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City of Lowell
Partnership for Change to End Homelessness
Keys to Ending Homelessness Conference Series
Holiday Inn, 4 Highwood Drive, Tewksbury, Massachusetts - October 28, 2011
Conference #5: Criminal Justice Re-entry Strategies
Middlesex Sheriffs
Lowell Police
City of Lowell: Keys to Ending Homelessness Conference 5: Criminal Justice: Re-entry Strategies
Holiday Inn - 4 Highwood Drive, Tewksbury, Massachusetts
FRIDAY, October 28, 2011
8:00 - 8:30AM
Registration and Continental Breakfast
Welcome and Opening Remarks
8:30 – 9:00
9:00 – 9:45
Keynote Speech
Bernard F. Lynch, City Manager
Kenneth Lavallee, Superintendent, Lowell Police Department
Ronald Corbett, Acting Probation Commissioner, MA Court System
Peter Koutoujian, Sheriff Middlesex Country
Philip Mangano, President and CEO, American Round Table to Abolish Homelessness
Massachusetts Department of Corrections and Sheriffs’ Offices Panel Discussion
and Overview on Reentry Strategies
9:45 – 10:45
10:45 – 11-45
Moderator: Veronica Madden, Deputy Commissioner Classification and Reentry, MA
Department of Correction
o Sean McAdam, Superintendent, Middlesex Sheriff’s Office
o Carol Mici, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, MA Department of Correction
o Gerry Walsh, Deputy Superintendent, Suffolk Sheriff’s Office
o Mary Kelley, Assistant Deputy Superintendent, Norfolk Sheriff’s Office
Concurrent Workshops “A”
A-1. Development of Permanent Housing for Ex-offenders: Hampden County
Sheriff’s Office & Southern Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC) Rutledge
House and Bowdoin Street Projects
Jim Cuddy, Executive Director, SMOC
Allison Maynard, Director of Open Pantry Community Services, SMOC
Darlene Assencos Mazurek, Director of Housing and Supportive Services Division,
Sonia Medine, Manager After Incarceration Support, Hampden County Sheriff’s Office
Louis XIV
A-2. Veteran Ex-offenders: Panel Discussion and Overview
Paul Carew, Veterans Officer, Town of Natick, MA Former Veterans Specialist,
Middlesex Sheriff’s Office
o Kevin Casey, Regional Director, U. S. Veterans Administration
o Kevin Lambert, MA Department of Veterans’ Services
o Jerry Pinsky, Director, Self Employment Services, Bedford, VA & SBA Champion
A-3. Reentry 101:
Susan Rourke, Reintegration Manager, Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office
Jen Sordi, Director of Reentry, Hampden County Sheriff’s Office
Carol O’Brien, Assistant Superintendent, Middlesex Sheriff’s Office
A-4. Sex Offenders
Moderator: James M. Byrne, PhD, Professor Criminal Justice and Criminology
University of Massachusetts Lowell
William H. Fisher, PhD, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at University of
Massachusetts Lowell and Professor Psychiatry University of Massachusetts Medical
Charles McDonald, Director of Communications MA Sex Offender Registry Board
Carlos Mercado, Detective, Lowell Police Department
11:45 – 12:45
Concurrent Workshops “B”
B-1. Transitioning Ex-offender Medical, Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Treatment, Medication and Documentation
Moderator: Mark Hemenway. New England Prison Ministries
Andrew Kohlhofer, Forensic Transition Team, MA Department of Mental Health
Laura King, Director of Mental Health Services, Middlesex Sheriff’s Office
Ken Powers, Former Executive Director Lowell House, Inc.
Louis XIV
B-2. New CORI Legislation and Related Housing & Employment Issues
Moderator: Lee Gartenberg, Director, Inmate Legal Services, Middlesex Sheriff’s
Leslie Rivera, Transitional Coach Supervisor, UTEC
Bill Norris, Career Advisor/Disability Specialist Certified Offender Employment
Specialist, Career Center of Lowell
B-3. Reentry 101:
Susan Rourke, Reintegration Manager, Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office
Jen Sordi, Director of Reentry, Hampden County Sheriff’s Office
Carol O’Brien, Assistant Superintendent, Middlesex Sheriff’s Office
B-4. Ex-offender Housing Providers
1:00 – 2:00
Beth Kidd, Executive Director, Place of Promise, Lowell, MA
Kevin Waterman, Pathways House/GAAMHA, Gardner, MA
Fred Smith, Director of Program Development, St. Francis House, Boston, MA
Luncheon Panel Discussion
Success Stories
Moderator: Beth Kidd, Executive Director, Place of Promise
Gary Carpenter
Johnny Chheng
Cory Colbeth
Keri Daly
Closing Remarks
Conference 5: Sponsors
City of Lowell, Massachusetts
Billerica House of Corrections
Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance
Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office
Paul and Phyllis Fireman Foundation
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Conference Participants & Founding Partners
American Roundtable to Abolish Homelessness
Bedford VA Hospital
Community Teamwork, Inc.
Career Center of Lowell
Dynamics Research Corporation
Hampden County Sheriff’s Office
Lowell Police Department
Massachusetts Court System/Office of the Commissioner of Probation
Massachusetts Department of Corrections
Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance
Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development
Massachusetts Department of Veterans Services
Massachusetts Sex Offender Registry Board
Merrimack Valley Regional Network
New England Prison Ministries
Norfolk County Sheriff’s Office
Pathways House
Place of Promise
Southern Middlesex Opportunity Council
St. Francis House
Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office
Town of Natick, VA Services
VA Self Employment Services
United Teen Equality Center
Upcoming Conferences in the Series
Conference #6: Seniors 2012
Conference #7 Food Security 2012
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