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Empower Glutacyan is a science based supplement for optimal mental and
physical support. The key ingredient, reduced Glutathione, has been extensively
researched over many years. (Please see a small selection of studies on the last
page, or refer to the reference section of the Empower Website:
Glutathione is a tri peptide, produced in the cell from the amino acids, glycine,
cysteine and glutamic acid. Its two main functions are antioxidant protection and
assisting liver detoxification.
Antioxidant Protection
Essential body processes such as breathing, digestion, energy production, immune
function, detoxification and transforming cholesterol into steroid hormones,
produce free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules which
accelerate ageing and degenerative disease.
A continuous supply of antioxidants is required to control free radicals. When the
diet is lacking, the body also has its own series of internally produced antioxidants,
of which glutathione is one.
In addition to being an antioxidant in its own right, glutathione is capable of
regenerating any other spent antioxidant via the enzyme glutathione peroxidase
(GPx), a selenium dependent enzyme. In doing so, glutathione will become
Glutathione exists in both reduced (G-SH) and oxidised (GS-SG) forms in the body.
The ratio of reduced to oxidised glutathione is used as a measure of cellular
toxicity and oxidative stress. A low GS-H/GS-SG ratio occurs in a wide variety of
diseases, including diabetes, cancer, Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease, ALS,
HIV infection, and autism. The antioxidant capacity of glutathione is relevant to the
immune system. Recancostat improved resistance to respiratory infections in
Chernobyl children.
In addition to its antioxidant function throughout all body cells, glutathione is highly
concentrated in the liver where it assists with Biotransformation, the process by
which liver enzymes chemically change wastes and toxins. The glutathione
conjugation pathway is a major detoxification route for common solvents,
pesticides, and petrochemicals, as well as the most toxic heavy metals mercury,
cadmium and lead.
Liver stores of glutathione are prone to depletion. The persistent stress of modern
day living and the many thousands of toxic substances in the environment, for
example pesticides, pollution, plastics, household cleaners, cosmetics and
pharmaceutical drugs, alcohol and chemicals in packaged foods, will use up
supplies of gluthathione, leaving the liver vulnerable to toxic damage.
Unique Delivery System
Until now, glutathione has been difficult to supplement because, if taken by
mouth, it is unlikely to survive the stomach acid without being broken down into its
component amino acids. 3g of oral glutathione in humans produced no
appreciable change in the serum levels of reduced glutathione, suggesting it is
either digested (hydrolyzed) prior to absorption, or oxidized before absorption.
Glutathione needs to be in the ‘reduced form’ to be effective. Empower
Glutacyan (formerly known as Recancostat®) is a novel formulation of reduced
glutathione that is stabilised with a unique anthocyanin complex known as
Recyclin. The presence of Recyclin allows the glutathione to be absorbed from
the gut and to be absorbed into cells while remaining in its reduced form.
Glutathione in the Diet
Glutathione is produced in the cells from the amino acids, glycine, cysteine and
glutamic acid. These amino acids are found in protein foods such as fish, chicken,
eggs, meat, lentils, beans and pulses. Cysteine, however, is missing or deficient in
many diets. In addition, digestive problems can lead to deficiency of amino acids
despite adequate protein intake.
Fruit and vegetables supply glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme related to
glutathione. Glutathione itself is found in meat, fish, nuts and seeds. However,
since it is unlikely to survive the stomach acid without being broken down,
supplementation is a useful means of obtaining glutathione.
Who should take Empower Glutacyan?
Empower Glutacyan is suitable for people of all ages who wish to maintain
optimum health and for those with chronic health problems. Glutathione is suitable
for a wide range of health applications. Its antioxidant function means it is helpful
for protecting the cells of every body system, including those of the immune,
cardiovascular, respiratory, hormonal and gastro intestinal systems.
The detoxification function of glutathione makes it of special importance to the
health of the liver.
Conventional scientific research has shown that problems with the liver’s
detoxification processes are a significant factor in chronic conditions such as M.E.,
Alzheimers, Parkinsons Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Cancer. On a more subtle
level, a sluggish liver can be a factor in a multitude of symptoms ranging from
allergies and respiratory problems to fatigue and depression. People with hepatitis,
and alcoholics have been found to have low glutathione stores.
As well as being concentrated in the liver, glutathione is also found in larger
amounts in the lungs to deal with inhaled toxins. Asthma sufferers and people with
respiratory conditions tend to be low in glutathione.
Composition (per capsule/tablet):
Reduced Gluthathione (GS-H)
L - Cysteine
Blackcurrant - cassis
Other ingredients: Silica dioxide, magnesium stearate and
microcrystalline cellulose
Free from gluten, yeast, dairy, artificial flavours,
Pack Size 90 & 200 Capsules and Tablets
How Long does Empower Glutacyan take to Work?
Empower Glutacyan begins to work within days of taking the supplement.
Glutathione levels rise relatively quickly, reaching full potential within around 2
Suggested Intake: 3 Glutathione capsules plus 3 Anthocyanin (red) tablets per day
(or as advised by a practitioner) on an empty stomach for maximum absorption,
at least 1 hour away from meals. If taking mineral and enzyme supplements leave
a gap of 1 - 2 hours before taking Empower Glutacyan.
Safety Information: Empower Glutacyan is generally safe and side effect free. It
can usually be used alongside medications. However for specific advice regarding
any medications you are taking, consult a GP or pharmacist.
A selection of Published Papers
Schnabel R et al. Glutathione peroxidase-1 and homocysteine for
cardiovascular risk prediction. J Am Coll Cardiol.
17;45(10):1631-7. 2005.
Rahman I et al. Glutathione, stress responses, and redox signaling
in lung inflammation. Antioxid Redox Signal;7(1-2):42-59. 2005.
Briganti S et al. Oxidative stress in physical urticarias. Clin
Exp Dermatol;26(3):284-8. 2001.
Giustarini D, et al. An improved HPLC measurement for GSH and GSSG
in human blood. Free Radic Biol Med:1;35(11):1365-72. 2003.
Kowluru RA, et al. Diabetes-induced activation of nuclear
transcriptional factor in the retina, and its inhibition by
antioxidants. Free Radic Res; 37(11):1169-80. 2003.
Witschi A, Reddy S, Stofer B, Lauterburg BH. The systemic
availability of oral glutathione. Eur J Clin Pharmacol;43(6):667-9. PMID: 1362956.1992.
Ohlenschlager G, Treusch G. Reduced glutathione and anthocyans
Redox cycling and redox recycling in biological systems.
Praxis-Telegramm, Heft Nr. 6: Sonderbeilage; RalfReglin Verlag Köln. 1994.
Vogel JU, Cinatl J, Dauletbaev N, Buxbaum S, Treusch G, Cinatl J
Jr, Gerein V, Doerr HW. Effects of S-acetylglutathione in cell and
animal model of herpes simplex virus type 1 infection. Med Microbiol
Immunol;194(1-2):55-9. 2005.
Locigno R, Pincemail J, Henno A, Treusch G, Castronovo V.
S-acetyl-glutathione selectively induces apoptosis in human lymphoma
cells through a GSH-independent mechanism. Int J Oncol;20(1):69-75. 2002.
Tedeschi M, De Cesare A, Oriana S, Perego P, Silva A, Venturino P,
Zunino F. The role of glutathione in combination with cisplatin in the
treatment of ovarian cancer. Cancer Treat Rev;18(4):253-9. 1991.
Omelchenko, L.; Treusch, G.; Vodyanik, M.; Vykhovanets, E.; Pochinok, T., Chernyshov, V. Refreshment
effect of reduced glutathione, anthocyans and L-cystein on lymphocyte
subsets and prevention of respiratory infections in chernobyl children,
Institut of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Academy of Medical Sciences, Kiev; 5th International
Conference on the Prevention of Infection. 1998.
Chernyshov, V.P.; Omelchenko, L.I.; Treusch, G.; Vodyanik, M.A.; Pochinok, T.V.;
Zelinsky, G.M.; Gumenyuk, M.V. Disorders in mononuclear phagocytes and reduced glutathione and their
correction in Chernobyl children with recurrent respiratory infections and chronic inflammatory focal
Lesions. Immunology Letters, Vol. 73, No. 2,3 73 75-302, Abstract Institut of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Academy
of Medical Sciences, Kiev; Elsevier, No. 523, Abstracts of the 14th European Immunology Meeting EFIS 2000,
Chernyshov, V.P.; Omelchenko, L.I.; Treusch, G.; Vodyanik, M.A.; Pochinok, T.V.;
Zelinsky, G.M.; Gumenyuk, M.V. Immunological analysis of reduced glutathione, L-cystein and Anthocyane
effects in Chernobyl children with recurrent respiratory infections and chronic inflammatory focal Lesions.
Institut of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Academy
of Medical Sciences, Kiev; Central European Journal of Immunology, Vol. 25, 3. 2000.
Ohlenschläger, G.;Treusch, G.;Redox Recycling between Glutathione and Anthocyans in Vitro.
Chernyshov VP, Omelchenko LI, Treusch G, Vodyanik MA, Pochinok TV, Gumenyuk ME,
Zelinsky GM. Up-regulation of interferon-gamma production by reduced glutathione, anthocyane and L
cysteine treatment in children with allergic asthma and recurrent respiratory diseases.
Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Academy of Medical
Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine; Russ J Immunol 7(1):48-56.2002.
Praxis Telegramm Supplement to issue No. 6/94. Ohlenschläger G. & Treusch G.Reduced glutathione and
anthocyans -Redox cycling and redox recyclingin biological systems. 1994.
Tokaigakuen Women's College, Nagoya, Japan. Tsuda T, Horio F, Osawa T. The role of anthocyanins as an
antioxidant under oxidative stress in rats. Biofactors13(1-4):133-9. 2000.
Biotechnol J.;1(4):388-97. Weisel T, Baum M, Eisenbrand G, Dietrich H, Will F, Stockis JP, Kulling S, Rüfer C,
Johannes C, Janzowski C.
An anthocyanin/polyphenolic-rich fruit juice reduces oxidative DNA damage and increases glutathione level in
healthy probands. 2006.
Empower Health UK Ltd
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