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Sample paper SA – 1
Grade: 6
Section: A/B
Subject :Biology
Marks: 80
Time: 2 hours
Date: 12/06/16
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
SECTION: I ( 40 Marks)
Attempt all questions from this part
a) Give examples for animals from the following Phyla:
Porifera - sponges
Platyhelminthes - tapeworm
Arthropoda - cockroach
Mammalia - dog
Annelida - earthworm
b) Complete the following terms by filling in the appropriate terms
Organisms which cannot make their own food are _heterotrophs.
Xerophytes are _desert plants.
Monocot seeds have __1__ cotyledons.
Animals with a segmented long body are called _annelids_.
Worms from Phylum Platyhelminthes have flat bodies.
June/2016-17/SA-1/Gr. 6/Biology
c) Match the items in column I with those in column II
Column I
Parallel veins
Network veins
Column II
a. many holes
b. tap root
c. fibrous root
d. mollusca
e. nematode
f. Myriapoda
d) Mention whether the following statements are true or false. If false, rewrite the
statements by changing the bold letters alone.
i. Roundworms and ringworms belong to the same phyla – true.
ii. All sponges are found in land. false - water
iii. Non flowering plants are called Phanerogams false - cryptogams
iv. Deciduous trees shed its leaves twice a year. false - once
v. Binomial classification is written in italics. true
e)Given below is an example of an organism and the group of arthropods it belongs to
For example: Mosquito and Insecta.
On a similar pattern, fill in the blanks in the following pairs to represent the
relationships between the organism and the group of arthropods it belongs to
(crustacean, myriapoda, insecta, arachnids).
i) Centipede and myriapoda
ii) Spider and arachnids
iii) Prawns and crustacean
iv) Mosquito and insecta
v) lobster and crustacean
f) i. What are the 8 sub-groups of invertebrates?
ii. Give 2 distinguishing features and 2 examples of any one sub groups.
I. Phylum Porifera –
i. Body like a bag with holes
ii. Aquatic animals
II. Phylum Cnidaria –
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i. aquatic animals
ii. Tube like body with a single hole surrounded by tentacles
egs. hydra, corals, jelly fish
III. Phylum Platyhelminthes –
i. found in marine, fresh water or damp land.
ii. Flat bodies
eg. tapeworm
IV. Phylum Nematoda –
i. round unsegmented , elongated bodies.
ii. no circulatory system.
eg. Pinworm, roundworm
V. Phylum Annelida
i. Round, segmented bodies.
ii. found in fresh and salt water, as well as damp land.
eg earthworm, leech
VI. Phylum Mollusca
i. soft bodied animals.
ii. found in the oceans,
egs. slugs, octopus, squids
VII. Phylum Arthropoda
i. Jointed legs.
ii. Segmented body with hard exoskeleton.
Egs. ant, housefly
VIII. Phylum Echinodermata
i. Spiny skin with tube feet.
ii. body has 5 part radial symmetry
egs. star fish, sea urchin, sea urchin
g) Given below in the box are a set of 14 biological terms. Of these 12 can be paired
June/2016-17/SA-1/Gr. 6/Biology
into 6 matching pairs. Of the six pairs, one has been done for you as an example. You
cannot use the word more than once. Write out the remaining 5 matching pairs made
as 1 to 5.
Frog, milk, lizard, wings, octopus, tentacles, puppy, pigeon, amphibian, star fish,
dry scaly skin, spiny skin, sponges, many holes
Eg: puppy - milk
Frog - amphibian, lizard - dry scaly skin, pigeon - wings, octopus - tentacles,
star fish - spiny skin, sponges - many holes
h) Given below are five sets, with four terms each. In each set, one term is odd one and
cannot be grouped into the category to which the other three belong. Find that word
and give reasons for your answer.
i) tiger, whale, cat, goldfish - herbivores
ii) tortoise, lizard, crow, snake - aves
iii) bee, star fish, cockroach, beetle - echinoderm
iv)Snails, squids, prawns, octopus - arthropod
v) Cow, deer, lion, goat - carnivore
SECTION II ( 40 marks)
Answer any five of the following questions.
Q2 a. Define the following terms:
1) Natural classification – classification based on internal features
2) Vertebrates – organisms with a backbone
3) Cold blooded animals – temperature changes with the environment
4) Endoskeleton - internal skeleton
5) Lifespan – the time period from birth to death of an organism
b.i. Identify the organism and answer the questions
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ii. Which phylum does it belong to?
iii. What kind of a skeleton does it have?
iv. Describe the body and legs of animals from this Phylum.
v. Give examples of two other members of this Phylum.
Refer to Q1 f …..
Q3a i.Identify the picture given below and answer the questions given below.
ii. Which group do they belong to? - gymnosperms
iii. Describe their root, stem and leaves – well defined roots and stems, evergreen, needle
shaped leaves,
iv. How do they reproduce? – naked seeds called cones.
v.Where are they found? All over the world.
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b) Give one point of difference between the following pairs on the basis of brackets
i. Autotrophs and heterotrophs (nutrition)
Self nutrition and depend on others
ii. Pisces and Aves (body covering)
Scales and Feathers
iii. Flatworms and Roundworms ( body shape)
Flat and round
iv. Centipedes and millipedes (legs)
One pair per segment, two pairs per segment
v. Cryptogams and phanerogams (seeds)
Spores, seeds
i. State the seven characteristics of a living organism?
ii. Of these which characters are displayed by your school lift? Can you call it
living? Explain your answer
Give any one scientific reason for the following facts:
i. A lizard is a reptile – dry scaly skin
ii. Gymnosperms like pines and fir are called conifers – seeds in cones
iii. Cryptogams do not produce seeds – produce spores
iv. Mammals are said to be warm blooded – constant body temperature
v. Amphibians have moist skin – breathe through skin
Q5a Give two things in common and two differences between
i. Fish and amphibians
Water and gills; scales and swim
ii. Birds and mammals
Warm blooded and vertebrates; feathers and hair/fur
iii. Spiders and bees
Joint legs, segmented body; number of legs, movement
Fill in the blanks
i. An arthropods body comprises of __segmented body and _jointed legs.
ii. A species of organism which no longer exists is said to be extinct.
iii. The reaction to stimulus is called response
iv. The scientific name for tiger is _Panthera tigris
v. Homo sapiens is the scientific name for Human beings_.
Q6a. Draw the venation and roots seen in monocot and dicot plants and give one example
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for each.
b. Draw a 3 step natural classification for planta and animals.
1st step – animal and plants
2nd step – plants – cryptogams 3rd step – bryophyte
phanerogams 3rd step – gymnosperms
2nd step Animals – invertebrates –
3rd step porifera, cnidarian, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda,
Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda, Echinodermata
2nd step vertebrates –
3rd step pisces, amphibia, reptilian, aves, mammals
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