m.
4- If the frequency of a sound wave in air is 660 Hertz, and the distance between the
centers of the second and the seventh compression is 2.5 meters, calculate the velocity
of the sound through air.
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Question (5) Compare between each of the following:
Point of
Transverse wave
Longitudinal wave
--------------------------- -------------------------
--------------------------- -------------------------
--------------------------- -------------------------
--------------------------- -------------------------
--------------------------- -------------------------
--------------------------- -------------------------
--------------------------- -------------------------
--------------------------- -------------------------
--------------------------- -------------------------
--------------------------- -------------------------
Point of comparison
Oscillatory motion
Wave motion
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Question (6) Define each of the following:
1- Wave frequency.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2- Transverse wave.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3- The wavelength of the transverse wave.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4- The amplitude of the wave.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5- The compression.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6- The trough.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7- The wave velocity.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8- The rarefaction.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9- Longitudinal wave.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10- The crest.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11- Wave motion.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12- The wave.
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Question (1): Define each of the following:
1- Sound.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2- Sound velocity.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3- Sound pitch.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4- Sound intensity.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5- Sound quality.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6- Harmonic tones.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7- Sonic waves.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8- Infrasonic waves.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9- Ultrasonic waves.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10- The inverse square law of sound.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question (2): Choose the correct answer:
1-Sound waves travels through (liquid – gas – solid – all are correct) medium (a).
2-Sound waves don't travel through (juice – space – wood – oxygen).
3-the distance which is covered by sound in one second is called (sound velocity – light
velocity – wavelength – frequency).
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4-The voice of Ahmed is differs from that of Osama because they are
different in (Age – intensity – pitch – kind).
5-the sound becomes rough by decreasing
(frequency – amplitude – harmonic tones – quality).
6-the frequency of the vibrating string (equals – is inversely proportional – is directly
proportional – has no direct relation) to its length.
7-the measuring unit of sound intensity is (watt/m – watt – watt/m2).
8-when the amplitude increases 2 times, the intensity of sound increases (4 – 8 – 16) times.
9-Sound intensity is (directly – inversely – none of them) proportional with the density of
10-There are (2 - 3 - 4) types of sound waves.
11-the human ear (can – can't – both are correct) hear ultrasonic waves.
Question (3): Complete the following statements:
1-Sound waves are consists of -------------------and -------------------2-Sound waves propagate through media as sphere whose center is --------------------------3-the velocity of sound through air = ----------------4-the velocity of sound through air depends on ----------------------, ---------------------and -----------------------------5-Sound waves velocity = -------------------------- × ---------------------------6-Sounds of disturbance and irritation such as ---------------- and -----------------7-Sound of uniform frequency and comfortable to be heard is called -------------------------8-The human ear can differentiate between the sounds that reach it through 3
factors which are ----------------------, ------------------------- and ---------------------9-the voice of men is -------------- pitched as it is rough.
10-As the sharpness of voice increases, the sound pitch gets ----------------11-the sound pitch depends on the ----------------- of the sound source.
12- Savart's wheel is used to ------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-the level of sound intensity is measured in -------------------------14-Square of the amplitude is --------------- proportional with sound intensity.
15- The harmonic tunes differ from one source to of sound to another
depending on ----------------------------------{…… Prep. Two Science ……}
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16-example of audible sounds is --------------------17-Some sea creatures like ------------------- and ------------------- produce
ultrasonic waves.
Question (5): Put ( √ ) or ( × ):
1- Sound waves propagate through different media with similar velocities. (
2- Sound velocity through solids equals that through liquids.
3- Drill is an example of musical tones.
4- High pitched sound is harsh (rough).
5-If the sound energy is high it gives weak sound.
6-As sound intensity increases, noise intensity increases.
7- The intensity of sound is directly proportional with the square of the distance between a
point and sound source.
8- The intensity of sound increases when the sound waves propagation direction is in the
opposite direction of the wind.
9-when the tuning fork vibrates it produces a simple pure tone known as harmonic tunes.
10-ultrasonic waves are examples of non-audible sounds.
11-The human ear can hear infrasonic waves.
Question (6): Mention the factors affecting the sound intensity.
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Question (7) Mention the relation between each of the following:
1- Sound intensity and amplitude.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-Sound intensity and distance.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-Sound intensity and area of vibrating surface.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4- Sound intensity and the density of medium.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5-sound intensity and wind direction.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question (8) Complete the following table:
The field in which the
ultrasonic waves are used
The uses
1-Industrial field
2-Medical field
3-Military field
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Question (1): Mention different applications on the property of the reflection of
sound waves.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question (2): Correct the underline words.
1-Sound refracts in the same medium.
2-If the angle of reflection =60˚, so angle of incidence is 45˚. …………………………..
3-Echo produces in a narrow place.
4-the distance between the sound source and the reflecting surface must not be less
than 10 meters.
5- The ultrasonic frequencies that transmitted by bat ranging 60 – 100 KHz.
Question (3): Define each of the following:
1- Sound reflection.
2- First law of sound reflection.
3- Second law of sound reflection.
4- Sound ray.
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5- Angle of incidence of sound ray.
6- Angle of reflection of sound ray = 40˚.
7- Echo.
8- Concentration of sound.
9- Sound ray.
Question (4): Mention the necessary conditions for hearing echo.
Question (5): Choose the correct answer:
1-the human ear can't distinguish between two successive sounds when the period
between them is less than (0.1 – 0.3 – 0.5) seconds.
2- Concentration of sound takes place on (Concave – Convex – Plane) surfaces.
3- Sonar device produces (ultrasonic – infrasonic – gamma ray) waves.
4- Velocity of ultrasonic waves is measured in (m\sec – m\sec2 – m).
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Question (6): Mention different life applications for echo:
Question (7): Complete the following:
1-Ultrasonic waves are used nowadays in many medical investigations and laboratory
tests such as ……………………………………….……… and
2-Cracks, holes, air bubbles and welding defects can be detected by passing
3-Bats can use the phenomenon of sound reflection in their daily life to:
…………………………………………… and …………………………………………..
4- In the following figure which
represents the experiment of sound
reflection ,complete :
No. (1) is ………………………
No. (2) is ………………………
No. (3) is ………………………
No. (4) is ………………………
No. (5) is ………………………
No. ………. must = No. …………
Mention the two law of sound reflection.
……… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
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Question (1): Complete the following:
1-light waves are …………………………… transverse waves which can travel through
free space with velocity = …………………………..
2-light waves are formed from ………………………………… and ……………………………..
3-wavelengths of the visible light ranging between …………………………and………………………
4-the first Arabic scientist who established the science of light is ………………………………………
5-The main source of light energy on earth's surface is ………………………
6-white light consists of a mixture of ………. Colors which are known as …………..………………
7-rainbow colors are arranged in order as …..………….. , ……..……... , …..………… , …………....
,……………… , ………..……… , …………..……..
8-the longest wavelength is for the ………….. color of the spectrum seven colors.
9-The German scientist …………………… proved that the energy of light waves is composed of
energy quanta known as ……………………….
10-Photon energy = plank's constant × …………………………
11-Objects can't be seen behind the ……………………. medium.
12-Examples of the transparent medium …………………. , …………………. and ……………………..
13-Opaque objects such as …………………….. , ……………………. and ………………………
14-Light travels in ……………………. lines.
15-Light intensity of a surface ………………………. as the distance between the surface and the
light source increase.
16-Spectrum colors starts with ……………….. color and ends with ………………….. color.
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Question (2): Put (√) or (×):
1-Light waves are formed from compressions and rarefactions.
2-Faraday is the first scientist who explained how vision occurs.
3-when the white light falls on a glass prism it reflects.
4-the lowest frequent color of the spectrum colors is the red.
5-orange color locates between green and indigo colors.
6-the energy of the photon is inversely proportional to the frequency
of the light wave.
7-By increasing the thickness of the transparent medium, the quantity of light that passes
through is increases.
8-tissue paper is an example of translucent medium.
9-Light travels in zigzag lines.
Question (3): Write the scientific term for each of the following:
1) The medium in which most of light can pass through.
2) One of the components of electromagnetic spectrum of wavelength ranges between
380 – 700 nanometers.
3) A structure used to separate the white light into seven spectrum colors.
4) The quantity of light falling perpendicular to a unit area of a surface in one second.
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Question (4): Mention the properties of light:
Question (5): Define the following:
2-the speed of light.
3-the visible light.
4-Analysis of white light.
5-transparent medium.
6-translucent (semi-transparent) medium.
7-Opaque medium.
8-Light intensity.
9-The inverse square law of light.
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Question (1): Write the scientific term:
1- The rebounding of light waves in the same medium on meeting a reflecting surface.
2-the reflection of light rays when they meet a smooth surface and glistening reflecting
3-the reflection of light rays in which the incident light rays are reflected in different
4-A type of reflection takes place on a dirty plane mirror.
5-the angle between the reflected light ray and the line perpendicular to the reflecting
surface at the point of incidence.
6-the narrow beam which is represented by a straight line, it intersects with reflecting
surface at the point of incidence.
7-the change of light path when it travels from a transparent medium to another.
8-The ratio between the absolute refractive index of a medium to the absolute refractive
index of another medium.
Question (2): Complete the following:
1-The surface at which the reflection takes place is called ………..…………
2-there are two types of reflection they are ……………………………….. and ……………………………..
3-Examples of the smooth surfaces are ………………………. and ……………………..while for rough
surfaces …………………….and………………………..
4-the second law of light reflection is
5-if the angle between the reflected light ray and the perpendicular to the reflecting
surface is 35˚, the incidence angle is ……………………
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6- Periscope is used in ………………………………………………………………………………
7-Optical fibers are used in medicine as they are used in manufacture of
8-the distance between the earth and the moon can be estimated by
9-As optical density of the medium increases the speed of light through it
10-the angle of refraction is
11-The ratio between the velocity of light through air to the velocity of light through
another transparent medium is known as ……………………………………….
12-Optical fibers transmit light by ……………… internal reflection.
Question (3): What is meant by each of the following?
1-The reflected light ray.
2-Angle of incidence.
3-light reflection.
4-Optical density of the medium.
5-angle of emergence=60˚.
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6-The absolute refractive index of glass is 1.5
7-Total internal reflection.
8-Mirage phenomenon.
Question (4): Correct the underline words:
1-If the refractive index of a medium is low; this means that its optical density is high.
2-By increasing the angle of incidence gradually, the angle of refraction will be constant.
3-The critical angle is the angle of reflection of a light ray.
4-Mirage is a natural phenomenon that takes place in water. {………………………………..}
Question (5): Mention the natural phenomena that are related to reflection and
reflection of light:
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Question (1): Put (√) or (×) with correction:
1-Root is the sexual reproduction in the flowering plants.
2-each carpel consists of a swollen part called anther.
3-There are two types of reproduction in plants.
4-Tuber is one way of the natural vegetative reproduction.
5-Cut is a part of stem.
6-Sexual reproduction in plants takes place in two processes which are fertilization and
the pollination.
Question (2): What is meant by each of the following?
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Question (3): write the scientific term:
1-the leaf form which the floral bud carrying the flower emerges.
2-the male reproductive organ of the flower.
3-the fourth whorl of the floral leaves.
4-A disease that infecting people who have allergy to pollen grains.
5-Small cells formed in the anther inside the pollen chamber. {…………………………………}
6-the transfer of pollen grains from the anther of flower to the stigmas of the same flower
or to another flower in the same plant.
7-The development of plants by a special type of asexual reproduction.
8-It is a part of root, stem or leaf that taken from a plant for reproduction.
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2-Question (4): write all labels on the following figures:
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This picture represents the transfer of pollen grains by
………………………….. and this way of transferring is
characterized by
Question (5): Complete the following table:
Floral whorls
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Question (6): Complete the following map:
Question (7): complete the following:
1-When the pollen grains becomes mature, the anther splits ………………………and the pollen
grains ………………………………
2-Types of pollination are …………………………………….and………………………………….
3-The transfer of pollen grains from anther to the stigmas of another flower in other plant
of the same kind is called ……………………...
4-Pollen grains can transfer from one flower to another by different ways such as
……………………………… and ……………………….
5-Artificial pollination is carried out by …………………
6-There are two types of vegetative reproduction, which are ……….………and………………..……
vegetative reproduction.
7-Artificial vegetative reproduction takes place by three ways they are …………………… ,
………………………….. and …………………………….
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8-the buds buried inside the soil grow to form the ……………………….. of the
plant ,while when they are above the soil surface grow to form the
…………………………… of the plant.
9-Tissue culture is ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
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Question (1): What is meant by each of the following concepts?
1) Reproduction process.
2) Ovulation.
3) Vagina.
4) Fertilization.
5) Incubation period.
Question (2): Choose the correct answer:
1-Man reproduce ………………………..
(Sexually – asexually – bisexually)
2- Human reproduce by using a special system called ………………………
(Respiratory – digestive – reproductive)
3-tests of the human male lie ……………………. the body.
(Outside – inside – near)
4-tests of the elephant male lie ……………………. the body.
(Outside – inside – near)
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5-The following parts are from the female reproductive system except …………
(Ovaries – testes – uterus)
6-Two ovaries locate ……………….. the body.
(Outside – inside – near)
7- Every ……………. , the ova produce from the ovary.
(30 – 24 – 28)
8- All the following are from the signs of puberty in females except …………….
(Enlargement of muscles – softness of voice – Accumulation of fats in some
body regions)
9-menstrual cycle starts at the age …………… of female.
(3 – 4 – 11)
10-Tests in male produce ………………..
(Ova – sperms – ova and sperms)
11-Genetic material (chromosomes) exist inside the ………………..of the body.
(Tissues – organs – cells)
12-No. of chromosomes inside the zygote is ………………..
(23 – 46 – 92)
13-The period of pregnancy equals ………………months.
(8 – 9 – 6)
14-Bones starts to develop in the ………………. Stage of embryo development.
(First – second – third)
15-Third stage starts from ………………week.
(13th – 14th – 15th)
16-Diseases of genital system can be classified into …………….types.
(2 – 3 – 5)
17-The incubation period of the puerperal fever is ………………days.
(18 – 6 – 4)
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18-The microbe that causes the syphilis disease is ………………..shaped
(Spiral – spherical – cone)
Question (3): Mention one function of each:
2- Scrotal sac.
3- Testosterone.
4- Epiodidymis.
5- Vas deferens.
6- Genital glands.
7- Ovaries.
8- Estrogen.
9- Progesterone.
10-Fallopian tubes.
12-enzymes from sperm.
Question (4): Complete the following:
1- Signs of puberty in male are ………………………………….. , …………………………………. ,
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2-Each testis is connected to a group of fine convoluted tubes known as
………………………………… which extends in the form of a single tube known as
3- The final stages of the growth and development of sperms take place in the ……………….
4- There are 3 kinds of genital glands connected to the male reproductive system which
are …………………………… , ………………………………… and …………………………………
5-the prostate is a ………………………… gland surrounding the urethra.
6- Ova produce from ………………………..
7-The inner wall of fallopian tubes lined with …………………
8-The two fallopian tubes are open in the upper corners of the …………………………
9-the uterus lies in the ……………… cavity between ……………………… and rectum.
10-…………………… is a spherical, not mobile cell.
11-Sperm consists of ………………………… , …………………………… and ………………….........
12-The life time of a single sperm inside the vagina ranges from ……… to ……… hours.
13- Chromosomes carry ……………… which responsible for the hereditary traits.
14-The head of the sperm secretes …………………which dissolve the cellular membrane of
15-The nucleus of the sperm fuses with the nucleus of the ovum to form the ……………………
16-The zygote divides many successive divisions into many cells that differentiate and
continue to grow forming the …………………………
17-The first embryo formation stage ends at ………………week.
18-Heart pulses of the embryo can be heard using the ……………………
19-Genital organs starts to develop at the …………………… stage.
20-Before delivery the embryo position changes to be ………………………
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21-The microbe that causes the puerperal disease is ………………………
22-The incubation period of the syphilis disease is ………………………………
Question (5): Label the following:
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Question (6): Draw with labels the requests below:
1- Steps of fertilization.
2- The formation of embryo.
Question (7): Complete the following diagram about the diseases of genital
First type
Second type
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