Download Mitosis – division of the nucleus into two identical nuclei Preparation

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Mitosis – division of the nucleus into two identical nuclei
Preparation for mitosis in interphase:
Chromosomes divide (replicate)
Interphase – not part of meiosis, nucleus is visible , chromosomes not visible, but dividing, chromosomes divide but remain attached at a region
called the centromere. Each of the chromosome strands is called a chromatid.
Draw the chromosomes in each of the stages.
Prophase – chromosomes visible – Metaphase – double stranded
double stranded attached at the
chromosomes line up across
centromere, nucleolus and
center of cell, centromere
nuclear membrane disappear,
becomes attached to a spindle
centrioles move to opposite ends
of cell, spindle fibers begin to
stretch across the cell.
Cytokinesis – cell division, animal cells pinch off into
two new cells, plant cells form a cell plate to separate
into two new cells.
Anaphase – centromere divides
and two strands of each
chromosome separate and move
to opposite ends of the cell
Telophase – centrioles and spindle
fibers start to disappear,
chromosomes stretch out and
become harder to see, nuclear
membrane begins to form
around each mass of
chromosomes, new nucleolus
appears in each new nucleus.