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Name _____________________________________ Period ____________ Date ___________
Mythology and You
Notes on important background information (pgs 238-239)
Summary: Europa and the Bull
Part One: Monos and Another Bull
1. Who was king of Crete after Asterius?
2. What request did he make of Poseidon? Why?
3. Name the king’s wife.
4. Why was Poseidon angry with Minos? What did the sea-god do for revenge?
5. Who did the queen ask for help? What did he do to help the queen?
6. What was the result of his assistance?
7. Who did the king ask for help? What did he do to help the king?
8. Name the oldest son of Minos. Why and How was he killed? (2 versions)
9. What was the result of his death? Be specific.
10. What was the second thing the oracle told the Athenians?
11. What was Minos’s one condition for peace?
Part Two: The Early Years
1. Name the king of Athens. Name his brother. How many children did each have?
2. What did Aegeus ask the oracle? What was the answer?
3. How did King Pittheus of Troezen interpret this?
4. What was his devious plan? Why?
5. Name the parents of Theseus.
6. What orders did Aegeus give to the boy’s mother? Why?
7. Summarize Theseus’s first heroic action.
8. What happened when Theseus turned fifteen?
9. Why did Theseus decide to take the land route to Athens?
10. Summarize Theseus’s encounters with the following
a. Periphetes—
b. Sinis—
c. Sow of Crommyon Phaea—
d. Sceiron—
e. King Cercyon—
Part Three: The Cretan Experience
1. Who is living with Aegeus now?
Why is she afraid of Theseus?
2. What was planned to happen at the feast? Why did it fail?
3. What threat does Theseus now face as the heir to the throne?
4. What does Theseus do to prove his courage to the Athenians?
5. What does Theseus willingly volunteer to do next? Why?
6. What will be the signal if he succeeds?
7. Summarize what Minos and Theseus do to prove they are the sons of gods.
8. Who falls in love with Theseus? What does she offer? Under what condition?
9. Who does she go to for help?
10. What is the plan to help Theseus escape?
10. What are the two versions of Ariadne’s fate?
11. What mistake did Theseus commit on his way back to Athens? What is the result of that mistake?
12. What does Theseus do as the new king of Athens?
Part Four: The Late Years
1. Who did Theseus abduct from the Amazons? Name their son.
2. Whom did Theseus marry next? Explain what “problem” she had with Hippolytus.
3. Because of his rejection, what did she do?
4. What is the result of the entire episode?
5. Name Theseus’s eternal friend. What two daughters of Zeus did they plan to marry?
6. Summarize the events dealing with each female.
7. Explain who killed Theseus, and how and why he was killed.
8. How is Theseus remembered?
Additional Notes: