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Student Study Guide for the American Pageant
Chapter 18 Renewing the Sectional Struggle, 1848–1854
The acquisition of territory from Mexico created acute
although the Fugitive Slave Law aroused opposition
new dilemmas concerning the expansion of slavery,
in the North.
especially for the two major political parties, which
As the Whig party died, the Democratic Pierce
had long tried to avoid the issue. The antislavery Free
administration became the tool of proslavery
Soil party pushed the issue into the election of 1848.
expansionists. Controversies over Nicaragua, Cuba,
The application of gold-rich California for admission
and the Gadsden Purchase showed that expansionism
to the Union forced the controversy into the Senate,
was closely linked to the slavery issue.
which engaged in stormy debates over slavery and the
The desire for a northern railroad route led Stephen
Douglas to ram the Kansas-Nebraska Act through
After the timely death of President Taylor, who had
Congress in 1854. By repealing the Missouri
blocked a settlement, Congress resolved the crisis by
Compromise and making new territory subject to
passing the delicate Compromise of 1850. The
“popular sovereignty” on slavery, this act aroused the
compromise eased sectional tension for the moment,
fury of the North, sparked the rise of the Republican
party, and set the stage for the Civil War.
GLOSSARY - To build your social science vocabulary, familiarize yourself with the following terms:
self-determination - In politics, the right of a people to assert its own national identity or form of government
without outside influence.
homestead - A family home or farm with buildings and land sufficient for survival.
vigilante - Concerning groups that claim to punish crime and maintain order without legal authority to
do so.
sanctuary - A place of refuge or protection, where people are safe from punishment by the law.
Fugitive - A person who flees from danger or prosecution.
topography - The precise surface features and details of a place - for example, rivers, bridges, hills - in relation to
one another.
mundane - Belonging to this world, as opposed to the spiritual world.
statecraft - The art of government leadership.
isthmian (isthmus) - Concerning a narrow strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land.
filibustering (filibuster) - Adventurers who conduct a private war against a foreign country (In a differ
meaning, the term also refers to deliberately prolonging speechmaking in order to block legislation.)
mikado - A title of the Japanese emperor used by foreigners.
cloak-and-dagger - Concerning the activities of spies or undercover agents, especially involving elaborate
manifesto - A proclamation or document aggressively asserting a controversial position or advocating a daring course
of action.
booster - One who promotes a person or enterprise, especially in a highly enthusiastic way.
truce - A temporary suspension of warfare by agreement of the hostile parties.
Explain how the debate over slavery and the Mexican Cession affetced national politics? (pg. 390) __________________
List the results of the United States' victory in the Mexican War: (pg. 390) ____________________________________
What was the Wilmot Proviso? (pg. 390) ______________________________________________________________
In 1848, the Free Soil party platform advocated all of the following except: (pg. 392)
support of the Wilmot Proviso.
opposition to slavery in the territories.
federal aid for internal improvements.
giving women the right to vote.
free government homesteads for settlers.
Explain the concept of “popular sovereignty”? (pg. 391) ____________________________________________________
Which of the following statements is true regarding the Democrat and Whig parties in the 1848 presidential election: (pg.
lost to the Free Soil party.
abandoned the tactic of nominating military
addressed the issue of slavery.
remained silent on the issue of slavery.
were divided on the issue of admitting California.
What was the event that brought turmoil to the administration of Zachary Taylor? (pg. 392) ______________________
What argument did the Free Soilers make against slavery: (pg. 392) __________________________________________
How would describe the economic and political conditions of the South in the year 1850? (pg. 393-94) _____________
How did Harriet Tubman become a well known figure in American history? (pg. 395) ___________________________
What is the most likely means that most slaves gained their freedom? (pg. 395) _________________________________
What was John C. Calhoun's plan to try and protect the South and slavery? (pg. 396) _____________________________
What impact was made by Daniel Webster in the debate over slavery in the territories? (pg. 396-97) ________________
How did northern abolitionists react to Webster’s Seventh of March speech on slavery in the territories? (pg. 396)
The Young Guard from the North were most interested in __________________________________________ regarding
slavery and Union: (pg. 397)
Chapter 18 Test Review worksheet (continued)
In the debates of 1850, Senator William H. Seward, as a representative of the northern Young Guard, argued that: (pg. 397)
the Constitution must be obeyed.
John C. Calhoun's compromise plan must be adopted to preserve the Union.
Christian legislators must obey God's moral law.
compromise must be achieved to preserve the Union.
African Americans should be granted their own territory.
What was the attitude of southern “fire-eaters” regarding concessions to the North? (pg. 398) _____________________
Explain the provisions of the Compromise of 1850: (pg. 397-399) ____________________________________________
Explain the provisions in the Fugitive Slave Law: (pg. 399) _________________________________________________
“Personal Liberty Laws” were passed in reaction to? (pg. 400) _____________________________________________
In what way did the Compromise of 1850 “win the Civil War” for the North before the war even began? (pg.401)
The election of 1852 was significant because it: (pg. 401)
a) saw the victory of a pro-South northerner.
b) marked the return of issues-oriented
c) saw the rise of purely national parties.
d) marked the end of the Whig party.
e) saw the emergence of an antislavery third party.
Most American leaders believed that the only way to keep the new Pacific Coast territories from breaking away from
United States control was: (pg. 405)
a) to allow slavery in these areas.
d) to construct a transcontinental railroad.
b) to build a canal across Central America.
e) to establish large naval bases in San Diego and
c) to grant the territories quick statehood.
Stephen A. Douglas proposed that the question of slavery in the Kansas- Nebraska Territory would be decided by: (pg. 406)
For the Kansas-Nebraska Act to become law, the ________________________________________________________
would have to be repealed in the process. (pg. 406-07)
What were the primary mistakes made by Stephen Douglas in proposing the Kansas-Nebraska Act? (pg. 406-407)