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Reconstruction Group Activity
The time is May, 1865. President Lincoln was assassinated a month ago, and President
Andrew Johnson has taken over. The great task before the nation and Congress is how to
reconstruct the United States following the Civil War. It is not a simple task, as there are
many questions to be answered, and there are many different points of view to be heard.
Within your groups of 4, you will each be given a role to play. You all will be members
of Congress. Your task is to assume the role you are given as fully as possible. You will
have certain points of view and certain interests to protect. Within your group, the four
of you must reach compromises and agreements on the following questions about the
United States following the Civil War.
How will southern states that have seceded be readmitted to the Union?
How will freed black slaves be integrated into society? What rights will they
have? How will these be protected?
How will you handle former Confederate army officers and soldiers? How will
you reintegrate them into society after their lives have been disrupted?
What will be the level of punishment for the rebelling southern states?
How will you reconstruct the South and reintegrate its economy?
What will be the level of the United States army military presence in the southern
You may add any and all measures that you feel are necessary, and you may have other
questions about the United States following the war.
Your task is to come up with a set of laws, conditions, and compromises that will satisfy
all of the members of your group. You will present your guidelines to the class.
Get into the role! If you draw the role of the southern Democrat, who wants to preserve
the current political and social order of white supremacy in the south, please do so! If
you draw the role of the radical Republican, play it to the hilt! Punish the south for its
treason! This is a role-playing game. It’s acting. Taking points of view that you might
not otherwise won’t make you a bad person.
How will southern states that have seceded be readmitted to the Union? There are many
different ways that were proposed by different people, so examine carefully and be
How were freed black slaves and free blacks integrated into society? What rights were
they given? How were these protected? What rights were denied or limited, and by
How were former Confederate officers, politicians, and soldiers treated after the war?
How were they reintegrated into society and given an opportunity to get back on their
How did the government reconstruct the economy of the south? What was the condition
of the economy after the war ended? What programs or projects were used to reconstruct
the economy?
Was Reconstruction a success or a failure? Why was it a success or failure? What do
you use as the standards for success or failure?
Radical Republican – You are a Radical Republican from the north. You strongly
opposed slavery before the war began. Now, you feel that the South should be punished
for its rebellion. You want very difficult guidelines for readmitting states to the Union
(you don’t like Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan). You support equal rights for all freed black
slaves. You want to do everything you can to protect their political and social equality.
You don’t feel too kindly about former Confederate officers or soldiers. You don’t
necessarily feel that the Southern economy should get too much assistance in getting
back on its feet, but you could be persuaded by your colleagues. You think that a strong
military presence in the South is important to enforce the laws.
Moderate Republican – Reconstructing the country is your main goal. You don’t want
difficult guidelines for readmitting states to the Union, but you don’t think it should be
too easy. You don’t necessarily support equal rights for all freed black slaves, but you
see the need for finding a way to help them make a living. You think that Confederate
veterans should be treated well, so that they can get back to their lives. You want to help
the southern economy, but not too much. You’re not sure how much military you want in
the south, but you do want to see the laws you make enforced.
Northern Democrat – Reconstruction is your main goal. You want relatively easy
conditions for readmitting states to the Union. You don’t support equal rights for blacks,
especially freed black slaves. You think Confederate veterans should be treated well.
You would like to help the southern economy and see it prosper. You don’t want to see a
military force in the south, but you do understand that the laws need to enforced.
Southern Democrat (Tennessee) – The preservation of the current social and political
order (white supremacy) in the south is your main goal. You want very easy conditions
for re-admittance to the Union. You don’t support equal rights for blacks and would like
to see laws that limit their rights. You think Confederate veterans and southern planters
should be helped as much as possible. You want to see the southern economy thrive.
You hate the idea of the U.S. army posted in the south, and will do everything to oppose