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Interviewed by Thomas A. Ban
San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 8, 2003
TB: This will be an interview with Dr. Hans Christian Fibiger
American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. We are at the annual meeting of the
college in San Juan. It is December 8, 2003. I am Thomas Ban. If you could start from
the very beginning and tell us something about where you were born, something about
your education?
HF: I was born in Copenhagen in 1943 and spent the first five years of my life in that
beautiful city. My parents decided to move to Canada in 1948, probably primarily
because my father had five sisters in Copenhagen that he needed to get away from! But,
seriously, my parents always told me the reason for moving to Canada was that they felt
the future for the kids would be better in Canada than it might have been in Denmark.
And, as I think back on it, it was the right move for me, for my sisters and brothers. So
in 1948 we got on a big ship in Sweden and made the trip across the Atlantic and landed
in New York. Then, we took a train to Montreal, another train from Montreal to
Vancouver, and ultimately ended up in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia. That is
where I spent my youth and went to school. We had a lovely home. Victoria is one of the
most beautiful cities in North America, and I had an absolutely idyllic childhood. I
continued my studies at the University of Victoria where I enrolled in 1960 and,
unfortunately, did not graduate until 1966. I spent six years as an undergraduate because I
kept changing my mind about what I wanted to do in life. My parents told me I had
always been good at math and, therefore, I should become a chartered accountant. As I
looked into that opportunity, I decided quickly that wasn’t the right life for me. I started
to read Freud as a high school student. I became very, very interested early on in the
human mind and trying to understand its dynamics. And like so many other people in
that era, the more I thought and read about it, the more it became evident that the key to
understanding the mind was to understand the biology of the human brain. So during my
undergraduate training, I eventually shifted to major in psychology and chemistry and
Hans Christian Fibiger was born in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1943.
graduated with honors in 1966. I then wanted to go to graduate school, applied to a
number of places, and finally decided to accept an offer at Princeton. That turned out to
be a very good experience for me as well. At the time I arrived in Princeton I was
interested in physiological psychology but the advisor I ended up with was a person who
had nothing to do with physiological psychology. He studied infant-mother interactions,
and so I spent a good part of the first year behind one-way mirrors watching mothers and
infants interact and scoring various dimensions of their behavior. Then there was an
opportunity that came up in the Department of Psychology to work with Dr. Byron
Campbell who suddenly received a very large grant in psychopharmacology from the
National Institutes of Mental Health, and was looking for new graduate students. I
quickly knocked on his door and asked whether he would consider me to work in his lab.
He graciously agreed, and I ended up spending the next three years with him. I took a
year off from graduate school, tragically, because I had a young brother who, at the age
of 16, died of leukemia. But I went back to Princeton and completed my degree in what
was essentially psychopharmacology in 1970. I had a very good experience at Princeton
and made some great friends while there.
TB: Could you tell us something about the research you did with Byron Campbell?
HF: We were studying the effects of psychoactive agents on rat behavior as a function of
age; it was developmental neuropsychopharmacology. Dr. Campbell had an interest for a
long time in developmental biology from a behavioral perspective, but it was an area of
research he himself did not know much about. So we learned together and, perhaps
through no choice of his own, he let the students train each other, which was a great way
to learn I came to understand.
In 1970 I left Princeton and accepted a post-doctoral position in Vancouver to
work with Drs. Patrick and Edie McGeer, who were two very well-renowned
neurochemists in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of British Columbia. I
also planned to spend half my time with a neuropsychologist, Dr. Harry Klonoff. It was
meant to be a joint post-doctoral experience that was funded by the Medical Research
Council of Canada.
With Dr. Klonoff I
was involved in studies that applied
neuropsychological batteries to individuals with schizophrenia. We published one of the
very first papers on a neuropsychological assessment using standardized tests in patients
with schizophrenia. That field has grown and expanded enormously, but this was back in
1970. I remember having heated debates with Dr. Klonoff about whether the reduced test
scores really reflected true cognitive deficits as opposed to an inability of these patients to
attend to or stay with the test we administered. The deficits were very broad and not
specific. Subsequent events have shown that the cognitive deficits are not just an artifact
of a psychotic process, but a true core feature of schizophrenia. I think back fondly on the
debates I used to have with Dr. Klonoff about that.
TB: What tests did you use for measuring cognitive deficit?
HF: What we used at the time were conventional neuropsychological tests, like the
Benton visual retention test, various subtests of the Wexler intelligence scale, etc.
TB: Didn’t you use conditional reflex measures?
HF: We didn’t; we used just neuropsychological tests. I did, with Dr. Klonoff, one of the
first studies on the neuropsychological effects of marijuana. This was during the height of
the “marijuana period” in North America. We did an interesting study on how people
performed after smoking marijuana in a simulated driving test. That study was placebo
controlled. The subjects would smoke either marijuana or marijuana from which THC
had been removed. As one might expect, there were adverse effects on cognitive
function. It was interesting to see the number of people who reported getting high when
they smoked the placebo. That was a lot of fun.
Most of my time in Vancouver during my post-doc, however, was spent with Pat
and Edie McGeer. We did a lot of interesting work together. The McGeers were focused
on analyzing human brains postmortem and looking at the activity of various
neurotransmitter synthetising enzymes. They were interested in Alzheimer’s and
Parkinson’s disease. We would obtain fresh brain tissue by an arrangement with the
coroner in Vancouver. I remember that we would go and harvest these brains whenever
we got a call, in the middle of the night or some other part of the day. We had to get the
brains quickly to the lab, put them immediately on ice, dissect them, and run the
neurochemical assays. I think we were one of the first labs to show that there was a
decrease in choline acetyl transferase activity in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s
disease. We confirmed the classical studies showing that dopaminergic neurons were
damaged in Parkinson’s disease and we conducted a lot of animal work during that
period. I also studied axonal transport in the central nervous system by injecting
microliter quantities of radio-labeled amino acids which could be incorporated into the
cell, synthesized into proteins and transported up the axon to the nerve terminals. I did
this experiment after hours because Pat McGeer thought it was “a crazy idea.” When the
data worked out extremely well, and I showed him the data he became very interested
and wanted to be a co-author on the paper. What I learned from that experience was to
trust my students and let them follow their instincts. The young, untrained, creative brain
often comes up with ideas that those of us who have been indoctrinated for longer periods
of time wouldn’t think of. I have always managed my students that way and gave them
probably more room to operate than others did. It didn’t work for every student, some
needed more guidance than others. But I always tried to provide as much freedom as
they could handle because of my own personal experience as a post-doc pursuing ideas
my advisors told me not to, but which worked out well.
After my post-doc with Klonoff and the McGeers, I applied for a Medical
Research Council scholarship in Canada. I was offered a position to stay in Vancouver as
an Assistant Professor in the Division of Neurological Sciences, which was in the
Department of Psychiatry at UBC. I got my own lab space, and was very lucky to get an
MRC scholarship that supported my salary for five years. I also was successful in getting
funding for my first grant application.
That was the initial period of 27 years as a
professor at the University of British Columbia.
TB: What was your first research grant for?
HF: The first grant was to pursue further studies on axonal transport in the central
nervous system. But I soon hooked up with a person who turned out to be a long-term
friend and colleague, Tony Phillips, who had just joined the Department of Psychology.
Tony’s interest was in studying brain stimulation and reward mechanisms. He was able to
show that by implanting electrodes in certain regions of the brain animals will work to
stimulate that part with small electrical currents. That was the area Tony focused on
while I was becoming more and more interested, as an independent investigator, in
pursuing the neurochemistry of learning and reinforcement. Tony and I partnered to do
some studies into the neurochemistry, neuropharmacology and neuroanatomy of brain
stimulation and reward. We submitted some joint grant applications and began a very
productive and successful long-term collaboration which lasted about 25 years.
TB: Wasn’t that area of research opened up by James Olds with his findings at McGill.
HF: Yes. We used the technique developed by Olds. It was an area of research Tony had
a great interest and expertise in. I had become very interested in intravenous selfadministration of drugs as a tool to understand addiction and received a grant from a
Canadian funding agency created by concern about illicit drug use. I was very lucky to
get that grant to study the biology of addiction. It fit very nicely into the work I was
doing with Tony Phillips on brain reward mechanisms from an intracranial selfstimulation perspective. An early result of that work was the discovery made by David
Roberts, the first graduate student in my laboratory, that the nucleus accumbens is a key
structure in the brain that mediates the reinforcing effects of cocaine. Now we all know
that today, it is well accepted and understood. Dave’s work in my laboratory was the
place where all that started. We had animals self-administer cocaine, and would make
very selective six-hydroxy-dopamine lesions in the nucleus accumbens and other areas to
study what effect they would have on the cocaine self administration. To our amazement
and delight it turned out that if you destroy the dopamine terminals in the nucleus
accumbens, animals stop taking cocaine, even though they took it before. It’s as if they
lost interest in cocaine. That discovery has spawned a whole industry in academic
research, which is still going on today. But I feel very proud and pleased that work
started in my laboratory. We opened up this new field which was something we felt very
good about. Dave Roberts, who is now a professor in North Carolina, and still working in
that area, deserves a lot of credit for having done that outstanding research. So that was
one of the things that we did. We did many, many other things as well. My laboratory in
Vancouver became a place for interdisciplinary research. We did a lot of work in
neuroanatomy during which we studied the anatomy of the extrapyramidal nervous
system using emerging new techniques dependent on axonal transport. My previous
interest in axonal transport fit nicely with that new technology. We got more and more
into immunohistochemistry and all the modern tracing techniques that exist in
neuroanatomy. So we had a long studying the detailed connections of the extrapyramidal
system. We also were amongst the first to map the distribution of cholinergic neurons in
the brain. It culminated in a very big review paper that I published in Brain Research
Reviews in which I synthesized the research findings in this field. I think that was a
useful contribution. There were many other labs working in the same area and I think we
helped define the anatomy of central cholinergic neurons which have become of interest
because of their role in Alzheimer’s disease and in arousal function. We became very
interested in understanding the role of the locus ceruleus, a noradrenergic nucleus that
sends projections widely through the forebrain and has descending projections to the
spinal cord. We did a lot of work trying to understand the role of those projections on
behavior. I think that was very important tresearch. There was a big debate at the time in
which Larry Stein, a member of this College, and I were involved. Larry felt that the
noradrenergic system coming out of the locus ceruleus was a very important rewardrelated system, and we had a heavy debate about that. I think history has shown Larry
was wrong; that the locus ceruleus is not significantly involved in reward mechanisms.
Now we know, partly on the basis our work and partly on the work of many others, that
the mesolimbic dopamine system, starting in the ventral tegmental area and enervating
the nucleus accumbens, is the key component of the neural circuitry of reward. The other
work we did on the locus ceruleus and the so-called dorsal noradrenergic bundle got me
involved in my first, and hopefully last, case of scientific fraud in my laboratory. I had
what looked to be a profoundly gifted student whose name was Steve Mason, who
received his PhD. with Susan Iverson in Cambridge. He came to my lab to do a post-doc.
Unfortunately, it turned out that Steve Mason published some data that couldn’t be
replicated. After he left my lab, I spent part of the next three years publishing retractions
and redoing many of the experiments. In those days it wasn’t as big a deal as it is today.
Today, and rightfully so, scientific fraud is something the scientific community takes
much more seriously than it did 20 years ago. But that was a very disturbing period that
we had to try to clean up. And, of course, I did my very best after that to make sure that
Steve Mason never got a job again in science. My view of scientific fraud is that that is
the capital crime of our business. It deserves capital punishment, meaning you don’t
work in science again.
After that period, we did a lot of neurochemistry. We were among the first to get
into brain microdialysis in a big way where we could study neurotransmitter release in
awake animals. We did some really nice studies showing that you can actually study
neurotransmitter release in animals that are performing different tasks. One of the most
enjoyable experiments we did was to look at dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens
during various stages of sexual behavior in male rats. You could watch dopamine release
in the nucleus accumbens go up a little bit when a female was introduced into an
environment close to the male, and then as they started to copulate, dopamine release
would shoot up, showing that this was not just a system cocaine works on, but has
something to do with mediating natural reinforcers. We did similar kinds of work with
food intake. We also did a whole lot of interesting pharmacological experiments looking
at acetylcholine release using microdialysis. That provided us with useful information
about what acetylcholine is doing in the brain during different kinds of behavior. It also
told us a lot about how you can pharmacologically manipulate central cholinergic
neurons. .
The last thing that I’ll mention in terms of work we did at UBC was concerned
with immediate early genes and, as always, it was something one of my students brought
in. He was a new post-doc whose name is George Robertson. George had become, as a
graduate student at Dalhousie University, very interested in immediate early genes, such
as c-Fos. He was interested in continuing some of that work in my lab, and I have to
admit that before I met George I practically knew nothing about immediate early genes.
This was an area that was exploding at the time, but an area I had not personally
followed. I tried, as usual, to give my students as much freedom to follow their interests
as long as I could be convinced it was worthwhile. And George certainly had. I didn’t
need much convincing. So what we started to do with this technique was to study the
activity of central neurons as reflected by the extent to which they were expressed in cFos. With this immediate early gene, you can see changes in either messenger RNA or
protein very quickly in neurons activated by some sensory or pharmacological stimulus.
We used early gene expression to do a functional mapping of the brain in many different
circumstances. One of the things we did was to place animals in environments that
caused a lot of anxiety because they had been foot shocked in that environment before. It
was amazing to see that when the animals were returned they were obviously stressed by
being back in that environment. You could see the neural circuitry involved light up. We
mapped that out and defined some of the circuitry. That nice work was done by a
colleague, Charles Beck, a professor from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, who
spent a sabbatical in my department. One of the really interesting things that George had
done was to map the distribution of neurons in the forebrain that are activated in vivo by
antipsychotic drugs. We could show very nicely that atypical antipsychotics activated a
different set of neurons to a significant extent than did typical neuroleptic agents. That
work has now been confirmed by many other labs.
TB: Was there any overlap between atypical and typical neuroleptics?
HF: There was some overlap. But the bottom line is that whereas the typical neuroleptic
agents targeted the striatum as much as the nucleus accumbens, the atypicals are much
more active in the nucleus accumbens, which is quite consistent with their lack of
extrapyramidal side effects that are mediated in the striatum. We also showed other
differences as well. So the atypicals clearly had a different signature in the brain than do
the typicals. This has now become a technique used in the pharmaceutical industry as an
assay to guide drug discovery.
TB: Is it used for the screening of new atypical drugs?
HF: Right. We did a lot of other work with immediate early genes, but those were a
couple of the highlights, I think.
TB: Wasn’t some other work going on with early genes about the same time?
HF: Yes. The immediate early gene work we did was not unique. We didn’t discover this
technique, but we applied it in interesting ways. And we were amongst the first to
understand how you could use this technique to map, in great detail, the activity of
neurons in the brain.
Another comment I would make is that, in my experience, every laboratory goes
through great periods and not so great periods; over 25 years my lab went through some
absolutely fabulous periods and produced some very innovative science.
TB: What year did you become an independent investigator?
HF: I started as an independent investigator in 1972.
TB: How long did you stay at UBC?
HF: Until 1998, so it was 26 years. In 1998 I had an offer to become Vice-president of
Neuroscience at Eli Lilly and Company. That was a very difficult decision. My lab was
still well funded and we were still doing lots of interesting work. But the question I
asked myself at the time was how good would I be at doing something else. And one
thing that happened during those 26 years, almost inevitably, was that I wasn’t as excited
about what I was doing as when I was getting started. The arrival is not as interesting as
the journey. I had been Acting Head of the Department of Psychiatry for about three
years; that taught me I did not want to be an academic administrator. I could have
considered in Vancouver become vice-president of research or something like that but I
wasn’t really interested.
TB: When was this?
HF: I acted as head of psychiatry on two occasions for about 1 ½ years each. It was in the
80s and 90s that I did this. I enjoyed it, but it was not something I wanted to do. The
problem with academic administration is that you have responsibilities without real
authority. That’s not a good equation. If there are tenured professors who are not pulling
their weight or who have gone out to pasture there is very little you can do because, in
the Canadian system, salaries are paid by the university, so they are not dependent on
grant funding at all. Persuasion is OK, but it’s not a very effective tool to make things
happen. So this opportunity at Lilly came along. I got a call from David Leander, a very
senior behavioral pharmacologist at Lilly, who told me they were looking for a Vicepresident of Research and asked would I be interested. I initially said no, I hadn’t even
thought about moving to industry. Then, we had some additional conversations. He
finally convinced me to visit Indianapolis and I liked what I saw. There was a terrific
group of people at Lilly. The other thing that was happening was my own lab was
moving more and more into molecular neurobiology and what I wanted to do was very
TB: What kind of molecular neurobiology did you want to do?
HF: I wanted to study transcript profiling in primates, because the primate brain is very
different from the rodent brain, and I wanted to understand something about gene
expression in primates.
TB: Early gene expression?
HF: Right. Using transcript profiling, performed with chip technologies, like affymetrix
chips. But it was terribly expensive to do and probably beyond what one could do in
Canada in terms of the level of funding one can get. I discovered, as I visited Lilly, that a
company of that size has incredible resources. We could start to do that kind of research,
so it was very attractive and I decide to go to Lilly and try my hand at running a very big
organization. Lilly Neuroscience had a research site at headquarters in Indianapolis and a
research site just outside of London in a place called Earl Wood, so it was an
international operation. Still, it was a very difficult decision. I think anybody who makes
the jump from academia to industry always wonders if they’re doing the right thing,
particularly when their academic life is going just fine.
TB: It made it possible for you to do what you wanted to do.
HF: Oh, absolutely, and as I said, it would have been hard to get the money to do what I
wanted in Canada. Eventually, after going to Lilly, we did those experiments. They were
very expensive, but we did them. It was tough moving from Vancouver, which is
probably the most beautiful city in North America, to Indianapolis, which is a pretty plain
vanilla town in the Midwest. But Lilly was a great company and I had a terrific time
there. My family enjoyed it in Indianapolis and my kids were in a wonderful school. I
have never regretted the decision to try my hand at industry. It was a great time, and I’m
glad I did it.
In the last last two months I left Lilly for an absolutely wonderful
opportunity to join Amgen, the largest biotech company in the world, and certainly the
world’s most successful. Amgen called me earlier this year and asked if I would like to
come to Thousand Oaks in California to head up a new neuroscience department. The
goal at Amgen is for me to build neuroscience into a very powerful force in discovery. I
went for a couple of reasons. It wasn’t I was in any way unhappy at Lilly. There were
some things I didn’t like but the overwhelming reason for going was to have a chance to
build something in a company that has absolutely outstanding leadership, has lots of
resources, and do something different. Hopefully, five or seven years from now I will be
able to look back on my time at Amgen and feel that I built something unique and very
good; that’s certainly my goal.
TB: Before moving into that could you tell us more about what you did at Lilly? I
understood you did some research in early gene expression What else did you do and
how did your research in early gene expression translate into the development of new
HF: Well, that’s a very good question, Tom. Most of what I did at Lilly was manage a big
organization, to make sure that Lilly Neuroscience continued to be very productive, and
to try to put new molecules into the clinic. We were very successful at doing that. It was a
very productive period in my life. In the gene expression study we tried to understand
whether one can use gene expression to identify new targets for the treatment of
psychiatric disorders. We would treat monkeys with phencyclidine chronically, which is
supposed to be a good model for schizophrenia, or treat them with amphetamine which
produces psychosis and then we looked at how gene expression was changed. We were
interested to see whether we could use early gene expression as targets to identify new
treatments of schizophrenia. It turns out that the answer is no. The difficulty is that there
are so many changes as a result of these treatments and these vary by brain region. Gene
expression may go up in the frontal cortex and down in the amygdala. What are you
supposed to do with that information?
TB: When we worked with phencyclidine, in the late 1950s, we found that in different
doses it also induced different psychopatholgies in patients with different diagnoses.
HF: You can’t deal with that. And even a place like Lilly, with all the resources you
couldn’t run proper dose response studies in that situation. Nevertheless, we had to do
those studies to decide whether our approach was useful or not. The conclusion I reached
was that it wasn’t a useful approach to for identifying suitable drugs for the treatment of
schizophrenia. Some people probably are still doing the kind of work we did, but I don’t
see it as being particularly useful for identifying new targets in the brain for treatment.
Most of my work at Lilly was to try to manage a big portfolio and recruit new talent.
Olanzapine (Zyprexa) was discovered in Lilly’s facility at Earl Wood, in the United
Kingdom. They were very proud of that but what I inherited was a group who had been
sitting on their laurels for 15 years, saying don’t forget we discovered olanzapine. That
was OK for a while but sooner or later I had to get that organization to be more
productive. So I changed the leadership and brought in new people; now it’s a very good
TB: So, olanzapine was discovered before you joined Lilly?
HF: It was discovered back in the mid 1980s.
TB: Structurally where did olanzapine come from?
HF: Olanzapine is a derivative of clozapine. It’s a very similar structure. The advantage
is that pharmacologically it’s much more potent than clozapine, so you can give much
lower doses. And because of the much lower doses, you don’t get agranulocytosis.
TB: It’s a great advantage.
HF: Oh, absolutely.
TB: So the starting point was clozapine?
HF: Clozapine was the starting point for olanzapine. I think what they were asking at the
time it was developed was whether they could change the molecule in some minor way to
maintain the s therapeutic profile of clozapine without risking agranulocytosis. Lilly was
successful with in doing that and the rest is history. Zyprexa will probably sell four
billion dollars this year.
TB: A very successful drug.
HF: Right.
TB: In your new job your task will be to set up and organize a new institute. Looking
back at your career it was a kind of step aside to become acting chair of a department of
HF: Why did I accept the acting chair?
TB: Yes.
HF: Probably because there wasn’t anybody more qualified to do it. The Department of
Psychiatry at Vancouver was not a strong department. The Division of Neurological
Sciences within that department was very strong and had people like Pat and Edie
McGeer, Juhn Wada, and Judah Quastel, very strong basic scientists.
TB: I hadn’t realized you had Judah Quastel.
HF: Judah Quastel had retired from McGill when he came to UBC, but he was one of
those people who had no intention of slowing down just because he reached retirement
age, and he continued to do some very good work in Vancouver.
TB: With hindsight do you think you were successful as acting chair in a clinical
HF: I think I was; everybody was pleased with the administrative work I did there. It was
one of these rare cases when a non-physician ends up being head of a clinical department.
TB: Actually, there were several heads of psychiatry departments in Canada who were
not psychiatrists.
HF: One of them is Glen Baker, who is head of the department in Edmonton.
TB: It seems that most of the non-psychiatrist heads do just as well if not better than the
Do you think you had an impact on transforming the profile of the
department of psychiatry?
HF: I think I did. I clearly turned the department more biological. But I think the whole
field was going through a movement towards more biology. It wasn’t anything I was
doing out of the ordinary, but we did recruit during my tenure some very good psychiatric
researchers. Probably the best of them was Peter Little, a superb clinical investigator in
schizophrenia. He left unfortunately and went back to England. We recruited some good
people there during my tenure.
TB: Did you also recruit some good people to Eli Lilly?
HF: I recruited some wonderful people to Lilly.
TB: Would you like to name some of them?
HF: We recruited Ian Reagan, who headed up the new Earl Wood site. We recruited
Beth Hoffman, who is an outstanding molecular biologist.
We recruited Calpana
Merchant just at the end of my tenure from Pharmacia. She’s a terrific scientist. We also
recruited George Nomikos, who has done some great microdialysis work, and Yang, a
very gifted electrophysiologist. Both, Nomikos and Yang worked with me in Vancouver.
TB: You obviously trained a lot of people. Would you like to mention a few?
HF: I had many, many graduate students. I’m worried about doing this, because I’m a
afraid I will miss some.of them. I think I have already mentioned David Roberts, Jim
Nagy, Bill Staines and George Robertson. I must have had 30 or 40 graduate students or
post-docs during my academic career. I paid a lot of attention of trying to be a good
mentor. I took the task of training graduate students or post-docs very seriously. And I
think, in the vast majority of the cases, I launched them into a good career.
TB: Did I understand you correctly that in your new position, you are expected to build a
research institute?
HF: Yes.
TB: From scratch?
HF: Not from scratch. Amgen has about 50 people in its neuroscience department, and
my goal is probably to build that to a group of between 200 and 300 people over the next
five years.
TB: What will you expect them to do?
HF: They will discover breakthrough therapeutics.
TB: Clinically more selective and effective drugs?
HF: That’s the challenge. What I want to try to do is something different than what most
pharma companies do. The sad fact is that the current business model the pharmaceutical
industry uses is not viable. Companies cannot discover and develop drugs quickly enough
to meet the goals that investors expect. If you want to grow the value of your company
by 15% a year, which is what Wall Street would like to see, nobody is able to discover
and develop drugs, quickly enough to meet that target. As we speak, Bristol-Meyers is in
huge trouble, Merck is on its knees, Schering, I don’t know what they’re going to do,
they’re in terrible shape. Among all of them I would say Lilly right now probably has the
best pipeline.
TB: So, Lilly is OK?
HF: But also Lilly has got a huge problem starting in 2010, because in 2011 it will loose
Zyprexa, a loss of between four and six billion dollars a year. That’s the expectation.
And Lilly, right now, hasn’t the ability to make up for that loss in terms of new
innovative products. And this is true across the industry. R&D and other expenses have
been going up and productivity, in terms of new launched molecules is going dawn. The
investment is not producing what we had hoped. There are many reasons for that. It’s a
very complex issue. The bottom line is that the current business model is not viable.
What I’m working very hard on right now is to try to think about how we can create a
new model, how to come up with new approaches to developing novel therapeutics for
important human diseases that will sustain the growth companies need. It’s a very, very
complex question and I don’t have all the answers.
TB: Would the field of psychotropics that had clinical end-points with better predictive
validity help?
HF: It would help. I believe society is willing to pay for true innovation. And I think they
are willing to pay for a medication that you can say in advance is going to work for the
patient. So the dream for the future is the genotype. You determine, on the basis of the
genotype, that there is a very high probability the medication will work or will not work
for this particular patient. So don’t waste time and money giving the drug to somebody
for whom it is not going to be effective. We have seen the first example of that in the
treatment of breast cancer. That’s the future. And society, I think, will be more than
happy to pay for those kinds of advances. But it requires a combination of diagnostics
and therapeutics, and most companies are not doing that.
TB: Do you think genotyping will be the answer?
HF: I’d be in a much better position to answer that question a year from now, because I
am working through these kinds of questions. And what I have to decide is where Amgen
neuroscience is going to place its bets.
We will certainly do some work in
TB: Glad to hear that.
HF: But I think one of the good things about this meeting, is that I’m starting to see some
changes I’ve been advocating for a long time. There is more and more discussion today
about how schizophrenia is not a useful concept for research. It’s too vague. The way
that DSM describes schizophrenia, as somebody pointed out at this meeting, is that you
can have two patients with schizophrenia who essentially don’t share any symptoms.
That may be OK for clinical practice because it doesn’t make any difference. We don’t
have any differential treatments right now anyway. Remember the old story about
schizophrenia being the graveyard of neuropathology. Schizophrenia will be the
graveyard of molecular biology. It will be the graveyard of imaging. It will be the
graveyard of any technology that you try to apply to it, because it is simply too diffuse a
concept to be useful for research and development purposes. Now what is happening at
this meeting, which is very encouraging, is that people are starting to take this idea of
endophenotypes seriously. So let’s focus on the cognition of schizophrenia. Let’s focus
on positive symptoms of schizophrenia. The biology of those things, are going to be
different and therefore the medications are going to be different. It’s interesting that the
pharmaceutical industry is still trying to kind of grapple with this. There is the mantra
over the last few years that we need to develop very potent, very selective compounds,
and these compounds will be a good treatment for depression, for example. I don’t think
that’s going to be true. I think it might be that very potent, very selective compounds
might be good for treating one aspect of this thing we call depression, but not the whole
thing. And maybe the reason that SSRIs have been so successful is that there is only one
target for SSRIs, the serotonin transporter. But, remember, there are 17 serotonin
receptors whose activity is being impacted by that SSRI. So, in fact, an SSRI, is a very
“dirty” drug because its immediate post-synaptic consequences are mediated by at least
17 receptors that we know about.
TB: Now, before closing, is there anything else you would like to add?
HF: No.
TB: I have one more question. Could say something about the ACNP? When did you
become a member?
HF: I joined ACNP very early in my career. I felt very privileged to get into the ACNP.
I think I must have been one of the very few Canadians who were accepted for
membership, and I think I was accepted in 1976, 18 years ago. And I think I have
attended just about every meeting since then. Without question, if I could only go to one
meeting every year, it would be the annual meeting of the ACNP. I had the privilege of
serving as the journal editor for Neuropsychopharmacology for a few years.
Unfortunately, I had to give that up when I joined industry. But I enjoyed doing that very
much, and I was honored to contribute in that way. And I’ve been on Council for the last
three years. Today, in fact, is my last Council meeting. And that’s been a lot of fun too.
So, I felt very close to the College and I’ve, without exception, enjoyed my interactions.
TB: Just one additional question; what would you like to see happen in the neurosciences
in the future?
HF: Probably exactly what we just talked about a minute ago. Let’s get rid of these
useless concepts or syndromes, useless for research purposes. Let’s start focusing on
endophenotypes. Hopefully, we’ll have better luck there. Let’s start treating patients for
their specific symptoms, so maybe this kind of medication for psychosis, this kind of
medication for cognition, a different kind of medication for negative symptoms, etc. If
we can genotype patients so the physician can be helped in understanding what will be in
the best interest of his patient that would be a wonderful step forward.
TB: Well, on this note we should conclude this interview. Thank you very much.
HF: It’s a pleasure. Thank you.