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-----------------------No: 145 /2014/TTLT-BTC-BTTTT
Independence - Freedom – Happiness
-----------------------Hanoi, October 3rd, 2014
Prescribe the management and use source of funding to implement the Information and
propaganda Project about digitized transmission, terrestrial television broadcasting
-----------------Pursuant to Decree No. 60/2003 / ND-CP on June 6th, 2003 of the Government prescribe
in detail and direct to implement the Law on State Budget;
Pursuant to Decree No. 215/2013 / ND-CP on December 23rd, 2013 of the Government
prescribing the functions, tasks, rights and organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance;
Pursuant to Decree No. 132/2013 / ND-CP on October 16, 2013 of the Government
prescribing the functions, tasks, rights and organizational structure of the Ministry of
Information and Communications;
Implement the Decision No. 2451 / QD-TTg on December 27th, 2011 by Prime Minister of
The Government approved the " Project about digitized transmission, terrestrial television
broadcasting to 2020” Decision No. 1671 / QD-TTg on November 8th, 2012 of the Prime
Minister modify and supplement Decision No. 2451 / QD-TTg;
Minister of Finance, Minister of Information and Communications issued Joint Circular
prescribes the management and use source of funding to implement the Information and
propaganda Project about digitized transmission, terrestrial television broadcasting.
Article 1. Scope of regulation and objects of application
1. Scope of regulation: This Circular prescribes the management and use source of
funding to implement the Information and propaganda Project about digitized transmission,
terrestrial television broadcasting approved by the Minister of Information and Communications
in Decision No. 891 / QD-BTTTT dates July 22nd, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as the Project).
2. Objects of application: This Circular applied to agencies, units, organizations and
individuals involved in implementing the project.
Article 2. Source of funding
1. State budget sources (including central budget and local budgets) to implement the
duties in Clause 1, Article 3 (excluding point đ), Clause 2, Article 3 (excluding point d) of this
2. Fund of public telecommunications services in Vietnam and other lawful capital
sources (if any) to implement the duties in Clause 1, Article 3, point d Clause 2 Article 3 and
Clause 3 of Article 3 of this Circular.
Article 3. The operational implementation of the Project
1. Production and editorial content of information, propaganda, including:
a) Editing and compiling documents serve conferences, seminars and training courses.
b) Editing and compiling documents, leaflets, brochures, common advertising leaflets for
people and households.
c) Production, editing, building content of commercials, programs, movies, reportage and
newsletters for propaganda in the newspaper and the mass media.
d) Production, editing, building content of programs, reportage and radio newsletters to
propaganda through basis information systems (radio, TV district communal radio station, the
mobile information or organizations working in other local information).
đ) Designing, construction and editorial propaganda content through telecommunication
networks, the Internet (message, voice mail, electronic mail or other forms of communication).
e) Designing, construction content to outdoor advertising (panels, posters, electronic
billboard on the street, on public transport and on other information-carrying means).
2. Organize to submit the content of information, propagandize to the objects in the
different communication methods, including:
a) Propagandize through conferences, seminars and trainings:
- Organize the conferences, seminars to propagandize the “Project of digitized
transmission, terrestrial television broadcasting”, propagandize technical regulations and
standards, regulations on management of digital terrestrial television quality; integrated route the
terrestrial digital receive features into television for enterprises provide services of broadcasting
transmission, manufacturing, importing and distribution of television equipment ;
- Organize the fostering, training the basic knowledge about the digitalized television,
convert from similar television to terrestrial television broadcasting;
- Organize the conference to report a preliminary, review and assessment the effectiveness
of information and propaganda;
b) Propagate through newspapers, radio and television:
- Broadcast the special subjects, commercials, banners, entertainment games about
television digitization in the broadcasting programs frame on the radio, local and center television;
- Open these specialized pages, bookmarks, banners about television digitization on the
electronic media;
- Open more column, show ads about television digitization consistent with release term
of the newspapers, printed magazines.
c) Propagate through basis information system
- Arrange appropriate time to broadcast the content of television digitization on the
district- and commune-level radio, television system;
- Organize the mobile information propaganda teams about television digitization in the
- Deploy mouth propaganda method, distribute documents, brochures and leaflets.
d) Propagate through telecommunications networks: bring the propaganda content of
terrestrial television broadcasting with suitable format to mobile telecommunication subscribers.
đ) Propagate through other means: propagate through other means: Put advertising boards
about television digitization at the city center, towns, townships, railway stations, airports, train
stations, trade centers, axial national highways and transport on buses, taxi.
3. Establish information systems to support television digitization, including:
a) Establish web portal to provide the information about television digitization.
b) Establish switchboard to support, counsel and answer the information about television
Article 4. The content and level of spending
Spending regime ensures the information activities, propaganda about digitized
transmission, terrestrial television broadcasting comply with the current financial spending
regime. For the purchase of goods and services must be tendered, beside compliance with
regulations on invoices, vouchers, it has to comply with the provisions of the bidding law and the
implementation guidance documents.
This Circular guides some spending contents, specific spending levels for implementing
the Project of information and communication on the digitized transmission, terrestrial television
broadcasting as follows:
1. Spending on compilation and translation of documents:
a) Spending on writing and compiling normal documents: 75.000 VND/ page with 350
words; edit documents: maximum is not exceed 30% of new construction spending levels.
b) Develop documents, programs and curricula for training classes, fostering knowledge
and skills: The content and level of spending applicable to the case construction programs,
subjects and curricula for the educational sector of intermediate professional stipulated in
Circular No. 123/2009 / TT-BTC dated 17/6/2009 of the Ministry of Finance shall prescribe
detailed content, construction spending levels of framework program and compiled programs and
curricula of subjects for higher education sector, college, intermediate professional.
c) Translation of foreign documents, translate from Vietnamese into languages of ethnic
minorities in Vietnam and vice versa: The content and level of spending applicable under the
provisions of Circular No. 01/2010 / TT-BTC dated 6/01/2010 of the Ministry of Finance
prescribed spending regimes welcoming foreigners to work in Vietnam, spending on organizing
conferences, international conferences in Vietnam and welcoming domestic guest spending.
2. Spending on producing programs, seminars, radio journalism, television
a) Spending on producing radio, television programs Expenses for production of radio
programs, television on the public media: the method implemented in the form of orders, delivery
plans as stipulated in Decree 130/2013 / ND-CP dated 16/10/2013 of the Government on the
production and supply of public products and services; The unit price and the level of support
stipulated by Ministry of Information and Communications.
b) Spending on purchase, humanity, duplicating, issuing the tape media products such as
video discs, sound, printed documents and other media products: Content and spending levels
under the current regulations corresponding to each product on basis of compliance with the law
on the regime of invoices and vouchers.
c) Spending on hiring of renewing, repairing panels, posters, slogans, signboards:
Spending level according to local market price and legal spending vouchers.
3. Spending on composing message paragraph, journalistic works, placing in newspaper
and electronic media: spending level applied as royalties for news, articles of electronic
newspaper as stipulated in Decree No. 18/2014 / ND-CP dated 14/03/2014 of the Government
provides for royalty regime in the field of journalism and publishing.
4. Spending on official acceptance of information and propaganda products:
Spending on Official Acceptance Council meeting conducted under the provisions of
Joint Circular No.44/2007 / TTLT-BKHCN dated 7/5/2007 of the Ministry of Finance - Ministry
of Science and Technology guides the construction norms and allocating funding estimates for
themes and projects of Science and Technology is using the state budget. For staffs, civil services,
officials are members of Official Acceptance Council when overtime work to perform duties are
paid overtime wages as stipulated in Joint Circular No. 08/2005 / TTLT -BNV - BTC dated
5/1/2005 of the Ministry of Finance - Ministry of Internal Affairs, guiding the paid work at night,
overtime for staffs, civil services, officials.
5. Spending on operating, maintaining and creating databases of terrestrial digitized
television broadcasting transmission for electronic information pages and support information
switchboard: comply with the provisions in Joint Circular No. 19 / 2012 / TTLT-BTCBKH&DT-BTTTT dated 15/02/2012 of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning and
Investment, the Ministry of Information and Communications guides, manage and use of fund for
implementation of the National Program on application of information technology in the
operation of state agencies and Circular No. 194/2012 / TT-BTC dated 15/11/2012 of the
Ministry of Finance on guide spending levels creation of electronic information in order to
maintain regular activities of the agencies and units using state budget.
6. Spending on organizing meetings, seminars, closing conferences, preliminary and
deployment of information and communication as stipulated in Circular No. 97 / 2010 / TT-BTC
dated 6/7/2010 of the Ministry of Finance prescribe the expense regime, organized conferences
expense regime for state agencies and public business units .
7. Spending on supporting replay the radio, television programs in the radio and television
at all levels:
a) Support to replay the radio, television programs comply with the provisions in the Joint
Circular No. 225 / TTLT / BTC-BKHDT-BTTTT dated 26/12/2012 of the Ministry of Finance Ministry of Planning and Investment - Ministry of Information and Communications guide,
manage and use of fund to implement National target Program on bringing information to agents
on mountainous, remote, border and island phase 2012-2015.
b) Support radiocasting activities in community:
- Editing radio, broadcasting documents: 75.000 VND/ page with 350 words;
- Fostering broadcaster: 15.000 VND/time, in case of broadcasting in ethnic languages:
20.000 VND/time. The total amount of fostering not exceeds 100.000 VND/day/person.
8. Spending on mobile propaganda:
a) Fostering people who directly attended the propaganda: 50,000 VND / person / day.
Heads of units are assigned communication task on deciding the number of people
participating mobile propaganda within the assigned budget estimates.
b) Fostering for mobile propaganda teams applicable provisions of Joint Circular No.
191/2011 / TTLT-BTC-BVHTTDL of the Ministry of Finance - Ministry of Culture, Sports and
Tourism dated 21/12/2011 guides the specific management for mobile propaganda team in
province, city, districts and town.
9. When the prescribed documents of the regime, the cost norms of reference from Clause
1 to Clause 8 of this Article having new amendment, supplement or replacement documents, it
shall be applied in accordance with the new documents.
10. Spending on establishing the information systems to support television digitization:
comply with the provisions of the Bidding Law and the documents guiding the implementation.
11. For those spending contents are not promulgated norms and unit prices by authorized
state agencies, the units assigned to directly perform information and communication tasks based
on the objectives and plans approved by management agency state on Information and
Communications (in central, it is Ministry of Information and Communications and local is the
Department of Information and Communication), workload and market prices for the estimation,
the authorized granting approved and organized comply with current regulations of the State
Budget Law and the legal documents related.
Article 5. Establishment, estimate allocation, management and settlement
1. For spending tasks from the State Budget:
Every year, based on their functions, their duties; activities and contents prescribed in
Article 3 and those prescribed in Article 4 of this Circular; agencies and units establish the detail
funding estimation, ensure to perform the tasks of information, propaganda terrestrial television
digitization, incorporate them into the budget estimates of regular expenditures annually by the
competent authority decided in accordance with the Law on State Budget..
The allocation, estimation observance and settlement of funds to perform the tasks of
information, propaganda about terrestrial television digitization comply with the provisions of the
Law on State Budget and the guidelines related.
2. For the spending duties from funds of Vietnam public telecommunications services in
accordance with provisions in point đ Clause 1, Article 3, point d Clause 2 Article 3 and Clause 3
Article 3 of this Circular: Every year, based on activities by competent authorities, agencies and
units estimate details of funding to ensure the implementation tasks, send to the Ministry of
Information and Communications for consideration and grant allocate performing funds from the
Fund public telecommunication services in accordance with current regulations.
Article 6. Implementing provisions
1. This Circular takes effect as from November 20, 2014.
2. For the workload of ministries, branches and localities have implemented before the
effective date of this Circular; the ministries, branches and localities ground specified in this
Circular and actual eligible expenditure vouchers for funding settlement in accordance with the
Law on State Budget.
3. In the process of implementation, if any problems arise, they should be reported
promptly to the Ministry of Information and Communications, Ministry of Finance, to study
Sign instead. MINISTER OF
Le Nam Thang
Truong Tri Trung
- Prime Minister, Deputy the Prime Minister;
- Office of the Party Central and Commissions of the Party;
- The Office of Secretary General;
- National Assembly’s Office;
- The State President’s Office;
- The State Auditor;
- Supreme People's Court;
- The Supreme People's Procuracy;
- The ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies attached to Government;
- People's Committees of provinces and cities under central authority;
- Department of Finance, Department of Information and Communications, the State Treasury of provinces and cities
under central authority;
- Inspection Department legal documents - the Ministry of Justice;
- The units of the Ministry of Finance and the MIC;
- Electronic Information Portal: Government, Ministry of Finance, MIC;
- Save: BTC, MIC (600 copies).