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Grapes of Wrath – A Study Guide in Four Parts
Analyze the following elements as you read through The Grapes of Wrath. For some topics, you will
simply write a few sentences analyzing what you’ve observed as a critical reader; for others, mark
significant passages. You’ll know if you need to do analyses, charts or both by what is indicated under
each element. This time, the summary of your analysis IS REQUIRED by the beginning of our
discussion of the novel.
The Novel’s Structure:
 CHAPTERS 1-11 THE LAND (How is the land described and what is its significance to the family, to the
country and for what may come. Include passages and quotes. High light quotes)
Summary of Analysis:
 CHAPTERS 12-18 THE MIGRATION (How is the process of migration described and what is its significance?
Why the wide range of characters? Why the strain?
Summary of Analysis:
 CHAPTERS 19-30 THE PROMISED LAND (What happens in the promise land and what is its significance?)
Summary of Analysis:
The Weaving of Intercalary and Narrative Chapters – How Steinbeck connects through linkage
of symbols or key elements, differences in Style, use of Juxtaposition. Identify five transitions
Use of Language:
 How does Steinbeck use language throughout the novel? Specifically, how does he switch
between the vernacular and the formal? When does he use each? What function does the use
of these two voices serve?
Biblical Allusions: What are they? Which characters symbolize which notable Biblical
characters? Do the characters fit the allusion or are they problematic?
the turtle
What does it symbolize?
drought vs. flooding
What does it symbolize?
the road
What does it symbolize?
the monster/the tractor
What does it symbolize?
What does it symbolize?
Themes. Provide passages with page numbers and examples from the novel
 The relationship between society and the individual
The strength of women
Forms of slavery and oppression caused by social structure
The relationship between nature/the universe and the individual (elements of Naturalism)
The significance of the title