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Name:__________________________Date:_____________ Period:_____Points_________
Standard 10.7
1. Why were the peasants more likely to support the Bolsheviks?
 They were poor and wanted change.
 They wanted the Czars to stop spending the countries money on wars and themselves.
3.What was the Bolshevik Revolution (October)? What slogan did Lenin & the Bolsheviks
 Communists overthrow of the czars.
 Peace, Land, and Bread
4. What is totalitarianism?
Total, centralized control over every aspect of public and private life
Appearance of providing security and direction for the future
5. List some of the methods used by Stalin to forge a totalitarian state.
Limiting individual freedoms
Intimidation and repression
Propaganda and slogans
6. Describe Stalin's Great Purge? Who did it target? What were the results?
 Elimination of all political enemies.
 Wealthy farmers.
 Millions killed. Total control for Stalin
7. What was the Great Depression and why did the Great Depression have worldwide effects?
Early 1930’s in America, factory production had been cut in half
thousands of businesses failed and banks closed
¼ of all American workers had no jobs.
Why were European democracies formed after WWI weak?
weak leadership
lack of a strong democratic tradition
poor economic conditions
9. Define fascism.
militant political movement that started after WWI which emphasized loyalty to the state and
obedience to its leader.
10. What was Nazism? How did the Nazis view the Treaty of Versailles?
German brand of Fascism
believed that the T of V had to be overturned in order for Germany to achieve greatness
11. Who wrote Mein Kampf? Outline the major beliefs and goals of this book.
German “Aryans” were a master race
Jews, Slavs, and Gypsies were inferior or subhuman
Germans needed more lebensraum, or living space
12. What economic and political conditions existed in Germany that contributed to Hitler’s rise to
Strong feelings of resentment & nationalism from economic & political crises
13. What happened to the Jews living in Germany after the Nazis came to power? (Kristallnact,
Nuremburg Laws, etc.
o Blamed Jews as scapegoats for all of Germany’s troubles since the war
o Passed laws depriving Jews of most of their rights
o Initiated violent attacks against Jews
14. Which countries made up the Axis powers?
 Germany, Italy, & Japan
15. What were Japan’s reasons for invading Manchuria?
the need for raw materials and room for Japan’s growing population
16. What was the Rape of Nanjing?
 In 1937, the Japanese Imperial Army attacked and brutalized the capital city of
execution of tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers, Japanese troops killed
approximately 250,000 civilians.
17. What was the major weakness of the League of Nations?
 never seriously intervened against Germany by using force
18. Define Appeasement. Which two major countries practiced this policy in the period between the
two World Wars?
 giving into an aggressor to keep peace
 France and Britain
19. Define Isolationism. Which major country practiced this policy in the period between the two
World Wars?
 avoid ties with other countries
 United States
20. What was the outcome of the Munich Conference?
 War temporarily avoided my giving in to Hitler’s demands for territory.
21. Which two countries signed a non-aggression pact in 1939? What did it promise?
 Germany/USSR
 To not attack each other once the war began.
Standard 10.8
22. What event, occurring on September 1, 1939, signaled the beginning of World War II?
 German invasion of Poland.
23. Define blitzkrieg. How was it used and who used it?
 "Lightning war".
 Used by Germany to quickly disable their enemy.
24. List the major countries and their leaders of the Allied Powers of WWII.
 US: Roosevelt
 United Kingdom: Winston Churchill
 USSR: Joseph Stalin
25. List the major countries and their leaders of the Axis Powers of WWII.
 Germany: Hitler
 Italy: Mussolini
 Japan: Hirohito
26. What was the Battle of Britain? Why was it significant?
 Britain never surrendered to Germany. Proved that Germany could not defeat everyone.
27. Who was Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto?
 Commander of Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
28. What was the major significance of Pearl Harbor?
 Triggered US entrance to WWII
29. How did the Battle of Midway battle affect the war in the Pacific?
 Turning point for the allies toward defeating Japan.
30. Who was the commander of the Allied forces in the Pacific? Describe his "island-hopping"
 MacArthur
 Capturing islands in order to get closer to the Japanese mainland.
31. He was the commander of the Allied forces in Europe, leading the D-Day invasion of 1944.
 Dwight D. Eisenhower
32. What was Hitler's "Final Solution" designed to do?
 purify the "master race"
 rid Germany of Jews and other "undesirables"
 speed up the process that was started with the Nuremberg Laws and ghettos
33. Define genocide. How many Jewish people did the Nazis kill during the Holocaust
Systematic slaughter of an entire people.
6 million
34. Why were thousands of Japanese-Americans forced into internment camps by the U.S.?
Their Japanese ancestry made many Americans feel that they could not be trusted.
35. On what 2 cities did the U.S. drop atomic bombs? What was the combined total of those
instantly killed by the A-bombs?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
250,000 +
36.What were the Nuremberg Trials?
Trials to Bring Nazi War criminals to justice.
37. What were the major effects of WWII? (deaths, destruction, financial cost, etc.)
60 million deaths, billions of dollars in destruction.
Europe and Japan forced to rebuild
Standard 10.9
38. What nations were the two superpowers after World War II?
 US
39. Where were the Soviet Union's satellite nations located and what was their purpose?
Eastern Europe
Create a “buffer” zone along the Western Soviet border.
40. What was the "Iron Curtain" and who first coined this term?
Europe's division between a mostly democratic Western Europe and a Communist Eastern Europe
Winston Churchill
41. What is containment and which president first adopted this foreign policy?
Stopping the spread of communism after WWII
42. What is the Truman Doctrine? How is it related to containment?
Policy of stopping communism
Back bone of the containment policy.
43. What was the Marshall Plan? Who developed it? How is it related to containment?
 1947 plan to aid Europe
 devised by the U.S. Sectary of State
 Promote democracy
44. Define the Cold War. How did it relate to democracy and communism?
Competitive struggle between Democracy & Communism.
45. What is NATO and why was it formed?
 North Atlantic Treaty Organization
 US lead
 Alliance to protect American allies.
46. What is the Warsaw Pact and why was it formed?
 Alliance formed by communist nations in response to NATO.
47. What is brinkmanship?
the policy of demonstrating willingness to engage in a war to protect national interests
48. What is the 38th parallel? Describe the division of Korea. What was the outcome of the Korean
 Division line of Korea
 North is Communist
 South Democratic
 Stalemate with both sides supported by the two major cold war super powers.
49. What is the 17th parallel? Describe the division of Vietnam.
 The dividing line for Communist N. Vietnam and democratic S. during Vietnam War also
known as the DMZ.
50. What was the "domino theory" in regards to Vietnam and the rest of Southeast Asia?
 That if one country fell to communism, all surrounding countries would too.
51. Briefly describe the Vietnam War. What was the outcome?
 US fought to keep communism from taking hold, we were not successful.
52. Who is Fidel Castro? What was the Bay of Pigs?
 Revolutionary leader of Cuba. Failed US attempt to overthrow the government in Cuba.
53. Describe the Cuban Missile Crisis. Which two major leaders were involved?
 Closest US(Kennedy) and USSR(Kruschev) came to war. Soviets back down from
blockade of Cuba.
54. Define détente.
 Reduction of Cold War tensions (Gorbachev)
Standard 10.10
55. What were the 2 major religions in post-WWII India?
 Hinduism and Islam
56. What was the Muslim League? Who was its leader?
 Formed the separate Muslim nation of Pakistan (Mohammed Ali Jinnah)
57. Describe how & when Britain partitioned India and granted independence.
 1947. Led to separate Pakistan.
58. Why was there conflict between the Palestinians and Jews? What were the goals of each?
 Territorial disputes over the land of Palestine becoming Israel.
 Both wanted the land to be theirs outright.
59. Why did the UN support the partitioning of Palestine? How did they propose to partition it?
 The severe persecution of the Jews during the holocaust and earlier
 Majority of land given to the Jews.
60. How and when did Israel become a nation?
 1948, United Nations
61. What was the first Arab-Israeli War (May 15, 1948)? What was the outcome?
 Israel attacked by surrounding Arab nations.
 Maintained its independence.
62. What were the Camp David Accords? Which major leaders were involved?
 Arab/ Israeli Peace effort.
 US, PLO, Israel
 Anwar Sadat
63. What is the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and who was its leader?
 Group fighting for Arab land in Palestine
 Yasser Arafat
64. What is the intifada?
 The Arab fight for Palestine over Israel
65. What was the Oslo Peace Agreement (1993)? Which major leaders were involved?
 Peace agreement. Yitzak Rabin (Israel)/ Yasser Arafat (PLO)/ Pres. Bill Clinton (US)