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А. А. Вербин
Федеральное агентство по образованию
Государственное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования
Кафедра иностранных языков
А. А. Вербин
Рекомендовано на
заседании кафедры
от 31.08.2007,
протокол № 1
Рецензент И. Ф. Григоренко
Цель данных методических указаний – на основе текстов по
экономике, а также сопутствующих им упражнений изложить грамматику,
предусмотренную программными требованиями курса английского языка
для студентов факультета экономики и менеджмента очно-заочной формы
Оригинал подготовлен составителем и печатается в авторской редакции.
Подписано в печать
Формат 60х84/16.
Печать трафаретная. Усл. печ. л. 2.2
Тираж 150 экз. Заказ
Отпечатано в типографии СПГУТД
191028, Санкт-Петербург, Моховая, 26
к методическим указаниям Вербина А.А. «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК.
(подготовлено Вербиным А.А.)
Цель рецензируемых методических указаний – на основе текстов по
экономике, а также сопутствующих им упражнений изложить грамматику,
предусмотренную программными требованиями курса английского языка
для студентов факультета экономики и менеджмента очно-заочной формы
Методические указания состоят из десяти уроков с сопутствующими
упражнениями, а также раздела «Дополнительные упражнения», цель
которых дать дополнительный материал студентам для закрепления
наиболее сложных разделов грамматики.
Методические указания основаны на хорошо подобранных текстах.
Тексты взяты из современных монографий по экономике, изданных в
последние два-три года в англоязычных странах. В методических
указаниях имеется достаточный объем упражнений, ориентированных на
развитие техники перевода и разговорных навыков.
Методические указания составлены в соответствии с программными
требованиями курса английского языка для студентов факультета
экономики и менеджмента очно-заочной формы обучения.
1. Make sentences in the Active Voice using these expressions.
1. To leave home
2. To take a taxi
3. To see a new film
4. To finish work
5. To apply for a job
6. To visit friends
7. To buy a new car
8. To repair the car
9. To attend lectures
10. To open the door
11. To close the window
12. To borrow books from the library
2. Open the brackets.
1. John (to leave) for his office now.
2. He (to arrive) at his office in 40 minutes.
3. He (to work) as a department manager there.
4. He (to get) there by 10 o’clock.
5. At 11 o’clock he (to attend) a meeting.
6. For two hours all of the managers (to discuss) the production
plan of the company.
7. In the middle of the discussion they usually (to have) a break.
8. Two hours ago they still (to discuss) their problems.
9. By 1 o’clock their meeting (to be) over.
10. Then they (to go) to the dining-room to have lunch.
11. During the lunch they certainly (to discuss) the foot-ball match
the (to see) yesterday.
12. Practically all of them (to be) foot-ball fans.
13. They (to like) to discuss foot-ball matches.
14. By 7 p.m. John (to come) home.
15. He knows his wife (to wait) for him.
16. At 7 p.m. John’s family (to have) supper.
17. Tomorrow (to be) Saturday.
18. This time tomorrow we will be going to the country.
19. They (to come) back home Sunday evening.
20. On Monday John (to go) to his office as usual.
3. Make sentences with these verbs and adverbials.
1. To study economics
2. To do exercises
3. To get ready for the exams
4. To attend lectures
5. To go to the library
6. To read a book
7. To take notes at the lectures
8. To have breakfast
9. To write a test
10. Not to go to the University
11. To study at the reading-room
12. Ta watch TV
13. To attend a lecture by Prof.
14. To translate a text
15. To say good-by to the
16. To translate a text
17. To meet a friend
18. To go to the country
19. To write the test
20. To come home in time
For two hours last night
Every day
At 5.30 yesterday
When we came
Ay home
Last Monday
To day
For two hours tomorrow
Usually in the evening
When I saw John
Before he left
The whole evening
Two hours ago
By the end of the break
4. Translate the text.
Alexander is a student from St. Petersburg. He studies at the
University of this city. He is a third-year student and his future specialty is
economics. Alexander is going to London for a year on a studentexchange. That is he is going to study at London University for a year, and
a student from London will come to St. Petersburg University.
Yesterday for long hours Alexander was collecting the documents
necessary for the trip. By 4 p.m. he had collected all of them. Now all of
them are ready, but there is a lot of work to do at home before his
departure. Now he and his friend are selecting the books and dictionaries
that will be of much help for him in London. And his mother is ironing his
shirts at the kitchen.
Tomorrow morning he will be packing his luggage. His parents and
friends will go to the airport to see him off. They will be leaving home at 9
o’clock as his plane will take off at 12 sharp. It will take them nearly one
hour to get to the airport, and they must be at the airport two hours before
the take-off. This time tomorrow Alexander will be flying over Europe on
his way to London. By 16.00 tomorrow he will have arrived at Heathrow,
the main London airport. Then he will take a bus in order to go to the
central London. From there he will take another bus and will go to London
Alexander has never been to London, so he will make use of every
opportunity to see the main sights of central London as soon as possible.
Later on he will visit places a bit farther out – Hampstead, Hampton Court
and Greenwich – on a day or half-day trips by bus and underground.
Alexander is eager to go to London because he wants to get
acquainted with the way of life in advanced industrial countries. He knows
that there are a lot of people in Russia who are sure that the economy there
is in good shape and makes people there more and more prosperous. But
recently he came across an article in the London paper The Guardian
related to a poll of the state of mind of the Europeans about their economy.
To the question: Do you believe that the world will become more or less
prosperous? 49% of people in the Western Europe answered “Less” and
22% answered “More”, while in the Eastern Europe the answer was: 16% - “Less” and 49% -- “More”. That is unlike those who live in the Eastern
Europe the Westerners have rather skeptical view of the state of the
economy of their countries.
5. Answer the questions
1. Where does Alexander study?
2. What does he study?
3. Why is he going to London?
4. What was he doing yesterday?
5. Has he collected all the necessary documents?
6. What will he be doing this time tomorrow?
7. By what time will he have arrived to London?
8. What will he do after his arrival?
9. What kind of the city transport will he take to go to central London?
10. Has he ever been to London?
11. Does he read British newspapers?
12. What story has he come across recently?
13. What is it about?
6. Look at this grammatical pattern and translate the expressions
Leisure time = свободного времени
Street traffic = уличное движение
Ozone hole = озоновая дыра
Ozone hole extension = расширение озоновой дыры
1. brick wall
2. wall bricks
3. story title
4. title story
5. sugar cane
6. cane sugar
7. interest rate
8. company management
9. consumer goods
10.consumer goods production
11.consumer goods production growth
12.consumer goods production growth rate
1. Examine carefully the way the sentences are transformed into the
passive voice.
1. John attends the University classes daily.
2. The University classes are attended by John daily.
3. Now he is attending a lecture on history.
4. A lecture on history is being attended by him.
5. They constructed this plant last year.
6. This plant was constructed last year
7. She will invite him to her birthday party.
8. He will be invited to her birthday party.
9. John has taken his first exam.
10. The first exam has been taken by John successfully.
2. Now transform the following sentences into the passive voice.
1. John didn’t attend the lectures yesterday.
2. He has borrowed this book from the library.
3. He will return it in a week.
4. They are attending this lecture.
5. They produce high-quality shoes.
6. She usually buys expensive shoes.
7. This shop sells mass-produced cheap footwear.
8. He invented a new method of doing so.
9. They will buy new equipment for their factory.
10. They have already checked their translations.
11. We cannot translate this letter because we have no dictionary.
12. They must attend this meeting.
13. She will manage our department.
14. They will have appointed her by Monday.
3. Make sentences in the Passive Voice using these expressions.
To open the door
To close the window
To visit friends
To repair the flat
To take a taxi
To borrow books from the library
To see a new film
To buy a new car
To repair the car
To finish work
To attend lectures
4. Translate the text.
Most people work to earn a living, and produce goods and services. Goods
are either produced in the agricultural sector (like milk, vegetable, fruit) or
manufactured at plants and factories (like pen, paper, and cars). Services are
such things as education, medicine, and commerce. They are provided by people
who are called employees. Some people provide goods, some provide services.
Some other people provide both goods and services. For example, in the same
garage a car can be bought or some service can be obtained in order to maintain
this car or to repair it.
The work people do in exchange for payment is called economic activity.
The economic system of a town, of a city, of a country, of the world is made up
of all economic activities together of these respective communities. Countries
differ in their economic activities. The work people undertake either provides
them with what they need or provide the money with which they can buy
essential commodities. Of course, most people hope to earn enough money to
buy commodities and services, which are non-essential, but which provide some
particular personal satisfaction, like books, visits to the cinema, trips, etc.
There are two extreme forms of economic arrangements of the economic
activity: privately owned economy and State-owned one. The former is often
called as ‘free market economy’; the latter is associated with the term ‘command
economy’. This type of economy dominated in the former socialist countries. If
complete freedom of economic activity is allowed this can create difficulties,
because the freedoms of various individuals or individual companies often
conflict. Laws have been created to regulate economic activity, and they are
concerned with working conditions, worker’s health, wages, pensions, and
location of places of work.
Even in the most dedicated free enterprise systems, such as the USA, a need
for some degree of State control of the economy has been felt. Some developing
countries are interested in control and log-term planning. Such countries as India
have a number of plans to guide the economy. They are enacted by the
government. Such systems where both private and public sectors coexist are
often called as countries with mixed economy.
6. Answer the questions.
1. Where are goods produced?
2. What goods are produced in the agricultural sector?
3. In what economic units are services provided?
4. What kind of economy is considered as free market economy?
5. What kind of economy was dominant in the former socialist
6. Is complete economic freedom possible?
7. Why is it impossible?
8. For what purpose was economic planning introduced?
9. What is an economy with both private and public sector called?
What is money used for?
7. Examine carefully the following sentences.
1. The lecture is being listened to attentively.
2. The problem has been dealt with successfully.
3. The doctor was sent for one hour ago.
4. The coats are taken off at the cloakroom.
5. She is being waited for.
6. The film is spoken about.
7. Our participation in this year footwear show was agreed upon.
8. His account of this year footwear show was being listened to
with great interest.
9. The solution of the problem has been arrived at.
10.This machine is not made use of at our factory due to its slow speed.
11.These ideas will certainly be frowned upon by our managers.
12.We are being aimed at by our competitors.
My friend cannot be relied upon.
John can be counted upon.
The business should be dealt with cautiously.
Their complaint must be taken note of.
Only two methods can be resorted to in order to solve the
This means that our principles are adhered to.
The matter won’t be attended to because of lack of money.
My warning hasn’t been acted upon.
1. Study carefully the following.
The field of application of this machine must be increased.
We have to introduce this machine into our factory.
This method of teaching is to be applied here.
This machine should be imparted new capabilities.
Сфера применения этой машины должна быть расширена.
Мы должны внедрить эту машину на нашей фабрике.
Этот метод обучения должен быть применен здесь.
Этой машине нужно придать новые «способности».
He can complete this work alone.
The machine will be able to perform all these operations.
He succeeded in repairing this robot.
They managed to test all of the systems of this robot.
They were unable to remove the defect.
They failed to use all the capabilities of this robot.
1. Он может завершить эту работу один.
2. Машина сможет выполнять все эти операции.
Он смог отремонтировать этот робот.
Они смогли испытать все системы робота.
Они не смогли устранить дефект.
Они не смогли использовать все возможности робота.
1. You may introduce your innovation in our company.
2. He was allowed to introduce the innovation
1. Вы можете внедрить ваше усовершенствование в нашей
2. Ему разрешили внедрить это усовершенствование.
4. Translate the following sentences.
1. We have to use the latest innovations.
2. They succeeded in substantially changing the design of our
3. Our attempts failed to prevent damaging the equipment.
4. They were unable to meet the safety requirements.
5. This method is to be replaced by a new one.
6. This is to be done without disturbing the work of the rest of
the employees.
7. Will you be able to buy new equipment?
8. The operator was unable to check the pressure control device.
9. There have to be more options for our shareholders.
Will you be able to get there on time?
I am sure you won’t fail to attend our next lecture.
You will have to be dressed formally.
I was unable to come. I had to get ready for my lessons.
He was allowed to stay out till 10 o’clock.
Did I have to come at 10 o’clock?
5. Translate the text
Production is the means whereby resources are organized to produce the
goods and services which people require for the satisfaction of their wants. In
today’s world an increasing number of people are employed in the service
industries such as banking, leisure, finance and administration, rather than in the
manufacturing sector. In order to achieve production, inputs of factors of
production are to be used. The latter are divided into land, labour and capital.
Land is regarded as a ‘gift of nature’. It includes any valuable mineral
deposits. It is also the basic space requirements within which factories may be
sited, foodstuffs can be grown, or services can be provided.
Labour constitutes an essential element in all forms of production. It
represents all forms human effort, manual and mental, skilled or unskilled which
people must deploy.
Capital, in economic terms, may be defined as goods which can be used to
produce other goods. Property such as factory buildings, machinery and raw
materials are all forms of capital which are used in the process of production.
Production activities must be remunerated or paid. The main forms of
payment to employees are wages and salary. Wages are usually paid as a certain
sum of money per hour to manual workers, while a salary is a fixed sum, which
may be paid monthly to non-manual staff.
As for wages they are usually paid on a basic time rate, often agreed by
negotiations between trade unions and management. Pay is expressed as an
hourly rate. In addition, there may be supplements, such as overtime payments,
danger money or dirty money for work in exceptional circumstances.
A salary is usually expressed as a fixed annual sum, and it is not usual to
supplement it, although certain additional benefits may be provided. These are
called ‘fringe benefits’ or ‘perks’. They are normally benefits of goods or
services such as a company car, membership of a private health scheme, or a
company’s own pension fund. In order to attract right people to a job a firm may
offer help removal expenses or to provide a low-interest mortgage for house
purchase. Recently profit sharing has become popular in recruiting and keeping
The CEOs, chief executive officers, are paid very high salaries. Their
annual income, that is, salaries and perks can amount to numerous millions of
dollars. We are informed by the Journal of Institutional Investor, an American
publication of June 30, 2006, that J. Simon, the top-manager of the Renaissance
Technology collected $1.5 billions in 2005, while his colleague from
B.P.Capital Management Т.Pickens made $1.4 billion. It should be emphasized
that these huge incomes produced public outcry among the shareholders of the
respective companies. A number of Congressmen even introduced a bill against
this kind of abuse.
6. Answer the questions
1. What is the difference between wages and salaries?
2. What is paid to manual workers?
3. Who earns salaries?
4. What is the way salary is defined?
5. What is the synonym for payment?
6. What is meant under the term ‘fringe benefits’?
7. Is ‘fringe benefits’ the same as ‘perks’?
8. What sums of money are collected by the top-managers of big
9. Are they justified?
10. What was the reaction of the shareholders?
7. Transform these sentences into the passive voice.
1. You ought to work hard if you want to be successful.
2. We cannot examine these accounts so quickly.
3. We must finish our work as soon as possible.
4. She can return this document tomorrow.
5. Before going to the cinema we must prepare home tasks.
6. You should use modern technique to produce high quality
7. To produce expensive shoes one should use raw materials of
better quality.
8. In order to be competitive we have to buy new equipment.
9. They must translate this text without dictionary.
10. He can deliver this lecture in English.
11. You can buy these goods in any shop.
12. You should do your work carefully.
13. One must observe traffic rules.
14. You ought to obey the manager.
15.You must use a good dictionary if you want to translate this
text successfully.
As soon as - как только
- когда
- в то время как
-до того как
- перед тем как
- после того как
- хотя
- так как, потому что
- если
- если … не
Whether (… or not) – ли … (или нет)
1. Translate the following.
1. As soon as he comes he will help me.
2. When she is ready she will tell us.
3. You will be given this task when the manager comes back.
4. As soon as the plan is discussed carefully it will be
5. After the lecture is over the lecturer will answer all our
6. Before he was appointed director of our company he had
been employed by General Motors.
7. Before they came here they had attended a lecture on
8. After he had attended the lecture he made an account of it to
the rest our department.
9. Although he had a lot of work he agreed to help me.
10. While he was crossing the street a policeman stopped him.
11. I haven’t realized what he was capable of.
12. This is what we can call a good plan.
13. What worries me is that John is ill.
14. What our competitors are after is not clear.
15. What good that does us I don’t know.
2. Translate the text.
Alfred Marshall defined economics as the study of mankind in the everyday
business life. There are other definitions too. But Marshall’s definition draws
attention to that unique feature of human society: that unlike animals, man
provides for his everyday needs by means of a complex pattern of production,
distribution and exchange.
We need food, clothes and shelter. If we could get them without working, we
probably would not work. But even when we have these essential things, we
may want other things because they might make life more enjoyable. Human
beings certainly have a wide and very complex range of wants. This everyday
business of providing the means of life is called by the general term ‘economy’.
Economics is the study of economies. The science of economics is concerned
with all that man produces and not just our basic needs like food, clothes and
shelter. The science of economics is based upon the facts of our everyday lives
and the general life of our communities. If we want to understand the whole
economic system of which we are part we have to study carefully the economic
activity of the society
Apart from production, distribution of products among various groups in
society and exchange, economics studies the institutions that were created by
man to promote economic development.
Economists are those who observe and study economic facts and produce
economic theories. They try to describe the facts of the economy in which we
live, and to explain how it all works. The economist’s methods should be strictly
objective, if it is to be scientific. In order to understand the evolution of
economy economists must study economies of man at different stages of his
historic development. They studied primitive economies, economies of the
ancient and the middle-age societies. But their main interest is being focused on
the economy of the advanced industrial countries. It is not in good shape to-day.
It is characterized by a low growth rate, unstable monetary system, stagnation of
the employees’ income and rather high unemployment.
3. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the A.Marshall’s definition of the term ‘economics’?
2. Is it the only definition of this science?
3. What does economics study?
4. What is meant under the term ‘economic activity’?
5. What are the basic human needs?
6. Are they successfully satisfied all over the world?
7. Are there people who suffer hunger in the industrial countries?
8. Is economics an objective science like physics?
9. What is the sate of our country’s economy?
Is it in a better shape than it was ten years ago?
4. Translate the following sentences containing the conjunction
1. I don’t know whether he will come tomorrow.
2. He is not sure whether he is able to translate this letter without
3. She doubts whether he will attend the meeting.
4. It matters little whether you are ready or not.
5. I’m not sure whether he is ready to discuss production targets.
6. I don’t ask you whether you will attend the discussion.
7. I doubt whether this problem will be included in the agenda.
8. Does it matter whether I am a bit late or come in time?
9. It is not clear whether he will come or not.
John doesn’t know whether she will be given this task.
You won’t know whether he will be appointed as our
It doesn’t matter whether he has enough experience.
He has asked me whether she will be member of our team.
We will never know whether he embezzled our money or not.
It isn’t clear whether he will continue managing our department
or not.
5. Translate into English.
1. Я не знаю, придет ли он на лекцию.
2. Я не уверен, смогу ли я перевести этот текст без словаря.
3. Не имеет значения, было ли у вас достаточно времени.
4. Не ясно, оказывают ли они такие услуги.
5. Они интересуются, послали ли мы им приглашение.
6. Сомневаюсь, будет ли он хорошим менеджером.
7. Я сомневаюсь, сможет ли он руководить нашим отделом.
8. Мы не знаем, кто будет назначен менеджером.
9. Не имеет значения, придет ли он на собрание.
10. Он не уверен, нужно ли будет ему приходить к 10 часам.
6. Translate the following.
Whatever is produced will be sold.
Wherever he works he becomes the soul of the team.
Whichever strategy is adopted I won’t help us.
Whoever is appointed as our manager he won/t be able to
improve our affairs.
Whatever he proposes is rejected by our manager.
However often he tried, he could not get a job at our company.
However much they admire their boss, he is not a well-educated
Whatever happens he won’t lose his job.
7. Be careful in distinguishing these different words.
для, из-за, в течение
до того как
перед тем как
после того как
так как
8. Translate the following
After the lecture I will be glad to answer your questions.
After the lecture is over the lecturer will answer our questions.
Before he comes we have to get everything ready.
For two days they will be debating all of the aspects of the
The government will certainly drop this section of the programme,
for it is too costly.
After the discussion there was a proposal to issue a final
Until he comes there is no point to begin the discussion.
Abridged clauses with participles
9. Study carefully the following.
1. While driving you must be careful.
2. When addressed she did not answer.
3. If asked he will tell you the truth.
4. When in London we visited the British Museum.
1. В то время, когда вы ведете машину, вы должны быть
2. Когда к ней обратились, она не ответила.
3. Если вы его спросите, он скажет правду.
4. Когда мы были в Лондоне, мы ходили в Британский музей.
10. Translate the following.
1. When interviewed John was asked questions about his previous
2. While interviewing the applicant the manager asked for
3. While reading the draft contract the manger found some
4. When asked about the plans they refused to go into the details.
5. When corrected she is always attentive.
6. While listening to the lecturer the students were taking notes.
7. Until proven otherwise our economic policy will be considered
as correct.
8. If taken dogmatically our economic tenets won’t help us.
9. If acted upon in a timely manner the depression could be
When divorced from good theory our thinking goes astray.
If successful this strategy will be adopted by other
When in London Alexander studied at the London
Though difficult the problem is to be solved.
12. If in St.Petersburg Mary will visit our department.
1. Examine carefully the following.
He lives in St. Petersburg.
He was in London a week ago.
He will go to Moscow soon.
I know that he lives in St. Petersburg.
We know that he was in London a week ago.
I know that he will go to Moscow soon.
I knew that he lived in St. Petersburg.
I was informed that he had been there a week ago.
I was told that he would go to Moscow soon.
Я знал, что он живет в Петербурге.
Меня проинформировали, что он был там неделю назад.
Мне сказали, что он скоро поедет в Москву.
2. Translate the following.
1. He informed his manager that he had translated the documents.
2. They promised us that they would provide economic help to our
3. He said he would dispatch the goods tomorrow.
4. I thought you had read his account.
5. We hoped that the problem would be solved soon.
6. She said she would try to come in time and would help arrange the
7. We were not told that a delegation from the US was going to arrive
8. I was not sure that it would be possible for him to help us.
9. They said he was a poor manager.
10. The Speaker declared that Parliament would approve the bill in a
11. We were not sure he would accept our offer.
12. I hoped she would decline the invitation.
13. We hoped they would come to discuss our suggestion.
14. He thought his manager was prepared to accept his proposal.
15. I was told that the plan would be discussed soon.
3. Translate the text.
As we were reading in lesson 1 Alexander came to London to study
economics. Now that he has returned home he is ready to apply his knowledge
in his practical work in Russia. Before coming to London he was sure that
market economy was a magic arrangement enabling to solve all economic
problems which arise in society. He also knew that economics was a science
producing accurate understanding and explanation of the workings of the
economy. But now he knows that there are a lot of conflicting sociopolitical
theories on many issues which are covered by economics. He was taught that
the most persistent debate in economics had focused on the degree to which the
government was able to improve the economy’s performance. And he was
informed that none of the competing theories had performed spectacularly well.
Indeed few economists have successfully predicted major economic events.
Even annual forecasts of inflation, unemployment and output are regularly in
error. He also learnt that there were never-ending arguments about, for example,
what had caused such dramatic world event as the Great Depression of the
Two hundred years ago, Adam Smith convinced most of the world that
economy worked best when it was left alone. During the years of the Great
Depression the British economist John Maynard Keynes forced people to rethink
that conclusion. He convinced people that active government intervention in the
market place was the only way to ensure economic growth and stability. For
nearly thirty years this theory dominated the economics profession and public
policy. And for thirty years the economy of the industrial countries displayed the
longest economic boom in the history of these countries. In the early 1970s,
when the economy of all industrial countries was performing badly, most of the
economists were sure that Keynes’ theory would be abandoned. Since 1980s,
Milton Freedman’s monetarist theory was adopted as a guide-line to run the
economies of the industrial countries.
Since M.Thatcher in Great Britain and R.Reagan in the USA this theory
began to be implemented in these two countries. Later it was expanded to the
rest of the industrial world, although with differing degrees. As unemployment
and inflation rate began to decline, supporters of this theory claimed victory. But
critics pointed to the problems of poverty, homelessness, budget deficits and
inadequate public services. And they emphasized that there were no signs of
4. Answer the questions.
1. Did the trip to Britain change Alexander’s view of the Western
2. What was his opinion of them before the trip?
3. What is it now?
4. What made him change his views?
5. Is economics an exact science?
6. Do economists make predictions?
7. Are they always true?
8. What do you know about Adam Smith?
9. Is J.M.Keynes the most famous American economist?
10. Who is the author of the monetary theory in economics?
5. Translate the following.
1. Он сказал, что переведет все документы.
2. Менеджер пообещал, что вернется через два часа.
3. Руководство сообщило, что увеличит персонал.
4. Мне сказали, что он самый известный наш экономист.
5. Я знал, что должен придти к 10 часам.
6. Он был уверен, что сможет перевести это письмо на
английский язык.
7. Я понял, что должен буду отвечать на все эти вопросы.
8. Я не знал, выполнит ли он это задание.
9. Прогноз утверждал, что инфляция снизится.
10. Они ожидали, что зарплата будет повышена.
1. Study carefully the following.
1. If the weather is fine we will go to the country.
2. If the weather were fine tomorrow we would go to the country.
3. If the weather had been fine last Sunday we would have gone to
the country.
1. Если будет хорошая погода, мы поедем за город.
2. Если бы завтра была хорошая погода, мы бы поехали за
3. Если бы в прошлое воскресение была бы хорошая погода,
мы бы поехали за город.
2. Translate the following.
1. He will tell you everything if you ask him.
2. We can go with you if you go to the meeting.
3. If I were free I would help you.
4. If I had been given this task I would have refused to do this
5. Unless the government undertakes measures inflation rate will
6. I am ready to give him this job if he applies for it immediately.
7. If she were at the lecture I would invite her to visit us.
8. If we had been enough money we would have acquired this
9. Had the manager had enough time he would have come to see
how we work.
Unless he is appointed our manager he will quit the
3. Along with if and unless, the expressions provided (that), on
condition (that), assuming (that), in case are also used as
conjunctions in this type of sentences.
1. Provided we receive all of the documents the project can be
discussed before the end of the month.
2. In case your documents are late we won’t be able to discuss the
3. In case he is late we will postpone the meeting.
4. Provided that everything is in order the meeting is to begin at 4
5. Assuming he is right, we will have to change our plans.
4. Translate the text.
If an offer of employment is received and is accepted, the employee and
the company for which he or she is to work conclude a contract of employment.
The contract specifies the terms and conditions governing employment. It
normally includes such items as pay per hour, hours of work and pensions.
If either the employer or the employee is not satisfied the contract of
employment can be brought to an end. The period of notice is usually contained
in the contract. If it comes to such cases as dishonesty, serious neglect of duties
or absence without good reason, an employee will be dismissed without notice.
If an employee feels that he or she has been dismissed unfairly, he or she can
bring a complaint before an industrial tribunal. The employee will be reinstated
to the job or awarded compensation provided the dismissal is found as unfair.
If an employee became redundant as a result of the firm’s closure the
redundant employee would become entitled to redundancy pay. And it would
depend upon the employee’s age and length of service.
Those who are employed in civil service, that is in government or public
administration, they feel more secure in their employment. The reason is that the
number of people working in the public sphere is not reduced but steadily
increases. Their job in administration is organized in a hierarchy (i.e., on
different levels of seniority). They are given more authority and material
rewards as they rise from bottom to the top of the hierarchy. Appointments and
promotions are made on the basis of experience and qualification. However,
there are disadvantages to government work. The material rewards are often less
generous than those offered by private companies.
A working life normally ends in retirement. The retirement age varies
from county to county. But in all advanced industrial countries it is much higher
than in Russia. The difference amounts to 5 – 7 years.
5. Answer the questions.
1. What is contract of employment?
2. What does it contain?
3. Is this information important?
4. Why?
5. Is there any difference in employment between private and public sphere?
6. What are these differences?
7. Where would you choose to work?
8. What is the reason for this?
9. Is remuneration in big companies generous?
10.What is the age of retirement in the industrial countries?
6. Translate the following.
1. Если мне предложат эту работу, я соглашусь.
2. Если бы ты тогда пришел на собеседование, то получил бы хорошую
3. Даже если бы мне повысили зарплату, я бы не согласился работать в
этих условиях.
4. Если бы его назначили менеджеров, наша работа улучшилась бы. Я
5. Если бы он не был протеже Джона, его бы не назначили бы
6. Если бы установили это оборудование, производительность труда у
нас бы возросла.
7. Если бы наш заказ пришел бы вовремя, мы бы уже начали эту
8. Если зарплата будет увеличена, люди будут работать лучше.
1. Using this pattern translate the following.
The boy standing near the door is John.
Мальчик, стоящий у двери, - Джон.
The resources being used at our business are of domestic origin.
Ресурсы, использующиеся (используемые) на нашем производстве,
имеют отечественное происхождение.
The people elaborating the plan are Pete and Jane.
Our manager is the man reading a newspaper over there.
The building being constructed there will house our new shop.
All seeking employment cannot be hired.
The students entering the labour market usually get low-paid jobs.
The existing methods of solving this problem are not good.
The bill being discussed by the legislators is to increase our standard
of living.
8. The audience listening to the professor seems to be impressed.
9. The goods being on sale here are usually of poor quality.
Mr. Brown is the man heading our department.
The factory being built there will produce a new model of their
People buying cheap goods are usually unemployed.
The experts assisting our company have come from the UK.
14. The students taking part in this test are among the best of our group.
2. Study carefully this pattern and translate the following.
The work performed by John is always praised by our management.
Our department created only last year has become the biggest in
our company.
The letters written in English are to be translated.
Работа, выполняемая Джоном, всегда высоко оценивается
Наш отдел, созданный только в прошлом году, стал самым
большим в нашей компании.
Письма, написанные на английском языке, должны быть
1. The money borrowed from the bank will be used to buy new
2. The equipment chosen will greatly increase our productivity.
3. An increased productivity is urgently needed for us.
4. The management is to approve the plan elaborated by our
5. The scheme proposed by the management will have to be
approved by the Board of Directors.
6. They rejected the plan submitted to their approval.
7. The exhibition was attended by some members of our staff.
8. The exhibition attended proved very helpful in understanding
our needs.
9. A number of contracts were signed during the exhibition.
The contracts signed are to improve our financial position.
3. Transform the following sentences into those containing Participles 1
and 2.
The film amused us.
-The film was amusing.
-- We were amused.
His view surprised a lot of people.
All of the students respect Prof. Brown.
Our manager charms everybody.
His lecture bored the audience.
The news excited us.
The affair embarrassed our management.
Mr. Brown’s lecture impressed the audience.
8. John’s behaviour worries our manager.
9. The latest developments in the country distressed the majority of the
Today the situation on the international financial markets
troubles many governments.
She comforted the manager saying that the problem would be
4. Translate the text.
There are different forms of business organization and ownership. They
can be divided into those belonging to the private sector, i.e. in the control of
private individuals, and those working in the public sector, i.e. owned by the
government. Now many countries have a mixed economy in which business
activities take place in both the public sector and private sector. In the private
sector, there are various types of business organization. There are sole traders,
partnerships, companies and cooperatives.
The type of business described as ‘sole trader’ (or ‘sole proprietor’) is one
which is owned, run and controlled by one person. It is the most common form
of business operating in the service sector, and is typically a small newsagent’s
shop or a tradesman’s business plumbing or repairing.
Partnership is a form of business organization owned by between two and
twenty partners who provide the capital and share the profits. The partner who
provides more capital will receive a bigger share of the profits. If otherwise is
not specified the profits and losses must be shared equally by the partners.
Partnership is the form of business most commonly found in professions such as
medicine, dentistry, law, accountancy and professional services such as
A company is a form of business organization which is owned by its
shareholders who appoint the board of directors to control its operation. Funds
are raised by shares in the form of small amounts bought by a number of small
The public sector is dominated by large nationalized public enterprises.
In addition to these nationalized industries, the public sector includes the
productive activities of central government departments and local authorities.
5. Answer the questions.
1. Are there different types of organizations?
2. What is there number?
3. What are they?
What is the difference between them?
What are the differences due to?
What do they differ in?
Who controls the organization called sole trader?
What may be the number of owners of the organization called
9. Who owns the organization called company?
Who is the owner of the public companies?
6. Translate the following.
1. Представленный план будет обсуждаться.
2. Предложенный план имеет много положительных сторон.
3. Оборудование, выставленное здесь, - самые последние
4. Все
предыдущим соглашениям, будут отвергнуты.
5. Членам делегации, не говорящим по-английски, будет
предложен переводчик.
6. Приобретенное
производительность труда.
7. Нам
производительность труда.
8. Вот оборудование, значительно сокращающее время на эту
Study carefully the Patterns
Pattern 1
This text
This text
is known
is said
is supposed
to translate this text
to have translated this text
to be translated by John
to have been translated by
что Джон переводит этот текст
что Джон перевел этот текст
что этот текст переводится Джоном
что этот текст был переведен Джоном
1. Translate the following
1. Economy is known to be one of our foremost concerns.
2. Government deficits, taxes, unemployment and rising prices seem to be
constantly at the top of our collective worries.
3. Despite widespread concern for the economy, few people seem to understand
how it works.
4. The annual output of our economy is known to be measured in trillions of
5. Interest in the workings of the economy is known to intensify when we have
some immediate stake in its performance.
6. Economy can be said to be an abstraction that refers to the sum of all our
individual production and consumption activities.
7. Factors of production are considered to be land, labour and capital (buildings
and machinery).
8. They are sometimes said to be the inputs we use to produce final goods and
9. The quantity of available resources is known to be limited.
10. Resources can be said to be scarce relative to our desires.
Pattern 2
и сказуемое
I know
I know
I know
I know
Я знаю
Я знаю
Я знаю
Я знаю
Объектный падеж с инфинитивом
John to translate this text
John to have translated this text
this text to be translated by John
this text to have been translated by John
что Джон переводит этот текст
что Джон перевел этот текст
что этот текст переводится Джоном
что этот текст был переведен Джоном
2. Translate the following.
1. I know John to be the best economist in our department.
2. I know John to have come from Moscow.
3. We consider our manager to be a skilled man.
4. Everybody knows our manager to be always right.
5. He considers his knowledge to be excellent and up to date.
6. They knew John to be knowledgeable enough to assess the plan.
7. We expect the contact to have been signed.
8. We expect the contract to be signed.
9. I believe our staff to be honest people.
They found the terms of the contract to be acceptable.
I know John to have expressed his intention to do so.
The documents revealed our manager to have been involved in
the affair.
Обратите внимание на конструкцию “объектный падеж с инфинитивом”, в
которой объектный падеж выражен местоимением.
Pattern 3
и сказуемое
I know
I know
I know
Я знаю
Я знаю
Я знаю
Объектный падеж с инфинитивом
him to live in London
her to be a student
them to have graduated at the University
что он живет в Лондоне
что она студентка
что они окончили университет
Обратите внимание на изменение конструкции “объектный падеж с
инфинитивом” и ее перевод, когда сказуемое предложения выражено
глаголами to see, to hear, to observe, to watch, to feel.
3. Translate the following
1. We know him to have come back from the US.
2. We knew him to have spent there two years.
3. We expected him to tell us a lot of interesting things.
4. The manager declared her to be unsuitable for the job.
5. She expected them to offer her a job.
Pattern 4
и сказуемое
Объектный падеж с инфинитивом
I saw
I heard
He watched
Я видел
Я слышал
Он наблюдал
John enter the house
her play the piano
them write a test
как Джон входил в этот дом
как она играет на пианино
как они писали контрольную работу
4. Translate the following.
6. We saw John enter the conference hall.
7. I heard him speaking over the telephone with the manager.
8. I watched him arrive by taxi at 10.
9. I observed his aid take his luggage from the taxi.
He heard them discuss the plan during the break.
Have you noticed anybody enter the building?
Did you see him attend the lectures yesterday?
I saw our manager go downstairs.
The surprised visitors saw him come in sight.
Обратите внимание на перевод конструкции “объектный падеж с
инфинитивом”, когда сказуемое предложения выражено глаголами
Pattern 5
и сказуемое
He wanted
They wish
I should like
Он хотел
Они желают
Я хотел бы
Объектный падеж с инфинитивом
us to write this text
this work to be done quickly
him to be invited to the party
чтобы мы написали эту контрольную работу
чтобы эта работа была выполнена быстро
чтобы он был приглашен на вечер
5. Translate the following.
1. They wanted me to come on Sunday.
2. The manager wishes this work to be done quickly.
3. I should like her to be invited to the meeting.
4. I like people to tell the truth.
5. Do you want him to come?
6. The manager ordered us to be ready by 10 o’clock.
7. The inspector demanded all regulations to be observed strictly.
8. I would like him to leave this post.
9. They want me to take part in the talks.
Our regulation requires this operation to be performed every
6. Study carefully this pattern and translate the following.
In order to translate this text we need a dictionary.
Чтобы перевести этот текст, нам нужен словарь.
To get there in time you must take a bus.
Чтобы добраться туда вовремя, вы должны сесть на автобус.
You must have a dictionary (in order) to translate this text.
Вы должны иметь словарь, чтобы перевести этот текст.
1. To understand the working of the economy we have to study a lot.
2. In order to study our company’s sales, our economists use market supply
3. The Government wants to introduce a number of measures to reduce the rate
of inflation.
4. To produce all necessary goods, we must have to double the factors of
5. The taxes people pay are used by the Government to cover its expenditures.
6. To rely on these data, we must be sure of their validity.
7. In order to stabilize our economy inflation rate is to be reduced.
8. To solve this problem, we have to reduce our production costs.
9. We must charge higher prices to recover the expenses.
10. To assess the importance of the Government’s policy, we have to wait till
the end of the year.
7. Study carefully this pattern and translate the following.
The text to be translated is very difficult.
Текст, который нужно перевести, очень труден.
These problems will be discussed at the conference shortly to open in Moscow.
Эти вопросы будут обсуждаться на конференции, которая вскоре должна
открыться в Москве.
1. The price for any product to be established by the market is an important
indicator for the producers.
2. He is the most famous of the economists to take part at the conference.
3. In market economy, there is no governmental body to set the price of the
4. The market mechanism determines the price for the goods to be produced for
a particular market.
5. They raised the money to be invested in our new programme.
6. This prolonged recession is an indication of the crisis to come.
7. They submitted a number of measures to be discussed at the meeting.
8. This is not an idea to impress our management.
9. The problem to be solved is whether we can reduce the rate of inflation or not.
10. Keynes was one of the first economists to propose state regulation of the
8. Translate the text.
In economic system, all values are known to be measured in terms of
money. Our goods and services are sold for money, and that money is in turn,
exchanged for other goods and services. Coins are said to be adequate only for
small transactions, while paper notes are more convenient for general business.
There is traditionally a wider sense of the word ‘money’ covering anything
which is used as a means of exchange, whatever forms it may take.
Originally, a valuable metal (gold, silver, copper) is considered to have
served as a constant store of value. Because gold has been universally regarded
as a very valuable metal, national currencies were for many years judged in
terms of the so-called ‘gold-standard’. Nowadays, however, the strength of the
national currencies is considered to be a function of the strength of the national
economies which support them.
Valuable metal has generally been replaced by paper notes. These notes
are issued by governments and authorized banks, and are known to be ‘legal
tender’. Other arrangements such as cheques and money orders are not legal
tender. They perform the function of substitute money and are known as
instruments of credit.
Credit is provided by banks. If a man’s assets are known to be
considerable his credit will be good. If his assets are in doubt then it may be
difficult for him to obtain large sums of money.
The value of money is known to be its value as a means of exchange or,
as economists say, its purchasing power. This purchasing power is believed to
depend on the state of economy and the rate of inflation.
9. Answer the questions.
1. What is money?
2. What is it used for?
3. Is there any difference between a coin and a paper note?
4. When did paper notes make their appearance?
5. What was originally used as money?
6. Are precious metals used now as money?
7. What is the value of money?
8. What is the way to measure it?
1. Examine carefully the following.
Reading the text I found several unknown words.
Having read the book I took it to the library.
Being elaborated the programme is constantly checked.
Having been elaborated the programme was found suitable for the
Читая текст, я встретил несколько незнакомых слов.
Прочитав книгу, я отнес ее в библиотеку.
Будучи разрабатываемой, программа постоянно проверяется.
Будучи разработанной, программа была найдена подходящей для
2. Translate the following.
1. Shifting to a surplus, the government adds to the supply of loanable funds.
2. Expanding the money supply at a steady rate, this measure will certainly
increase the rate of inflation.
3. Having been chosen to head the Federal Reserve Bank, he was asked to hold a
press conference.
4. Answering one of the questions, he said that he did not consider himself a
5. Having been thoroughly discussed, the measure was submitted to Parliament.
6. Having been developed by A.W. Phillips to summarize the relationship
unemployment and inflation, the Phillips curve has become
a useful economic tool.
7. Many people work ‘off books’, getting paid in unreported cash.
8. Having examined these extreme options, we managed to find a good way of
summarizing monetary and fiscal policy.
9. Milton Friedman champions the monetarist view, arguing that the government
budget has a considerable effect on interest rates.
10. Running a large deficit, the federal government has to borrow in the market,
increasing the demand for loanable funds.
3. Study carefully the following.
Independent clause with participle 1
Внимательно изучите образцы перевода независимых оборотов с
причастием 1 и переведите предложения
The weather being fine, we’ll go to the country.
The weather being fine, we went to the country.
There are two ways of solving this problem, this one being the simplest.
Так как погода хорошая (является хорошей), мы поедем за город.
Так как погода была хорошей, мы поехали за город.
Есть несколько способов решить эту проблему, причем этот
является самым простым.
4. Translate the following sentences.
1. My friend being ill, I have to do the work alone.
2. My friend being ill, I had to do this work alone.
3. All students paying higher tuition, the University will take in more
4. The prices of the imported goods are rising, our consumers tend to buy
domestic products.
5. Harvard University being one of the most prestigious universities, its
tuition fee is very high.
6. Italy producing high quality shoes, it is among the leaders in this field.
7. The production being of a fashion garments, some operations are
performed manually.
8. Tuition hikes reducing the real income of the students, non-students are
not hurt by such price increases.
9. The contract is made both in Russian and English, both texts being
equally valid.
10. The speed of this machine being very high, its introduction
can increase our output.
11. This being so, I had to go there alone.
12. This being so, I have to go there alone.
13. This being the case, we have no other option.
14. This being the case, we were forced to accept their proposal.
5. Translate the text.
Organizations grow in size and complexity. Growing in size and
increasing their production they take on additional staff. As grows continues, the
owner will have to relinquish direct control of most aspects of the organization’s
work in order to concern himself with policy. This course of events going on,
the number of the employees becomes still more numerous. Eventually, the
owner will become the leader of a team of specialists, each having his own
assistants, secretaries and other staff.
Having become big enough, the organization will then consist of a series
of departments, each having its own structure and duties. Once an organization
developed to this size, it is very easy for conflict to develop between different
groups or departments. This being the case, it is very difficult to maintain
effective communication throughout the business. The most important problem
of the owner of an organization being to make it function smoothly, measures
are to be taken to avoid conflicts.
To solve this problem the management must decide how much it wishes
to centralize or decentralize its business. The terms centralization and
decentralization refer to the degree of authority that is given to various levels of
the management and the divisions of the organization. An organization is called
centralized when practically all decisions are taken by the top management, a
very limited amount of authority being delegated to the lower levels of
management. If an organization is decentralized a greater degree of authority is
given to staff and divisions and grater number of decisions is made by lower
levels of management.
Summing up, we can say that a centralized business has a tight structure,
whereas decentralized one has a looser structure. No enterprise chooses
complete centralization or decentralization. In practice, it tries to find a balance
between the two forms. To find this balance is precisely the task of the
6. Answer the questions.
1. Why do organizations grow?
2. What are the implications of this process?
3. What is the task of the management related to growth?
4. Is growth good for the owner of the organization?
5. What is the reason for this?
6. What is a centralized organization?
7. What is implied when we speak of a decentralized organization?
8. Which one is more convenient for the owner?
9. What does the structure of the organization depend on?
10. Which organization has a looser structure?
1. Elementary gerund
существительного или местоимения, то его следует переводить на
русский язык соответствующим отглагольным существительным.
Smoking is harmful.
Walking in the country will do you good.
Курение вредно.
Прогулки (“гуляние”) в загородной местности принесут вам
Translate the following sentences.
1. Exercising keeps our manager from getting fatter.
2. Manufacturing fashion shoes requires skilled labour force.
3. There are various ways of solving this problem.
4. We aim at increasing our sales.
5. There is no way of performing this operation better.
6. Prior to inspecting our files you must obtain special permit.
7. I recall seeing this advert.
8. We cannot avoid inviting him to our department.
9. Writing and scoring tests is a 4 billion industry in the US.
On arriving in London he will send us a telegram
I cannot remember seeing them.
He denied having lost the documents.
I hate being invited to these meetings.
In checking the documents he inquired about the
production cost.
He is often reproached for having done that.
2. Gerund clause
Если слева от герундия имеется имя существительное
(стоящее в притяжательном падеже, если оно указывает на лицо,
т.е. человека) или притяжательное местоимение, то герундий
образует герундиальный оборот, который
придаточным предложением с союзом
выражением тот факт, что.
I know nothing of John’s being ill.
John’s being ill prompted us to change our plans.
We managed to finish our work in spite of John’s being ill.
We changed our plans because of John’s being ill.
Я ничего не знаю о том, что Джон болен.
То, что Джон болен, заставило нас изменить наши планы.
Мы смогли закончить нашу работу несмотря на то, что Джон
Мы изменили наши планы из-за того, что Джон болен.
Следующий образец позволит Вам понять различия в
переводе всех четырех форм герундия.
His teaching English at our school is news for me.
My good English is the result of his having taught English at our
His being taught English is news for us.
He speaks poor English in spite of his having been taught English
for two years.
Тот факт, что он преподает английский в нашей школе,
хорошая новость для меня.
Мой хороший английский — это результат того, что он
преподавал английский в нашей школе.
То, что ему преподают английский язык, — новость для нас.
Он плохо говорит по-английски несмотря на то, что ему
преподавали английский в течение двух лет.
Translate the following sentences.
1. There’s talk of our manager’s trying to invite him to our company.
2. In this economic system no one can be better off without someone else
being worse off.
3. They are against this measure being carried out.
4. What is the point in the students’ taking this course?
5. There’s chance of your money having been stolen.
6. The French are very sensitive about Hollywood’s overwhelming their
7. The book tells us of there being several interpretations of the
Great Depression.
8. This could lead to our damaging the image of our company.
9. How successful we will be will depends on our being able to
use the new equipment efficiently.
Our management did not object to our attending this year
footwear show.
In this situation, the possibility of our obtaining money on
credit is great.
There is no excuse for our producing so much waste.
I still doubt of the price for this equipment being low
enough for us.
There’s nothing surprising in John’s having been chosen to
do this work.
Scientists have identified a gene responsible for babies
being born with this disability.
3. Abridged gerund clause
Если левое от герундия существительное (в герундиальном
обороте) идентично существительному, стоящему в позиции
подлежащего, то это предгерундиальное имя опускается.
On being asked he told the truth.
Because of being ill he cannot attend the lecture.
In addition to being a politician he is also a world-class
Besides being given additional benefits they got an annual bonus.
После того как его спросили, он сказал правду.
Из-за того, что он болен, он не может посетить эту лекцию.
Кроме того, что он является политиком, он еще и экономист
мирового класса.
Помимо того, что им дали дополнительные привилегии, они
получили годовую премию.
Translate the following sentences.
2. Despite being John’s favourite he was fired.
3. The measure came close to being approved.
4. The Government admits of being aware of the facts.
5. Prior to being tested the applicants were coached for two
6. They complained of being excluded from sharing the gains.
7. In spite of being the soul of the company he was forced to
8. They rely on being big rather than on being right.
9. After being let out of jail he managed to be hired for a good
We’ll benefit from being able to produce more.
This let him accuse me of not being up to date.
Due to its being very costly this equipment cannot be
installed here.
This raw material cannot be used in our production line
without being properly tested.
After being properly tested and sorted the raw materials
were brought in.
4. Translate the text.
Banks are closely concerned with channeling money into or out of the
economy. They often cooperate with the governments in stabilizing economies
and preventing inflation. They are specialists in the business of providing capital
and in allocating funds on credit.
Banks originated as places to which people took their valuables for safekeeping, but today the great banks of the world have many functions in addition
to acting as guardians of valuable private possessions. All of us know of banks
receiving money from their customers in two distinct forms: on current account
and deposit account. With a current account a customer can issue personal
cheques. No interest is paid by the bank on this type of account. With a deposit
account, however, the customer has to leave his money in the bank for a
minimum specified period of time. Interest is paid on this money. The bank in
turn lends the deposited money to customers who need capital. This activity
earns interest for the bank. This interest being always at a higher rate than any
interest which the bank pays to its depositors is of common knowledge.
The primary function of a bank today is being an intermediary between
depositors who wish to make interest on their savings, and borrowers who seeks
to obtain capital. The bank is a reservoir of loanable money, with streams of
money flowing in and out. For this reason the economists and financiers often
talk of money being liquid, or of the liquidity of money. Many small sums of
money which might not otherwise be used as capital are rendered useful simply
because of the banks acting as a reservoir.
The system of banking rests upon trust between bankers, depositors and
borrowers. They all agree to behave in certain predictable ways in relation to
each other. Consequently, business can be done and cheques can be written
without any legal tender visibly changing hands.
5. Answer the questions.
1. What was the original business of the banks?
2. Do the continue performing this business?
3. Are there any other operations performed by the banks today?
4. What is the main operation of the banks today?
5. What is the way they make profit?
6. Are their operations beneficial for the economy of the country?
7. Are there foreign banks in our city?
8. Are they helpful to our citizens?
9. Does our economy profit from their operations?
What is the difference between a borrower and a depositor?
This section is intended for the students having a higher than usual level of
1. Subject with the Infinitive.
1. Prior to the 1930s, the economists seemed to consider there could never be a
Great Depression.
2. Economy was considered to be inherently stable.
3. Classical economists are known to have propounded an optimistic view of the
macro economy.
4. According to the classical view, economy seems to self-adjust to deviations
from its long-term growth trend.
5. Economic downturns were viewed to be temporary setbacks, not permanent
6. This optimistic view of the macro economy is known to be summarized in
Say’s Law: supply creates its own demand, whatever was produced would be
7. The “underground” economy is known to be motivated by tax avoidance and
the desire to conceal illegal activities.
8. The Council of Economic Advisers raised the level of unemployment thought
to be compatible with price stability.
2. Object with the infinitive
1. We watch the individual consumers’ behavior evolve in an unpredictable
2. He declared the Government measures to be successful.
3. They did not want you to see how simple the scheme was.
4. Classical economists considered self-interest to be at the heart of human
5. Experience shows consumers to behave quite erratically.
6. We want these measures to be introduced before the end of the year.
7. We know taxpayers to have strong opinions about Government’s failure to
reduce taxes.
8. Many citizens would prefer to believe elected officials to selflessly pursue the
“public good” rather than narrow selfish goals.
9. Prof. Steven Kelman from Harvard argues narrow self-interest to be unable to
explain the War on Poverty of the 1960s or the deregulation movement of the
10. Keynes considered Government’s intervention in the country’s economy to
be inevitable if it was to function in a predictable way.
11. Under the Reagan administration, most observers concluded a 6 percent
unemployment rate to be full employment.
12. The Title III Section of the Helms-Burton law considers Cuba to be US
permanent property.
1. There are calls for our resources to be spent on housing.
2. It took too long for the Government to introduce these measures.
3. For this theory to be accepted, it must explain better the workings of our
4. It was quite usual for these things to happen in financial markets.
5. They called for the area to be turned into a free trade zone.
6. For this theory to be true it must predict some relevant events.
7. Classical economists saw no need for the government to intervene in the
country’s economy.
8. For our productive resources to be fully utilized — full employment is a
desirable goal.
9. For this inflation rate to be achieved, the government had to undertake drastic
measures to cut the money supply.
4. Infinitives as clauses of purpose.
1. To understand how prices are affected by the factors of production, we have
to analyze a number of options.
2. In order to show the ability and willingness of producers to sell their products,
the economists use market supply curve.
3. The Government offers price guarantees for certain crops to stabilize farmer’s
4. To produce all goods envisaged by the Government decision, we must have
free access to the factors of production.
5. The taxes people pay are used by the Government to purchase scarce
6. To rely on these data, we must see and measure them.
7. In order to distinguish physical changes in output from monetary changes, we
compute both nominal and real GNP.
8. To answer this question, we have to know something about prices.
9. Producers must charge higher prices to recover the higher costs that
accompany increased capacity utilization.
10. To appreciate the significance of macro equilibrium, suppose that another
price or output level existed.
11. In order for them to be eligible, their product is to be of better quality and, at
least, of comparable price.
5. Infinitives as attributes.
1. The equilibrium price for any product to be established by the collective
action of buyers and sellers is an important moment of the market workings.
2. He is the most prominent of the economists to deliver a lecture at the
3. In market economy, there is no central agency to set the price of these
4. The market mechanism will determine the price for the goods to be produced
by local industries.
5. They are the most appropriate company to provide the necessary information.
6. They concocted data to jibe with their economic theory.
7. This prolonged recession and some other indications represent a harbinger of
the apocalypse to come.
8. There is a pressure for a new economic policy to be undertaken.
9. This is not an idea to set pulse racing of our business community.
10. The question to be solved is whether we are able to reduce the rate of
inflation or not.
11. Keynes was one of the first economists to question the validity of the
Classical theory.
12. The Economic Forum to be hosted by Japan is to be held next September.
6. All infinitive constructions.
1. Most adult welfare recipients are required to look for a job.
2. Employment office officials require people receiving unemployment benefits
to provide evidence that they are actively looking for a job.
3. The hard lesson to be learned is that high rates of unemployment can arise and
persist in the absence of effective public policy.
4. To avoid teenage unemployment, we would either have to keep everyone in
school or ensure that all students went immediately to the workroom.
5. The Great Depression is considered to be the most striking example of
cyclical unemployment.
6. To understand true consequences of inflation, we must distinguish between
average prices and relative prices.
7. Price changes seem to be the most familiar of inflation’s pains.
8. Psychotherapists report uncertainty and stress to be the most immediate
consequence of inflation.
9. Psychotherapists know “inflation stress” to lead to more frequent marital
spats, increased pessimism, and diminished self-confidence.
10. To qualify for weekly unemployment benefits, you must have worked a
substantial length of time.
11. To keep policymakers informed, the Census Bureau provides monthly
estimates of the number of people out of work.
12. If you need some income to keep body and soul together, prolonged
unemployment can hurt.
13. You are compelled to take some job — any job — just to keep body and soul
14. People receiving unemployment benefits are required to provide evidence
that they are actively seeking a job.
15. The dramatic increase in unemployment rates is known to have begun in the
16. Since the early 1960s, a 4 percent level of unemployment is considered to be
tantamount to full employment.
17. The old work ethic, Max Weber’s “Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
Capitalism”, seems to be out of order, if not completely despair.
18. Ordinary people rightly understand that things are not what they appear to
19. Politicians and the public seem to have accustomed to cynicism.
Participle 1
7. Participle 1 as attribute.
1. The ensuing search for explanations of the Depression focused on three
central questions: How stable is the economy? What forces cause instability?
What can the Government do to promote economic growth?
2. In the postwar years the U.S. economy resumed a pattern of alternating
growth and contraction.
3. The contracting periods are called recession.
4. The ensuing recession of the 1980-82 threw so many people out of work that
national employment rate hit a postwar high of 10.8 per cent.
5. The uneven growth record of the U.S. economy gives some validity to the
notion of a recurring business cycle.
6. Job seekers who end up in more satisfying jobs will be better off, and so will
the economy.
7. The redistributive effects of inflation also originate in varying rates of growth
of nominal income.
8. People consuming the goods and services that are rising faster bear a greater
burden of inflation.
9. It is not too hard to see how unsettling inflation can be.
10. Bureaucrats are regarded as being just as selfish as everyone else.
11. The same is true of students first entering the labour market.
12. The existing prices won’t stimulate output.
13. A rising price level will give only a temporary boost to profits and supply
14. The spotlight at the moment is on how the management is handling the
unfair-competition charges being levelled at it.
15. Another bill, being drafted by the Jesse Helms-led Senate Committee, would
ban any further presidential wavers of this section of the law.
8. Participle 1 as adverbial.
1. Having decided to destroy economy, they made plans to destroy its money.
2. The Federal Reserve Bank increases the money supply, lowering the reserve
requirements, reducing the discount rate and purchasing additional bonds in
the open market.
3. Observing the change in the rate of interest that occurs, you can see the result
in Fig. 14.
4. Being among our priorities, the draft of the agreement is being rapidly
5. Lower rates of interest reduce the cost of buying plant and equipment, making
investment more profitable.
6. Having raised prices, the Government failed to create any new profit
7. Altering the content of demand and output, monetary policy affects the
competitive structure of the market.
8. Having examined these extreme options, we managed to find a good way of
summarizing monetary and fiscal policy.
9. Milton Friedman champions the monetarist view, arguing that the government
budget has a considerable effect on interest rates.
10. Running a large deficit, the federal government has to borrow in the market,
increasing the demand for loanable funds.
11. Shifting to a surplus, the government adds to the supply of loanable funds.
12. Expanding the supply at a steady rate, this measure will certainly increase
the rate of inflation.
13. Having been chosen to head the Federal Reserve Bank, he was asked to hold
a press conference.
14. Answering one of the questions, he said that he did not consider himself a
15. Having been thoroughly discussed, the measure was submitted to
9. Participle 1 in an independent clause.
1. The rate of inputs is determined by internal market forces, population,
technology and institutional structure being among the major factors.
2. The demand for loans diminishing, interest rates tend to decline as well.
3. When prices and output are compatible with both buyers’ and sellers’
intentions, the situation may be called a unique one, this being known as macro
4. Many costs being relatively constant in the short run, higher prices for goods
and services tend to widen profit margins.
5. The prices of imported goods rising, U.S. consumers tend to buy more
American products.
6. The macro outcomes define our economic welfare, jobs, prices, taxes being
dependent on them.
7. In the 1980s the U.S. inflation having doubled, your savings will buy no more
than 50 percent of what they could before.
8. All students paying higher tuition, the university will take in more income.
9. Tuition hikes reducing the real income of students and their families, nonstudents are not hurt by such price increases.
10. Inflation and full employment are interrelated, the Phillips curve being an
instrument describing this relationship.
10. All constructions with participle 1.
1. The resulting imbalances would alter prices and wages, inducing changes in
market behavior.
2. Other consumers bear a lesser burden, depending on how fast the prices rise
for the goods they enjoy.
3. Observing a social surrealism of wealth not earned and poverty that threatens,
people sense that the hotshots of Wall Street make millions for themselves
without earning this wealth.
4. In the 1980s the U.S. inflation rate averaged less than 5 percent, Argentina
experiencing nearly 5,000 percent inflation rate, in 1989.
5. Nominal income is the amount of money you receive in a particular time
period, real income being the purchasing power of that money.
6. Between 1921 and 1927 the stock market more than doubled, adding billions
of dollars to the wealth of American households and businesses.
7. There are several ways of solving this problem, this one being less timeconsuming than others.
8. Having discovered that their higher (nominal) wages don’t buy any additional
goods people feel cheated.
9. State and local spending on goods and services fell, hitting the lowest level
over the past decade.
10. Free trade being a prerequisite for economic development, all of the
countries have to commit themselves for its respect.
11. Inflation acts just like a tax, taking income or wealth from some people and
giving it to others.
12. Knowing the price of each kind of product, you could compute the average
price of them.
13. Low taxes fostering economic growth, it is our obligation to reduce their
14. External debt of the underdeveloped countries having become an excessive
burden, it will be only natural to cancel or, at least, reduce it.
15. This being the case, we have to accept the terms of the arrangement.
16. This being the case, the sellers withdrew their product from the market.
17. Our primary concern being to sign a trade agreement, we have to put other
issues aside.
18. These high prices directly increased the cost of production, making
producers less willing and able to supply goods at prevailing prices.
19. If a firm loses a lot of income, it may shut down, throwing more people out
of work.
20. Not using all our available labour we deliberately leave a number of people
without a job.
11. Elementary gerund.
1. ‘Cheaper’ money stimulates more borrowing and loan-financed purchases.
2. Instead of describing the behaviour of buyers and sellers in a single market,
aggregate supply and demand curves summarize the market activity of the
whole economy.
3. We came close to having zero inflation.
4. A decisive factor in choosing between imported and domestic goods is their
relative price.
5. The many ways of inducing such shift in production will be examined later.
6. By distinguishing between short-run and long-run curves, competing
economic theories achieve a standoff.
7. By not fully employing our labour force we are forsaking an annual flow of
consumer goods FG in our graph.
8. This will hamper us in fulfilling our goals.
9. Before looking at the potential of economic policy we need a clear notion of
what we mean by ‘full employment’.
10. There are reasons for believing that zero unemployment is neither possible
nor desirable.
11 By altering relative prices, income and the real value of wealth, inflation
turns out to be a mechanism for redistributing incomes.
12. Try explaining to the poor that the rich are in the same position.
12. Gerund clause.
1. Our failure to achieve full employment results from producers being
unwilling to provide more goods at existing prices.
2. We cannot draw comfort from our being emulated by our competitors.
3. I still doubt of this measure being capable of resolving our problems.
4. President’s taking part in the Economic Forum will make it certain that a new
programme will be unveiled.
5. There is no discernible evidence of their being successful in curbing inflation.
6. Our Party did not oppose to these measures being introduced to contain
7. We were surprised by tax reduction being considered as the main factor in
stimulation of the output.
8. There is no excuse for so many people being out of work.
9. Consumers complain of its being too hard to rely on the information provided
by the advertisers.
10. New countries joining the European Union is being resisted by a number of
member countries.
11. Economic recovery won’t be achieved without industrialized countries
helping us.
12. In this situation, the possibility of anyone’s losing his job is great.
13. The P.M. did not object to his proposal being called unusual.
14. This could lead to this tax being imposed in the near future.
15. The Government agreed to Mr. Jackson’s being chosen the head of the
16. There is no danger of the inflation rate rising.
17. This resulted in a primary concern being the problem of getting through the
current crisis.
18. The analysts complained of its being too difficult to make estimates of the
future output.
19. How free we are will depend on our being able to cooperate with the
20. According to H.Brenner, a prolonged 1-point increase in the national
unemployment rate during the 70s resulted in there being 920 additional
suicides, 648 homicides, 20,240 heart attacks or strokes, 4,337 admissions to
mental hospitals and 3,340 admissions to state prisons.
1. Due to being unbearable the measure was cancelled.
2. The bill came close to being approved.
3. On being scrutinized the plan was adopted.
4. The tax was reintroduced for another period without being properly discussed.
5. After being examined new import restrictions were introduced.
6. This scheme has no chance of being accepted.
7. The Government admits of being aware of the facts.
8. On being exposed to these ideas they accepted to consider their
9. The officials were looking without being able to influence the course of
10. The theory has the merit of being applicable to the whole range of the
phenomena observed.
11. When these countries insist upon being given the designation of
‘underdeveloped’ countries they want to characterize themselves as needing
1. Producers complain about there being no less than 40 different taxes to be
2. The agreement having been fallen through may be regarded as a major
3. The employees resent being forced into nonsensical labour.
4. Economic wisdom consists in more than being able to deliver lectures and
draw charts.
5. Economic freedom means being undisturbed in commercial activity.
6. Because of being a redistributive factor, inflation increases social and
economic tensions.
7. Keeping up with the competition is of primary concern for all of us.
8. This measure having been quickly approved by Parliament is certainly due to
its being long overdue.
9. Not using all our available labour means that somebody is without a job.
10. There is danger of underdeveloped countries becoming addicted to economic
11. This information is basic for everyone’s having a clear and accurate picture
of the economic problems.
12. Not paying taxes is unthinkable for them.
13. In spite of Government’s trying to contain inflation I wouldn’t rely on the
promises given by it.
14. How competitive one is depends on one’s being able to adjust to the
15. We made it for fear of being outwitted by our competitors.
16. In spite of having been carefully scrutinized the programme proved to be
deficient in a number of issues.
17. Your being economically strong does not imply our being weak.
18. This distinction is the result of there being two independent interpretations
of these economic data.
19. Spare us from having to hear these overoptimistic projects.
20. Will we benefit from being able to sell our product at a comparable price?
21. We were spared having to consider all these irrelevant data.
22. The possibility of anyone’s losing his job is great.
23. Microsoft confirmed having taken part in the talks.
24. He laid claim to having coined the term ‘stagflation’.
25. They maintain having rejected the offer.
26. Some managers enjoy being challenged.
27. I do not object to being called conservative.
28. Government fears being held responsible for this rate of inflation.
29. This criticism can lead to this tax being dropped.
30. It is totally unrelated to his being Chancellor of Exchequer.