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Steppingstones Grant Virtual Reality Project
Project Needs Analysis
Needs Analysis
Background Information
We are a Team of six full time graduate students immersed in the study of Instructional
Technology at George Mason University. As a part of our ISD Project Practicum, we are
charged with designing and building an immersive, multi-sensory virtual learning
environment addressing Newton’s laws of physics for high school students with learning
disabilities. We are working under the direction of Dr. Chris Dede, Professor, Graduate
School of Education and School of Information Technology and Engineering, and Dr.
Debra Sprague, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Education.
Project Parameters
The Steppingstones Grant
The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education, Technology and Media
Services for Individuals with Disabilities funds the Steppingstones to Technology Grant
Program. According to the grant application, “The purpose of this program is to promote
the development, demonstration, and utilization of technology and to support educational
media activities designed to be of educational value to children with disabilities.”
George Mason University’s Steppingstones Grant Proposal begins with a statement on
the importance of teaching science to students with learning disabilities. It concludes,
“Perhaps above all . . . science education can provide students with learning disabilities -who often receive very extensive basic skills instruction -- opportunities to study, reflect
on, and learn about the universe and how it works.” The grant proposal then explains the
problem with using science textbooks with students with learning disabilities and offer
alternatives. The following two pages are a summary of the major points of the grant
"In general, textbooks go too fast, use too much vocabulary, and require too much
reading and writing for students with language and literacy difficulties to succeed"
(Brownell & Thomas, 1998, p. 121). In fact, textbook-oriented learning is the
predominant approach in science classrooms, particularly at the secondary level. Science
textbooks have been found to be particularly difficult to read (Chiang-Soong & Yager,
1993), and can contain more new vocabulary that found in foreign language courses
(Yager, 1983). The documented outcomes on science achievement for students with
learning disabilities, compelled to try to learn from textbooks, have not been positive:
Steppingstones VR Project
Needs Analysis
George Mason University
Parmar, Deluca, and Janczak (1994) found that students with learning disabilities
read science text at only about half the fluency rate as students without
Carlisle and Andrews (1993) reported that students with learning disabilities
performed significantly lower than their peers on a science curriculum-based
assessment. These students also rated themselves, and were rated by their teachers
more negatively.
In response to such problems, researchers have suggested that activities-oriented (or
"hands-on") methods and materials were likely to interact more positively with the
characteristics of learning disabilities (Mastropieri & Scruggs, 1994; Patton, 1993; 1995;
Parmar, Deluca, & Janczak, 1994; Scruggs & Mastropieri, 1994a). Activities-oriented
materials typically place fewer demands on language and literacy abilities and verbal
memory, and provide relevant activities as learning experiences.
Developing effective teaching strategies and simulation technologies for teaching
complex scientific concepts presents a substantial challenge for educational researchers
and instructional designers. Despite the utilization of new teaching approaches, tools, and
technologies, students struggle with abstractions in science (Dede, 1998). Research
Interactive 3-D immersion is motivating for learners and can significantly
enhance conceptual learning beyond interactive, 2-D non-immersive
representations (Salzman, Dede, & Loftin).
Multi-sensory representations increase the saliency of crucial variables and
enhance the quality of the learning and interaction experience (Dede, Salzman,
Loftin, & Sprague, 1998).
Individual learner characteristics that can significantly influence educational
outcomes of virtual reality experiences include gender, domain experience, spatial
ability, computer experience, motion sickness history, and immersive tendencies.
The introduction of new representations and perspectives can help students gain
insights for reediting misconceptions formed through traditional instruction (e.g.,
many representations used by science teachers are misleading for learners), as
well as aiding learners in developing correct mental models. Qualitative
representations (e.g., shadows showing kinetic energy in Newton World) can
increase saliency for crucial features of phenomena.
Learner motivation is high in virtual reality environments, even when novelty
effects wear off. The inclusion of interactivity; constructivist pedagogy; and
challenge, curiosity, fantasy, and beauty all seem to augment students' interest and
In order to address these areas, it is proposed that virtual reality (VR) systems be
developed that can effectively present secondary science content to students with learning
disabilities in ways that address their specific learning needs. Using VR, students with
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learning disabilities can directly experience the scientific concepts being studied, without
the necessity of drawing abstractions from text they cannot read. Specifically, VR
systems can address the special needs of students with learning disabilities in several
VR presentations can demonstrate complex concepts experientially, without
reliance upon text and verbal lecture presentations.
VR presentations employ not only the visual stimulation of models, but also
auditory and haptic stimulation to allow the learner to truly experience the
phenomena being studied (Salzman, Dede, & Loftin, 1996).
VR presentations are interactive, allowing the learner to proceed at an optimal
pace, focus on more difficult aspects, and repeat experiences as many times as
necessary to complete understanding.
While virtual reality is has been an exotic and expensive medium, new SGI/Windows NT
computers costing as little as $4000 are putting this technology within reach of schools.
Within 5 years they may be commonly available in classrooms. Within the next decade
the entertainment industry will place devices of comparable power to today's graphic
supercomputers "under the Christmas tree," offering intriguing opportunities to use this
installed base of sophisticated computational equipment for learning (Dede, 1996).
Videogames are ubiquitous in rich and poor homes, in urban and rural settings, offering a
powerful installed base for inexpensively facilitating learning if we have something better
to put in on-the-horizon "VR" videogame cartridges than SuperMario or Doom.
The Technology that will be used: World Up® and CrystalEyes®
According to its product web site: World Up® is a
complete software development and delivery environment for building 3D/VR
applications. Building upon WorldToolKit®, the industry's most widely used visual
simulation software development toolkit, World Up provides powerful real-time
functionality in an interactive, object-oriented environment.
World Up applies the concepts of real-time and interactivity from application concept to
completion. Users see the effects of changing design parameters in real-time; the effects
of modifying object behaviors or properties (such as movement or translation) can be
seen while your simulation is running. This allows users to substantially reduce
development costs and time-to-market.
World Up provides a highly object-oriented environment designed to speed application
development. An extendible object hierarchy contains predefined properties and methods
that can be accessed via the development interface or through the Visual Basic-style
scripting language. The World Up development environment also includes a script
debugger and a performance profiler to optimize performance, as well as a complete suite
of tools including an integrated modeler, content delivery mechanisms and Internet
According to its product website,,
StereoGraphics’ CrystalEyes Wired® is an entry-level stereoscopic eyewear system for
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George Mason University
mechanical design, molecular modeling, computational chemistry and architectural CAD
professionals working with complex 3D images. The product delivers high-definition,
Stereo3D™ viewing on capability on Windows NT workstations in conjunction with
compatible software and standard workstation displays.
Stereo3D is the use of computer technology to recreate the way we naturally see depth —
stereoscopically. Stereoscopic viewing describes how we use both eyes — each with a
slightly different perspective — to perceive depth in a physical environment. Stereo3D
delivers the most realistic visual representation possible of complex digital models,
giving engineers, architects and scientists the best possible understanding of threedimensional information, and yielding levels of technical proficiency not available using
a typical 3D view.
CrystalEyes Wired was developed to take advantage of the new generation of OpenGL
graphics cards using the VESA standard 3-pin mini-DIN connector. The user simply
plugs the CrystalEyes Wired 3-pin connector into a compatible graphics card and the
eyewear is automatically activated whenever a Stereo3D application is running.
The Active Physics text-based curriculum that is new to Fairfax County, VA
The philosophy espoused by IT’S ABOUT TIME, Inc., publishers of the Active Physics
curriculum, is that knowledge of physics should be accessible to everyone. The
curriculum is project-based and focuses on hands-on activities. The content is presented
in self-contained units that can be taught in any order. Of the six texts, four teach
Newton’s laws of motion: Sports, Transportation, Predictions, and Home. The series has
been used in Fairfax County for about 5 years. One of our subject matter experts was one
of the original field testers. Though the series was not specifically designed for students
with learning disabilities, the classes we have observed are a mix of typical students and
students with identified learning disabilities. The classes are team taught by a physics
teacher and a LD resource teacher.
The current VR project team is hoping to incorporate our design metaphor into the
existing Active Physics curriculum. The series comes with a CD ROM supplement
called InfoMall, which has many excellent text based resources. The CD describes
projects and demonstrations but has no interactive simulations. We have been assessing
the CD ROM for design ideas. Another series, Interactive Physics™, published by
Addison-Wesley, does have 32 custom 2D simulations with guided practice worksheets
that have also been of some help. Ultimately, we want a design that conveys good
science while taking advantage of all that current 3D technology has to offer.
Time Frame: To be completed by May, 2000
The current phase of this project is to be completed by early May 2000. The grant will
continue at least one more year. Succeeding teams may choose to add to our design or
may choose a completely different design metaphor.
Programming Support for World Up
Our team has a basic working knowledge of how to create and animate objects using
World Up, but we also have another graduate student working as our project programmer
on a part time basis.
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Needs Analysis
George Mason University
Objectives of Needs Analysis
The purpose of the needs analysis process is to identify, within the parameters already
established, the precise nature of the learner needs and the degree to which these needs
can be addressed by this project team. Our objective is to determine where the learners
are today and where they need to be, so that we might isolate and address the
corresponding "gap" via instruction. In beginning our analysis, we outlined the following
Collect information on our target audience, identifying general characteristics and
special learning needs.
Become aware of the special services offered to students with learning disabilities
as well as the instructional accommodations afforded by the physics teacher.
Gain an understanding of the makeup and structure of a mainstream physics class.
Gain an understanding of the Active Physics curriculum and the overall
instructional approach of the physics teacher with respect to Newton’s laws.
Identify common misconceptions the students have related to Newtonian physics.
How the research is being conducted
Initially the team identified three arenas of investigation: 1) the current high school
physics classroom environment, 2) the issues surrounding students with learning
disabilities, and 3) the technology issues involved with building a multisensory virtual
environment. For each arena a plan was outlined and implemented:
I. Studying the Current Physics Classroom
The plan for studying the current physics classroom environment included 1) onsite
observations, 2) face to face interviews with physics teachers, 3) a review of the current
physics curriculum and textbooks, 4) a review of the state of Virginia’s Standards of
Learning (SOL) requirements, 5) a review of several physics web sites recommended by
professors, teachers, and other experts, and 6) a review of key journal articles.
Onsite Observations
The project team is working in cooperation with several public high schools in Fairfax
County, Virginia where the Active Physics curriculum has been implemented. Through
onsite observation of actual classes in session, the design team sought a working
knowledge of instructional strategies, activities and classroom designs being employed
by teachers in the sample classrooms. This way, we were able to gain a basic
understanding of student expectations about the structure and delivery of lessons.
Face-to-Face Interviews
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The chosen interview method for interviews was informal and included pointed as well as
open-ended questions. The questions were prepared in advance, and there was room for
the Immersion group to ask connecting questions as well as to note additional
observations from interactions with the students. The design team decided that an
informal approach to answering these questions was appropriate due to a number of
factors. Chief among these is the busy nature of the teachers' schedules and the desire of
the design team to establish a positive rapport with them. We reasoned that overburdening them at this stage would result in a decreased likelihood of future participation
(e.g. during the formative evaluation phase). The initial questions for the instructors were
as follows:
Observation/Interview Questions
1. How do you individualize instruction to accommodate individual learning needs?
2. What kinds of visual tools and examples do you use to support the concepts?
3. How is technology integrated into the Active Physics program? And what are the
obstacles to its implementation.
4. What is the computer literacy level of the students and the teachers?
5. What are the students reading level?
6. What concepts do the students with learning disabilities have the most difficulties with
and what is used to support or reinforce those concepts?
7. What types of activities or cues do they have the most difficulties with?
8. What degree are the students able to do collaborative work?
9. What other technology do you use? (Computer programs, video, etc.)
10.How do the SOLs impact your curriculum and instruction?
Review of the Active Physics Textbooks
A review of the Active Physics texts was completed to identify examples of instruction on
Newtonian mechanics. The design team sought to discover a) how much content in the
texts is devoted to Newtonian mechanics b) the kinds of examples used to illustrate
Newtonian mechanics c) the types of experimental activities used to teach Newtonian
concepts to the learners.
Virginia’s Standards of Learning (SOL)
The Standards of Learning (SOLs) represent a sweeping reform initiative designed to
improve the performance of students in Virginia schools. These controversial measures
are centered on rigid objectivist strategies that include compulsory multiple choice testing
for all students. The design team is investigating how implementation of the SOLs might
impact the design of our instructional module.
Physics Websites
We also have visited visualization web sites that offer science-related 3-D demos, and
have looked at school-based 2-D computer simulations of physics concepts for ideas that
we may be able to adapt for our instructional design.
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Journal Articles
In regard to the particular physics concepts that we are addressing, we have read journal
articles about innovative teaching techniques, such as involving the students in hands-on
activities which approximate scientific hypothesizing, modeling, and testing.
II. Studying about Students with Learning Disabilities (LD)
The design team is aware of, and has access to, literature, research and subject matter
experts on learning disabilities. All members of the team participated in a review of
learning disabilities, students with learning disabilities through multiple means. These
included: 1) observations in both mainstream and self contained classrooms 2)
interviews with physics and with special resource teachers, 3) meetings with Dr. Sprague
who is serving as a subject matter expert, 4) review of a video series on children with
learning disabilities 5) a review of current US law regarding students with learning
disabilities, and 6) a review of articles on learning disabilities, instructional strategies and
assessment methods for students with learning disabilities and 7) a review of relevant
websites, and 8) group discussions led by team-members with personal experience
teaching students with learning disabilities.
The purpose of these exercises was to give all team members a general background on
learning disabilities, and students with learning disabilities, which serves as a point of
departure for assessing the needs of the target audience. Group members also have shared
their observations, especially their contrasting findings, and brainstormed about visual
metaphors for our learning audience’s needs
Onsite Observations
The Immersion group visited three Fairfax County high schools that are using the Active
Physics curriculum in classes that include students with learning disabilities, ages 16-17.
In this hands-on manner, we were able to interact with teachers and students about
learning styles and instructional strategies.
The target audience was observed in classes also including ESL students, students with
behavioral/emotional problems, and students who have difficulty with science subjects in
particular. The manner in which this classroom model impacts the direct instruction of
our target audience will be a consideration in design.
Interviews with Physics and Special Resource teachers
Interviewing individual teachers informally about their experiences teaching students
with learning disabilities and engaging them in discussions that include the following:
What concepts do students with learning disabilities have the most difficulty
What kinds of visual tools and examples do you use to support the concepts?
How do you individualize instruction to accommodate individual learning needs?
How is technology integrated into the Active Physics program?
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Meetings with Dr. Debra Sprague
Dr. Sprague has extensive experience teaching students with learning disabilities and is
also well versed in the ISD process. Therefore she is a valuable resource for the design
team in our efforts to understand both the characteristics of the target audience and the
corresponding implications for our design. Each member of the team has provided Dr.
Sprague with written and verbal questions, observations, hypotheses during group
meetings. In this forum Dr. Sprague has provided feedback, discussed relevant issues in
contexts larger than the scope of our project, and clarified points of confusions about our
target audience characteristics.
Videos of LD Instruction
The group viewed a selection of documentary-style videotapes available through Dr.
Sprague that illustrated the processing problems experienced by learning disabled
students ages 5-10, and the instructional strategies that their teachers employ. This
“virtual” observation enabled us to get a sense of the processing deficits that are
experienced by the older students that we are targeting.
Current US Law regarding LD Students
The design team examined federal legislation currently in effect including The
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1997. IDEA was originally
implemented in 1975 and new legislation was enacted in 1997. IDEA 97 proposed the
following "Strategies for Success":
 Raising expectations for children with disabilities
 Increasing parental involvement in the education of their children
 Ensuring that regular education teachers are involved in planning and assessing
children's progress
 Including children with disabilities in assessments, performance goals, and reports to
the public
 Supporting quality professional development for all personnel who are involved in
educating children with disabilities.
Websites and Readings
Reading journal articles about instructional strategies tested in research studies that seek
to address the processing deficits generally experienced by students with learning
Group Discussions
These discussions have been a valuable method for synthesizing observation data,
readings, and other resources such as web sites on modeling and visualization resources.
The team members have engaged in expanded debates about individual conclusions and
follow a discussion model that encourages open-ended inquiry. Therefore, the team
regularly introduces counterexamples, forms and tests hypotheses, and considers
alternative predictions to their original conclusions. This methodology enables the project
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team to introduce and explore a wide range of design possibilities that might address
learner needs.
III. Studying the Technology
In addition to the resources used in the study of learning disabilities described above, the
design team is engaging in a study of modeling and visualization (MV) as a learning tool.
Current research suggests that approaches utilizing MV (such as virtual reality) are
effective in teaching about abstract concepts, such as physics. To facilitate this, the
design team is participating in a national course, led in part by Dr. Chris Dede, called
Modeling and Visualization in Learning. The team is actively integrating information
learned in this course into discussions about the design a physics instructional module for
our target population. Furthermore, the group is seeking other opportunities for
exploration of relevant content and technology study represented in outside seminars,
scheduling immersive experiences in ScienceSpace's Newton World, and a meeting with
Dr. Bowen Loftin to discuss physics and education.
In addition the team has participated in demonstrations of the World Up development
environment as well as the VR environments of Newton World and Maxwell World. The
purpose of these exercises is not only to give the design team a broad introduction to
theoretical foundations and actual examples of VR technology, but also to help the team
members understand both their strengths and limits as learning tools.
Method of Data Analysis
We gathered data primarily through classroom observation, informal interviews with
classroom teachers, a review of actual assignments completed by students, and a variety
of reading materials and discussions. For this reason, it was deemed appropriate to
employ a qualitative approach to data analysis. It was also expedient given the time
constraints and the relatively small accessible samples available to us from the target
audience. The results of these data gathering exercises are being used to discuss design
ideas in the context of an authentic instructional setting. This allows us to predict how our
design considerations will impact an actual class who is using our instructional tool
Key elements of research data
The design team is incorporating the following key elements into our decision-making
process to make judgments about learner needs that will impact design.
1. Basic assumptions about students with learning disabilities
2. Qualitative data collected from interviews and observations of actual classroom
3. Information gained from literature reviews (on learning disabilities, educational
strategies for students with learning disabilities, and the use of modeling and
visualization in science education)
4. Characteristics of the Active Physics curriculum currently in use in the target
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Key questions to be answered
The design team sought reliable conclusions about learner needs by posing three critical
questions throughout the research process. These questions were answered through
multiple observation sessions, dialogues with subject matter experts about the sessions,
and continuing group discussions. The conclusions, along with additional data from
learner analysis results, will provide a solid foundation for the design phase of the
1. How can Newtonian Physics best be demonstrated in a Virtual Reality Learning
Environment for students with special needs?
2. How are students with special needs currently learning and understanding
Newtonian Physics?
3. What aspects of Newton’s Laws do LD students have the most difficulty with and
Additional value derived from analysis
The data analysis provided an opportunity for each team member to contribute specific
first hand observations and compare findings with others. This had the added benefit of:
1. Reinforcing the basic assumptions of our research on learning disabilities
2. Reviewing "live" examples of the characteristics we understand about students with
learning disabilities, alongside theoretical discussions
3. Beginning to make connections between learner characteristics and the specific
challenges of physics instruction.
4. Eliciting feedback on some preliminary design ideas.
Findings Regarding Physics Classrooms
A Mainstream Physics Class
In addition to learning about the special needs and characteristics of our target audience,
we also became aware of the current services that learners with disabilities receive in the
public schools. Obviously, special education programs are not offered to students who
have yet to be identified, or to pupils who simply fall short of the criteria for special
services. However, for those students who do qualify, services are provided according to
their needs and can exist in the form of a pull-out program. Ultimately, more and more
students with disabilities are currently retained in the general education program, but
receive special services outside of the classroom. This is very different and becoming
more common than traditional special education programs where students with
disabilities are placed in self-contained classes. The term “mainstreaming” therefore
refers to students with special needs who have been included in general education
Naturally, there are both advantages and disadvantages of mainstreaming students with
learning disabilities. In general, the advantages of mainstreaming are that they become
better prepared for the “real-world” environment as interaction among peers and adults
increases. Moreover, studies have shown that mainstreaming can boost the student’s self-
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esteem and reduce problems associated with identification or “labeling” of a student with
special circumstances.
One disadvantage of mainstreaming students is that a lack of training in special education
leads some mainstream educators to fail in their efforts to accommodate the students’
individual learning needs. Moreover, studies have shown that many general educators do
not have the collaboration skills, or the appropriate attitude to make mainstreaming
Meeting special needs in a mainstream class
In our observations and interviews, we collected data on various interventions the physics
teachers were employing to accommodate those students with special needs. We found
that most of them had lower expectations of those students with deficits and also higher
expectations for those students who were considered gifted and talented. As a result, the
teachers adapted their standards and the assignments accordingly by allowing students to
choose from multiple assignments as well as to create a finished product to illustrate their
learning. Other modifications and strategies the teachers used included co-teaching,
modeling, hands-on learning, and peer collaboration. Teachers also tried to provide
multiple representations of the physics concepts through visuals and technology.
Nevertheless, despite the varied instructional accommodations of the physics teachers
and given the size and diversity of the mainstream classroom, we learned that there
continues to be a grave demand for a more individualized program to further
accommodate students with special needs.
Overall, the findings of the reports indicate that there are not many differences within the
classrooms for students with special needs. The technology in some classrooms may not
be readily embraced, while in others it is and the students have an active role in their
The design team collected samples of student work that supported this conclusion.
Student collaboration is a prevalent instructional strategy for the target audience. Teacher
support of the student’s learning is also a key factor, but this support is not always
evident in the classrooms sampled. Our observations suggest that accommodation of
individual learning needs is a daunting task for these teachers.
Technology in the classroom
We found that the use of technology in the classroom was largely dictated by the
individual teacher's preference for its use. In classrooms where technology use was more
prevalent (e.g., use of desktop PCs), the students were fairly adept at using these tools. As
suspected, interviews with the teachers indicated that the target audience struggles with
reading and written exercises.
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Findings Regarding Students with Learning Disabilities
A Variety of Special Needs
From our observations and interviews, we learned that a mainstream physics classroom is
made up of approximately 20 students who differ radically in culture, language, and
cognitive ability. Ultimately, we found that our target audience co-exists in integrated
classrooms including non-native English speakers, gifted and talented students, as well as
pupils with varying disabilities that both have and have not been identified. The range of
disabilities include:
Sensory impairments
Emotional/behavioral disorders
Physical and/or health disabilities
Communication disorders
Varying learning disabilities including autism, dyslexia, and mild mental
With respect to those students with varying learning disabilities, we discovered that many
can experience difficulties in writing, reading comprehension, oral communication,
listening, mathematical calculation and reasoning, problem-solving, and comprehension
of abstract concepts. Moreover, we learned that these particular students oftentimes lack
motivation to learn, have difficulties paying attention in class, experience difficulties in
social situations such as in cooperative learning activities, and can also undergo academic
failure altogether.
For instance, while viewing the younger students shown in the videotapes we observed
repetitious classroom behaviors by the individuals with learning disabilities. These
included: 1) becoming easily distracted, 2) copying the actions of their classmates to
complete a task and, 3) becoming irresolute when they could not keep up with the pace of
instruction. We observed similar behaviors among the older students in the Fairfax
County classrooms that we visited, which indicated that the learning responses of
students with learning disabilities do not significantly change from the early grades to the
higher grades.
Findings Regarding Technology
The design team has reached the following conclusions about learner needs to be
considered during the design phase of the project:
The learners are best engaged by activity-based instruction rather than formal lecture
Optimal instruction time prior to activity is brief (0-10 minutes)
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Directions should be delivered in small chunks, with the ability to be repeated as
Continual scaffolding is necessary for learners to make meaningful connections to
activity content. (Scaffolding is being provided by teachers in varying degrees)
Multi-sensory delivery enhances instructional effectiveness
Positive verbal reinforcement and messages increase learner confidence
Learners need ability to progress at their own pace
Learners need ability to manipulate variables in activity in order to increase
understanding and engagement
The learners are likely to bring similar misconceptions about Newtonian mechanics to
the instructional setting as are seen in the general population of learners. Instruction
will need to effectively address this issue
Given the challenges of teaching students with learning disabilities, the design team is
seeking to incorporate designs and strategies into the module that will increase saliency
of the content for the students, and thereby enhance learning.
Furthermore, we know the instructional module will only be effective if is actually being
used by the teachers. In order to make implementation more likely, the design team is
hoping to implement examples and strategies that the instructors feel are consistent with
curriculum they are using.
By combining knowledge of existing research and literature, our own qualitative data and
characteristics of the curriculum currently being used, we feel confident in making
accurate judgments about learner needs in this setting. Of course, testing of these
judgments and hypotheses is planned. The design team will utilize subject matter experts
in learning disabilities, science instruction, and physics to verify our conclusions.
Next Step
1. Learner Analysis with particular focus on misconceptions that exist and
accurate models to correct those misconceptions.
2. More classroom observations with focus on misconceptions
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Appendix A: Review of Active Physics: Sports (Chapters 2,3)
Chapter 2
Activity 1:
Students measure the motion of a ball rolling down then up the sides of a bowl and find
ratio of the running start to the vertical distance. From this, they are introduced to the
concept of inertia. Physics principles: acceleration, gravity, Galileo's principal of inertia,
Newton's first law motion.
Activity 2:
Students construct, calibrate, and use a simple force meter to explore the variables
involved in throwing a shot put. They then connect their observations and data to a study
on the laws of motion. Physics principles: Newton's second law of motion, relationship
of mass and force to acceleration, gravity.
Activity 3:
by finding the balance points on objects with a variety of shapes, students are introduced
to the effect motion of the athlete's center of mass has a balance and performance.
Physics principles: center of mass, gravity.
Activity 4:
Students learn to measure hang time and analyze vertical jumps of athletes using slow
motion videos. This introduces the concept that work when jumping is force applied
against gravity. Physics principles: remedy, potential kinetic energy, work, vertical
accelerated motion.
Activity 5:
Thinking about the direction of which they applied for us to move into desired way
introduces students to the concept that of forest has an equal opposite force. The test this
concept, then applied it to a variety of motion observed in sports. Physics principles:
force vectors, weight and gravity as forces, Newton's third law of motion.
Activity 6:
Students measure the amount of force necessary to slide athletic shoes on a variety of
surfaces. From this in the weight of the shoe, they learn to calculate friction coefficients.
The then consider the effect friction has on an athlete's performance. Physics principles:
gravity, frictional force, normal force, coefficient of sliding friction.
Activity 7:
Students investigate the effect of a ball's velocity on its motion and after a collision.
Then they apply these observations of what they now know about opposing forces in
motion to describe collisions of balls and athletes in sporting events. Physics principles:
Newton's third law of motion, mass, velocity, momentum.
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Activity 8:
Additional collisions between objects allow students to investigate what happens when
the objects stay together or stick after the collision. Physics principles: Newton's third
law of motion, momentum equals mass times velocity, velocity, law of conservation of
Chapter 3
Activity 3:
Using a simulation allows compared to the mass, students investigate the ratio gravity on
the earth to that of the men and determine force necessary to move objects on the moon.
Physics principles: gravity and mass on the earth and moon, inertial and gravitational
mass, Newton's laws of motion.
February 21, 2000
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Steppingstones VR Project
Needs Analysis
George Mason University
Appendix B: Review of Active Physics: Transportation
Chapter 2
Activity 3: life (and fewer deaths) after seat belts. Text page 67
Activity 5: the rear end collision. Text page 84
This chapter is less compelling for 3-D modeling than chapter 3 because it does not
highlight differences between weight and mass.
Chapter 3
Activity 3: spreadsheet games: free fall. Text page 124. I like this activity because there
is an existing spreadsheet template already programmed. I think we should ask around to
see if any of the schools could demo it for us. There are also graphs that compare velocity
vs. distance, distance vs. time, acceleration vs. time, and velocity vs. time. The first
problem is throwing a penny off the Empire State Building. The second problem is a
person falling out of plane. The third problem is someone jumping out of plane with a
parachute. The fourth problem is comparing free fall on other planets. This last one may
be the most promising. The end of the section compares the terminal velocity of a ping
pong ball, a baseball, a sky diver in spread eagle position, and a parachute open. This is
also something to consider.
Activity 4: life without gravity. Text page 134. This activity does not look as promising
because it's not really comparing things in different situations.
Activity 5: exercise on the moon. Text page 142. I like the following explanation:
Compare sitting on someone with bumping into him or her. The interactions with an
object's weight are always vertical. Note that although you weigh less on the moon, a
student would still feel the same bump if you nudged him on the moon. If you were to
bowl on the moon, it would be easier to lift the ball, but the same force would be required
to accelerate it down the alley as on earth. This idea may have potential, but I'd like a
model that took advantage of vertical space as well as horizontal space.
Idea from Moira McGuinness: A lottery globe filled with balls of different masses and
February 21, 2000
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