Download CRCT Review Answer Key The Basics Define the following terms

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CRCT Review Answer Key
The Basics
Define the following terms:
1. Ethnic Group - Group with similar cultures and ancestry
2. Religious Group - Group with similar religious beliefs only
3. Unitary Government - Government run by a strong central government
4. Federal Government- Government run equally by a central power and local power
5. Confederation - Government run by strong local powers and a weak central power
6. Autocratic - One person runs the government (like a dictatorship)
7. Oligarchic - A group of people run the country
8. Democratic - Rule by the people (like a republic)-leaders elected by the people
9. Theocracy - Government run by a religious leader or group
10. Parliamentary Democracy - Democracy set up with the legislative group as the main decision making
power – prime minster is the head of government
11. Presidential Democracy - Democracy set up with the president and legislative group sharing the main
decision making power – president is head of government
12. Traditional Economy - Economy based on trade of hand made goods (villages and tribes)
13. Command Economy - Government owns, runs, and controls all aspects of economy
14. Market Economy - The people own, run, and control all aspects of the economy
15. Trade Barriers - Anything that makes trade between countries difficult (natural or human)
16. Tariffs - Tax on imports – trade barrier
17. Quotas - Certain amount of goods allowed to be shipped into a country – trade barrier
18. Embargos - An extreme limit/block on trade – trade barrier
19. GDP - amount of money a country makes in a year
20. Human Capital - Services people provide – good human capital is developed through good health,
education and job training
21. Capital Goods - Goods used to make products (like machines, roads, etc.)
22. Entrepreneurship - Person who takes a risk to open their own business
23. Literacy Rate - The percentage of people over the age of 15 in a country who can read and write
24. Exchange Rate - The comparison of value for two countries’ currencies
Please answer the Following Questions:
1. What is the difference between an ethnic group and a religion group?
Ethnic group is based on ancestry and religious group is a choice and a belief
2. What is the role of the citizen in an Autocratic government? They have no rights
3. What is the role of the citizen in an Oligarchic government? They can vote for a legislative body
4. What is the role of the citizen in a Democratic government? - They can vote for their leaders
5. How is a Parliamentary Democracy different from a Presidential Democracy? - Parliamentary is run by the
legislative body and prime minister – Presidential is a sharing government between the president and
legislative body
6. Why do we need an exchange rate? Without it we would not know the fair value of products in other
countries (for trading)
7. How does a nation’s literacy rate impact their economy? High literacy rate = high economy / low literacy
rate = low economy
Southwest Asia (the Middle East)
1. OPEC Organization of Petroleum exporting countries-Controls Price and Production of Oil
2. Judaism Founded by Abraham – - monotheistic - text is Torah – believe in justice and righteousness, follow Jewish
3. Islam - Founded by Muhammad – monotheistic – text is Qur’an – believe in five pillars (fast – prayer – hajj – One God
– helping others)
4. Christianity Founded by Jesus – monotheistic – text is bible – believe Jesus is the messiah
5. Holocaust Mass killing of the Jewish population by the Germans in WWII
6. Anti-Semitism Dislike of Jews
7. Zionism Movement calling for a Jewish homeland in Israel
8. Desalinization Taking the salt out of water making it suitable to drink
South West Asia (Middle East)
What letter is the Euphrates River?
What letter is the Jordan River?
What letter is the Tigris River?
What letter is the Suez Canal?
What letter is the Persian Gulf?
What letter is the Strait of Hormuz?
What letter is the Arabian Sea?
8. What letter is the Red Sea?
9. What number is Afghanistan?
10. What number is Iran?
11. What number is Iraq?
12. What number is Israel?
13. What number is Saudi Arabia?
14. What number is Turkey?
Please answer the following questions:
1. Where is the Gaza Strip located? In Israel – fighting between Arabs and Jews over land
2. How does the Middle East get their water? Desalinate from the Persian Gulf – Tigris and Euphrates River
Valley - Irrigation
3. Why does the Middle East not have a lot of drinking water? Desert like conditions in most of Middle Eastonly three rivers
Where is most of the drinking water in the Middle East? Tigris and Euphrates River Valley (fertile crescent)
What is the main resource in the Middle East? Oil
What is the purpose of OPEC? To control the price of oil and how much is produced and who the oil goes to
Who is a part of OPEC?
Iran – Iraq – Saudi Arabia – Kuwait – United Arab Emirates – Qatar (Algeria – Libya – Nigeria – Indonesia –
8. How do the religions of the Arabs, Persians and Kurds compare/ contrast? Arabs are Islamic and follow
the Qur’an – Persians are Shia Islam – Kurds are Islamic but poor and oppressed farmers and herders (most of
the Middle Eastern Population)
9. What is the holy city to all three main world religions? Jerusalem
10. What is the difference between Sunni and Shia Islam? Sunni believes that the Caliph should be chosen by
the people – Shia believe only Muhammad’s descendants can be Caliph
11. Who is fighting in Israel and Palestine? Jewish population versus the Palestinian Arab population – Arabs felt
the Jews invaded their land by taking over Israel
12. What is the main religion in the Middle East? Islam
13. Why was Israel established by the United Nations? Need for a Jewish homeland due to Jewish persecutions
14. Why did the United States get involved in the Persian Gulf War? OIL – to help Kuwait who was invaded by
14. Why did the United States invade Afghanistan? Terrorism – to stop terrorist factions
15. Why did the United States invade Iraq? Democracy – to help them set up a democracy / fear of weapons of
mass destruction
16. What type of government do Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran have? Israel: Democracy with a prime minister /
Iran: theocracy with Ayatollah (Islamic law) / Saudi Arabia: Monarchy (Islamic law) – some voting rights
18. What type of economy do Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey have? Israel: free market / Saudi Arabia – based
on Oil (oil run by government) / Turkey – mixed traditional and market
Africa (definitions):
1. Deforestation-Clearing of the forest
2. Desertification-Spread of desert like conditions
3. Partitioning-To divide
4. Nationalism-To seek independence for one’s own country
5. Apartheid-Policy of separating races in South Africa
6. Pan African Movement-Idea that there is a global African community
Africa (know the following):
1. Mostly a desert and rainforest
2. Along the Nile and Niger rivers
3. Rainforest (Congo region) – flooding and soil erosion
4. Sudan – losing land to farm and heard animals
5. Nomads
6. Herders
7. Farmers
8. Forestry and mining
9. Gold, Diamonds, Oil
10. Farming and mining
11. North Africa – Sunni Islam
12. South West Africa – polytheistic ancestor worship
13. Migrated across Africa spreading religion – mixing with Arabs to make Swahili
14. East Coast of Africa – Asian Culture – Muslim
15. To divide (partition) Africa among the European powers
16. Left African tribes in conflict due to political lines being drawn across tribal boundaries
17. South Africa: peacefully from Britain (British white land owners in control) - Kenya : British were unjust so they
rebelled (war) - Nigeria : split tribes between north and south/ peaceful political agreements
18. South Africa : apartheid / fight for democracy – Kenya: building economy based on tourism and national parks –
Nigeria : many tribal conflicts due to split sides
19. Leader of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa – first black democratically elected president in South
Africa (know the following continued):
20. President of South Africa who ended apartheid and freed Nelson Mandela
21. Kenya: Republic – South Africa : Democratic – Sudan : dictatorship
22. Famine – malaria – AIDS
23. Famine : corrupt governments / civil wars / desertification / poverty – Malaria : mosquitoes / poverty - Aids :
improper education / poverty / HIV
24. Aids : killing most of the adults leaving children to take care of themselves
25. Famine : government needs to help the people – Malaria : nets and bug spray – AIDS : education and medicine
26. South Africa : mixed economy (in poverty due to apartheid) – Nigeria : Mixed (focused on oil)
27. Gold
28. Diamonds
29. Oil
South & East Asia CRCT Review Answer Key
1. Buddhism Founded by Buddha – Worship Buddha – follow eight fold path and four noble truths (India)
2. Hinduism Based off Caste System – believe in reincarnation (karma, dharma, etc.) – polytheistic – (India)
3. Confucianism Based off ideas of Confucius – morality, family order, government, social harmony - china
4. Shinto Japanese ancestor worship-believe that everything has spirits(kami)
5. Islam Founded by Muhammad – monotheistic – text is Qur’an – believe in five pillars (fast –
– hajj – One God – helping others)
Caste System Ranking of people by job, birth, wealth, etc.
Reincarnation To be reborn over and over again
Karma Good attitude and actions to help you stop reincarnating – way you act in this life determines what
you are reincarnated into
9. Dharma Right way to act (Hinduism) – need to follow Dharma
10. Nirvana - Peace (in Hinduism)
11. Non-Violent Protests -To solve problems peacefully
12. Domino Theory - If one country falls to communism than those around them will as well
13. Mao Zedong - First Communist leader of China-Head of CCP party
14. Great Leap Forward Mao’s idea to improve agriculture and industry in China – failed and ended in faminehurt economy
15. Cultural Revolution - The Goal was to renew China’s spirit under communism. Much of China’s history was
destroyed. Teachers and Artists were forced into hard labor or killed.
16. Tiananmen Square - 1989 political protest by students wanted a Democratic China led to the military
opening fire on protestors with Tanks!
17. Demilitarized Zone - Empty buffer zone between two fighting countries. You can find this currently
between North and South Korea
Know the following:
1. What impact does pollution have on the Yangtze River? Makes it undrinkable and unusable
2. What impact does pollution have on the Ganges River? Makes it undrinkable and unusable for farming
3. What river floods every year in China? Huang He (yellow river)
4. What is the Huang He nicknamed (why) {give both names}? Yellow River (laos makes it yellow) –
China’s Sorrow (floods every year killing many)
What is the main transportation route in China? Yangtze River (Chang Jiang)
Where is the Rainforest in Asia? Indonesia
Where do most people live in China and why? North China Plain (farming and Huang He River)
Where do most people live in India and why? Ganges Plain (farming)
What is Mount Fuji? A Volcano
Who led the nationalist movement in India against the British? Gandhi
Who led the nationalist movement in Vietnam? Ho Chi Min
Why was Mohandas Gandhi important to the world? Led the first non-violent movement, encouraging
others to use non-violence
13. How did the United States help Japan after WWII? Helped them rebuild their infrastructure after we
bombed them – helped them write a constitution and set up a democracy
14. Why did the Korean War occur and who was involved? North Korea wanted to be communist and
South Korea wanted to be democratic – first conflict of the Cold war – n: Russia and China – S: United States
15. Why did the Vietnam War occur and who was involved? North Vietnam wanted to be communist and
South Vietnam wanted to be democratic – due to a civil war in the country – N: Ho Chi Min, Viet Cong,
Russia and China – S: United States
16. What was the impact of the Vietnam War? Proved that the United States could be defeated by a
smaller, lesser power
17. What is the government type of India, China, and Japan? India: Federal Republic run by Hinduism –
China: Communist – Japan : Constitutional monarchy
18. What type of economy do China, India, Japan, and North Korea have? China : command – India :
mixed and traditional in the villages – Japan : mixed (best economy) – North Korea : command (poor