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Document related concepts
Identification, classification and
naming of species
Categories within Kingdoms
Kingdoms are divided into groups called phyla
Phyla are subdivided into classes
Classes are subdivided into orders
Orders are subdivided into families
Families are divided into genera
Genera contain closely related species
Species is unique
Sponges: Phylum Porifera (pore
Simplest multicellular animal
Sessile animals, filter feeders
No organs or true tissues, group of individual cells
Majority are marine
Asexual reproduction by budding, free swimming
ciliated larvae
Sponges: Phylum Porifera (pore
Class Calcera - the Calcerous Sponges
Class Hexactinellida - the Glass Sponges
Class Demospongiae - Most common and
Phylum Cnideria (nettle like)
More than 9,000 species, name derives from cnidocytes cells (700 million years old)
Mostly sessile some are free moving
Radial symmetry
Most have tentacles
Simplest animal to have nerve cells (nerve net, no central nervous system)
Nematocyst are there stinging organelles
No excretory or respritory system
Phylum Cnideria (nettle like)
4 classes
1. Hydrozoa: fire corals, Portuguese man of war
Scyphozoa: “true” jelly fish
Cubozoa: cube jelly fish
Anthozoa: sea anemones, soft coral, stony coral
Phylum Ctenophora (comb bearing)
• Less than 100 species; all marine
• 8 comb like plates needed for locomotion
• These are lined with cilia and considered
largest animal to use cilia for locomotion
Phylum Platyhelminthes (flat worm)
• Bilateral symmetry
• Marine flat worms; class Turbellaria
• **Different than nudibranchs (phylum
Phylum Mollusca (soft)
• 2nd most named species
• Gills or lungs, open circulatory system, have
mantle, unique to phylum a radula and
muscular foot
• Four main classes: Polyplacophora,
Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Cephlapoda
Polyplacophora: chiton
• Name means bearing many plates
• Cling rocks use radula to scrape food
• Separate sexes
• Largest and most diverse crowd snail, slugs,
whelks, sea slugs, sea butterflies
• Nudibranch means naked gill
Bivalvia (two shelled)
Suspension feeders
Hinge ligament
Umbo: oldest part of shell
Attach using byssal thread
Cephlapoda (head footed)
• Most complex of all molluscs: squid, octopus,
and cuttlefish
• Active predators
• Chromatophores
• Ink production
• Well developed eyes
• Separate sexs
• Well developed brain
Phylum Arthropoda: Sub Phylum
Includes, crabs, shrimp, isopods, amphipods
Two pairs of antennae
Head Thorax and abdomen
Swimmerets, gills
Separate sexes
Phylum Echinodermata
• Sea stars, brittle stars, sea urchin, sea
cucumbers, sea lilies
• Unique characteristics; spiny endoskeleton,
water vascular system, secondary or biradial
Class Ateroidea
• Sea star
• Water vascular system: system of canals and
tube feet used for locomotion, food gathering
and excretion
Class Echinoidea
• Sea urchins and sand dollars
• Aristotle's Lantern (“teeth”)