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Barry B. Hughes
Office: University of Denver
Denver, Colorado 80208
+01 (303) 871-2304
[email protected]
Home: 4615 West Byron Place
Denver, Colorado 80212
+01 (303) 847-1828
Stanford University, Department of Mathematics, 1967
Other Concentrations: Political Science and German
University of Minnesota, Department of Political Science, 1969
University of Minnesota, Department of Political Science, 1970
Fields of concentration: International Relations, Comparative
Politics, and Political Behavior. Supporting Programs: History and
Sociology. Dissertation on "The Study of Regional Integration:
Subconcepts and Research Methodology," October, 1970
Awards and Honors
Full Tuition Scholarship: Stanford, 1963-1967
Study at Stanford-in-Germany: Summer and Fall, 1966
Graduation with Distinction: Stanford, 1967
NDEA Title IV Fellowship: Minnesota, 1967-1970
Nomination for University Best Teaching Award, 1981
University Scholar/Teacher Award, 1985
PEW Faculty Fellowship Program in International Affairs: Harvard, 1991
University of Denver, All-University Lecturer, 2006
Named John Evans Professor, 2008
Lifetime Achievement Award, USA Chapter of Club of Rome, 2009
Member, Club of Rome, 2009Member, Atlantic Council, 2011-
Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor, Political Science Department, Case Western
Reserve University
Associate Professor, Political Science, Case Western Reserve
Associate Professor, Graduate School of International Studies,
University of Denver
Professor, Graduate School of International Studies, University
of Denver
Courses Taught
International Politics, Introduction to International Studies, Global Issues, Alternative
World Futures, Comparative Energy Policy, Computer Applications and Analysis, World
Modeling, American Foreign Policy, Political Behavior, Global Megatrends, Politcal Risk
Analysis, Art of Forecasting, Millennium Development Goals, International Futures.
Administrative Appointments
Director, Institute for the Study of Development. Structured
graduate curriculum in development
Director, Undergraduate International Studies Program
Proposed, developed, secured funding, and directed
international studies major
Director, Graduate Concentration in Policy Analysis. Proposed
and developed concentration
Vice Provost for Graduate Studies, University of Denver.
Instituted university-wide cycle of program review and NCA
accreditation review; oversaw development and approval
of many new graduate programs;
assisted in transition of university to revenue center structure;
improved student recruitment processes
(Founding) Director, Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures.
Built the Center into a globally-respected research organization
Senior Scientist and Mentor, Frederick S. Pardee Center
for International Futures
Authored Books
Hughes, Barry B. 1978. The Domestic Context of American Foreign Policy. San
Francisco: W.H. Freeman. Chapter 1 reprinted as "El Contexto Interno de la Politica
Exterior Norteamericana," in La Toma de Decisiones Hacia America Latina (Mexico 10,
D.F.: Centro de Investigacion Decencia Economicas, 1981).
Hughes, Barry B. 1980. World Modeling. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
Hughes, Barry B. 1985. World Futures. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Bremer, Stuart A. and Barry B. Hughes. 1990. Disarmament and Development: A Design
for the Future? Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.
Hughes, Barry B. 1991, 1994, 1997, 2000. Continuity and Change in World Politics: The
Clash of Perspectives. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. Third edition translated into
Chinese by Richard Qu and published by Weber Publication.
Hughes, Barry B. 1993, 1996, 1999. International Futures: Choices in the Search for a
New World Order. Boulder, CO: Westview. Published with computer simulation.
Licensed for translation into Chinese.
Hughes, Barry B. and Evan E. Hillebrand. 2006. Exploring and Shaping International
Futures. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers. This was a major reworking of the book
Hughes, Barry B., Mohammod T. Irfan, Haider Khan, Krishna Kumar, Dale S. Rothman
and José Roberto Solórzano. 2008. Reducing Global Poverty. Volume 1 in series on
Patterns of Potential Human Progress. Boulder, Denver, and New Delhi: Paradigm
Publishers, the Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures, and Oxford
University Press-India. Also served as series editor.
Dickson, Janet R., Barry B. Hughes, and Mohammod T. Irfan. 2010. Advancing Global
Education. Volume 2 in series on Patterns of Potential Human Progress. Boulder,
Denver, and New Delhi: Paradigm Publishers, the Frederick S. Pardee Center for
International Futures, and Oxford University Press-India. Review at
Hughes, Barry B., Randall Kuhn, Cecilia Mosca Peterson, Dale S. Rothman, and José
Roberto Solórzano. 2011. Improving Global Health. Volume 3 in series on Patterns of
Potential Human Progress. Boulder, Denver, and New Delhi: Paradigm Publishers, the
Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures, and Oxford University Press-India.
Cilliers, Jakkie, Barry B. Hughes, and Jonathan Moyer. 2011, African Futures 2050.
Pretoria, South Africa and Denver: Institute for Security Studies and the Frederick S.
Pardee Center for International Futures.
Rothman, Dale S. Mohammod T. Irfan, Eli Margolese-Malin, Barry B. Hughes, and
Jonathan D. Moyer. 2013. Building Global Infrastructure. Volume 4 in series on Patterns
of Potential Human Progress. Boulder, Denver, and New Delhi: Paradigm Publishers, the
Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures, and Oxford University Press-India.
Hughes, Barry B., Devin Joshi, Jonathan Moyer, Timothy Sisk and José Roberto
Solórzano. 2014. Strengthening Governance Globally. Volume 5 in series on Patterns of
Potential Human Progress. Boulder, Denver, and New Delhi: Paradigm Publishers, the
Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures, and Oxford University Press-India.
Edited Volumes, Other Monographs, and Computer Simulations
Hughes, Barry B. 1975 (August). United States Energy, Environmental and Economic
Issues: A Study of Public Policy, a National Science Foundation sponsored Learning
Package, distributed by the Inter-University Consortium for Political Research, published
by The American Political Association. Used as the basis of a role-playing lesson in
Robert Hanvey, Explorations in the Emergent Present, theme issue of Intercom (Winter,
McHale, Vincent E., Barry B. Hughes, and Kenneth W. Grundy, eds. and contribtors.
1980. Evaluating Transnational Programs in Government and Business (New York:
Pergamon Press.
Hughes, Barry B. 1982. International Futures Simulation. Iowa City: CONDUIT.
Simulation, User's Manual and Technical Document. Microcomputer version, 1985.
Hughes, Barry B., with support of Robert Rycroft, Donald Sylvan, Thomas Trout, and
James Harf. 1985. Energy in the Global Arena. Durham: Duke University Press.
Hughes, Barry B. 1986. Basics in Forecasting. Iowa City: CONDUIT. Winner of 1987
Media and Methods Award.
Hughes, Barry B. 1982-current. International Futures (IFs), completion of 6th generation
in 2013, no in 7th generation. The most widely available and used multi-issue, long-term
global computer simulation. In 2005 the model became available on the web as well as
Articles and Contributions to Books (*Peer-Reviewed)
*Riggs, Robert E., Karen Feste Hanson, Mary Heinz, Barry B. Hughes, and Thomas
Volgy. 1970 (January). "Behavioralism in the Study of the United Nations," World
Politics 22(2): 197-236.
*Hughes, Barry B. and Thomas Volgy. 1970 (August). "Distance in Foreign Policy
Behavior: A Comparative Study of Eastern Europe," Midwest Journal of Political
Science 14: 459-92.
*Hughes, Barry B. 1970 (Winter) "Transaction Analysis: The Impact of
Operationalization," International Organization 25 (1): 132-145.
*Hughes, Barry B. and John E. Schwarz. 1972 (September). "Dimensions of Political
Integration and the Experience of the European Community," International Studies
Quarterly 16: 263-294.
*Hughes, Barry B. 1972 (Autumn) "Transaction Data: In Search of Concepts",
International Organization 26 (4): 659-680.
*Hughes, Barry B. and Mihajlo Mesarovic. 1973 (August) "An Interactive Multilevel
World Model, Futures 4.
*Hughes, Barry B. and Thomas Volgy. 1973 (Fall) "On the Difficult Business of
Conducting Empirical Research in a Data-Poor Area, American Journal of Political
Science 17 (2): 394-406. DOI: 10.2307/2110526
Abravanel, Martin and Barry B. Hughes. 1973. "The Relationship Between Public
Opinion and Government Foreign Policy: A Cross-National Study," Patrick McGowan,
ed., Sage International Yearbook of Foreign Policy Studies. Beverly Hills: Sage, 107-133
Abravanel, Martin and Barry B. Hughes. 1975. "Public Attitude and Foreign Policy
Behavior in Western Democracies," in William O. Chittick, ed., The Analysis of Foreign
Policy Outputs. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill, Inc., 46-73
Hughes, Barry B. 1975. "Teaching International Studies: Involved Organization and
Available Teaching Aids," Occasional Paper in the New Dimensions in Teaching Series
of the Consortium for International Studies Education.
Series of four articles on the world oil crisis, L'Express, March and April, 1975. Provided
background analysis and text, with others.
Hopmann, P. Terrence and Barry B. Hughes. 1975. "The Use of Events Data for the
Measurement of Cohesion in International Political Coalitions: A Validity Study," in
Edward E. Azar and Joseph Ben Dak, eds., Theory and Practice of Events Analysis. New
York: Gordon and Breach, 81-94.
Hughes, Barry B. 1976. "Current Status of the Mesarovic-Pestel World Model Project," in
Bossel, Klaczko, Müller, eds., Systems Theory in the Social Sciences. Basel: Birkhauser
Hughes, Barry B. and Mihajlo Mesarovic. 1977. "U.S. Energy Policy Options in the
World Economic System" in Kenneth D. Wilson, ed., Prospects for Growth: Changing
Expectations for the Future. New York: Praeger Publishers.
*Hughes, Barry B. and Mihajlo Mesarovic. 1978 (June) "Analysis of the WAES
Scenarios Using the World Integrated Model (WIM)," Energy Policy 6 (2): 129-39.
*Hughes, Barry B. and Mihajlo Mesarovic. 1978 (August) "Probable Changes in the
World's Population, Natural Resources and Environment Through the End of the
Century," Futures 10 (4): 267-82. An extended version of the same article was printed in
Kee Hyong Kim, ed. 1980. 21st Century: Prospects and Problems, Seoul, Korea: Kyung
Hee University Press, pp. 128-159.
* Hughes, Barry B. and Mihajlo D. Mesarovic. 1978 (November-December). "Testing the
Hudson Institute Scenarios: Is Their Optimism Justified?" World Future Society Bulletin
12 (6): 1-15.
Hughes, Barry B. and Patricia Strauch. 1981. "Using the World Integrated Model (WIM)
to Evaluate African Development Prospects, in Timothy Shaw, ed. Alternative Futures
for Africa. Boulder: Westview Press, pp. 179-199.
Hughes, Barry B. and Mihajlo D. Mesarovic. 1981, "Global Modeling and DecisionMaking," in William Evan, ed., Knowledge and Power in a Global Society. Beverly Hills:
Sage Publications, pp. 107-120.
Hughes, Barry B. 1985. "The Impact of the First Oil Shock on Domestic and International
Conflict," in Paul M. Johnson and William R. Thompson, eds., Rhythms in Politics and
Economics. New York: Praeger, 128-151.
*Hughes, Barry B. 1985 (March) "World Models: The Bases of Difference,"
International Studies Quarterly 29 (1): 77-101.
Cusack, Thomas R. and Barry B. Hughes. 1986. "Using GLOBUS to Explore Alternative
Taxation and Security Policies in the West," in Margaret Karns, ed., Persistent Patterns
and Emergent Patterns in a Waning Century. New York: Praeger.
*Hughes, Barry B. 1985 (May). "The First Two Oil Shocks: Policy Response and
Effectiveness," Policy Studies Review 5 (4): 722-741. Selected by the Policy Studies
Organization for the Fourth Annual Jeffrey Pressman Award as the year’s outstanding
article published in Policy Studies Review.
Hughes, Barry B. 1987. "Domestic Economic Processes," in Stuart A. Bremer, ed., The
Globus Model: Computer Simulation of Worldwide Political Economic Development.
Frankfurt and Boulder: Campus and Westview, pp. 39-158.
Hughes, Barry B. 1988 (Spring). "International Futures (IFs): History and Status," Social
Science Computer Review 6 (1):
*Bremer, Stuart A. and Barry B. Hughes. 1990 (April) "Disarmament and Development:
An Analysis using GLOBUS," International Political Science Review 11 (2): 187-206.
Hughes, Barry B. 1993. “Delivering the Goods: The EC and the Evolution of Complex
Governance,” in Dale L. Smith and James Lee Ray, eds. The 1992 Project and the Future
of Integration in Europe. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, pp. 45-69.
*Hughes, Barry B., Steve Chan and Charles W. Kegley. 1994 (Fall). "Observations on
the Study of International Relations in China," International Studies Notes 19 (3): 18-22
Hughes, Barry B. 1995. "Evolving Patterns of Regional Integration and Governance:
Implications for Theories of World Politics," in Charles W. Kegley, Jr., ed. Controversies
in International Relations Theory: Realism and the Neoliberal Challenge. New York: St.
Martin's, 223-243.
Hughes, Barry B. 1995. “The Future of The Global Political-Economy,” in C. Roe
Goddard and John Passe-Smith, eds., The Politics of International Economic Relations.
Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 509-532.
*Hughes, Barry B. 1997 (Summer). ”Rough Road Ahead: Global Transformations in the
21st Century,” Futures Research Quarterly 13(2): 83-107.
Hughes, Barry B. 1999 (September). “The International Futures (IFs) Modeling Project,”
Simulation and Gaming 30 (3): 304-326. Invited in peer-reviewed journal.
Hughes, Barry B. 2001. “Choices in the Face of Uncertainty: The International Futures
(IFs) Model, Futures 33: 55-62. Invited in peer-reviewed journal.
*Hughes, Barry B. 2001 (January). “Global Social Transformation: The Sweet Spot, the
Steady Slog, and the Systemic Shift,” Economic Development and Cultural Change 49
(2): 423-458.
Hughes, Barry B. 2002. “International Futures (IFs) Model,” UNESCO Enclyclopedia of
Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss
Publishers, Oxford, UN, []. Invited.
Hughes, Barry B. 2004. “Regimes and Social Transformation,” in Arild Underdal and
Oran Young, Regime Consequences: Methodological Challenges and Research
Strategies, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 335-358.
*Hughes, Barry B. and Peter D. Johnston. 2005 (November). “Sustainable Futures:
Building Policy Options into A Scenario for Development in a Global Knowledge
Society,” Futures 37(8): 813-831.
Hughes, Barry B. 2008. “Forecasting Globalization: The Use of International Futures
(IFs),” in George Modelski, Tessaleno Devezas, and William R. Thompson, eds.,
Globalization as Evolutionary Process: Modeling, Simulating, and Forecasting Global
Change. London and New York: Routledge (Taylor and Francis), 355-379.
*Hughes, Barry B. and Mohammod T. Irfan. 2007 (Winter) “Assessing Strategies for
Reducing Poverty,” International Studies Review 9 (4): 690-710.
Hughes, Barry B. and Mohammod T. Irfan. 2008. “Assessing Strategies for Meeting the
Millennium Development Goals,” in Rafael Reuveny and William R. Thompson, eds.,
North and South in the World Political Economy. Blackwell, 2008: 313-340.
*Hughes, Barry B. with many others. 2008. “The Future Today,” Chapter 9 of the United
Nations Environmental Programme’s Global Environment Outlook-4, UNEP 2008.
Available at
*Gordon,Theodore, Barry B. Hughes, José R. Solórzano, and Mark Stelzner. 2011.
“Producing State of the Future Indexes Using the International Futures Model,”
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 78 (1): 75-89.
*Hughes, Barry B., Jonathan D. Moyer and Timothy D. Sisk. 2011 (June). “Vulnerability
to Intrastate Conflict" Evaluating Quantitative Measures,” United States Institute of Peace
Peaceworks No. 72.
*Hughes, Barry B., Randall Kuhn, Cecilia M. Peterson, Dale S. Rothman, José R.
Solórzano, Colin D. Mathers, and Janet R Dickson. 2011. “Projections of global health
outcomes from 2005 to 2060 using the International Futures integrated forecasting
model.” Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 89 (7): 469-544.
* Hughes, Barry B. and Jonathan D. Moyer. 2012. "ICTs: Do they contribute to climate
change or sustainable development?", Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
2012. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2011.12.005. Available at
* Hughes, Barry B., Mohammod T. Irfan, Jonathan D. Moyer, Dale S. Rothman, and José
R. Solórzano. 2012, "Forecasting the Impacts of Environmental Constraints on Human
Development,” Human Development Research Paper 2011/08, work done in support of
the 2011 HDR. Revised version published May 10, 2012, in special issue of
Sustainability on the Socioeconomic and Political Outcomes of Climate Change (with
Appendix on the model). Available at
Hughes, Barry B. 2015."Development-oriented Policies and Alternative Human
Development Paths: Aggressive but Reasonable Interventions," United Nations Human
Development Research Paper 2013/05. Published also in Khalid Malik and Maurice
Kugler, eds. 2013. Human Progress and the Rising South. New York: United Nations
Human Development Report Office, pp. 140-185.
*Joern Birkmann, et al. (Barry B. Hughes as 15th author). 2014. "Scenarios for
Vulnerability: Opportnities and Constraints in the Context of Climate Change and
Disaaster Risk.." Climatic Change. Heavily uses the International Future model. DOI
Burt, Alison, Barry B. Hughes, and Gary Milante. 2014. “Eradicating Poverty in Fragile
States: Prospects of Reaching the ‘High-Hanging’ Fruit by 2030”, World Bank Policy
Research Working Paper 7002. Washington D.C.: World Bank. Available at
Turner, Sara, Jakkie Cilliers, and Barry B. Hughes. 2015. "Reducing Poverty in Africa:
Realistic targets for the post-2015 MDGs and Agenda 2063." Africa Futures Paper 10.
Pretoria, South Africa and Denver, Colorado: Institute for Security Studies and Frederick
S. Pardee Center for International Futures.
Turner, Sara, Jakkie Cilliers, and Barry B. Hughes. 2015. "Reasonable Goals for
Reducing Poverty in Africa: Targets for the Post-2015 MDGs and Agenda 2063." Africa
Futures Paper 13. Pretoria, South Africa and Denver, Colorado: Institute for Security
Studies and Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures.
*Joshi, Devin K. Barry B. Hughes, and Timothy D. Sisk. 2015. "Improving Governance
for the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals: Scenario Forecasting for the Next 50
Years," World Development 70: 286-302.
*Hughes, Barry B., Randall Kuhn, Eli S. Margolese-Malin, Dale S. Rothman, and José R.
Solórzano. 2015. Opportunities and Challenges of a World with Negligible Senescence,”
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 99: 77-91.
Hughes, Barry B. 2015. “Global Social Challenges and Opportunties: Progress and the
Need for Collective Action,” Annali Della Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli.
Healey, Jay and Barry Hughes. 2016. “Overcome by Cyber Risks? Economic Benefits
and Costs of Alternate Cyber Futures,” Risk Nexus report in collaboration between the
Atlantic Council, Zurich Insurance, and the Frederick S. Pardee Center for International
Futures. Available at
*Hughes, Barry B. 2016. “International Futures (IFs) and Integrated, Long-term
Forecasting of Global Transformations,” Futures 81: 98-118
*Kuhn, Randall, Dale Rothman, Sara Turner, José Solórzano and Barry B. Hughes. 2016.
”Beyond Attributable Burden: Estimating the avoidable burden of disease associated with
household air pollution,” PLoS One 11(3):e0149669. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149669.
eCollection 2016.
*Milante, Gary, Barry Hughes, and Alison Burt. 2016. “Poverty Eradication in Fragile
Places: Prospects for Harvesting the Highest Hanging Fruit by 2030,” Stability:
International Journal of Security and Development 5 (1): 7; 1-24, DOI:
Hedden, Steve, Barry B. Hughes, Dale S. Rothman, Alanna J. Markle, Joel Maweni, and
Ibrahim A. Mayaki. 2016. “Ending Hunger in Africa” Midrand, South Africa and Denver,
Colorado: NEPAD Planning and Coordination Agency and Frederick S. Pardee Center for
International Futures.
*Hughes, Barry B., David Bohl, Mohammod Irfan, Eli Margolese-Malin, and José R. Solórzano.
2017. “ICT/Cyber Benefits and Costs: Reconciling Competing Perspectives on the Current and
Future Balance,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 115: 117-130 and open access at
Book Reviews
Journal of Comparative Sociology, American Political Science Review, The Journal of
Politics, Public Opinion, Journal of Forecasting, Journal of Asian Studies, Journal of
Public Policy, Foresight, Political Science Quarterly
Grants and Gifts Received
The George Gund Foundation, 1978-1979. Co-principal Investigator on a $106,562 grant
to scientifically document the World Integrated Model.
The Cleveland Foundation, 1979-1980. Principal Investigator on a $50,000 grant to
develop a classroom version of a world model.
The National Science Foundation, 1980-1982. Principal Investigator on a $80,000 grant
to test, refine and disseminate a classroom version of a world model.
The National Science Foundation and IBM, 1983-1984. Principal investigator on a
$33,846 grant to develop modeling instruction material for microcomputers.
The Exxon Education Foundation and The Kettering Family Fund, 1984-1986. Principal
investigator on a $28,196 grant to develop a microcomputer version of a world model.
The Department of Education, 1985-86. Director of $82,000 project to develop and
administer an undergraduate international studies major.
The National Science Foundation, 1985-87. Co-principal Investigator on a $60,000 grant
to develop a General Synthesis Model of Dependency and Liberal Development Theory.
The Pacific Cultural Foundation, 1989-90. Principal Investigator on a $3,000 grant to
adapt a General Synthesis Model to Taiwan.
The United States Institute of Peace, 1991-93. Co-principal Investigator on a $50,000
grant to update a microcomputer world model and develop exercises.
RAND Europe (originally from the European Commission), 2001-2003. Principal
Investiator on a $115,000 subcontract for modeling and data work associated with IFs for
University of Michigan, European Union Center, 2002-2004. Principal Investigator on a
$25,000 grant to make IFs for TERRA more user friendly.
RAND Santa Monica, 2003-2004. Principal Investigator on a $35,000 grant for work
with IFs on the Global Social Safety Net.
United Nations Environmental Programme. 2005. Principal Investigator on a $120,000
contract for support of the UNEP in preparation of its Global Environmental Outlook 4.
Additional support of $75,000 was received in 2006.
Frederick S. Pardee, 2004-2007. Principal Investigator for $1,075,000 in gifts on IFs
Web-Conversion and Analysis.
European Commission, Directorate General Information Society, 2009. Principal
Investigator on Euros 66,000 project on Using State-of-the-Art Models and Tools for the
Assessment of ICT Impacts on Growth and Competitiveness in a Low-Carbon Economy.
European Commission, Directorate General Research, 2010. Oversaw Euros 25,000
project of the Pardee IFs Center for training program in Seville, Spain on “IFs Modeling”
United States Institute of Peace. 2010. Secured $10,000 contract to produce a document
comparing various projects on vulnerability of states to armed conflict.
Frederick S. Pardee, 2007-2014. Principal Investigator for very generous gifts to build a
Pavilion at Ben Cherrington Hall and to establish the Frederick S. Pardee Center for
International Futures. Received $500,000 in 2007 for the building and $700,000 annually
for the Patterns of Potential Human Progress and other Center work. Received more than
$7.5 million, more than $3 of which has gone to the endowment of the Pardee Center.
Frederick S. Pardee, 2014. Received $4 million gift for the endowment of the Pardee
Center (matched by $1 million from the University of Denver).
Professional Service
Political Science Editor, CONDUIT Computer Software, 1985-1990
President, ISA West, 1991-92
National President, Sigma Iota Rho, the international studies honor society, 1992-94
Member, editiorial board, International Studies Quarterly, 1990-92, 1994-97
Member, editorial board, Mershon Quarterly, 1994-1998
Member, editorial board, Dilemmas series of Westview, most of 1990s.
Member, editorial board, Millennium series of Rowman Littlefields, much of 1990s and
Research and Consulting Experience
Research Associate at the Institut für Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung,
Karlsruhe, Germany, Summer, 1983.
Joint appointment, Systems Research Center, Case Western Reserve University, 19741977.
Consultant, Plan and Budget Organization, Tehran, Iran, 1975-1978.
Consultant, Institute of National Planning, Cairo, Egypt, 1976-1977.
Consultant, Ministry of Research and Technology, Bonn, Germany, 1975-1977.
Consultant, Latin American Long Range Planning Project, Simon Bolivar University,
Caracas, Venezuela, 1975-1976.
Consultant to Edison Electric Institute in preparation of Economic Growth in the Future
(New York: McGraw Hill, 1976).
Demonstrations and Presentations of the World Integrated Model at over 15 meetings
with national and international leaders, 1975-1978.
Consultant in preparation of The Global 2000 Report to the President (Washington, D.C.:
USGPO, 1980).
Consultant, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Vienna, Austria, 1975-1978.
Consultant, Colorado Energy Research Institute, 1981-84.
Consultant, Computer Sciences Corporation, Washington, D.C., 1979-1989.
Guest Scientist and GLOBUS team member, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, summers and
periodically, 1980-1988. Consultant and officer, GLOBUS Associates, 1989-99
Consultant, U.S. Army National Ground Intelligence Center, 1993-1998.
Consultant, General Motors, 1999- (intermittent).
Advisor, World Bank’s Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), 2001.
Consultant, RAND Corporation on the European Commission’s TERRA Project, 20002003.
Consultant, Strategic Assessment Group, Central Intelligence Agency, 2000-2006
Consultant, United Nations Environmental Programme, Global Environment Outlook 4,
Consultant, National Intelligence Council, Mapping the Global Future 2020, Global
Trends 2025, and Global Trends 2030, plus assorted analyses 2004-2013
Revised: January 2017.
Biography of Barry B. Hughes
Dr. Barry B. Hughes is John Evans Professor at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies,
University of Denver. Dr. Hughes earned a B.S. in Mathematics from Stanford and his Ph.D. in
Political Science from the University of Minnesota. He served the University of Denver as Vice
Provost for Graduate Studies during the 1990s.
His principal interests are in (1) global change, (2) computer simulation models for economic,
energy, food, population, environmental, and socio-political forecasting, and (3) policy analysis.
The fundamental concerns that synthesize these interests are (1) developing effective response to
long-term global change and (2) improving the long-term human condition. He developed
International Futures (IFs), the widely-used computer simulation for study of long-term national,
regional, and global issues (see
Dr. Hughes has supported the U.S. National Intelligence Council's reports to the President on
Mapping the Global Futures 2020, Global Trends 2025, and Global Trends 2030. He provided
long-term global forecasting for the United Nations Environment Programme's Global
Environment Outlook 4. He provided background research papers and forecasting content used in
the United Nations Human Development Reports (2011 and 2013). He was a principal researcher
in European Commission projects on the New Economy and on Information and
Communications Technology. He has contributed research to projects of RAND, the Central
Intelligence Agency, United States Institute of Peace, Peru's National Center for Strategic
Planning (CEPLAN), and many other organizations.
Dr. Hughes has written or co-authored The Domestic Context of American Foreign Policy
(Freeman 1978), World Modeling (Lexington 1980), World Futures (Johns Hopkins 1985),
Disarmament and Development (Prentice-Hall 1990), Continuity and Change in World Politics
(Prentice-Hall 1991, 1994, 1997, 2000), International Futures (Westview 1993, 1996, 1999),
Exploring and Shaping International Futures (Paradigm 2006), Reducing Global Poverty
(Paradigm and Oxford University Press, 2009), Advancing Global Education (Paradigm and
Oxford University Press, 2010), Improving Global Health (Paradigm and Oxford University
Press, 2011), Building Global Infrastructure (Paradigm and Oxford University Press, 2013),
Strengthening Governance Globally (Paradigm and Oxford University Press, 2014) as well as
articles in publications including World Politics, International Organization, International
Studies Quarterly, Futures, L'Express, Energy Policy, Policy Studies Review, International
Political Science Review, Simulation and Gaming, Economic Development and Cultural Change,
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Sustainability, Climatic Change, Technological
Forecasting and Social Change, and World Development.